Home » JD Salinger caused the death of Lennon, right?


JD Salinger caused the death of Lennon, right? — 6 Comments

  1. We are sane, and look for patterns of intelligibility in the world.

    That’s a good thing.

    But it leads us to reflexively, repeatedly, recursively reexamine the insanity of the Left’s words. And when, inevitably, examination uncovers fresh insanity, we…what? Complain about it?

    That’s a mistake.

    What the Left says about us is insane. What the Left says about itself is insane. What the Left says about any topic in the world is quite likely, on any occasion, to be insane. This is because they are inured to cognitive dissonance by long acclimation to their own self-contradictory worldview.

    What, did the Left just say yet another insane thing? Well, if you tip over a plastic cup, what flows out of it is whatever was already in it.

    So, yes, left-feminism simultaneously brags about Grrrl Power, Ichthyological Cycling, etc. while rewriting society to treat all women as needy hypersensitive dysfunctional heaps of emotion, all while screeching Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries, but Some Women Have Penises, but PIV is Rape…and protesting that the only evidence of female dignity that counts as “advancement” is when women do things just like men.

    And yes, it’s normal to Occupy Wall Street armed with iPhones, to protest the free-market while sipping Starbucks.

    And, yes, it’s “anarchist” to promote replacing Federalist Constitutionally-Limited Democratic Republican governance loosely supervising free markets with Centralized Totalitarian Autocracies ruling through price-controls and market-entry-denials set by unelected bureaucrats.

    And, yes, it’s sex-positive to parade one’s masturbatory inclinations towards all manner of non-genital orifices, silicone devices, plastic devices, and arrays of pixels…but anyone so déclassé as to have babies is darkly called a “breeder” and when the babies outnumber the parents, it’s Bad For The Planet.

    It is not sensible to look for sensibility in the pronouncements of the Left. Cats go “meow,” ducks go “quack,” and Leftists go “racist!” When a dog urinates on a fire hydrant, it’s not committing an act of vandalism; it’s just being a dog.

    This, please note, is not dehumanizing the Left; for they have already largely done that. Man is a rational animal; but when he enshrines irrationality in his heart, he is attempting to make himself inhuman. The more nearly he succeeds (for he cannot abolish his own mind entirely), the more consistently his utterances fall to level of “meow” and “quack.”

    Thus the mindless squawking of the Leftists.

    However, we must look for signs of latent humanity among the Left, and carefully encourage those signs when we see them. That remains our painful duty.

    They, having largely renounced their humanity, aren’t able to be humane. But we, in refusing to renounce the rewards of rationality, retain humanity, it’s history and its inheritance, and can treat even brute animals humanely. How much more so our fellow men, however fallen?

    And when, occasionally, some poor Leftist comes in from the cold saying, “I just got kicked out of my tribe for saying the wrong thing, but a year ago, it used to be the right thing, and y’know…I kinda still think it is!” …we’ll be humane, answering him, “We understand. Don’t be afraid. You’re waking up to reason, and that’s a wonderful thing. It’s like inventing the wheel, like inventing fire. Welcome back.”

  2. And don’t let Paul McCartney off the hook for the Tate murders by the Manson family (‘Helter Skelter’).

  3. Can we afford to allow twisted minds to vote? For obvious reasons we are allowing them to vote and even to attempt to destroy this country. But that stratagem has an expiration date.

    Through censorship, voter fraud, demographic change through illegal immigration, intimidation and street violence, the left is seeking to repress/deny the vote to those loyal to the republic.

    Eventually the issue will be decided outside the ballot box because while the deplorably irredeemable have the vote, the Left cannot implement its utopia.

    Igniting Civil War by Angelo Codevilla

  4. Shouldn’t Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but especially Warren, apologize for the climate of hate they created that set off the Dayton shooter? Somehow, I don’t think the MSM will get around to asking them for an apology.

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