Home » Did you know that Joe Biden gets to decide who’s black and who isn’t?


Did you know that Joe Biden gets to decide who’s black and who isn’t? — 28 Comments

  1. Well. We have a neighbor, unquestionably black, who is a Trump voter. He’ll be very surprised to learn he’s not black.

  2. Well Joe Biden decided that BHO was an acceptable, well spoken, clean individual years ago. So Joe would be in the know.

  3. Time to take another look at some of those #WalkAway videos.
    And ,as we all know, Justice Thomas is not black.
    Or Thomas Sowell.
    Or Candace Owens.

  4. Biden will not be the nominee. He’s a placeholder of convenience as the dnc figures out what black or white, female or male knight is determined as the best candidate to take on orangemanbad.

    Slow Joe has always been a condescending mental midget and a pathological liar. His brain is now scrambled.

    Going to the grocery without a zombie mask.

  5. The comment is controversial largely because it’s about race in a race obsessed era (and political party). But Democrats make similar comments all the time about other demographic groups, particularly economic (cf. “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” 15 years ago). There are many Democrats (a few, I know personally) who are genuinely confused that anyone at all votes Republican other than straight, white, male millionaires/billionaires.* As such, Democrats *should* be winning 90% of the vote in every election.

    That there might be people of supposedly “oppressed” backgrounds (be it racial, gender, orientation, economic, etc.) who don’t think of themselves as oppressed and thus don’t crave the embrace of a benevolent big brother state and its haidmaiden, the beautiful, brilliant, compassionate Democrat party…. well that utterly baffles them.

    *That there are scores of straight, white, male millionaires/billionaires who are committed Democrats/leftists largely escapes them.

  6. Every day, now—it seems—we get another piece of evidence, demonstrating that Biden’s mental faculties are in accelerating decline.

    Given the all too evident nosedive Biden’s faculties have been taking, I just don’t see how the Democrats will be—in the coming months, when this decline will very likely get even worse, and become even more obvious–able to field Joe Biden as a credible candidate.

    How–almost two months from now, at their mid-July Convention–the Democrats will be able to put Biden in front of a national audience, and have him make a speech, or respond to questions, much less how—some time further down the road—they will be able to put him in the ring, to take questions and to debate President Trump.

  7. Snow on Pine on May 22, 2020 at 6:22 pm said:
    “How–almost two months from now, at their mid-July Convention–the Democrats will be able to put Biden in front of a national audience, and have him make a speech, or respond to questions, much less how—some time further down the road—they will be able to put him in the ring, to take questions and to debate President Trump.”


    They obviously are going to make sure there isn’t a ring or that Biden isn’t standing in it. Add in mail-in ballots for all swing states, and this election will be the walk in the park for the Democrats that 2016 was supposed to be.

    What everyone here should be preparing for is who will be the new president in 2021 and how and if it will affect their lives, because it absolutely will not be Trump. The fix is in, and the check is literally in the mail.

    Frankly, I’ll be happy for all the virus hysteria to magically disappear while “science” concludes it was never that big of a deal now that a Democrat is safely in office.

  8. Corn Pop ain’t no ways tahrd of being an absolute nobhead and embarrassment to mammals everywhere.

  9. Biden, the gift that just keeps giving:

    “Gone are the toils of the cotton fields, away
    Gone to the fields of a better land I know
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe” (can’t you hear the music on an anti Biden commercial?)

    This is one of those interesting times in American History when things are not what they should be, Biden winning was perhaps one of the dumbest Democrat stupid crap things I have ever seen. Trump will be playing this back all the way up to November 3, “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”,

  10. Did anyone else picture Slow Joe pointing to the audience ala Oprah Winfrey and saying, “You ain’t black, and you ain’t black, and you ain’t black!” BTW why isn’t Oprah on his short list. She’d appeal to me more than governor-in-my-mind or her secret identity.

  11. Well, I would say that, to be dispassionate for a moment about the word salad from “Joe”, he’s not precisely questioning the racial bona fides of anyone who has definitely decided for Trump as opposed to him. (Yes, I know, this interpretation is far too intellectual for someone like Biden to follow at this point, but bear with me, I’m trying to be magnanimous here.) It’s only if someone has difficulty and can’t make up his or her mind between the two of them that he’s calling the identity into question. So by “Joe”‘s statement, Candace Owens, for example, still qualifies in his mind as absolutely, certifiably Black. Therefore, putting my most bend-over-backwards-generous interpretation on it, “Joe” was really only speaking at a relatively small group of people.

    I must admit, it’s fascinating to watch this whole process. In a morbid sort of way, of course. On the other hand, the looming cluster toward which the political process is so clearly careening gives me distinct pause. Lord, have mercy on us!

  12. Pick up Mollie’s Tweet here about Pinker, and scroll on down to one by John James, who posted a video challenging Biden’s condescending blather, and others on further down from more names you will recognize.



    The Pixels of Record are already on the story.



  13. At present, I think their plan is to get Biden into office, and then use him as a figurehead for as long as he remains usable. When he isn’t, his younger VP will take over.

    I think the kerfuffle about who’s really “black” will go nowhere, for two reasons:
    1. Dems get an automatic pass with any black person who isn’t already showing signs of independence from the Democrat groupthink, because Democrats (overall, with a few exceptions) are motivated more by signalling their tribal membership than by a desire for interrogating facts to determine the truth.
    2. Anyone who actually does want to find out the truth will view the clip in its larger context, and the easy friendly demeanor between Biden and his interviewer (who is black) will convince them that he isn’t meaningfully racist. They will therefore not change their vote over that clip.

  14. One drop black when politically congruent (“=”). One drop white when politically incongruent. It’s a Pro-Choice religion.

    Following this theme, there are now two choices for Planned Pathogen (PP): the HCQ+AZ cocktail and the day after Ivermectin pill. They just need to trace the immigration, migration, sanitation, business or pleasure transmission vector of SARS-CoV-2 to nursing homes, churches, hospitals, and communities.

  15. Remember “You’ll have to pass the bill to see what’s in it?” Well, the Democrats are doing the same thing again. “You’ll have to elect the Democrat nominee to see who it is!”

  16. Just another example of the politics of sanctification practiced by the left, though I would hope one that’s brazen and presumptuous enough to finally raise some eyebrows among those still not hip to the game here.

    If you “care” – a term which overlaps confusingly with adherence to a specific ideology (and thus could describe someone who doesn’t care at all) – then anything you say or do is in principle absolvable. Left-on-left condemnation or punishment occurs in practice only when the deeds or words of one of their own get in the way of forwarding the agenda.

    Care = up-to-date leftist ideology = the word of god = infallible. That’s the formula.

    As a tangent, it’s worth recalling that the now seldom-read Anglican forefather Richard Hooker issued, to my knowledge, the first extended diagnosis and critique of this type of thinking in modern politics in the introduction to his “Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity.” I highly recommend checking it out, for people who are into this sort of thing – it’s eye-opening, relatively short, and a masterpiece of English prose to boot (once you get used to it).

    But to return to the topic at hand: Biden’s statement, for the regnant left, *cannot* be racist, or ignorant, or even merely invidious, a conclusion entailed by the fact that he “cares” in the sense noted above. After all, people belonging to the party of god (i.e., the correct political ideology), infused thereby with the Holy Spirit, must necessarily be expressing that Spirit – a force which can never be malign, incorrect, irrational, bigoted, or anything other than perfect.

    To go a little further on this train of thought: even if we grant for the sake of argument that Republicans are kind of racist, I still don’t see how that’s worse than actively encouraging a conception of blacks and other “underprivileged” groups that forces them to choose between the exercise of free will and their identity.

    One way, you are looked down upon by other racists; the other way, you’re basically made racist against yourself.

    Republicans, conservatives, etc., aren’t the ones walking around spouting off about the ideological requirements of belonging to certain racial or ethnic groups. In its most prevalent form, the racism of these privileged right-wing folk, we’re told, amounts to an almost passive and unconscious – even unintentional – acquiescence to a system that makes everything harder for minorities. Yet, even granting all of that, what it doesn’t do is attempt to crawl into the soul of these minorities and seduce, bribe, and extort them into conceiving of themselves as people without the faculties of reason and choice.

    This is what’s so disturbing about statements like Biden’s. It’s very hard to escape the conclusion, once you think it through, that what he’s saying is that blacks are subhuman, rather like animals. Worse still, once they decide to affirm and exercise their humanity by merely *thinking things through* and *making a choice,* well, in that case, they are no longer black.

    What are they, then, Joe? White? Only whites are allowed the privilege of being fully endowed human beings? Sounds like white supremacy to me.

    Incidentally, why is it that right-wing rhetoric alone gets scrutinized for racist dog whistles? If it’s possible for facially non-racist talk to be substantively racist, then leftist talk should be *especially* suspect.

  17. When I saw this for the first time I immediately had this mental image of his campaign staff doing face palms.

  18. #1 – RC – affirm tribal identity.
    Rich white Dems, males especially, are understanding that the long-standing tribal voting of blacks for Dems is at risk: Chicago Tribune says 89% voted for Kerry in 2004. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2004-11-07-0411070383-story.html

    Who do they quote??? Senator-elect BHO (from great Dem Nat Convention speech.)
    “No, people don’t expect government to solve all their problems,” Obama said. “But they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better. And they want that choice.”

    As usual, Obama was “giving good speech”, but lying. Many Dems actually do expect gov’t to solve all their problems — and rage against Trump because gov’t fails to do so.

    (Quick fantasy of Trump repeating these words – then comparing how his admin has been actually opening the doors of opportunity far more than Obama did.)

  19. So on FB this morning, the response from most of the libs/left is: “He apologized. When has Trump ever done that? I’d rather vote for him over Trump anyday. Anyone but Trump.” A big non-issue for them.

  20. Rufus — one cannot predict tipping points in advance, but you may be right about this one.
    I hope that the Democrats do cut Biden loose and quit tormenting that poor man; they will just have to put forward a real candidate instead of a stealth one.

  21. Can’t wait for the official, limited edition, Biden “the Thing” bobble heads to show up.

  22. I don’t believe the black gaffe will sink Biden, but it’s another slice in the death of a thousand cuts.

    I’ll be surprised if Biden makes it as a candidate to November. I’d love to be a fly on the DNC wall.

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