Home » The plot against Flynn and the meaning of “pretext”


The plot against Flynn and the meaning of “pretext” — 24 Comments

  1. No surprise.

    I’ll believe these abusers will be held accountable when their plea-bargains are inked. Not a moment earlier.

  2. If Hillary had become president all of this would have been kept secret. When Donald Trump became president, the director of NSA, Admiral Rodgers, told Trump what was going on.

  3. Political and cultural civil war. Not a zero sum game. A blood bath on both sides.

    The idea that the senile Biden will return the nation to “normalcy” is pathetic.

    CIA, FBI severely damaged. Democratic party stands for ?
    If Republicans abandon Trump they are committing suicide.

    Flynn getting to look a lot like our Dreyfus.

  4. I think Barr and Durham have the bit between their teeth and fully intend to issue indictments. When the grand jury proceedings start at least one defendant will make a deal.

  5. Dan Bongino has been on this; the 302s, for about two years now on his podcast, five days a week. A spy vs spy case (Mad Magazine not John le Carre’) but with abject idiots (FBI, CIA, DNI) who assumed, it seems, that no one would ever get to look at their deeds.

  6. By the by, about those “302s” in general . . . doesn’t it seem as though the practice ought to be outlawed, forbidden, replaced with ordinary sound recording, if perhaps supplemented from time to time by independent court stenographers as need or demand arises? The entire process of 302 production just seems ripe for abuse, quite apart from the Flynn case. Which, abuse, I suppose is the whole point of retaining the outdated mode. Stinks altogether.

  7. Neo, if Powell proves the FBI falsified the 302 could it call other cases into question?

  8. The coup plotters really didn’t care what rules they ignored or violated, as long as they could construct the frame-up they needed to take down General Flynn.

    I’m still not sure why Flynn was such an immediate and high priority a target–reportedly he wanted to audit Intelligence Community expenditures, or perhaps it was just taking him down would deny Trump a very knowledgeable and capable guide to the Deep State and a helper.

    It is also obvious from how they proceeded that, never in a million years did they think, their machinations would be exposed and, so, they pretty much proceeded in the open, even filling out/altering documents, making phone calls, and writing emails they fully expected would be ignored, covered up, or destroyed.

  9. …the criminal complaint against Flynn should indeed be dismissed, and various people now or formerly at the FBI should face criminal prosecution.

    No doubt. I wonder how the charges will read?

    Yes, n.n, voting present is what Obama mostly did his whole life. The only exception might be the Iran deal, which makes us lucky he was only present the rest of the time.

  10. Sydney Powell is an impressive lawyer. I have watched her several times on Fox News and she always gave the impression of being smart, tough, and ethical.

    I believe Flynn was a major target because, as the head of DIA, he did not adhere to the Obama line. According to Angry Patriot.com blog:
    “The veteran military officer went on to say he was trying to “change the culture” of the Defense Intelligence Agency from an entity which he felt focused far too much on what was going on in Washington, D.C. and spent too little time engaging with forward-based commanders and fighters.

    “I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaida and its associated movements,” Flynn also said. “I felt the intel system was way too politicized, especially in the Defense Department.”

    He was fired by Obama because he was too anti-Islam. He also knew the players in the intelligence world. His advice would have helped Trump navigate the rocks and shoals of the Deep State. Obviously, he was a danger to the plotters at CIA and FBI.

    I hope Powell gets the charges dropped and clears Flynn’s name. He deserves it. They bushwhacked him with malice of forethought.

  11. As JJ says, Flynn was set up. I had heard he was a target because he already knew too much. He had been an insider kicked out for being too “mission oriented” instead of “organization oriented”. Org-focused folk take over every bureaucracy from mission-focused folk. (Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy)

    I recall also reading somewhere that Flynn pled guilty so as to stop the investigation of his son, for something. My guess is that the son is guilty, and the father is keeping his (false) guilty plea to protect the son. Thus, Powell is attacking the process. Good for her! More … guts for her than his prior lawyers.

    How is it that no “Inspector General” has uncovered these documents before? Too much corruption and CYA, and too many mostly useless documents.

    I’ve been cautiously hopeful for so long I’m already close to resignation of accepting the injustice of only a couple of top guys (Comey & McCabe; & Brennan) getting indicted, and we haven’t even seen that yet.

    When will McCabe be indicted? for what crimes?
    But I’ll keep my eyes out.

    Also, I had read this powerline before, but feel much more at home commenting here with Neo than there. The comments here are good to read – and (usually) not too many.
    With a little poem running between them.
    (a poem, a poem!)
    Or sometimes a dance.

  12. So,let’s say that the charges get dropped, and General Flynn’s guilty plea is vacated.

    Where does Flynn get all of the money back that he spent on legal representation so costly that it reportedly bankrupted him, and forced him to sell his house?

    Where does General Flynn get his reputation back?

    Where does General Flynn get his job back, if he wants it?

    The answer, it looks like, is, he doesn’t.

    (Unless, there is some way that Flynn can press a civil suit for damages, on the theory of wrongful prosecution/wrongful prosecution under color of law or some such. Except, as far as I am aware of, the Federal government i.e. most civil servants–as government employees–are generally immune to being sued for their actions.)

    So, while the people who set hm up might get exposed, and some might possibly be tried, General Flynn has been gravely wounded, crippled, and taken off the board, which means that those who framed him have gotten a net win here.

    P.S.–If President Trump wanted to mess even more with the minds of his enemies, and right some of this wrong, he’d rehire Flynn in some position of power in his administration.

  13. Snow on Pine:

    “If President Trump wanted to mess even more with the minds of his enemies, and right some of this wrong, he’d rehire Flynn in some position of power in his administration.”

    Well that certainly would be a high crime or at least a misdemeanor! 🙂

  14. A friend of mine who works in DOD circles told me years ago that a part of her job included working around, resisting, and obstructing Gen. Flynn’s orders, because the DOD bureacrats thought he was an idiot, which means, apparently, that he wanted to accomplish something contrary to their own wishes.

    See Angelo Codevilla’s piece on false meritocracies.


  15. Lee Smith, The Federalist [excepting Smith’s new book]: How The Obama Administration Set In Motion Democrats’ Coup Against Trump


    Obama was working against Trump until the hour he left office. His national security advisor, Susan Rice, commemorated it with an email to herself on January 20, moments before Trump’s inauguration. She wrote to memorialize a meeting in the White House two weeks before.

    On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present.
    President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book.” The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.
    From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia. . . .
    The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.

    The repetition of “by the book” gave away the game—for there was nothing normal about any of it.


    “To any rational person,” says Nunes, “it looks like they were scheming to produce a get-out-of-jail-free card—for the president and anyone else in the White House. They were playing Monopoly while the others were playing with fire. Now the Obama White House was in the clear—sure, they had no idea what Comey and Brennan and McCabe and Strzok and the rest were up to.”

  16. So, while the people who set hm up might get exposed, and some might possibly be tried, General Flynn has been gravely wounded, crippled, and taken off the board, which means that those who framed him have gotten a net win here.

    The Divine Counsel still has a job for him if he wants to. You see, humanity destroys while the angels and gods create through joy and happiness. That’s not how it should be, but that is just how it is. Look around you.

    Are you Proud of America First?

    How is it that no “Inspector General” has uncovered these documents before? Too much corruption and CYA, and too many mostly useless documents.

    I’ve been cautiously hopeful for so long I’m already close to resignation of accepting the injustice of only a couple of top guys (Comey & McCabe; & Brennan) getting indicted, and we haven’t even seen that yet.

    Those aren’t the top guys. They are the cannonfodder.

    If you had put someone like Ymar into power… but that’s crazy talk ; )

    The problem with Trum is not that he is too extreme or too far right. He can never be more extreme than Ymar and never more right than Ymar. It has to do with the trinity and how Trum is too weak on certain matters due to how much he would loss (to Clinton) and how much he would lose (to the Deep State). If he goes too far, his entire family will go the way of JFK and he knows it. He also has DS Alliance guys telling him what to do.

  17. Well that certainly would be a high crime or at least a misdemeanor!

    Imagine if Trum put someone like Ymar into that position…

    Oh yea, about that A Course in Miracles lesson I promised you.

    T-4.IV.1. If you cannot hear the Voice for God, it is because you do not choose to listen. 2 That you do listen to the voice of your ego is demonstrated by your attitudes, your feelings and your behavior. 3 Yet this is what you want. 4 This is what you are fighting to keep, and what you are vigilant to save. 5 Your mind is filled with schemes to save the face of your ego, and you do not seek the face of Christ. 6 The glass in which the ego seeks to see its face is dark indeed. 7 How can it maintain the trick of its existence except with mirrors? 8 But where you look to find yourself is up to you.

    T-4.IV.2. I have said that you cannot change your mind by changing your behavior, but I have also said, and many times, that you can change your mind. 2 When your mood tells you that you have chosen wrongly, and this is so whenever you are not joyous, then know this need not be 3 In every case you have thought wrongly about some brother God created, and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass. 4 Think honestly what you have thought that God would not have thought, and what you have not thought that God would have you think. 5 Search sincerely for what you have done and left undone accordingly, and then change your mind to think with God’s. 6 This may seem hard to do, but it is much easier than trying to think against it. 7 Your mind is one with God’s. 8 Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together, but has literally split your mind. 9 As a loving brother I am deeply concerned with your mind, and urge you to follow my example as you look at yourself and at your brother, and see in both the glorious creations of a glorious Father.

    T-4.IV.3. When you are sad, know this need not be 2 Depression comes from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have. 3 Remember that you are deprived of nothing except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise.

    T-4.IV.4. When you are anxious, realize that anxiety comes from the capriciousness of the ego, and know this need not be. 2 You can be as vigilant against the ego’s dictates as for them.

    T-4.IV.5. When you feel guilty, remember that the ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but you have not. 2 Leave the “sins” of the ego to me. 3 That is what Atonement is for. 4 But until you change your mind about those whom your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you. 5 While you feel guilty your ego is in command, because only the ego can experience guilt. 6 This need not be.

    T-4.IV.6. Watch your mind for the temptations of the ego, and do not be deceived by it. 2 It offers you nothing. 3 When you have given up this voluntary dis-spiriting, you will see how your mind can focus and rise above fatigue and heal. 4 Yet you are not sufficiently vigilant against the demands of the ego to disengage yourself. 5 This need not be.

    T-4.IV.7. The habit of engaging with God and His creations is easily made if you actively refuse to let your mind slip away. 2 The problem is not one of concentration; it is the belief that no one, including yourself, is worth consistent effort. 3 Side with me consistently against this deception, and do not permit this shabby belief to pull you back. 4 The disheartened are useless to themselves and to me, but only the ego can be disheartened.


    It’s probably more useful if I reduce the practical aspects of the first lesson from before down into something that applies here, which I am working on.

  18. Yammer doesn’t understand satire or humor or humans. He has a terminal wedgie from too many debriefings.

  19. om on October 29, 2019 at 10:30 am said:

    So what did you think about The Course above?

  20. Yammer, I don’t seek out heresy or astrology or Gnosticism. Your tastes suit your own predilections.

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