Home » SCOTUS will be hearing another Obamacare challenge


SCOTUS will be hearing another Obamacare challenge — 3 Comments

  1. Althouse turned a nice phrase about the now-zero mandate-unless-it’s-a-tax: “That is, the thing that is now nothing has become everything, because Congress would not have passed the ACA without the element that used to be something.”

    And a commenter gave another good one (which may be an established meme by now, but is new to me): “Sanders Castro-Care”

    And another, plainly directed at Justice Roberts: “it was judicial summersaults [SIC] that got us into this mess, go ahead and use cartwheels to get us out…”

    One more suggestion: ‘No matter what anyone says, Obamacare was a landmark in federal legislative meddling in something that needed a few thoughtful supplements and tweaks.

    The Obamacare Fiasco is a symptom of an attitude toward government that has gone badly wrong…and these kids today* apparently believe we need more of it.

    I have a proposal: raise the voting age to 40 and add a property requirement.

    *anyone under 40″

    Still reading: “What we have left is an act that does little of what it was supposed to do, and what it does do, it does poorly. Hmmm, kind of like most government programs.”

  2. Okay, there were still some good ones after the Edit timer dinged.

    “It’s really remarkable how well the Chinese single-payer health system responded to the corona virus.

    ” “Controlling The Availability and Cost of Health Insurance and Penalizing People Who Don’t Like It” is right there in the Constitution, so I don’t see what the problem is.”

    Hmmmm. Will this actually be the legal precedent set by holding on to the PPACA?
    “It’s a zero tax. Congress can do anything it wants by imposing a zero tax penalty. Congress can pass attainders or close churches now, by adding a zero tax to the law. If Bernie is elected they can make him king by also imposing a zero tax.”

    “I think this one gets decided based on the outcome of the 2020 election
    If a Democrat wins, Roberts will come up with another dishonest line
    If Trump wins, however, I think there’s at least a 50% chance that Roberts says “it’s not a tax, it’s not Constitutionally legitimate.”
    OTOH, if Trump winning leads to RBG getting replaced, Roberts no longer matters”

  3. Aesop is right – AFTER the election, Roberts will see which way the wind blows, and decide appropriately.

    I certainly would love to see all 4 FISA judges who abused their authority and were criminally negligent to get impeached, tried, and removed (for signing off on illegal Carter Page/ Trump spying).

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