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The Epstein mess — 31 Comments

  1. Saw a report yesterday claiming that Bill Clinton went on something like 36 of these flights and that he ditched the Secret Service on them.

  2. The MSM are desperately trying to spin this repulsive story in a deceptive way so as to damage Trump, whose principal fault seems to have been twofold, comments made years ago about another rich New Yorker with a connection to southern Florida and his failure thus far to fire the loathsome Acosta, who brokered the original “sweetheart deal.” There is no question about the guilt of Epstein, the evidence against him being seemingly incontrovertible, and he certainly deserves to be imprisoned for life, along with any other powerful predators (Clinton?) who behaved in such a disgraceful manner.

  3. Given what we know about Slick Willy it is likely he was having sex with underage girls if the opportunity arose (pun intended).

  4. parker:

    I disagree.

    Now, you might be correct that Clinton was having sex with underage girls. But “given what we know,” all we know about Clinton is that he was a philanderer, not a pedophile or a hebephile. He has no history of proclivities in that direction as far as I know. Lewinsky was young, but she was no teen.

  5. If I were in charge of Criminal Justice Reform, child sexual abuse would be a death penalty offense.

  6. Acosta should be fired, and replaced (in my dreams) with the original nominee, Andy Puzder, who would be a real Labor Secretary.

    I gather the offenses for which Epstein is now charged were different from the ones on which he got the infamous slap on the wrist.

    Christine Pelosi warns that many Democrats will be implicated in the Epstein case. I have seen no evidence that Trump was involved other than as another wealthy New Yorker who knew the guy.

  7. Would seem that “things” are about to get very interesting.

    “Ah Hillary, why did you have to do it? Come after me like that. Make me look bad. To my wife, To my children. To my friends. To the country. To the whole freakin’ world. Yep, you HAD to do it…. I did ask you to stop. Politely. To act like an adult. But you HAD to do it. And keep doing it. And still keep doing it….. Ah, Hillary…. I really would rather not have to do this, but you leave me no choice….”

    “Payback” has to start somewhere, and Epstein is probably only one of the several strands they’re going to pursue (if a rather thick one).

    It makes sense, tactically, because not even the Democrats (and their media running dogs) are going to be able to defend Epstein.

    So the Democrats (and their media running dogs) are going to go all out making the connection between Trump and Epstein so as to hide Clinton Epstein (and more, no doubt). But Trump-Epstein is bogus (remember that Dershowitz was also tarred with a bogus Epstein connection a while back).

    Still, even though it is bogus, they’re still going to shout it from the rooftops. It’s what they do, and they have to protect themselves. And it’s really all they got. Oh sure, they’ll sling whatever mud they can as well and continue their hysterical lies and obstruction.

    But this Epstein “strand” will be pulled to see what else unravels along the way.

    The Epstein-Mueller connection makes it even more delicious.

    Yes, things are about to get “interesting”…and intensely ugly.

  8. Hillary canceled her big October speech to a cyber security conference a few days ago for some unknown reason. Inquiring minds want to know if there’s a connection to Bill’s connection to Epstein and the investigation.

  9. Interesting Vocabulary lesson by Neo. Most here likely know it’s meaning (hebepile). Might help to share it around. Encourage people to look up similar words, esp in the press.

  10. And the humorous tidbit of the day is:

    Key graf (this one’s practically off the charts—anyone not sitting should sit down before reading this, and also put down whatever they may be drinking):
    Cuomo claimed the [new] law “would help Congress ‘fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities, strengthen our democratic system and ensure that no one is above the law.'”

  11. If you drill through the Spectator article to the Miami Herald article, there’s a great deal of info on the old case and light conviction that Epstein got.

    1) The good old “prosecutorial discretion” raises it ugly head again.

    2) There seems to be a weird mix of sensible prosecutorial aggression (don’t sweat the smaller stuff, when there are big crimes to be targeted), and a variety of minimizing tactics.

    3) If Epstein was doing all this stuff in Palm Beach, imagine what he was doing at his private island, Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. There was some time ago, allegations of sex slaves, implying kidnapping. And what kind of criminal justice system exists there?

  12. It is now being reported that the prosecutor in this case is Maureen Comey, former FBI Director Comey’s daughter.

    Given this information, do we imagine that actual justice will be done in this case?

    Given this information, isn’t this prosecution and it’s timing somewhat suspect?

  13. Well newneo, I think Slick Willy would f#*k a snake if he could get it to stay still for 15 seconds. I put no level of sexual predation he will not sink too. F#*cking a 14 teen year or a 12 year old is no big deal if you can get away with it. We‘re talking about a man who is a sexual predator. They don’t have boundaries. Just because his public record as a sexual predator does not highlight pedophilia doesn’t mean given the opportunity in what he considered safe circumstances he would refrain. Given an inch, he would take 10,000 miles on the Lolita express.

    We are known by the company we keep. Slick is as Slick does.

  14. I think the sleazeballs are getting taught a big lesson from President Trump. He told them, in essence, “Don’t come after me because I know where all the bodies are buried.” They could not help themselves and now it’s payback time. He doesn’t need to manufacture fake dossiers and such as they did, he just drops discrete suggestions in the right ears and watches the fun unfold.

  15. John McCain and some other Republicans and Congress critters are connected to Epstein, although indirectly through another trafficking system.

    See, Americans, this is what happens when you have your fun beating each other in Red vs Blue.

  16. Given this information, do we imagine that actual justice will be done in this case?

    Human ego antics, that think a family always thinks the same? Based on what evidence, that Ronald Reagan’s son is a Demoncrat?

  17. As it stands now, the story of Jeffrey Epstein is sordid, troubling, and full of rumor.

    Nope. It’s just the light being shined down by the Sons of God on these cockroaches. They have always been there. People or just Americans, liked to ignore it and cover it up for reasons. Well, those reasons have been stripped naked.

  18. Snow, careful. Guilt by association, nowhere near probative … as Ymar’s example shows.

  19. “Guilt by association…”

    Well yes, though in this particularly sordid instance, “Getting-out-of-jail-too-soon by association”.

    The most critical issue here—aside from the actual consistent, clinical depravity of Epstein’s (et al.’s) crimes themselves—is how is it that the (Democratic?) Political Establishment (or “Deep State” or whatever), with Mueller “riding shotgun”, was able to spring this so guilty degenerate so quickly? So painlessly (all things being relative)? So effortlessly? And to cover up so effectively the larger network of participants (though, without a doubt—and alas, unsurprisingly—the MSM must take a bow for this).

    To be compared to and contrasted with the pit-bull tenacity that Mueller and his confederates (AKA “team”) showed when pursuing Flynn and Manafort and Cohen and any and all those others (even peripherally) associated with Trump, in a laser-like crusade to destroy POTUS and those associated with him—a crusade based totally on layer upon layer of intricately venal fabrications. Along with endless lies and extraordinary innuendo, which by their sheer volume and repetition evolved quickly, naturally into “evidence” of Trump’s (and his supporters’) guilt. QED.

    So these two issues: the crimes themselves, and the extraordinary (criminal? but most definitely political) hypocrisy must necessarily be brought out into the “light of day” by re-opening this woeful can of worms. The latter issue to be the key, the tool, the device that will make Mueller and the DOJ—and ultimately Hillary and OBAMA et al.—squirm and shake and quake.

    To be sure, the MSM along with the Democratic House may well go into ever higher gear to obfuscate, redirect, confuse, attack and ultimately derail any attempt at finding out the grim and squalid Truth.

    This ought not surprise.

    What will be of interest is the time line: the scheduling and duration of the Epstein re-trial (with associated malfeasance by those involved in the first trial), together—and in parallel—with Barr’s examination, analysis and dissection of the extraordinary political scandal involving the previous rogue administration.

  20. Neo’s 2nd link to the Epstein wiki, gives a window into Wikipedia operations if you look at the Jeffrey Epstein: Revision history page.

    Reminds me of the old lyric, “What a difference a day makes.”

    My casual impression is that things may have improved of there, perhaps because the honest folks have learned to strike back often against the propagandist contributors.

    Note: the content of the above link is highly perishable.

  21. Here is an worthwhile clip from FoxNews. An interview with liberal investigative journalist Conchita Sarnoff.


    From C.S.: The very first plea deal from the Florida prosecutor for Epstein was extremely lenient. (Not contained in the Miami Herald article, I think.) Then the Feds got involved. She hints that it might have been connected to Hillary’s run in 2008. Also, Bill Clinton is spinning lies about his travels with Epstein.

  22. So these two issues: the crimes themselves, and the extraordinary (criminal? but most definitely political) hypocrisy must necessarily be brought out into the “light of day” by re-opening this woeful can of worms. The latter issue to be the key, the tool, the device that will make Mueller and the DOJ—and ultimately Hillary and OBAMA et al.—squirm and shake and quake.

    if I recall correctly, many conservatives reacted to my talk about sex trafficking slaves with “damn conspiracy theories from Ymar again”.

    Now people want to turn a 180 because of Trum? Haha, very funny. Pull the other one.

    This focus on getting Obama and Hillary, shows just how shortsighted American citizens and voters are. Your next generation is ENDED because of this, and you think winning some prosecutions is gonna be Not Getting Tired of Winning Yet time.

    Tactical victory, strategic loss. Epstein is a small trafficking name. There are plenty of larger ones, like CPS. Funded by your tax dollars if I recall.

    That Deep State, Alliance, Q anon sh? That stuff don’t matter. You aren’t gonna be allowed to “breed” soon, as all the breeders will be needed for human harvesting operations.

    Not just traitors and political enemies in America, domestic enemies, now Americans ignored the sex slave issue long enough until it blew up. What else is blowing up, the Capitol with Her on it?

  23. Ymarsakar:

    I don’t recall any discussion of CPS abuses on this blog by you, that were called conspiracy theories. The problems with CPS and the foster care system are fairly well known and have been publicized on the right in articles such as this one.

    The problem is manifold and difficult to solve, because sometimes children need to be taken away from a family and sometimes CPS errs in doing it too soon and sometimes in not doing it soon enough, and children suffer greatly either way. And any system of that sort will attract those who want to abuse children, sexually and otherwise—and (as that article describes) even such efforts as the effort to get the children adopted can backfire horribly.

  24. I suppose I was raised right. I could fly into Travis AFB and tell my mom, dad, grandma, and priest everything I did while on liberty.

    But my priest captured 11 Norks at point of his .45. The chaplain I drank with at the officer’s club at White Beach in Okinawa was full of stories, too.

    So maybe I’m not the weather gauge you want to go by. But on the other hand maybe I am. Which is why I believe I may be pertinent to the story of this Epstein character.

    When you go on liberty in the third world you can literally do what you want. Want to buy a fourteen year old? OK, there are countries where that’s legal. Or permissible if you bribe the right people.

    I don’t want to go into any detail. But if I went to prison for doing something about this I would treasure it.


    “You know what, Monsignor? It was worth it.”]

    God created me for a reason. I will serve that purpose.

  25. I never earned the Medal of Honor. I Never earned the Silver Star. I never earned the Bronze But I I am happy to say brought to justice during my naval service some human traffickers. Put that on my gravestone.

  26. I don’t recall any discussion of CPS abuses on this blog by you, that were called conspiracy theories.

    That depends on who you are looking at, such as Om or others here.

  27. Where were these 14-year-old’s parents when they were flying out of the country and going off for days? Sad!

  28. When the parent leaves, no longer helicopters above, anything can happen.

    My dad, the sainted Senior Chief, disciplined me. To the point where, when I left home and joined the Navy, and the Marines were weeding us out, it was all I could do not to laugh.

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