Home » Now lawful arrests are called “kidnapping”


Now lawful arrests are called “kidnapping” — 21 Comments

  1. Well, when one is absolutely convinced that Trump, DHS, and every police force in the country is out to turn the US into Germany circa 1935, then sure, the arrest was kidnapping. I’m sure she also believes the arrested person will disappear. Given that sort of mentality, good luck changing any minds.

  2. Whoever controls the language controls the conversation. Just as Orwell understood that controlling the past was essential to a totalitarian agenda, so should any rational person be able to see through the falsehoods and the misrepresentations of the MSM by grasping how language is consistently abused by journalists (not to mention professors, politicians, and pundits) in order to mislead the gullible public towards a particular ideologically-driven (almost never factually-based) conclusion.

  3. Of course their big objection is that by using undercover officers and an unmarked minivan, the criminal was not given enough advance notice to run or for their compatriots to swarm and attack the police. Undercover operations have been used in many situations either because they are effective or safer to the officers. And when things started going down in the most recent case it was quite clear these were cops, especially since there were uniformed officers helping out by surrounding the scene with their bikes.

  4. “MSNBC Chris Hayes Spreads Fake News”
    The MS means “make up stuff”, meaning lie. The media are corrupt and dishonest.

  5. Chris Hayes from MSNBC tweeted out this kidnapping take. He’s supposed to be an actual smart guy.

    I have long thought that one of the things going on here is that a lot of people who KNOW Trump isn’t that bad just went along with the hysteria because they thought it was politically useful. But when you allow that kind of panic and fear to run wild, not only does it often get out of your control but it begins to infect and degrade your own judgment.

    Put another way, many folks on the Left and in the media promote the “Trump is Hitler” stuff because they think it’s a good way to whip up support/attract ratings. But when that “Trump is Hitler” message is reflected back at you by millions of people 24/7, you eventually forget it’s propaganda that started with you.

    The downfall of every pusher is when they start getting high on their own supply.


  6. Some of these same people celebrated the arrest of Roger Stone with a SWAT team. Whatever one thinks of Stone, his offense and his arrest hardly called for that.

    So the answer is, “No, they don’t report anything straight these days.”

  7. MSNBC should always be referred to as “MSNBC, a subsidiary of Comcast”

    The parent companies should not be allowed to escape identification with the behavior of their bratty corporate children.

  8. They can’t even report the weather without adding a leftist political slant.

  9. I never thought I would live to see the undermining of common sense here in the United States yet, here we are. I am extremely concerned about the election this November because it will be a heads I win and tales you loose for the conservatives. If Trump wins and I hope he does then I fear widespread rioting and destruction in the areas now being protested and if he loses then I fear and nutty socialism that will destroy our economy, which may well be their intention with the hope of restructuring something while the other nations of the world prey on our weakness and the media continues to fuel the fire of discontent by bending the truth.

  10. As always, the silver lining cries out to me. Now, I can honestly say that I was once kidnapped; but since I was an orphan at the time, there was no one to pay the ransom. I’m lucky to still be alive.

    Suddenly, my life has become as dramatic as a Victorian novel. Thanks be to all the wokie journalists, who persist in being too modest. They deserve our praise and support. My life is so much better now.

  11. I understand the pessimism here, but remember that Richard Nixon won in 1968 against a moderate liberal, Hubert Humphrey — which some attribute to the Chicago Convention riots. Then Nixon won by a landslide against McGovern in 1972, when the hippie movement and the New Left were in full flagrant flower.

    I’m sure America has drifted to the left since, but not so far as to support the wacko New New Left/BLM/Antifa/Squad, anti-America agenda, which is far more radical than anything McGovern’s contingent dreamed of.

    I don’t mean to argue for complacency as against despair. Comparisons to Orwell and the Eastern bloc are apt when it comes to non-politically-correct Americans speaking their minds. Today’s Silent Majority is even more silent than in 1968/1972 — with good reason — but I believe they exist and will vote accordingly.

    Don Surber, whose insights I value, claims Nevada and New Mexico are in play for Trump in November. From Surber’s keyboard to God’s eyes!


  12. If Trump was the evil fascist these idiots imagine, and if federal agents were kidnapping “mostly peaceful protesters” all critics would be disappeared or whisked off to Gitmo never to be seen again. Sheesh.

  13. parker: Precisely. There have even been commentators on the left who have remarked upon the Western envy of those genuinely oppressed.

    In my 1980s New-Left-style affinity group one guy xeroxed his political ramblings, handed them out and called them “samizdat” — as though he were about to be hauled off to the American gulag at any moment. Even when I was a leftist, I thought he was an idiot.


  14. huxley on July 29, 2020 at 7:17 pm said:
    I understand the pessimism here, but remember that Richard Nixon won in 1968 against a moderate liberal, Hubert Humphrey — which some attribute to the Chicago Convention riots. Then Nixon won by a landslide against McGovern in 1972, when the hippie movement and the New Left were in full flagrant flower.
    * * *
    And then they took Nixon down with Watergate.
    The only difference these days is that the Left started with Russiagate.
    If Trump wins again, I genuinely fear what the Left will do.

  15. “Don Surber, whose insights I value, claims Nevada and New Mexico are in play for Trump in November. From Surber’s keyboard to God’s eyes!” – huxley

    One of our sons lives in Reno and mentioned a riot there back in June, but he hadn’t said anything about them lately, because there weren’t any.
    I was curious and looked up the news reports – Reno and Las Vega both had some protests (which actually were mostly peaceful) in the first week after Floyd’s death, and then nothing.
    The mayors and governor made it clear at the time that destruction would not be tolerated.
    I wondered why they were so courageous, when the rest of the Democrat governments were not. Then I noticed that the casinos were opening later that week.
    IMO, somebody with real credibility put out the word:
    If you torch our cities, you will die.

    We are now looking into buying a house in Reno, but are unsure whether we will need to move there if Trump wins, or if he loses.

  16. Follow up on this arrest. Now the mayor says that while the arrest may have been justified, the time and place were wrong. And the governor says that it was “obnoxious” and “insensitive”. This person is homeless. How exactly do these boobs propose the police should have handled the situation? The bottom line is they want to pretend to uphold the law while clearly condoning its violation without consequence.

  17. It is a far greater worry that the Left wins the election than if Trump is re-elected.
    We can as a gun-owning country handle Leftist anti-Trump, anti-white, anti-civilization violence, but not governmental oppression a la the Soviet Union.
    If the Left wins, expect the “protestors” to be recruited into a national armed force by the new government, which will also seek to de-weaponize us.
    If Antifa and BLM rage into the suburbs, the fight will be on, and the outcome will not be in doubt. I will not feel guilty about shooting someone, singular or plural, in self-defense.

  18. Cicero: “I will not feel guilty about shooting someone, singular or plural, in self-defense.”
    Yes, you probably will if you have had standard upraising.

    In my 35 yrs of working for a law enforcement agency (dispatcher, not cop), I’ve known a number of officers who had to shoot someone (fatally) in protection of themselves or others. I can’t think of any who stayed on the job for much more than a year afterwards due to psych problems (admittedly it was not in a real urban setting, so there really weren’t that many of them).

    The difference between “good guys” and “bad guys” is that good guys view people as “people” and bad guys view them as “targets”, “animals” or just “obstructions to be removed”. This gives the bad guys an edge.

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