Home » Judge Sullivan ordered to respond to writ of mandamus


Judge Sullivan ordered to respond to writ of mandamus — 20 Comments

  1. So what kind of BS response do we think Sullivan will come up with?

  2. Oh, possibly something along the lines of…I am shocked and astounded, greatly pained and perturbed by this UNPRECEDENTED politicization of justice by the DC Circuit and, unduly influenced by interested and BRAZENLY PARTISAN parties, its SHAMELESS INTEFERENCE in the able working of an American court of law, thereby PREVENTING a US judge from IMPARTIALLY fulfilling his job and thus PUBLICLY, OPENLY and UNCONSCIONABLY PERVERTING the AMERICAN JUSTICE system, etc., etc., etc.

    (And if he’s feeling particularly frisky, he might even play the race card.)

  3. Since the Justice Department, the prosecutor, has withdrawn the charges, there is no case for him to decide, and he should dismiss the proceedings “with prejudice,” as the DOJ has requested. He can talk all he wants, but I don’t see what choice he has.

  4. Typo alert! In the headline, it should be “writ,” not “write.” Autocorrect rides again.

  5. Again, may I make the point that some people may talk the talk and appear to be working within the confines of the system, but actually regard the Constitution and our Laws as impediments, as obstacles that they need to overcome and to work around, in order to do what they want to do.

    So, I expect Sullivan to appear to seemingly comply with the order and to give some BS answer, but, actually to set up a situation in which the court has to remove him, and, then, he can play the race card, etc. and count on the backing of the MSM and the Left/Democrats.

  6. If Sullivan’s response makes some dent, such that the Circuit hesitates to give him his desserts, would the Circuit seek a response from Powell, or could they just move straight to a ruling (vs. Flynn)?

  7. Snow, on “set up a situation in which the court has to remove him, and, then, he can play the race card….”

    How could he smoothly set that up (for them to toss him from the case), and play the race card (since Judge Wilkins is black, assuming that he votes with the other Circuit judges)?
    (Of course, if Wilkins votes vs. the two white judges, that would be perfect for Sullivan.)

  8. Appeals court judges agreeing to hear a case before the case has a resolution? Wow.

    That is unusual I believe. Smells like the DC Circuit is taking it very seriously, as they should.

  9. Sullivan: there are problems that are greatly disturbing in this unusual case…We need an airing of differences…we cannot abide the apparent interference into the judicial process by BOTH sides….

    That would be the politic rationale: plead reasonableness, probity, that the independence of the Court System is at stake. And finally, when it goes public, the Left media will Mockingbird these claims, completely.

    Worse, the shiner may persuade the Circuit Court since they share the same WaPo obsessions.

    Then, Sidney Powell will make an emergency appeal to SCOTUS, and we’ll get to discover if the Chief Justice is still totally down with being a Swamp Thing tool, or has any backbone left in his body after getting completely run over by FISA fraudulent abuse by his Class Masters.

  10. Boy, Neo. Now I don’t know what to make of that.

    Are they giving him (Judge Sullivan) enough rope to hang himself? Why not just put an end to his nonsense if they don’t approve? I believe they have the power to do that.

    I was hoping that reading that would make me feel better but it doesn’t.

  11. After reading the link provided by Neo (5.21.20 11:47), it seems to me that Sullivan et al. will have been given the tools to truly exploit the two angles of “politicization of the case by Trump’s DOJ” and “letting Flynn off ONLY because of a TECHNICALITY”, angles that the circling sharks have been pushing ever since the DOJ withdrew its case against Flynn several days ago.

    In other words, the line will be: Sullivan (or “I”) has/have been FORCED to let Flynn go free not by reasons of TRUE justice but because of a mere—clever—technicality that has been exploited by TRUMP and his grotesque and thoroughly politicized allies at the DOJ (a DOJ that he and his accursed minions have thoroughly corrupted).

    As such, the gross indecencies by Trump’s enemies will not only thus be allowed to continue but will be reinforced, i.e., “just as Trump did NOT REALLY win the election, just as Trump is REALLY DID collude with Russian (in spite of the fact—because of the act(?)—that no evidence of collusion was found), so Flynn is NOT REALLY innocent”, etc., etc.

    In other words, the Trump-corrupted DOJ (just like Trump corrupts everything he touches) neither serves nor provides JUSTICE.

  12. I call this a good sign. A mandamus is a very serious procedure, and the 2d Cir. is signaling a strong interest.

    I hope they’ll quote from Justice Ginsburg’s decision of only a couple of weeks ago. That should make some heads come to a point.

  13. Artfldgr:

    Of course it doesn’t mean that. It was not meant to be a mathematical equation, it was meant to be a light remark.

    Actually, though, when I wrote it, I was aware that someone might criticize that equals sign for the very reason you mention. I thought that it would be better to have an arrow. But I have no arrow on my keyboard. So I actually thought “I should look up the HTML code for arrow.” But I was in a tremendous hurry and just slapped the equal sign in there.

    So I now took the time to look it up, and here it is: haste → waste

    Although I also am quite aware that haste does not inevitably lead to waste.

  14. Neo – thanks for the tip!
    I looked up some of the online sites with the symbol tables.
    I never knew HTML would be so much fun!

    This is how I see people today – not quite intersecting anymore.

    And this is how the politics of ObamaGate look.

    Too small to see very well.

  15. Well now a least its:
    HASTE implies WASTE… 🙂

    next lesson… one of my favorites
    I can do it fast, i can do it well, i can do it cheap – pick any two (by Red Adaire)

    to convert that to a formula is really interesting…

    You would be very surprised how many managers and CEOs come out and actually say we are going to to it fast, cheap and good! and never realize its impossible… and so, they are setting themselves up for failure… piece of advice, dont help them, they are not smart enough to see your smart enough to see… (so pretend not to see)

  16. “You would be very surprised how many managers and CEOs come out and actually say we are going to to it fast, cheap and good! and never realize its impossible” – Artfldgr

    I have known managers who really believe that they (meaning, we the workers) can do all three, and don’t see the inherent contradictions; managers who know it’s generally impossible but think they/we can do it anyway, and thus are overly optimistic; and managers who are lying through their teeth to get the contract or impress the boss — which doesn’t say much for the intelligence of their target.

    All the workers know we can’t do all three, and usually fail on at least two.
    And then there are the products (IMHE model?)* where all three goals are busted.

    *Well, it was most likely programmed by grad-student-peons, so it probably actually was cheap.

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