Home » Neo’s other articles, in case you’re wondering


Neo’s other articles, in case you’re wondering — 16 Comments

  1. Thank you for the link to the articles in the Washington Examier. I read the first one, very interesting. Trump calls Bush a liar about Iraq and 9/11 and wonders why he wasn’t impeached. Maybe what goes around comes around.

  2. late to the party:

    You are indeed late to the party.

    Gee, Trump was very nasty to Bush. That’s hardly news.

    But Trump has done a lot of good things as president. That’s hardly news either. What’s more, Trump is an equal-opportunity nasty person. He continues to be nasty.

    Not news.

  3. However, curiously enough, those articles are now on a page at the Washington Examiner. How odd!

    I read somewhere that the Washington Examiner owned or bought the Weekly Standard when the latter went under. Evidently that’s how your articles wound up at the Examiner.

  4. Trum may have been nasty to Bush II, but his supporters get triggered and bothered by people like Ymar calling him “Trum”….

    It’s a result of ego vulnerability, where they think everybody is out to attack them so they attack back. Trum is only slightly better at that strategy than I am.

  5. Neo,

    With your permission, I’d like to drop a link here to a YouTube channel that I think some, including yourself, will enjoy. If you wish to delete it, I understand.

    The guy does both restoration to original condition, and also so-called “derelict” rebuilds. Even if you do delete it, give one of the videos 5 minutes of your time personally … so cool.


    These were before our times, but man … Think he did a Buick Roadmaster too.

  6. This Jean Kauffman?

    “Jean Kauffman has appeared in A Chorus Line, Fiddler on the Roof, Joseph…, Kismet, How to Succeed…, and On The 20th Century with Imogene Coca. She sang with Perry Como in Las Vegas and had a hit recording of Chattanooga Choo-Choo with Tuxedo Junction.”

  7. “Cornhead on September 9, 2019 at 7:40 pm said:

    Who’s Jean Kaufman? Do we know this person?”

    Has a nice authorial ring. Though I didn’t know she was willing to let it out on these boards.

  8. avi on September 9, 2019 at 2:37 pm said:
    ok but when will you be on Tucker?
    * * *
    Some people are never satisfied.
    However, should Neo get an invite, I will suspend my rule against watching talking heads (I only read synopses and transcripts; cannot abide the incivility of most of the shows, and can’t analyze the verbiage after it dissipates in the ether).

  9. Neo on Tucker’s show would be great. I will send Fox an email suggesting this will be a winner for Tucker. Neo should appear right after he interviews a numbskull, no nothing progressive.

  10. I’ve actually semi-forgotten about the Weekly Standard, although I was a regular reader for some time. It brought me into contact with Christopher Caldwell, whom I still greatly respect. But some of these blogs or magazines or newspapers seen only online just have their runs, some period when they’re particularly relevant or interesting — and then they fade away, and disappear.

    I became friends with Michael J. Totten, because we were both in Portland, and over coffee encouraged him to move to Beirut to advance his career as a journalist. But I’ve lost track of him by now.

    I used to look forward to reading James Taranto, his witty “Best of the Web” at the Wall Street Journal, but that too went away.

  11. THANKS for nice links, Neo. One of my fantasies was to work with you on a set of books, the Trump Diaries 2016 (& 17, 18, 19) which would be just a selected collection of your posts for each year, focused on the Trump & politics stuff.

    You could, like Roger Simon (The GOAT), do a self-publish of them. Getting a “book” available for purchase would be a great way / excuse for News orgs to do an interview with you. There is a huge need for fair commentary and I’ve never found any who are as fair as you are.

    Not even Michael J. Totten (whose blog comments is where I first started following you). He has now written some books, and is mostly just a little on Facebook. He did write a good May review of Game of Thrones:


    Alas, World Affairs no longer exists. The publisher, James Denton, died last year, and the magazine went with him.

    Finally, how did I miss your PJ stuff? Mostly I didn’t, tho it being “you” didn’t quite register as I was so busy with my own life (Rwanda, new job at IBM, other Slovakia hassles). But I did see quite a few of them:

  12. I am alwayys interested in what you have to say. Because you are smarter than i can ever hope to be. I wil.l always love your mouse story.

    I am beiing cryptic on purpose.

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