Home » The dueling investigations race: is it to the swift?


The dueling investigations race: is it to the swift? — 32 Comments

  1. It is funny that Durham and Barr’s investigators have not spoken to Comey, Clapper, Lynch or Brennan. That must make them nervous wondering what other people are telling the investigators.

  2. It is true that most people are only aware of MSM headlines and talking points. However, I think the left has started something they can not finish. I think they know this is going to be a dead end in terms of impeachment. But it is a useful tool to keep the base agitated and pester Republicans once the 2020 election campaigns heat up.

    Barr and Durham seem to be picking up speed in their investigations. If indictments come out in the first quarter of 2020 the culprits will panic and someone will cop a plea.

  3. The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.

    –Damon Runyon

    I’ve long loved that quote. In this case I believe Barr is the strong and hope he trumps the Schiff swift.

    I am certain this quasi-impeachment is happening in large part because Democrats see Barr’s D-Day invasion coming.

  4. Julie K.: “If Trump goes down before Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham, his point man on the investigation, can complete their work, that investigation could be completely discredited if not halted altogether as the by-product of an illegitimate presidency.”

    Nah. Teasy, but unserious.

    For suppose the risible worst: Pres. Trump is impeached, full stop. Then what? Ok, just for fun, suppose the impossible: the Senate by 2/3s+ vote removes him.

    Ok? Who is President?

    Oh, Mike Pence? Ah, well, Mike Pence is going to remove AG Barr, whose prosecutorial investigations have been plodding along? The hell you say.

    So Barr and Durham, like the fabled Mounties up north, will get their man(s).

    Nah, this is so much silly business fit for entertainments. Nothing more.

  5. sdferr:. I agree with you with what is known now, but, there are some indications from the Ukrainian situation that some notable Republicans are involved in corruption along with the Democrats. How involved is not clear; if these investigations would expose the Republicans (either with Ukraine corruption or government misconduct to impeach Trump) they would not survive Trump’s impeachment.

  6. “So, for example, saying that Barr and Durham are part of a Trump coverup and that whatever report they issue is corrupt and illegitimate will not fly if the only argument mounted for that point of view is that their reports were issued after the impeachment inquiry.”

    They’ll make it fly Neo. Hour after hour, day after day. But we can hope. My hope is that the DoJ can put the screws to someone high enough, that they’ll crack. Or that someone might just do a Susan MacDougal and do their time ’till the next left-wing pardon binge.

  7. Assuming you believe Trump is an existential threat to the Republic (just assuming) as well as your own iron rice bowl, what would you do as a Democratic leader?

    I don’t like what the Democrats are doing. I don’t believe they will succeed in forcing Trump out of office or making him lose next year. But viewing it strictly in realpolitik terms, this seems like a pretty good shot to cut their losses and keep their chances alive

    Of course, they may underestimate the downside of their fake impeachment. Swing voters may swing hard against Democrats with a vengeance. But I’m not counting on it.

  8. . . . some notable Republicans are involved in corruption. . .

    I haven’t heard about it, though it can’t surprise. But if so, may they too be crushed to a pulp. Jolly bloody good to their ruin, if true.

  9. The independent’s far out number the two parties. And, yes, the public finds the impeachment push very boring. Trey Gowdy has joined the White House team of lawyers, which is good news.

  10. Trey Gowdy has joined the White House team of lawyers, which is good news.

    Well, he committed to do, but cannot until next Jan/Feb timeframe due to a new law barring Congress members working in lobbying contexts for a year post retirement. So he waits.

  11. Margot Cleveland, The Federalist: All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan

    Last weekend, NBC News reported that the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the Russia collusion investigation is now focusing on the CIA and the intelligence community. NBC News soft-peddled this significant development by giving former CIA Director John Brennan a platform (a pen?) to call the probe “bizarre,” and question “the legal basis for” the investigation. Politico soon joined the spin effort, branding the investigation Attorney General William Barr assigned to Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham “Trump’s vengeance.”

    However, if the media reports are true, and Barr and Durham have turned their focus to Brennan and the intelligence community, it is not a matter of vengeance; it is a matter of connecting the dots in congressional testimony and reports, leaks, and media spin, and facts exposed during the three years of panting about supposed Russia collusion. And it all started with Brennan.

  12. It’s not a race because there’s no impeachment process in progress.

    There was never a house floor vote. Can’t do an impeachment from committees.

    And, it’s the Senate that votes to convict, not the House.

  13. Daily Mail, David Martosko: BREAKING NEWS: Judge rules House Democrats can have Mueller grand jury materials including evidence cited in final report – and says they’re engaged in ‘an official impeachment inquiry’

    A federal judge ruled on Friday that House Democrats on an impeachment crusade must have access to the parts of Robert Mueller’s Russia report that were kept from them because of grand jury secrecy rules.

    And Judge Beryl Howell, the chief jurist in Washington, D.C.’s federal courts, handed President Donald Trump a broader defeat by ruling that Democrats are engaged in ‘an official impeachment inquiry.’

    DoJ will seek a stay pending appeal. The case will probably end up in SCOTUS. It ain’t over til the nine birdies sing.

  14. Hereogar:

    I’m referring mainly to a propaganda race, not to actual impeachment and conviction.

  15. It’s not so much a race, in my mind, as a jousting match. They’re racing, but toward each other.

    Which team has the stronger, faster horse? Which knight has the better armor and technique? The better seat?

    Will the unruly serfs storm the tilting yard?

    Time will tell.

    I find this quote:

    “The race is on to see who will survive—the duly-elected president of the United States or a modern-day Praetorian Guard comprised of former law enforcement and intelligence officials tasked with taking down that president.”

    Pretty laughable. Its definitely a propaganda war, at least on the Leftist’s part. But I don’t see them gaining any traction with it. And even the liberals I know are starting to wonder, in spite of all of manju and his ilk’s efforts.

    When its put like it is in that quote, I wonder how much the writer has been paying attention. Perhaps they have a bit of tunnel vision themselves?

  16. @neo:

    Thankfully, re: the propaganda race, Trump and the white hats understood the necessity of dismantling the msm and professional pseudo-intellectual talking head/pretend policy wonks credibility and believably as part of the opening phase of this war.

    The propaganda game is no where near where the leftists need it to be anymore.

    There’s been some rather serious sea changes in public attitudes and awareness levels.

  17. Matt Taibbi, twitter:

    LOL. Barack Obama is going to love this interview his former DIA James Clapper just gave to CNN about the Durham probe: “It’s frankly disconcerting to be investigated for having done… what we were told to do by the president of the United States.”

  18. Fractal, the visual memes below Taibbi’s tweet are pretty funny that way. I particularly liked smiling Clapper leaning to chuckling Brennan with caption saying “I’m gonna say Obama did it.”

  19. sdferr: “Barack Obama is going to love this interview his former DIA James Clapper just gave to CNN about the Durham probe: “It’s frankly disconcerting to be investigated for having done… what we were told to do by the president of the United States.”

    I’ve said from the beginning that their excuse is going to be that they were only following orders, ala Nuremberg. Then they will point to the Steele Dossier and claim that they would have been derelict in heir duty had they not investigated Trump and his campaign. They will claim that not finding any real evidence was not a reason to stop their investigation when national security was at risk. They will even plead incompetence rather than admit to actually planning a coup. No intent = no crime. Remember that was the excuse for Hillary. That will be their excuse.

    Of course, Barr and Durham could always do a 6am raid on Clapper’s house and put him in solitary. He might sing like a canary. If so, Obama needs to consider what his alibi is going to be. My guess is that he’ll say he only read about all this in the paper, just like you and me. And that Clapper is obviously lying to save his own skin.

    Yes, this could be entertaining, if nothing else. Stock up on popcorn. 🙂

  20. “And even the liberals I know are starting to wonder, in spite of all of manju and his ilk’s efforts.”

    My lefty acquaintances have not faltered, at least not in public. If anything, I am seeing more unwavering activity than during the Mueller inquisition days. Part of me hopes that it’s desperation; part of me fears that the time is coming to pick a bug-out destination in another country.

  21. Trump and Hillary have been playing a game of chicken since October 2016.

    Winner stays free, loser goes to prison.

    Obama-era rhetoric… about the Coalition of the Ascendent and the rump party of straight, old white men losing power permanently and then dying out… *deranged* the left, made them careless.

    They stopped going through the motions, dispensed with the inconvenience of following parliamentary procedure and the law. Why go through all that when you’ll never have to answer to anyone ever again?

    Kind of reminds me of The New Economy and the Dot Com bubble. It’s a new age and the old rules no longer apply!


    Is the end near? I think so. Hillary surrogates would be wise to embrace the inevitable and rat out her fat-ass ASAP.

    I sincerely believe that reality TV star Donald J Trump is stringing the audience electorate along, holding back intel, waiting until sweeps week in 20/20 before dropping an evidence hammer on the lot of them.

    Believing that helps me sleep at night.

  22. Of course, Barr and Durham could always do a 6am raid on Clapper’s house and put him in solitary.

    J.J.: Don’t tease!

  23. It’s already been a few years of dreaming that Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, and of course HRC all get 6am visits from 30 SWAT folk.

    Crimes were committed. They’re being investigated, some of them. I think, and hope, that Durham wants to stop the crooked cops.
    Using the US legal system. Assuming innocence, investigating, following the evidence, finding out the truth – as much Truth as can be found out.
    Then indictments, and trials.

    Illegal abuse of power and destruction of evidence come to mind as a couple of illegal acts many deep state criminals have done.

    I think the normal, non-political junkie folk, have been mostly tuning out the day to day stuff, but do understand Mueller found no Trump collusion.

    The Dem true believers will not be swayed by the evidence, or the truth, but the majority of the “independents” will be.
    I hope.

    I can see Trump losing. Or winning. Or even hugely winning, and having the Reps take back control of the house. The Dem media stories should be mocked, and laughed at constantly. But that seems like too much dreaming for now.

  24. When I see NYT , WAPO, CNN, and the networks named as unindicted co-conspirators then I’ll believe the world has been restored.

  25. Think in terms of verbs.
    The bad guys can “investigate.” They may “impeach” and even go to “trial.” But they cannot oust the president. They certainly will not win the election.
    Only the good guys can press forward to convict and punish the crimes of the deep state. And that will make the second term that much sweeter.

  26. Will DC Juries convict major deep state players?

    Will jurors engaging in nullification become Heroes of the Resistance?

    Will jurors voting to convict be doxxed? Will they fear it to such a degree that they will refuse to convict?

    Will outing juror identification, family and job information, be treated as jury tampering? How about direct threats on Twitter etc.? How about employer boycotts?

    The intensity and hate inside the Blue Bubble toward those outside is almost unbelievable, and that is before the counter attack begins.

    The only sure solution is for Trump to take both houses in 2020, which I believe will happen.

  27. Mary Anne Marsh, FNC Opinion: The walls are closing in on President Trump (emphasis, bracketed annotations added — sdferr):

    Specifically, [Judge Beryl] Howell’s ruling sets into motion a series of [3] events that could [but won’t] reveal Trump knew in advance about the emails stolen by Russia and released by WikiLeaks in 2016 to harm Hillary Clinton. The events are [1] the release of the unredacted Mueller report to Congress by October 30 [that won’t be happening], [2] the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks trial scheduled to begin on November 5, and [3] the public impeachment inquiry hearings by the House that will start a week or so later. Collectively, these three events could [but will not] show a pattern by Trump of seeking foreign assistance for his campaigns in 2016 and 2020, which is illegal and bolsters the impeachment inquiry.

    Such is the pathos of self-deluding and only self-deluding Democrat propaganda (The walls, the walls!) today. They gottzta believe ’cause they’d gottz nuttin else. It’s gonna be a wacky week, y’all.

  28. sdferr – I’ll see your Mary Ann Marsh, and raise you a Caroline Glick — they are not only deluded, but hypocritical — but we knew that.


    Then too, last weekend two top Democratic presidential candidates, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Buttigieg indicated they support using US military aid to Israel as a means to coerce the Israeli government into denying the property rights of Israeli Jews in Judea, Samaria and unified Jerusalem. In July, their fellow leading presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders expressed a similar position.

    These statements are noteworthy for two reasons. First, they show how ridiculous the impeachment hearings are. There is no substantive difference between Trump’s alleged use of US military assistance to Ukraine as a means to coerce Ukraine to bow to his will and their intention to use US military aid to Israel to achieve a similar outcome. But of course, Warren, Buttigieg and Sanders are coddled by the partisan media and left untouched by the bureaucracy. And Trump is being subjected to an impeachment probe.

    The second noteworthy aspect of their threatened action is what it means for the future of US-Israel ties in a post-Trump America. With the Democrats in the media and the federal bureaucracy now full partners in their party’s radical actions and initiatives, there is every reason to expect that after they finish with Trump, they will turn their attention to Israel.

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