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If anyone is a glutton for punishment… — 34 Comments

  1. It was actually quite interesting. Sanders and Warren went full left-wing shouters on the stage. Both also consistently hogged the microphones, totally ignoring the “rules” laid down at the beginning. Their points were corporations bad, orange man bad, guns bad, climate bad, borders bad, free tuition, free health care yada. Warren was especially shrill and obnoxious.

    Bullock, Ryan and DeLaney made the point that if the Democrats go with the progressive program, Trump will win. They raised valid economic arguments against Warren and Sanders’ positions.

    Mayor Pete seemed to be the brightest of the bunch. And Marianne Williamson did quite well, saying at one point that none of the others on the stage would get anything done. She warned us about a “dark psychic force of collectivized hatred.” She meant Trump, but I tend to think it comes from The Swamp.

    Amy was boring. She said she had never been defeated in Minnesota; No one responded that Minnesota also elected Ilhan Omar.

  2. I dropped in occasionally and was aghast at Bernie and Warren’s arguments for the “Green New Deal.” They are both certifiable on the issue. At this time there is no known technology to replace coal, oil, and gas fired power plants that can power our modern economy. They are claiming that we just haven’t tried. Oh yeah? Scientists and engineers have been looking for replacements for fossil fuels since the oil embargoes of the 1970s. So far, solar and wind will not come close to creating enough energy. Nuclear and hydro do but are not favored by the enviros. My guess is that the “Green New Deal” is a ploy. Instead of getting rid of fossil fuels, they will suddenly decide that what is needed is a carbon tax or government control of the fossil fuel industry. (You know, like in Venezuela.) They expect we will all heave a sigh of relief and accept a carbon tax as an acceptable alternative. Ugh!

    Anyway, there were two candidates, Ryan and Delaney, who were warning against the “Green New Deal” as a loser, but they were attacked as being negative thinkers. These people really scare me. Bernie was more curmudgeonly than ever and more certain of his righteousness. As was Pete Buddha-judge. And Warren was as righteous as any revival preacher I ever saw. Did I mention these people are scary?

  3. Sound like my gal, Marianne Williamson, had a good night. VPundit quotes a tweet and sums up:

    Stephen Green (VodkaPundit)

    Stephen Miller

    Marianne is going to say “the only trade I’m interested in is trading dark psychic forces for love”

    And none of you are going to remember a single damn thing about any other candidate.

    And that is why she remains a mysterious, powerful force.

  4. Any candidate who openly pushes for slavery reparations is going to lose 40+ states.

  5. I think that Washington Rat should have been on stage at the Dem debate in the name of diversity: nonhuman species should be represented, and the rats in this video are ROCs (Rats of Color).
    The video is titled “How Washington, D.C. Is Handling A Literal Rat Infestation,” with the reporter clueless about the obvious irony.


  6. Actually I listen to Marianne on the Rubin Report and she describe her version of slavery reparations, which kind of made sense. She had an amount; 20 billion, and the money would go to improving schools in black communities that are terrible, and other programs that would improve these black communities.

    However, because my ancestors were starving dirt poor Irish potato famine folks and were indentured servants that were drawn as Chimpanzees in political cartoons, and never owned a slave, do I have to contribute because the Irish are (after all) the whitest people you have ever seen?

    Seriously, I support good schools and safer neighbourhoods. But the problems are not just black or white or city or rural. They are across the board. Trust what the Democrat’s solutions? No, and why is Warren so shill? Bad look.

  7. Much scolding from Liz.

    Much finger-waving from Bernie.

    Delaney and Ryan connected to reality.

    Marianne both real and ethereal.

  8. What unfunny clowns they all are. Trump is a clown, too, as well as businessmen, but unlike them he is really funny. So circus continue.

  9. Corcoran:

    Williamson said the reparations would cost 200 to 500 billion, not twenty.

  10. I notice that, when the Left/Dems talk Reparations, American Indians are somehow never mentioned.

    Guess they’re just too small a voting block to be worth considering.

  11. My guess is that the “Green New Deal” is a ploy. Instead of getting rid of fossil fuels, they will suddenly decide that what is needed is a carbon tax or government control of the fossil fuel industry. (You know, like in Venezuela.) They expect we will all heave a sigh of relief and accept a carbon tax as an acceptable alternative. Ugh!

    The LA Times today has an editorial advocating the banning of natural gas.

    They really are nuts,.

  12. they will suddenly decide that what is needed is a carbon tax or government control of the fossil fuel industry.

    J.J.: Back in the 2000s I couldn’t understand why Western governments had gotten onboard with climate change so big and so fast. Then I realized they saw it as another way to tax citizens beyond regular taxes, and a substantial way at that.
    Hello, Edit!

  13. Watched the whole thing, for self protective reasons: I’m a disaffected registered Dem in a deep blue bubbleland. Got to have something to say, or at least be aware of social land mines, since politics has practically become a religion and I don’t want to get stoned as a witch:-)

    To me, Delaney was the only one with any common sense. But, what with everyone around me suffering from severe TDS and a case of utopian far left socialist groupthink, it seems common sense makes them angry— maybe it reminds them of Trump.

  14. Some lowlights–

    Beto’s U.S. citizenship for all beings inside the orbit of Pluto, and the U.S. Taxpayer paid for, absolutely free, 24/7, all you can eat Smorgasbord for the World

    Marianne’s supposed war against the “Dark Psychic Forces” of the world. See Crystal Healing at 10.

  15. Wouldn’t that be a hoot, if nutjob Williamson emerges as the Democrat’s Presidential candidate?

  16. Snow on Pine — Outrageous that you are excluding residents of the Kuiper belt! You’d probably put them in cages, too! Nazi!

  17. Yes Esther. At my wife’s urging, we watched to whole thing for self-protective reasons, painful as it was. Though I switched to reading a book when Lemmon turned the topic towards racism. Clearly, the CNN moderators favored Warren and Bernie.

    Maybe it’s old news, but Pastor Pete began one of his riffs with an opening sentence about “the crisis on our southern border.” A crisis? Weren’t we assured vigorously and repeatedly over the last year that there was no crisis?

    How about Bernie’s “I wrote the damn bill!” Oh, he must be a super expert then. Do you suppose he even read his bill?

  18. I watched quite a lot of it and found Delaney more or less reasonable. So many others I just dismissed as having no chance whatsoever. I’m immune to Sanders and found myself intensely disliking Warren. She has no charm whatsoever. Unlike many, I guess, I think Williamson is scary as hell.

  19. TommyJay–Prospective pieces of legislation are quite often written by the very interests/organizations that that legislation is supposed to impact in some way, or to regulate.

    Members of Congress do have the Congressional Research Service and it’s researchers and subject experts to consult, but members do not generally have gigantic staffs, nor subject expertise in every area, and things move quickly, with not a lot of time to get some things done.

    So, quite often an outfit that does have that special knowledge, scientific or technical expertise–say a staff of petroleum geologists, a legal department with dozens or hundreds of lawyers, familiarity with a scientific development or some specific technology–and a lot more time to develop a piece of legislation–will craft that piece of potential legislation.

    That proposed legislation is then given to a member of Congress, who may, or, may not, make major changes in it and, then, that piece of legislation is introduced by that member, as his legislation, for consideration by Congress.

    In these circumstances, it would be naive in the extreme to believe that that organization or interest would not write such potential legislation in the way that would be most favorable to them and their interests.

  20. Reparations: $200-$500 billion dollars to go mostly to schools and economic development in black neighborhoods. No! We have thrown trillion$ at all schools since the Department of Education was established. That money has accomplished little. Baltimore received $15 billion in federal money in the last two years. Where has it gone? The trash remains, the rats remain, the schools are failing, and crime is getting worse. Free money does not solve these problems. Only strong leadership that creates law and order, clean streets, and schools that actually teach their students will make the difference. When you have low crime, clean streets, and competent schools, economic activity that raises living standards becomes possible. The Democrats have never been in favor of those kinds of policies. They believe in coddling law breakers and indulging public officials who are too corrupt or lazy to create livable cities. When Republicans propose to actually change things, as Rudy Giuliani did in New York City, they are accused of being fascists, racists, uncaring tyrants, and worse. It’s not rocket science to figure out what works and doesn’t work. Unfortunately, there are too many people, especially the young who haven’t got a clue. So, the beat goes on.

  21. Williams says reparations should be Trillions, but she is suggesting a compromise in the amount of 200 to 500 Billion dollars, cash money.

    That’s on top of the trillions for the green new deal, the trillions for Medicare for all— and besides the end of the world in 10 years, so whatever.

  22. Or about anything else.

    Under that banner I ask, after noticing Ted Cruz now has a beard, why it seems so many public guys leave the scene, then return with beards?

    Ted Cruz
    John Stewart
    Al Gore
    David Letterman

    Is this a Spock-with-a-beard thing or something else? ZZ Top envy?

    I gotta say Cruz does look better with a beard. More relateable. Less like the debating star who will skin you alive because he can.

    We haven’t had a president with a beard since Benjamin Harrison. Hmm…

  23. Cappy:

    To me, gluten is a reward, not a punishment.

    But I try not to be a glutton for gluten.

  24. Let’s see how Harris does tonight.

    Not that it matters much, but Mayor Pete is an intolerant sanctimonious jerk.

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