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Lies the MSM is telling — 19 Comments

  1. The Press and the average Dem voter believe that if Biden became Pres. his policies would not effect them. Ride that Tiger!

  2. Erin Perrine @ErinMPerrine: “Any reporter using half of a quote and refusing to use appropriate context is doing so maliciously.

    Here’s the rest of @realDonaldTrump’s quote : ‘We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.’ ”


    Here’s the partial (misleading) quote the lying NYTimes reporter put out: “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times.

  3. Lies must carry consequence.

    As they do not, they continue.

    Simply put, they’d rather destroy this country, than live under it’s Constitution.

    Too blinded by ideology to see that rendering our Constitution null and void is tantamount to “cutting down all the laws” and the “winds that would blow then” will as surely sweep them from the face of the earth, as it did the dodo bird.

    Sooner or later, those who play with fire get burned for what can’t go on, won’t go on.

  4. If you ever wondered what economic warfare looks like….
    and whether we could tell enough to respond…
    maybe this is it, and you cant tell…

    My friends site has over 200 current articles up, a few talk of a cure (Australia), a inoculation (Celgene), and two articles cover Blasio calling to nationalize health care and seizing food (among other things… seems that when he goes too far he is ignored, but if not, it happens), and several reports of Russia and china flooding us news.

    will only post link on request…

  5. They’ve been doing this to Trump since he announced his run for president, or at least since he became a serious contender. Time and again in 2015-2016, I would read about something outrageous he said. Investigation would show truncated quotations and deliberate misrepresentation.

    He’s our leader. It’s a medical emergency. The efforts to undermine the national effort to beat this virus are nauseating.

  6. Just remember, the Democratic Party outsources its dirty work. Like the violence that is meted out by black-masked Antifa, directed only toward Conservative activists, a good portion of the media is the Agitation-Propaganda arm working at the informal direction of the Democratic Party (there is abundant proof of this). I’ve always been an independent voter but, honest-to-God, on any future election day I don’t think I can ever see myself overlooking the ugly, jaded, tactical cynicism of these past few years to ever believe one of them could offer honest public service in any capacity. ‘Condemned on the Basis of Association’ is as bad as a reputation gets.

  7. There are, IMO, many MANY problems in our country that would self-heal if only the media told the truth. Hey, if only a sizable minority of the media told the truth.

  8. A very good point made here by John Hinderaker.

    I actually don’t think the Times does much damage anymore, because pretty much everyone understands how viciously partisan and unreliable it is. One question that millions have asked is, if Donald Trump does so many terrible things, why do leftists constantly have to make up things he didn’t actually do?

    It’s very much akin to the observation about the “Trump is literally Hitler” claim:
    If he really was just like Hitler, you would be in jail or dead; you aren’t, so he isn’t.

    Also relates to the epidemic (heh) of fake hate crimes, committed by the alleged victims, because there are so few real ones.

  9. I think the following story belongs here — in this thread — although it is not the “MSM” doing the operative lying in the case, but Robert Mueller’s Special (aren’t they special now?) Counsel Office. Still, the objective is the same: Get Trump.

    A thread from Undercover Huber: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1239709328577265664.html

    *** The problem with this case isn’t whether the Russians (in this case Concord) interfered (they probably did), it’s that this was a *vanity case* from the very beginning, never meant to go to trial, designed to further a media “narrative” crafted by Mueller’s crew to attack Trump


    But the Russians *did* show up, got to claim they were innocent until proven guilty, availed themselves of discovery, tied up the court in time, cost hundreds of thousands of $ in legal bills for DOJ, and gave Mueller a few black eyes in the process, and ended up victorious

    The US gov started out with nothing except a press release, and ended up with less than nothing. This case was always either going to risk exposing classified info or be so difficult to prosecute it’d be hard to bring to trial. Because it never should have been near a courtroom

    The lesson: don’t bring what is really a counterintelligence case best fought in the dark by the IC against Russia into the public legal system to be ham-fistedly prosecuted by DOJ just for the sake of some weak-ass “narrative” to helps rogue prosecutors indirectly attack Trump ***

    Government scum rise to the top. It’s a thing.

  10. John is more wrong, and Neo is more right, about how much damage the Times and the Dem media do.

    Most folk are not now, and never really want to be political junkies, or news junkies, like so many conservatives we see & read on-line. They want to be told the truth by some authority they believe. Yes, actually not so far from being sheeple, when it comes to politics.

    Their friends, lovers, relatives, colleagues at work or in any organization, the “feeling” among them; most folk want easy answers to tough questions, and Good or Bad is just the kind of easy answer they want, and want somebody else to do the hard work of knowing.

    The Dem media lies, led by the NY Times & WaPo, picked up by the Dem TV news, keeps the liberal Dems supplied with reasons to hate Trump, to claim Trump is Bad. Even tho many of the reasons are dishonest, like the Time’s mis-quote of Trump.

  11. Looks like the Chernobyl press policy. The Atlantic magazine will be sorely taxed to explain this.

  12. The media is holding a gun to my family’s head and screaming “Panic NOW, dammit!” And the ultimate act of panic they are demanding is of course to not re-elect Trump. Or should I say “ultimate act of contrition”, for in their eyes, we have sinned. My family was in no danger of voting for Trump anyway (me excepted) because they are faithful worshipers at the Shrine of the New York Times and the Chapel of CNN. But they were relatively happy sheep of those flocks, and they are my charges to protect, even if I can not enlighten them.

    But now they are miserable and scared. Without getting into too much detail, I will just say that we are on an extended vacation abroad, living comfortably in a modest vacation home of our own, in a locale that is free of Coronavirus. Thus we have decided to extend our holiday to let things settle down at home in the US. One branch of our family, with young children, is there at home still, not being of an age that allows them the luxury we enjoy of not working! And they are scared too.

    As the patriarch (ha!) I suffer in my own way. I suffer from skepticism at the edicts I hear from the Shrine and the Chapel. And I suffer shame as I help my little flock follow those edicts, because it is a pointless gamble not to, and they are not strong enough to walk off the beaten path, even if I am. But I despise the Cardinals of Propaganda and Bishops of Fear for their unaccountable power to make us miserable for their gain, and pleasure.

    They have led us into a maze of fear, and tried to destroy our nest egg that gives us some freedom from their reins, but I sense their grip may be slipping. And when the truth finally strips them of their power, and my family is happy again, I will be coming for them. I and many others.

    They dare not let Trump be re-elected now. He knows the truth as well as I do, and if he does not bring the fire down on them, by God I will!

  13. Ray Van Dune:

    I find myself feeling increased anger at the MSM and the left, too. And it’s not as though I didn’t already feel anger.

    Among the very few friends I’ve talked to about politics lately – liberals – two seem to be very angry indeed at Trump, maybe even more than usual, and one seems to be sick of all the anger and stirring up of fear in general and has stopped watching cable news. That’s not a very big sample, but that’s my personal observation.

  14. “Correction”, heh…
    Key graf:
    “An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) delayed a vote on the House’s coronavirus relief package. In fact, McConnell vowed to move at ‘warp speed’ on the bill and it was only delayed due to a demand from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for an amendment on the bill. This version has been updated,” the correction read.

    File under: Oops, sorry, so sorry, so very sorry. Really, we’re so awfully sorry, Really. WE ARE. WHY DON”T YOU BELIEVE US, YOU NASTY, NASTY, HORRIBLE PEOPLE. YOU TRUMP-LOVERS!! WHEN DID YOU ALL STOP BEATING YOUR WIVES. NO, DON’T EVEN BOTHER. DON’T SAY ANYTHING….

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