Home » Biden says he’s a candidate for the US Senate


Biden says he’s a candidate for the US Senate — 28 Comments

  1. Biden has progressed well beyond gaffes.
    I think he has a serious issue, that has been worsening over the past several years.

    All you have to do is look at videos of him during his vice presidency under Obama, and compare how he looks and talks now to them.

  2. The plan is to deny Bernie the nomination on the first ballot. Then Hillary gets the nod with Pete as VP. Joe is Sec of State and Hunter is Amb to Ukraine.

    Trump, however, blows up the plan and wins 40 states.

  3. I don’t hold it against him, or anyone else really, when gaffes are made.

    What matters to me is whether or not the gaffes are corrected. If you don’t, you’re trying to establish an environment where you can say anything, and not be answerable for your words.

    I don’t buy that. I want my politicians to stand by what they say… meaning that, if they mess up, they should own it, or they should explain. “I meant to say ‘success’, I didn’t mean to say ‘sex’.”

    When you think about it, that’s the key difference between a joke and a lie. If I say, “yeah, right, SURE I won’t raise your taxes” – as a joke – then I’ll notice if people take my joke seriously, and I’ll make a point of fixing it. But if I’m lying when I say “I won’t raise your taxes”, then I WANT to be believed… so I won’t correct it.

    Not correcting an obvious mistake isn’t quite the same as a lie. But it lays the groundwork for lies to be more easily told and believed… which is worse.

  4. If Biden had a daughter would he have named her Gatherer?

    Where will his supporters go when he drops to single digits?

    I think they will sit it out. They are mostly simple people wanting things to generally be good for the working class and with a long family background of voting Democrat.

    I think many Democrats are praying for a Klansman in a MAGA hat to empty a large capacity magazine into Bernie from an AR-15 with a bump stock, the AR15 bought in the parking lot outside a gun show with no background check.

    Probably won’t happen and they will have to exclude him at the Convention, with Hillary getting her rematch.

    Dick Morris just forecast that. https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/02/23/dick-morris-hillary-clinton-will-get-the-nomination-in-a-brokered-convention/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=todays_hottest_stories&utm_campaign=20200223

  5. He’s been making up stories for decades, and that’s getting worse, too. His mental capabilities, which were never impressive, are evaporating rapidly.

  6. This is not a mistake — he is clearly operating in a fog. Not a heavy one (yet), but the fog between his ears is getting thicker every day. I feel a little sorry for him, but don’t mind him continuing to drag his party down.

    Think for just a moment what the reaction would be if Trump were making verbal gaffes like this. Heck, his “covfefe” is still dragged out from time to time. If Trump were doing this, the press would be merciless — and would remind the public weekly.

  7. What Kate said. As much as it is somewhat amusing to hear the gaffes, I’m beginning to think he is in serious mental decline. I don’t wish that on anyone.

    As someone who retired last year and now is 67, and loving retirement. I can’t understand the extreme lust for power that these people who are in their mid to late 70s seem to have. My God, enjoy your last few years and spend them with your family. There’s screw loose somewhere in these people.

  8. This goes beyond gaffes to a result of age related cognitive decline. He should withdraw, he won’t, but I think voters are going to take care of that for him in a few weeks. I suppose the person making these mistakes isn’t aware of what is happening to them, if they knew these were mistakes they wouldn’t say them, they make sense to them, internally anyway, so I think someone close to them needs to point out what’s happening. Maybe no one close to Biden is willing to do that.

  9. Like some of the other commenters, I believe that Biden is in cognitive decline. His recent account of having been arrested while on the way to visiting Nelson Mandela reminded me of my mother-in-law. While in the early stages of dementia, she used to tell stories of experiences which she had never actually had, or which had happened to other people. She clearly believed that she had had those experiences, and I think this may now be the case with Biden.

  10. Somebody needs to ask his supporters whether they really want him to negotiate with China, Russia, Mexico, or any other country in the world.

  11. I am of the opinion that Biden is putting on an act so that he can get into this drug trial. That way he can relive his youth. 😉


    Eleusis is investigating the anti-inflammatory potential of psychedelics as medicines, specifically the application of sub-perceptual doses of LSD in halting the progression of Alzheimer’s disease at its earliest detectable stage.

  12. Possibly, he meant “then vote for someone other than Biden.” But wouldn’t a person normally say “then vote for someone other than me” rather than refer to oneself in the third person?

    I agree with the mental decline theory. Words are dropped and some are rearranged and some are misspoken substitutions.

    I’ve always been a little puzzled by the many pols who either stick their face in a document and just read it, or constantly recite from a teleprompter. Curiously, Slow Joe doesn’t take this route. I’d give him a couple points for that, if the gaffes were infrequent.

  13. You are constantly reading comments that Trump is mentally incompetent but nothing on Biden. The Dems Elite just can’t let Biden go gently into the retirement good night. Maybe SC and Super Tuesday will do that. It will be interesting to watch tonight’s debate, but fortunately I have better things to do like watch paint dry.

  14. If Joe Biden’s son Hunter was really caring he would take his father home and tell him that he should retire and stay home.

  15. Daniel Schwartz on February 25, 2020 at 2:00 pm said:
    I don’t hold it against him, or anyone else really, when gaffes are made.
    * * *
    I agree with most of your comment, but you are confusing “mistakes” with “gaffes.”
    A mistake is just a mental typo, such as when you call one of your kids by the name of another. Or mention campaigning in all 57 states. Or forget which state you’re in because you’re tired or careless.
    Some “mistakes” are matters of opinion only (Pack-is-tan, or Pock-is-tahn; Nook-lee-ar or Nook-yu-ler; potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto –).

    A gaffe, in the political context, is recognized as letting the truth out in an unintended statement, when you would have preferred to keep it hidden.

    Biden is not telling any truths in anything noted recently, so they are mistakes (perhaps due to senility) or lies (being his common mode of operation).


    However, I think one might legitimately argue that Bernie’s recent exposures of his hard-core socialism might, in the context of a general election, be considered gaffes.


    A Kinsley gaffe occurs when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician did not intend to admit.[2][3] The term comes from journalist Michael Kinsley, who said, “A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”[4][5]

    The term gaffe may be used to describe an inadvertent statement by a politician that the politician believes is true while the politician has not fully analyzed the consequences of publicly stating it. Another definition is a statement made when the politician privately believes it to be true, realizes the dire consequences of saying it, and yet inadvertently utters, in public, the unutterable.[6] Another definition is a politician’s statement of what is on his or her mind—this may or may not be inadvertent—thereby leading to a ritualized ‘gaffe dance’ between candidates. While exhibiting umbrage or shock, and playing on the mistake, the ‘offended candidate’ must not exhibit anything resembling glee.[7][8] A propensity to concentrate on so-called ‘gaffes’ in campaigns has been criticized as a journalistic device that can lead to distraction from real issues.[A] The Kinsley gaffe is said to be a species of the general ‘political gaffe.'[9]

    Kinsley himself posed the question: “Why should something a politician says by accident automatically be taken as a better sign of his or her real thinking than something he or she says on purpose?”[8]

    Steven Pinker says that politicians use vague and indirect language to avoid making concrete statements, and that lazy journalists base political coverage around “gaffe spotting” rather than analysis of political platforms.[10]

    The rise of Internet activism has created a new generation of negative campaigning where a political campaign can create attack ads within an hour of a politician making a gaffe.[11][12]

    Derived by extension from the “unpolitical” version, and definitely related.

    (1) n. A clumsy social error; a faux pas.
    (2) n. A blatant mistake or misjudgment.
    (3) n. A socially awkward or tactless act.

    In answer to Kinsley’s question: it depends on how closely what the politician says by accident conforms to past behavior or “private” conversation (which we now can find out about through leaks or archival research); because what they say on purpose is often pandering with no intention of performing the promised action (a lot of examples) or flat-out lying (“If you like your doctor…”).

    When the private and the public remarks or behavior are compatible, then we have what is called “authenticity” — which is now being praised as Bernie’s particular virtue, never mind the toxicity of those remarks/behavior themselves.

  16. I am four years younger than Biden and I have to work hard at times for words, especially proper nouns, names, places and stuff like that. I also tend to use a wrong word when I am talking fast and then I have to back up and correct the word or words. I happens with old people because those of us who are kind of smart and keep on reading and learning have our brain cells full of stuff, kind of like a big old library and it’s all there but kind of hard to pull it up fast.

    Having said that I don’t know if the usual dementia stuff is going on with Biden or if he is, and has always been, kind of nuts. The other old men to compare him with like seem to do a better job but then again when was Bernie ever thinking with a sharp mind and the other two are Trump and Bloomberg who seem fairly sharp but kind of nuts in their own way and when did we ever get to the point where we have crazy ladies and really “interesting” men running for the top job in the whole damn world.

    It all kind of makes me say hmmmmmmmm, and what the hell I’ll pick Trump for a win once more.

  17. Now, THIS might be a gaffe.


    If he is telling the truth (or just virtue-signaling for the Left), it might be a faux pas in South Carolina to say so out loud.



    While there’s been a lot of handwringing by anti-gun activists over the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement, which they claim undermines the rule of law, I haven’t noticed any of them complain when anti-gun politicians pass local gun control ordinances in violation of state firearms preemption laws. The latest example of the hypocrisy of the gun control movement comes from Columbia, South Carolina, where Mayor Steve Benjamin signed two local gun ordinances into law in September, despite South Carolina’s firearm preemption law.

    The first ordinance bans possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, and another establishing a local “red flag” law. South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson has now fired off a letter to the mayor warning him about the violations of state law.

    It will likely take a court challenge to get Benjamin’s laws off the books, and that may prove to be difficult since it appears none of the local ordinances have been enforced to this point, which make the mayor’s self-promoting statements about doing anything for public safety ring even more hollow to me. The mayor’s trying to undo firearms preemption laws by passing these local ordinances, not hoping to protect the public. And as long as gun control advocates continue with this strategy, they have no room to criticize counties that pass their own local resolutions and ordinances in defense of the Second Amendment and in defiance of state legislators.

  18. Comments express various explanations.
    (Introvert lurking in the webz..it’s how we get our kicks.)
    Most are familiar, some are new to me, others are just bizarre.


    MTR 2002
    He’s not that far off from where he was when Obama picked him. If they had ever really put him under the microscope we’d have had the same discussion 12 years ago.

    At the time, National Journal ranked Obama as the left-most Senator based on voting record, Bernie Sanders next, and Joe Biden third. For some strange reason–maybe his folksy style, maybe because he’ll say moderate-sounding things to moderate-posing cameras–people think of Biden as “moderate.” For Obama, it’s great. Get a leftist who projects an image as a moderate. How could be a better fit?

    [And, yes, picking someone competent would be better, but, hey, the VP doesn’t do anything, right? Right?]

    I will always believe that Joe got into this thing because he thought he would experience little opposition and that the DNC would anoint him like they did HRC in ’16.

    Some of this can be attributed to age, in my opinion. But that aside, Biden has always been a bit of a dim bulb. A competitive primary is just exposing and highlighting that.

    Everyone, he had two brain aneurysms a couple of decades ago. The repair surgeries were fairly invasive based on the techniques of that time. Biden recovered well but with age the rewiring that the brain does after these incidents is growing fragile.

    Mrs B is invested in Joe’s image, I suspect, plus the $$, so she doesn’t want the party to end. It’s horrible but true.

    They should have intervened last year to stop him from running at all. That they didn’t shows how little they actually care for him as a person. All they care about is how they can benefit from him.

    Doc to DrMaturin
    Not in total agreement with you. Biden has always been a bully so just stands to reason he bullies his closest to him also. Besides, he’s an idiot and wouldn’t take their advice anyhow.

    Biden is a human train wreck and his family has the power to end it –
    alternate theory – Biden is doing this so he won’t be prosecuted for what he did to become a multi-millionaire
    will the DOJ prosecute a dementia patient?

    I’m not sure if Biden really is suffering from dementia, or is setting up a defense for when he is brought up on bribery charges.

    Mike Rusnak
    The classic SOBDI defense. (Some other Biden did it)

    Carl Behr
    I would bet someone in Biden’s family has figured out how to launder the campaign’s money for their personal enrichment.
    I read somewhere else that Sanders has enriched himself by making his wife his literary agent and then the “Sanders for President Campaign” has bought over 500,000 of his books. Bernie gets to keep the book proceeds as personal income.

    Clark Carter
    Living in South Carolina I see no – nothing except for one yard sign – evidence of Biden support. Yet every day I read of polls assuring everyone he is going to win. This leaves me with two possibilities.

    1) I live in a rural area and stay out of cites. Perhaps I am only familiar with a small slice of the population.
    2) The pollsters are smoking crack left over from the 2016 election.

  19. IF Biden’s family and close friends and associates loved him they would tell him to stand down, go home, and use the time you have left with your grandchildren. Very sad.

  20. Joe’s just proving, nearly daily, all the rumors about him and his mental condition that have been floating around for years. He’s just not that bright to begin with, and the natural and normal decline from age combined with the intense focus and pressure of this campaign exacerbate the issues.

    The Democrat voters will take care of sending him into political retirement. Maybe not next week, but soon.

  21. The Democrat voters will take care of sending him into political retirement.

    steve walsh: I believe you are correct. No Democrat will spell that out publicly (and I don’t blame them) but they will put down Biden’s campaign. A mercy killing.

  22. It should be obvious to anyone that Biden has just lost it–is in mental decline, and is in no way competent to be anywhere near the nuclear “football,” to negotiate with foreign leaders, or to perform any other major duty of the presidency.

  23. This isn’t quite an conspiracy theory, but it has elements of that. Joe doesn’t have much energy, is irritable and may not want to be president. The cover for his sons that he provides by remaining a candidate may be at least part of his motive.

  24. With all his “mistakes,” tall tales i.e. lies, confusion–what state am I in?, mumbling, frequent inability to utter a coherent sentence, and “gaffs” multiplying by the day, Biden is in all too noticeable mental decline, and I, also, wonder why Biden’s wife doesn’t pull him off the stage, and put an end Biden’s very public embarrasment.

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