Home » This is what gets a Vermont high school principal booted these days


This is what gets a Vermont high school principal booted these days — 46 Comments

  1. Have had the good fortune to backpack & climb on 5 continents over the past 30 years, and my 3 criteria for understanding a nation are:

    • Education
    • Energy
    • Equality

    With the definition of Equality centered on which of these dominate: Rule of Law or Rule of Man.

    I’ll add that the Rule of Law is both the most beneficial and the most challenging. And since Obama was elected we have been getting closer and closer to the “tipping point” of becoming dominated by the Rule of Man.

    We should all fear that (and I believe most here do).

  2. Note, that’s 12 letters. There are 4,600 people living in the school district. And the complaints are completely unreasonable.

  3. Note, the class valedictorian is someone who recycles platitudes. That’s what counts as an achiever in our time, or so our teachers tell us. No wonder they were mad for Obama.

  4. I saw this story a few days ago. I must say I am a little suspicious of Riley’s motivations here. With a background in public education administration in one of the bluest of blue states (albeit also one of the whitest), she would have to be unbelievably dense to assume she could offer any criticism of BLM, however tepid, without putting her job in jeopardy.

    Note that the article mentions the board and Riley will work on a “mutually agreed upon severance package”.

    Note also what Riley actually posted is quite innocuous and tepid; it only would cause great offense in insanely leftist echo chambers, such as public education. Outside of those chambers, many people (even liberals and progressives) will likely shrug, particularly after six months or so, when the current BLM madness has died down a bit.

    My suspicious mind leads me to conclude, she deliberately posted that statement because she wanted out of her job…but with some sort of parachute (probably not golden, but maybe bronze). Who knows why she wanted out, but it could be she’s long weary of the leftist cancer metastasizing over public education? Who could blame her?

    I have no proof of any of the above. It’s just a hunch. More importantly, I am neither judging nor criticizing her if my suspicion is correct. Honestly, I would say: more power to her! Get out of that cesspool and pursue a less toxic, more rewarding career…on the district’s dime!

  5. As with all monsters, their creators think to be immune… but they end up being devoured by the beasts first, mostly cause they are the nearest… the safest, and familiar

    this was mentioned a tiny bit here and there over the years and over again in the idea that the counter-revolution are the same people as the revolution, but they wake themselves up with the consequences of their actions and participations.

    “sooner or later we all end up dining upon a table laden high with the consequences of our actions and inaction”…

    IF one were to also believe the warnings of others on the edges where people pay little heed, the war commeth soon, for the disunity and confusion cries out to the wolves, there is opportunity… And the wolves been sharpening their teeth for a long time as their ribs show and their bellies ache

  6. Tangential. I just heard Brit Hume on FNC discussing the TR statue demise, say words to the effect that he doesn’t think these statues matter much.

    Brit Hume is a smart man, and I respect his opinions, so I am shocked that he would say anything that dumb. I am sure that he knows better.

    Literally, the statues may not matter; but, when authority panders to every demand, no matter how extreme, it matters a lot. The statues are symbolic in more than one way; but, at the moment they are evidence that political leadership will roll over for every demand. In many cases it is also evidence that mob rule trumps (no pun) the rule of law. It is almost as though they feel that if they give in on this or that, it will satisfy the mob.

    This is just one of a multitude of stories illustrating how the pandering is hurting individuals who do nothing but express an opinion that does not toe the current line. A line that will keep moving, by the way. This Principal’s thoughts would normally be mainstream. Even if they weren’t, back when we had a constitutional right to express ourselves, it would be shrugged off as a personal opinion expressed at an unofficial venue.
    I hope that someone steps up with the ubiquitous “Go Fund Me” to support a law suit.

  7. I must say I am a little suspicious of Riley’s motivations here.

    Not going to bother with the rest of your remarks. I see they’re alternating Montage with someone else.

  8. “Tangential. I just heard Brit Hume on FNC discussing the TR statue demise, say words to the effect that he doesn’t think these statues matter much.”

    The statues matter, all of them, because they represent a common American heritage and tradition. They are the boat in which all of us are floating. Punch holes in that boat and we’re all left to save ourselves from drowning and that can get pretty nasty.


  9. If djt is reelected and the senate holds, this too shall pass because ‘normal’ people will get fed up with the chaos and insanity. If not the relatively cold civil war that the left seems hell bound to turn hot will erupt. All bets are off if the military goes rogue.

  10. Oh look, a bunch of white people in one of the whitest of states outraged that a white person isn’t sensitive enough about black people and the Black Lives Matter movement.


  11. I am willing to bet that Principal Tiffany Riley will own a large portion of the Counties assets in the coming next year.

  12. ‘This is just one of a multitude of stories illustrating how the pandering is hurting individuals who do nothing but express an opinion that does not toe the current line. A line that will keep moving, by the way. ” – Oldflyer

    Another instance of a remark I posted on the thread about polls:
    “It’s getting hard not to see the news as one interconnected root system, kind of like aspen trees or mushrooms, so the post about the Vermont principal, and especially Turley’s comments, are certainly applicable here, and also on the Candace Owens thread, and the War on Western Civ via statues. Well, on any subtopic of the main subject: trampling civil rights in the name of … upholding civil rights.” – AF

  13. It’s getting hard not to see the news as one interconnected root system, kind of like aspen tree…

    AesopFan: I just want to say the Pando aspen tree system is considered to be the largest and heaviest single organism in the world.


    You gotta respect that. I know I do.

    As hippies of yore used to say, “Heavy.”

  14. Well, hippies of yesterday were insipid, boring, and ignorant as in the Marianas Trench. Yes, the music of the era was mostly great, but the musicians were also ignorant plus arrogant. Poseurs for the most part. No sentimental bone in my body.

    Still listen to my favorite LPs, but no nostalgia for the era. I’m a boomer, but want no part of what it has wrought on America. I am a dinosaur that believes for all of its flaws my country is as good as it gets.

  15. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Why do these people even care so much what she’s writing on her personal Facebook page? Who cares if it’s “tone-deaf?” (And “tone-deaf” is starting to just mean not falling into lockstep with what you see everyone else doing.) Aren’t principals supposed to say things that make kids roll their eyes once in a while, anyway? I didn’t realize principals were supposed to embrace the newest fad.

  16. Well, hippies of yesterday were insipid, boring, and ignorant as in the Marianas Trench.

    parker: Hey! I thought we had kissed and made up…

  17. Ms. Belle Moulton really has helped out the Black cause. Probably stood on a corner with a BLM sign and wrote in to admonish the school principal. Wow. That takes so much will power and personal courage. Belle, why don’t you forsake your white privilege and give up your college scholarship and place at some great University to a black child. It has got to start somewhere, why not with you?

    BTW, Belle, on your Facebook page, out of 150 friends, only one black person. What gives?

  18. Sorry to tell you huxley, but our g g g generation did not die before we got old. Instead we poisoned the culture. Well, not me and others, but those that burrowed into DC, NYC, LA were successful in injecting the poison of Wilson, LBJ, BHO and their comrades Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che, etc.

  19. This is a town of approx. 3,800 people with about 600 school age children and the demographics are over 97% white with 1/4 of 1 percent black in the town. Which would be less than 10 black people who are most likely delightful people to have in their town. The principal now knows that anything that goes against the grain of the current wave of angst by the perpetually aggrieved social warriors will bring forth the hounds of hell upon anyone, especially connected to government that sticks their head up to discuss the other side of the issue.

    Windsor School Principal Tiffany Riley, welcome to ‘WACK A MOLE’ and good luck ever getting another administration job in the future. At least for now, this is the future of our great nation and that way ‘Alles muss in Ordnung sein’ everything will be in order just the way it was intended to be, that’s it !

  20. BTW, I still listen to the first Moby Grape LP once a month, one of the best debut albums EVER.

    PS I don’t kiss guys just born that way. 😉

  21. parker: One thing the hippies/beats got right was that their opponents really didn’t have much of a sense of humor.

    Now that Leftists are enjoying their ascendance, they don’t seem to have much of a sense of humor either.

    Swings and roundabouts.

  22. OldTexan:

    I wouldn’t wish to curse anyone, but if this Whitetopiaville Lynch Mob (I know… and I don’t care:P) got to experience a whole lot more Vibrancy it would serve them right.

    Some of them might learn something. Most would not.

  23. That is known as “the Peoples’ Republic of Vermont.” As for Vermont school systems, the school districts close to the New Hampshire line when I was living there, sent their kids to New Hampshire schools and paid tuition as cheaper that funding their own schools.

  24. Vermont is 94.33% white and I doubt much of the 5.67% live in Windsor. Let’s all keep in mind that this is overwhelmingly about terrible, terrible white people.


  25. The Z Man (May his followers multiply!) has much to say about the naïveté of New Englander Good Whites ™ who pontificate and virtue signal and legislate on that which they in their lily white environs know not.

  26. Another lovely example of our very own Cultural Revolution.
    Sick and very dangerous.

  27. Some, select, Black Lives Matter is a special and peculiar sect under the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion of the Progressive Church.

    #BrownLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #BlondeLivesMatter #BrunetteLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BabyLivesWhenTheyMatter

  28. huxley on June 22, 2020 at 9:36 pm said:
    parker: One thing the hippies/beats got right was that their opponents really didn’t have much of a sense of humor.

    Now that Leftists are enjoying their ascendance, they don’t seem to have much of a sense of humor either.

    Swings and roundabouts.
    * * *
    So — hippies actually weren’t nascent leftists? I think I could groove with that.

    “He ain’t heavy, he’s my ortet.” 😉

  29. Diversity (i.e. color judgments), including racism, sexism, etc., and exclusion is a progressive condition.

  30. the disunity and confusion cries out to the wolves, there is opportunity

    Yes, the left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist.

  31. I suspect that all this wave of “Racism”-mongering and anarchy fireworks is Democratic Party prestidigitation as they gear up for November. Deception and distraction—softening up the enemy—as they “prepare” for the election.

    It serves as an impressive, a smokescreen—white (can one even say that?) phosphorous—for the grand, meticulously-planned Democratic Party plot (think Obamagate), with the MSCM playing its oh-so-essential role, to shove Trump and his supporters off the stage for eternity.

    Yes, think of all the meticulous advance preparation that went into Obamagate (which was merely with all of Obama’s & Co.’s subversion of government institutions in other arenas).

    Well they’re at it again. (And why shouldn’t they?, having been dealt a stunning, fata blow in 2016.)

    And if the country and a sizeable number of its citizens must be destroyed, well it’s a small price to pay.

    Yes, preparations are being made (and the devil is in the gory details).
    Compare and contrast:

    The question, therefore, is whether they will be able to further kneecap America to achieve their goal, for this is most certainly what they intend to do.

  32. Oldflyer–“Literally, the statues may not matter; but, when authority panders to every demand, no matter how extreme, it matters a lot. The statues are symbolic in more than one way; but, at the moment they are evidence that political leadership will roll over for every demand.”

    See “Iconoclasm as a prelude to Woke Horrors?”

    “In the three cases of the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution, and Nazism, book-burnings and iconoclasm were to varying degrees tribal (alternatively, “racial”) or ideological in origin, but the nature of book-burnings and iconoclasm lends itself to ideology. In these three cases heretical thought, the ideas of the Ancien Régime, and “Jewish science” and “Jewish decadence” were intolerable to the aggressors. But the ideas contained in these books were not extinguished when they were publicly burned. They existed in the public memory through statues and monuments. After the statues were gone, the existed still in the minds of men. And when the mob could not cut the idea off at the root, they cut men off at their necks.”


  33. So Tell Me Again About ‘BLM’

    The sacking of General Grant’s statute by “BLM”. May I note that in addition to being a Union General during the Civil War Grant also, after the war, went into the South and under force of arms made damn sure all the former slaves were freed.

    The State and City of New York? Named after the Duke of York, of course. Who owned The Royal African Company, which, I remind you, was responsible for the shipping of more black slaves into the Americas than any other institution, and was noted for its extraordinary brutality.

    Who runs the Chicago cops? What’s his race? How about the mayor? That’s the chain of command.

    You want to remove Aunt Jemima from syrup bottles and rename the brand? Really? Do you have any idea who that woman is on the label? A literal former slave, she parleyed her love of tasty food into a fortune. A real fortune… She was given exactly none of her money or fame through anything other than her own hard work, effort and intelligence — no “set-asides”, “quotas” or “affirmative action.”

    Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. [Lemkin]
    – etymonline.com

  34. I learned a new word today!

    (When I typed it Google transcribed it to, “Peter.” Apparently AesopFan’s vocabulary exceeds Google’s.)
    ((Going to be tough to work into conversation. “As the founding member, Miles Davis was the ortet of the Miles Davis quartet?”))

  35. Surprising that the people don’t realize from this that their schools are not providing a decent education and need to be changed, but then little about the place surprises me. They deserve the pathetic education they are getting.

  36. @Dave 80% of the teachers are feminist women, and 60% of the admins as they are now suing to increase that… as this is equality… they are the architects of this change

  37. Let us remember the old saying; Courage is the foremost of virtues. It is the virtue that make the others possible. Making it a custom to bow down when anyone complains guarantees that you will no longer be able to enforce any standard at all.

  38. 80% of the teachers are feminist women

    Choose your prejudice. Flawed progress. Sexist, Racist. Diversity Combat. Fight!

  39. Vermont is the state which has a “Democratic” Socialist as a senator. Why should anyone be surprised at their education hierarchy. Outraged, yes, but surprised? Fortunately, Vermont will be in the People’s Republic and not in the New United States. (Yes, i do realize that some people in western Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont may want to stay in the United States, but that will have to be worked out at the Great Division negotiations.)

  40. “Apparently AesopFan’s vocabulary exceeds Google’s” – Rufus

    I must admit I got “ortet” from Wikipedia – there’s a name for just about everything, but sometimes you have to dig for it. 😉

    However, I did have one occasion when I decided I would verify the meaning of a word for something I was writing. A quick on-line check didn’t get a hit, which surprised me, so I started pulling dictionaries off my shelves, including the Encarta and other recent publications.
    I finally located it in my 1917 Webster’s New International, where it meant exactly what I remembered.
    Found an OED last year at the thrift store for $7, and added it to my 1911 Britannica that cost me $5 a few years ago.
    Cheap entertainment.

  41. I keep wondering WHERE all this White Guilt –by which our cringing Wokelings are so easily manipulated– is coming from.

    I guess maybe it’s because the Left truly IS raycissst, and these little SJW do-gooders believe (at some deep-but-ignored level of consciousness) that “We White Liberals must help People Of Color because they’re obviously deficient and incapable of making it in this world. We nobly accept the White Man’s Burden — we have a moral duty to elevate the untermenschen.”

    Such an attitude must bring them shame at their own thought processes, right?

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