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Remember the FISA abuses? — 16 Comments

  1. Remember how Hillary got 25 years for multiple violations of the Espionage Act while she was Sec-State? Oh, wait, no … How about when John Kerry got raked over the coals by the FBI about his going to Iran and recommending to the mullets .. ah .. mullahs … who run the country to wait until 2020 and Trump would be out? Not that either. How about Brennan and company for lying to Congress … no not them either. Well, email me when one of the evil seditious bastidges goes to prison for their crimes. Meantime, I’ll sit and wait for the COVID-19 epidemic curve to flatten out on Dr. F’s graph.

  2. I suspect if you’re going to repair the components of the Department of Justice you have to (1) split them up and (2) give the top three echelons of each the fire-them-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out treatment and (3) give anyone lower down the Kenesaw Mountain Landis treatment. Not holdin’ my breath.

  3. This will be stretched out until President Cuomo instructs AG Kamala Harris to quietly drop it because the country needs to focus on the 30% unemployment brought on by the Great Pandemic Depression.

  4. COVID was utilized well to misdirect from all the abuses Barr and Durham are investigating.
    It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
    It’s intentional.

  5. A part of the problem is a very large and significant percentage of the bureaucracy in the Justice Department and Intelligence is running interference. They have never accepted the idea that there is a new sheriff in town.

    After Trump wins in November, hopefully with a majority in the House, there will need to be a major house cleaning (bloodbath)… in all departments and levels of government.

  6. Durham is a US Attorney. I am not at all sure such USAs are subject to much control by DOJ swamp rats.
    But he’d better show us some action soon.
    All US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of POTUS. Remember how Billy J Clinton fired ALL Bush USA appointees his first day in office?
    If Cuomo, or whoever, gets nominated instead of Demented Biden, which I regard as a certainty, Durham will be out instantly upon the installation of our new Prez. I fear the Dem will win, though I pray to be wrong.

  7. One byproduct of the Trump Era is seeing exactly how many, from both parties, are completely okay with gross constitutional violations… just as long as they happen to someone from outside the political caste.

  8. “We’re getting to the point where a decision has to be made, one way or the other,” [former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy told WMAL on Saturday.]

    Well sure, but at this point I believe we’re being played, once again.

    I’ll believe it when I see it in Black and White.

  9. Epoch Times
    “Consider the grand jury convened in the spring of 1947 to hear sensational charges of subversion inside the federal government by Elizabeth Bentley, a key American defector from Soviet intelligence. Ex-KGB courier Bentley would offer testimony against numerous federal government officials, bureaucrats, and others from those early days of the Swamp in connection with espionage rings run inside the U.S. government by Soviet intelligence….

    The most stunning thing about the Bentley grand jury witness list, however, is that no one on it, not even the later-notorious Hiss or White, was indicted for anything.”

  10. Dan Bongino was warning yesterday that the latest story line from the FBI and CIA is that they “fell for” Russian disinformation about Trump, and he was pretty exercised (as usual) in saying we should not believe it!

    Hell, I say accept the hogwash with open arms! Let the media think they have sold us the bill of goods!

    Then start asking how that doesn’t mean the Russians were interfering in the election in favor of Hillary?

    Or how since Hillary’s campaign was paying Fusion GPS to scoop up the disinformation from the Russians, that doesn’t mean she was colluding with them?

    Or how the FBI not offering a defensive briefing to Trump until after he was in office doesn’t constitute gross negligence, especially sine Comey’s briefing was quite selective.

    So yes, let’s embrace the latest spin from the Intel Community… it looks like they haven’t realized that it hangs Hillary, and themselves, out to dry!

  11. I expect the libs to say that the new info blaming the Deep State is absolutely false, and it’s a damn’ fine idea and that Trump deserved it.

  12. Here is a very important analysis–and very nice work, by the way–by Sundance, which organizes and lays a timeline over all of the pieces of evidence so far and, thus, presents a pretty good picture of what happened, when, and why, and which also links events and actions to some of the major players.

    See https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/04/15/a-common-misconception-about-the-origin-of-spygate-political-surveillance-in-the-era-of-president-obama/

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