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Comments seen at Instapundit — 18 Comments

  1. The “I’m Joe Biden, and I’ve forgotten this message” meme is the funniest thing I’ve seen today.

  2. Neo, so amazing – I barely have time to read comments here! But they featured the above, which I thought funny too. And so, two:

    I’m Joe Biden, and I’ve forgotten this message

    I can hardly imagine reasonable folk voting for that clown; but I know they will. By the tens of millions.

    Indoctrination in hate is very effective.

  3. Another one is ‘all his life Joe Biden has dreamed of being the Democratic nominee for president so it’s too bad he’s not here to enjoy it’.

  4. With medical rationing they wont get old enough for senility so it is a valid choice.

  5. This one is pretty trenchant as well.


    You find there isn’t one!

    In Liberal-land, the social interaction between men and women is becoming ever more perilous. As liberal political correctness continues its inexorable march, many men will become so gun-shy about even making an introductory comment to a woman that the chances of a woman finding a good solid man who will even risk a relationship, let alone commit to marriage, will disappear. And it’s the liberals’ fawning dedication to ever more extreme and restrictive political correctness that will make it so. But political correctness is clearly an ever moving target.

    There simply is no stopping point or ideological boundary line for the left. There’s no point where the general liberal consensus says, “OK, we’ve arrived at our destination. Hallelujah, we’re here! We’re now liberal enough!” Just when you think they’ve finally reached the point of maximum possible craziness, they march on.

    Bernie Sanders is not the left’s political end point, either. He may seem extreme today, but in the not too distant future, we’ll look back at Bernie with nostalgia for how quaintly midstream he was. Even now, we’ve already reached the point where Democrat politicians have to “out-extreme” each other to get noticed on the national stage. The Dem party is desperately trying to close that barn door, but the horse is already out.

    So, if there are any liberals — or folks thinking about becoming a liberal — who are reading this commentary, I offer the following caution: you may think liberalism fits you quite nicely today. But mark my words: unless you’re willing to shift ever more and more leftward — and on a moment’s notice — you’ll find yourself someday as a “man without a country,” politically speaking. You may even find yourself shunned and exiled by former liberal friends. So I suggest there’s wisdom in pondering not only “where is my party today?,” but also “where is my party going?” Because there truly is no logical conclusion to liberalism.

  6. Moving on to the senility part …

    Bernie’s probable departure shouldn’t cause us to ignore that Joe Biden is a terrible candidate. He’s usually wrong, famously dishonest, almost as hard-left now in his policies as Bernie himself, corrupt, and showing signs of severe mental degradation.

    With almost 50 years in office, there’s a laundry list of “awfuls” attached to Biden:

    The Democrats know exactly how bad Biden is. That means we need to keep a close eye on his running mate, because there’s a decent chance that, if the Democrat establishment gets Biden into office, it will then use his declining mental state as a way to get him out of office (the 25th Amendment), leaving his veep as the new (and, for Democrats, real) president.

    The post also quoted Instapundit:

    Glenn Reynolds made an astute comment about Joe’s appearance, which is familiar to all of us who have seen our loved ones fade away:

    I’ve also noticed a change in the way he looks. Just a few months ago I was thinking he looked pretty good for a guy his age. Lately I’ve noticed his head is developing that skull-like look you see in the old and the sick.

  7. He nearly had me until the final paragraph, but there are some good observations along the way.


    We have now before us three candidates divided by ideology, but united in dotage. All three white men were born in the 1940s, before the invention of Velcro and the independence of India and Israel. Amazingly, each is currently older than any of the past three U.S. presidents. If, through some constitutional glitch, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama jumped into the 2020 race at this very moment, each would suddenly become the youngest man in the contest.

    How did this happen?

  8. One-liners.

    I am so old, I can remember when The Manchurian Candidate was fiction.


    While I was gone, Joe Biden’s zombie campaign came back to life, although the candidate himself didn’t.

    Some longer stand-up bits — that actually happened.

    “You have to understand,” the officer in the case, Humberside Police Constable Mansoor Gul (a “Community Cohesion Officer”) allegedly intoned, “sometimes in the womb, a female brain gets confused and pushes out the wrong body parts, and that is what transgender is.”

    Harry Miller, owner of a stevedoring firm and ex-policeman, was flummoxed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Wrong body parts? You have to know that is absolute bullshit. Is this really the official police line?”

    “Yes,” came the reply. “I have been on a course.”

  9. Biden’s physician may actually be correct.


    Biden’s penchant for these types of mistakes had gotten so bad that President Trump was calling him out on it, Biden’s allies were pushing to scale back campaign appearances, and articles were written about the mental acuity questions. His physician even talked to Politico to assure people that Biden was “every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change.”

    Fast forward to now. Biden’s still a gaffe machine and again raising alarm bells with how he forgets things. All of a sudden, the same people wondering last year about Biden’s age and health don’t seem to be interested in discussing the issue anymore:

    As the primary season wears on, Joe Biden is going to continue to do Joe Biden things. And if he ends up being awarded with winning the nomination, an even brighter spotlight will be shining on him when he goes off-script, regardless of how much the media tries to avoid the issue.

    This is what happens after 3+ years of questioning someone’s [Trump’s] mental fitness to lead. You can’t expect people not to turn those types of attacks back around on those who made them.

  10. Best theory I have heard is that establishment Dems are using Biden to outflank Bernie. Then they will turn on Biden and work towards a brokered convention in which Hillary rides in to save the day.

    Either that or Hillary as VP… and President Biden goes the way of Epstein.

  11. Best theory I have heard is that establishment Dems are using Biden to outflank Bernie. Then they will turn on Biden and work towards a brokered convention in which Hillary rides in to save the day.

    The term ‘best’ does not mean what you fancy it means. And there will be no brokered convention unless Bribem or Bernie is run over by a truck.

  12. His physician even talked to Politico to assure people that Biden was “every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change.”

    It was in 1987 that he confounded his family history with Neil Kinnock’s.

  13. This post has some commentary on Warren & The Geezers, but the winner is in the comments.


    VoteAllIncumbantsOut says:
    March 5, 2020 at 4:19 pm
    Dear Mr President Trump,

    Sir, I love that for years now you have mastered the art of name branding and as a favor to me being we are now down to two B’s, Bernie and Biden, would you mind branding them both as “Beavis and Butthead”. I do believe the names fit.


  14. Art Deco on March 6, 2020 at 10:20 am said:
    His physician even talked to Politico to assure people that Biden was “every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change.”

    It was in 1987 that he confounded his family history with Neil Kinnock’s.
    * * *
    “Missed it by “thaaaat much.”

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