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Late start today… — 4 Comments

  1. I heard NPR pronounce this morning that Trump’s “Liberate… !” tweets were an incitement to violence. Forgetting I was not alone in the room, I blurted out “You mean like ‘When they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun’?”

    A family member overhearing this said “That’s even worse – when did he say that?!” I thus realized that they did not know that this was something that Obama said years ago! Can you imagine not knowing of that infamous statement that has been so widely held up as an example of vicious partisanship?

    Again came the question – “Did Trump say that?” I simply replied “No”, and left the room with a lame excuse about something I needed to do. Perhaps to weep for those who consume a steady flow of sanitized 1/4-truths, and are calmly self-assured that they are fully-informed.

  2. Ray van Dune:

    I wonder what would have happened had you said, “Actually, it was President Obama.” Would the person have screamed at you and said that wasn’t true? Or would the person have said, “That’s different; that’s okay. I’m sure he had good reason to say that”?

    It’s been my experience that if a person doesn’t read sources on the right, anything that reflects poorly on Democrats or the left is not part of that person’s knowledge base. How would it be?

  3. Exactly, neo. My point was really not woe is me, but woe is us… we simply have no gut-level appreciation of the yawning gap in awareness between us and the average MSM-brainwashed American (or German, or Brit, or…).

    We are living in the ultimate experiment in societal manipulation. I don’t think it was planned or triggered, it was more organic. Conditions were perfect for a large subclass of leftist petty tyrants to do what they had been dreaming of doing, destroying the power of an existential enemy, President Trump, through destroying the economic lives of his supporters… and everyone else’s too. Eggs, omelets: some disassembly required.

    But I hope they have made the same mistake Hitler and Goering made in switching from trying to destroy the RAF, to trying to destroy the British people’s’ will to fight. Instead of consigning Trump to the dustbin of history, I think they may have put him on Rushmore.

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