Home » Nevada governor vetoes National Popular Vote bill


Nevada governor vetoes National Popular Vote bill — 17 Comments

  1. I view the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact as a serious threat to the Constitution. Glad this Democrat governor understood the threat.

  2. Probably would be reversed on appeal. I would like to see Trump win the popular vote in 2020 just to see the reactions. It would probably take massive vote reform to do so, though. More than a million illegal votes in CA.

  3. How, specifically, is it unconstitutional? I don’t recall anything specifically stating that electors have to be chosen by voters. “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….”

    So the state legislature could appoint them, hold a lottery, let a blind chicken pick them, or select them however they saw fit.

  4. “My guess is that, as soon as it happens that a Democrat were to win a presidential election and yet lose the popular vote—if such a thing ever occurs—these states would repeal the law so fast it would make your head spin.” — Neo.

    The General Staff is always fighting the last war.

  5. AesopFan’s Neo quote caught my interest too.

    “– these states would repeal the law so fast it would make your head spin.”

    Or … They would find a way to twist the English language or redefine a term in the law such that one or two states in the cabal would be “forced” to drop out, thereby falling below the required 270 electors, thereby ratifying the Dem electoral vote win. “The law made us do it.” they would claim. Have your cake and eat it too! What’s not like?

  6. It is unconstitutional in two ways.

    The first is that the states are forbidden to enter into compacts.

    The second is that the 14th amendment requires the state to allow people to vote for electors. Otherwise they lose their representation.

  7. The first is that the states are forbidden to enter into compacts.

    No, compacts require congressional approval.

  8. It seems to me that if this law is *not* unconstitutional then the word has lost all meaning.

    It seeks to rIp away the structural underpinnings that make us a democratic republic. By definition.

  9. You forget that a good part of Hillary’s popular vote win was very likely the result of massive cheating in one state – CA. For one thing, they made it almost the default for immigrants aliens, legal and esp illegal, to sign up to vote when getting drivers licenses. Now they have added fairly unrestricted ballot harvesting, hence five traditionally Republican Orange County Congressional seats flipping in the last election due to late counted ballots.

  10. Well, America’s Republic doesn’t seem to be resurrecting any time soon. Not withstanding Trum’s efforts with “Make America Great Again”. Maybe he can start with “Make the Republic alive again”.

  11. FOAF on June 2, 2019 at 1:31 am said:
    A sane Democrat. Maybe unicorns are possible.

    Demoncrats or Republicans, Left hand path vs Right hand path. Both are human and both are about equally broken under the Divine Pov.

  12. ymar, it is always about choosing the lesser evil. stop pouting on the sidelines.

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