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More coming — 35 Comments

  1. Actually, John Solomon was just barely previewing on last night’s Hannity show what he promises to reveal tonight (Thursday, 9/26/19). We will see just how thorough and correct in his characterizations Solomon is.

    In either event, I agree that the MSM will ignore it.

  2. I will be surprised that Solomon has such documentation, but if he does, I won’t be surprised at what it shows. Everyone with a body temperature IQ knows Hunter Biden was only hired because Joe Biden was the Vice President and the man largely responsible for handling relations with the Poroshenko government. Everyone also knows that Joe Biden wasn’t in the dark about his son’s involvment, and I think pretty much everyone understands that Biden was happy to do anything to make sure his son continued to receive Burisma money.

  3. We’ll know this Ukraine attack on Trump is really a hit play on Biden by the level of attention the media give this info.

  4. “But I have a sneaking suspicion the MSM will ignore all of this.”

    But will Warren or Sanders? This might be to tasty to pass up.

  5. Wow.

    And today, I read that Wall Street big donors are considering staying out or even supporting Trump if Warren is the nominee.

  6. Stuff like this is what makes NeverTrump so intolerable. Yes, we get it. Orange Man Bad. But you could rip Trump a new one every hour of every day and still have time to notice and criticize stuff like this.

    I mean, this is a layup. This stuff is obvious nonsense and there’s no way Trump is getting impeached over it. How hard would it be for David French or Stephen Hayes to, if not actually defend Trump, attack Trump’s enemies over this? It would only make their criticisms of Trump stronger. Yet both of them have gone along with pretending the Ukraine call is a devastating revelation of Trump corruption.

    It’s bizarre.


  7. Neo, everything I have read says that prosecutor Viktor Shokin was corrupt and not an effective prosecutor. Many people in the Ukraine and Europe wanted Shokin gone. It would have to be a rather large conspiracy to have so many people wanting Shokin gone for some other reason other than what has been the only stated reason. That doesn’t mean some of Joe Biden’s motives or conflict of interest cannot be questioned but I’m curious where this story goes because Shokin has never been presented as a good prosecutor. Suddenly now he was a good prosecutor and he is only being let go because he is investigating Burisma? [Actually the investigation of Burisma started before Shokin took office and before Hunter was on the board.] Also technically Shokin was not fired by Biden as this video says. He was voted out by the Ukraine parliament.

    Interesting times. Let’s see what gets released.

  8. “But I have a sneaking suspicion the MSM will ignore all of this.”

    I think the media have gone from being journalists to advocates for democrats and adversaries for republicans. So yes, this is barely going to be mentioned.

  9. Elizabeth Warren is the biggest winner in all this. What is her relationship with Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi? Do they favor her over Biden? Did her forces see this as “two birds with one stone”?

  10. Biden–the man who faced down “Corn Pop” and his rusty straight razor–just couldn’t help himself.

    He had had to brag in front of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations–and, thus, on video tape–about what a tough guy he is.

    About how he used the threat of withdrawing $1 billion dollars in vitally needed U.S. loan guarantees to strong-arm the President of the Ukraine into firing his country’s state prosecutor–apparently the equivalent of our Attorney General–who was investigating the dodgy energy company that had hired his son Hunter.

    Hunter who, just two weeks earlier, had been kicked out of the Naval Reserve after having tested positive for cocaine–and who had no experience or expertise in the energy field–to sit on the board of the natural gas company Burisma, at a salary of $50,000 dollars per month, in a poor, essentially developing country where the average monthly wage was reportedly slightly less than $200 dollars.

    Thus, braggart Biden has done this to himself, has shot himself in the foot.

  11. “Everything I have read … “

    You mean everything you have read in the MFM which is out to get Trump. Glad to fix that for ya, Montage.

  12. Obama must have voted present… Bad news for Biden. Good news for the woman who speaks with a forked tongue.

  13. The coup was backed by Western special, peculiar, and government interests. It’s not a surprise that anti-Russian corruption was characterized as “progress.” That said, more than 12 trimesters of witch hunts and warlock trials, and we are still forced to play whack-an-ass.

  14. It would be quite an entertainment though watching RINOs and pseudo conservative never trumpers like mitt Romney, bill kristol, and George will showing their true colour endorsing a bona fire socialist who has vowed to socialise 99% of their net worth instead of supporting a republican though not a pure conservative ideologue but has so far been stay true to conservative principles with most of his policies.

  15. We can shout, rant and analyze until we’re blue in the visage.
    But face it: Democrats DO NOT DO scandals.
    They just DON’T.
    Hey, just ask Biden…. Or Obama….
    And if you don’t find them convincing, there’s always the prim, proper, stickler-for -doing-it-by-the-book Susan Rice! https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/02/why-susan-rice-wrote-an-email-to-herself.php ….
    (Ah, but which book?…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steal_This_Book ??)
    = = = = =
    As for “…bona fire…”
    That is pure genius and I fervently hope it can somehow enter the lexicon.
    (How does one go about lobbying the OED? Merriam Webster?)
    Anyway, thanks for a new way to look at Latin….
    (E.g., a bona fire romantic; a bona fire revolutionary; a bona fire pyromaniac….)

  16. How in the world can you possibly bring the Bidens to justice now? Trump has all but blown up any chance of a conviction.

    I mean, you have spent the last year in a state of moral outrage over the Obama Admin’s investigation into Russia’s conspiracy to elect Trump, as it involved a political rival. The Carter Page warrant, which went thru 7 Republican judges, was supposed to be the greatest policial scandal of our Republic.

    Now imagine if Obama bypassed DOJ and used his personal attorney or campaign surrogate as the lead investigator. Maybe he chooses Al Sharpton.

    Potus and the lead investigator then go on TV and twitter like Donald and Rudy have and proclaim Trump guilty of criminal conspiracy in no uncertain terms, even before the trial.

    You wouldn’t be still waiting for Trump to declassify the warrant. It would be GAME OVER!

    The Bidens will never see justice. Indeed, Barr’s the “investigation” or inquiry into whether or not the Russia Investigation was properly predicated is all but dead too…because of Trump.

    I used the qualifier “all but” because I see Barr is distancing himself from Trump’s convo with Ukraine…so there’s a possibility he can detach his investigation from Trump’s sabotage.

    I take you at your word that you deeply care that those who started the Russia Investigation be bought to justice. That is likely to happen now as a wall being built, or Obamacare being repealed and replaced, or Trump’s tax cuts paying for themselves.

    I don’t know how you tolerate such incompetence.

  17. “Dancing with the Stars” and “Marvel Universe” don’t require the blessings of Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman to entertain the masses.

    “Joe and Hunter Make Ukraine Great Again” is this autumn’s sleeper hit. It will enjoy a large and enthusiastic audience (much larger than 2017’s blaxploitation thriller “Corn Pop and the Six Foot Chain”).

  18. As of this morning, what I can see is that both Biden and Warren are probably toast. The big Democrat donors are down on Warren , probably because of her “wealth tax.” They may be lefties but a wealth tax is business, as the Godfather said. Now, I expect to see the revival of Hillary, who is scheduled to appear on a couple of Sunday talk fests. She will present herself as a “healer” to bring all Democrats together.
    Hunter Biden is dodging process servers, as we speak, supposedly for a paternity suit. Life in the Democrat paradise.

  19. Its funny, but while everyone is fixated on the latest load of scheisse that has been thrown at President Trump, and whether it will stick, Wall building–longer and stronger–marches on, Trump nominated judges keep getting confirmed, job and startup killing regulations keep getting eliminated, agreements are signed with source countries to cut down on illegal immigrants, and the disastrous policy of “catch and release” is set to be eliminated.

    Talk about “distractions,” this seems like a major case of distractitis.

  20. Mewling manju muffs, misses major manifestation. Margot maps malfeasance, mops mess:

    Yesterday, the mainstream media and Democrats continued to push the Ukraine Purse Strings Hoax, with Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, ad-libbing a fictional account of President Trump’s conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff’s telling of the July 2019 conversation cast Trump as the blackmailer-in-chief who threatened to cut aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky took down the son of presidential hopeful and former vice president Joe Biden.

    Schiff’s schtick didn’t last long. It was short-circuited by Trump’s declassification and release the previous day of an unredacted transcript of the call. The release of the so-called whistleblower’s complaint likewise zapped Democrats’ attempt to drive the narrative all the way to impeachment.


    Harder to address, though, is the other half of the story—something Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer spoke of in glee, in response to then-president-elect Trump’s criticism of U.S. intelligence agencies. “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s host Rachel Maddow.

    Schumer wasn’t alone in warning of U.S. intelligence agencies’ penchant for politicized revenge. A little over a week later, Daniel Benjamin, who had served as the principal counterterrorism advisor for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, scripted the scenario for Politico Magazine, writing:

    Leakers and whistleblowers won’t hesitate. What [former Deputy CIA Director] Morell and other intelligence veterans are too decorous to mention is that Trump’s treatment of his spies will also come back to bite him in the form of leaking and whistleblowing. The intelligence community doesn’t leak as much as the Pentagon or Congress, but when its reputation is at stake, it can do so to devastating effect.

    While Benjamin foretold the whistleblowing retribution we are now seeing unleashed, what’s amazing is that it was entirely made up! In his Politico Magazine article, Benjamin illustrated intelligence agencies’ ability to inflict pain on a president by way of this example: “When something goes wrong—say a military deployment to combat jihadi insurgents in the Middle East blows up in the Trump administration’s face—the press will overflow with stories telling of intelligence reports that were ignored by the White House and briefings the president missed.”

    That the still-unnamed “whistleblower” had to resort to invention in his attempt to take down the president suggests that Trump runs a tight ship, has in place strong and trustworthy leaders in top positions, and has taken necessary precautions to prevent leaks. But that the “whistleblower” felt confident enough to file his highly fictionalized account of Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president indicates that more swamp cleaning must be done. And that clarion call may well serve as Trump’s road to re-election.

  21. Manju sounds increasingly shrill and desperate.


    It’s quite amusing to read such an obvious shill’s lamentations about justice.

  22. Mike K:

    There is absolutely no push from Democrats to resurrect Hillary’s candidacy. It will not happen.

    Nor will that other perennial favorite, Michelle Obama, be nominated.

    Those are my very strong opinions, anyway.

    I have no idea what the Democrats will do, though. They fear they are in trouble. If rescue comes in the form of a nominee that is not one of the official candidates of the moment, it will be someone else, I believe. But I can’t figure out who, although I think it will be someone younger than both Hillary and Warren.

  23. But I can’t figure out who, although I think it will be someone younger than both Hillary and Warren.

    If the experience of the Republicans in 2015 and 2016 is replicated this year, the competitive candidates will be a subset of those scoring at or above 5% in voter surveys a year prior to the convention. That would mean some subset of the following: Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, Booty-gig. Note past front-runners who imploded completely: Gary Hart (1987), Richard Gephardt (2003/4), Rudolph Giuliani (2007/08) and Jeb! Bush (2015 / 16). My gut tells me Uncle Choo-Choo prospers due to name-recognition – i.e is running on fumes. One thing he benefits from is the black electorate, as blacks tend to be brand loyal; recent surveys suggest that demographic Maginot line may be deteriorating.

  24. As of this morning, what I can see is that both Biden and Warren are probably toast. The big Democrat donors are down on Warren , probably because of her “wealth tax.”

    Disagree. The main difference between Sanders ’20 and Sanders ’16 is that he’s added some contemporary SJW bilge to his standard jumble of gibmedats. He was competitive in 2016 (far more so that standard-issue Democratic pol. Martin O’Malley) and it’s a reasonable wager he (and Warren) will at least be competitive this year. Which suggests that maybe the tech money and casino banking money will get behind Harris or Booty-gig.

  25. Mrs. Shameless speaks: says in contrast to Pres. Trump she honors State Department civil servants, (even as she stood and watched them perish due to no fault of her own, mind).

  26. There is an internet meme going around that compares the Left’s endless scheming get Trump to Wiley E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. It’s an apt analogy.

  27. MBunge on September 26, 2019 at 9:15 pm said:
    Stuff like this is what makes NeverTrump so intolerable. Yes, we get it. Orange Man Bad. But you could rip Trump a new one every hour of every day and still have time to notice and criticize stuff like this.

    …how hard would it be for David French or Stephen Hayes to, if not actually defend Trump, attack Trump’s enemies over this? It would only make their criticisms of Trump stronger. Yet both of them have gone along with pretending the Ukraine call is a devastating revelation of Trump corruption.
    * * *
    I read 6 essays on National Review Online yesterday, and all six of the writers had a different opinion about (a) whether Trump was bribing the Ukrainians; and (b) whether it made any difference (that is, he had authority because all presidents bribe foreign leaders with something, or nothing came of it anyway, or something else).

    French was decidely yes on both; a couple were two no votes; the others were a mixture.
    You can find somebody who will back ANY political opinion on the internet, but that was just one outlet!

  28. The Democrat freak out at the impending DoJIG report release (possibly as soon as next week?) picks up speed: Nantox Pelosi is out accusing AG Barr of “going rogue”, whatever the fuck that means. The impeachment frenzy is clearly another element of the general panic at the coming revelations of President Pseudonym’s lawless and corrupted administration’s hideous conduct. Must be pretty damned bad, if as we see, no amount of lying and fabrication is beyond the Democrats’ desperate attempts to change the subject or lay predicates for eventual (false) charges of political vengeance against President Trump and his cabinet. Sucks to be a Democrat these days. But then, they’ve made their bed. Now they’re going to get a chance to squirm in it.

  29. I read John Solomon’s article on The Hill and it’s got a lot there that is worth investigating but curiously at the end he writes: The new documents I obtained raise serious doubts about his [Biden’s] story’s credibility. And that’s an issue that needs to be resolved by voters.

    I would think it would need to be resolved by Congress or the courts – if Biden’s actions were illegal. Saying that the issue needs to be resolved by voters seems to suggest it’s more a political perception issue rather than a legal issue. The court of public opinion certainly matters but everything he laid out seems to aim at bigger gains than votes.

  30. Regarding spontaneous, somewhat political/topical talk among women I am like you, I generally take the middle road. Usually I am taken by surprise by the topic because I don’t watch the news, but do read it. BUT on topics I care about I make sure to have key facts down and when the topic comes up I challenge what they are saying with a somewhat innocuous question that challenges what they are saying without sounding their internal alarm to erect a wall. Or I do the “where did you hear that because (study x shows, or statistically it has been proven… you know – plain spoken truth you can defend)… I say it nicely with a smile and sincere curiosity. I try never to be rude or snarky. But always a question. Sometimes a question, they answer and then I provide opposite concrete facts.

    You will probably be noted as the crank in their mental notes : )

    Only when I care. When I don’t care, I don’t engage, but make a mental note about that lady. I spent 13 years in WA state. Mental notes abounded.

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