Home » Many Democrats and people in the MSM react to Trump’s plans to combat COVID-19…


Many Democrats and people in the MSM react to Trump’s plans to combat COVID-19… — 8 Comments

  1. The leftists don’t really have any better ideas beyond what we’re doing. Creating distrust of the country’s efforts to control this virus because they hate Trump is despicable.

  2. “Imagine being in the position of hoping people get sick and die so you can blame it on Trump.

    Imagine being that demented.”

    Unfortunately, that’s where we are. Scum!

  3. If Trump could suddenly end the spread of the virus and render it benign, the Left would complain that he thought he was Jesus.

  4. Ed Bonderenka on February 29, 2020 at 5:04 pm said:
    The Dem plan:
    * * *
    It looks kind of stark when you lay it out that way.
    I don’t think the Dems really intended to kill everybody in the US with a Chinese coronavirus, but, if Trump doesn’t stay firm on the borders, it might be a close call.
    Maybe this will convince the rest of the GOP to stick with him on no Medicaid for Illegals also – not that I don’t care about them if they get sick, but it’s part of the Immigration Magnet Effect.
    They can already get ER health care, because you pay for it.

  5. This editorial note is pretty much spot on.


    [Ed. – You have to mine the depths of experts’ statements on these things, as Margolis did at PJM, to pull them out. The mainstream media won’t acknowledge them.]

    Here’s the article referenced:

    The head of the W.H.O. team that visited China said this week that China “took one of the most ancient strategies and rolled out one of the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease-containment efforts in history.”

    The W.H.O.’s epidemic-modeling teams concluded that travel restrictions had slowed the spread of the virus outside China by two to three weeks.

    For the United States, the delay was probably far greater. Air-traffic data shows that flights from China to the United States dropped much more than they did to Europe.

    As of this writing, a single case not connected to any known transmission has turned up in California, but there are no indications of large outbreaks like those in Italy and Iran.

  6. Once more, the fake-news media shows their partisanship.


    The media seems intent on proving over and over again that they cannot be trusted. Having botched their sky-is-falling Russia, Ukraine, and the infamous “two scoops” scandal, they are now all-in proclaiming—completely incorrectly—that President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax.

    He did not. In fact, their response to what Trump actually said demonstrates perfectly the point he was making.

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