Home » Comey is in trouble and he knows it


Comey is in trouble and he knows it — 24 Comments

  1. Why yes, yes he is. And he does know. Moreover, if he’s in trouble, how about those he will trade in as he attempts to save his own skin . . . what must they be thinking right about now? They all know what they’ve done, they’re perfectly conscious of their guilt. Sucks to be them.

  2. I will settle for Comey, Clapper, and Brennan in orange jumpsuits. Barry and Hillary will never be touched.

  3. I could see Comey and Clapper turning state’s evidence but not Brennan. However, fear of Clinton and Obama’s retribution for doing so might keep their mouths shut.

  4. Conservatives are in trouble, after selling Facebook and Google the rope that will be used to hang the capitalist conservatives.

  5. Lynn,

    I thought so too, but too many cats have escaped the bag. There will be consequences, the only question is how high it goes and how many are in the net.

  6. When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
    No one remembers that early on, Trump talked about not pursuing Hillary, but making peace. Generous of him. But neither she nor the deep state were having it.
    No one recognizes that at his first meeting with Trump, he tried to play J. Edgar Jr. “Nice presidency you have here; shame if this salacious stuff got out.” Of course, since he himself is not a weasel, Trump fired him.
    All the damage has been self-inflicted.

  7. I wonder.

    The Deep State will do what the Deep State wills. Americans will sit back, quiet down, and pay their taxes, as usual.

    They aren’t going to kill the revolutionaries before the revolution starts. Any more than the Russians killed the Jewish bolsheviks or the Iranian State killed Khomeini before/after exile.

  8. No one remembers that early on, Trump talked about not pursuing Hillary, but making peace. Generous of him.

    I remember Trum backers telling me Trum was going to clean the swamp. He was gonna do that by turning his back on the Deep State and being merciful and compassionate? Hahaha, pull the other one.

    Humans are fools and clowns, even when they mean well.

    If you want to fight the Deep State, you are gonna have to be willing to get blood on your hands.

  9. ymarsakar and others:

    I’ve looked at a competitor for FB, called www. MeWe .com
    Promises to be like DuckDuckGo and Brave.
    Once enough people try it, it reaches critical mass.

  10. “….wrote Comey without a hint of irony or self-awareness.”
    Dont be silly.
    It’s called desperate projection.

  11. Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Baker are no longer employed by the FBI.

    Brennan and Clapper are now cable news talking heads whose talk has devalued significantly post-Mueller report. They may be moving their operations to the Home Shopping Channel or Nickelodeon.

    Barr is the tortoise – not the hare. Steady as he goes.

    And, unless he’s blowing smoke, Trump has some interesting documents he can declassify.

  12. Though I sincerely hope that those who engaged in sedition are hanged by the neck – just like those who conspired to assassinate Lincoln – I don’t think any punishment of note will be applied to the traitors.

    Some will lose their Federal jobs – only to find far more lucrative employment outside the parasitic govt. bureaucracy and yet, keep their Federal pension (paid for by you and me).
    Some perhaps will receive suspended jail time (allowing them to write their stories and receive loads of $$$$ as an advance and once released go on the lecture circuit for even more $$$.)

    It all reminds me of Alger HIss – the Harvard educated blue blood who was a spy for the USSR (during the reign of Stalin !!!) as definitively revealed in the Venona Papers. He served just three years or so for perjury ( lying to Congress? to the FBI?) and poof, he was a free man.
    Having friends in very high places allows one to avoid the fate that would befall a common person.
    He spies for Stalin (a man responsible for the deaths of 20,000,000 to 40,000,000 souls) and he gets three years.
    He too should have been hanged by the neck.
    He did just fine after his release.

    When Comey, et. al., get real prison time or are executed , then I will believe “and
    with justice for all” actually means something in our former Constitutional Republic.
    I am not holding my breath.

  13. Having friends in very high places allows one to avoid the fate that would befall a common person.

    They couldn’t prosecute Hiss for espionage because the statute of limitations had run out. The same bar prevented a prosecution of Whittaker Chambers.

    Hiss actually did managed to find work on his release from prison. Commission sales is quite a comedown from a high position in the State Department, of course. What’s galling about Hiss is that he spent the next 42 years lying his tuchus off; marks like Victor Navasky have squandered a considerable chunk of their professional life attempting to demonstrate that Hiss was traduced by the government. (Ellen Schrecker has tried a different tack, defending the conduct of Cold War Soviet agents on normative grounds. Keep in mind that woman was president of the Organization of American Historians, not some fringe figure).

  14. I’ll believe when I see more indictments – so far not even McCabe (the liar) has been indicted.

    Tho I now believe (60%) there will be more than one indictment before the end of June. Might not be Comey, but it might be. His criminal actions are being talked about on conservative sites, so there is pressure building. That’s good.

  15. It all seemed like a safe bet before the 2016 election: put your thumb on the scale in favor of Hillary, because she’s sure to win and no one will ever know what wrongs you committed. In fact you might even firm up a better job in the new administration.

    What a shocking difference a few electoral votes make!

  16. There a misdemeanor charge in New York law called ‘Official Misconduct’. It covers malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance by public officials. It might be applicable to creatures such as Comey, McCabe, Sztrok, Page, Ohr, Pristap, Brennan, Clapper &c. Not sure about applicable provisions in federal law. Not sure this crew committed properly delineated crimes. (As opposed to offenses which should cost you your position in government. We were a more honorable country in 1954, so well-heeled ex-cons weren’t given spots as TV commentators. Alger his was selling stationary).

  17. It continues to amaze me that the likes of Comey, Brennan, and Clapper were hired and, then, promoted to head their agencies, and that McCabe, Strzok, Page and others had the responsible positions that they held.

    This whole odious crew was the best that the U.S. could find to fill these positions?

    Who the hell hired and, then, promoted these totally unqualified cretins?

    Are all of these supposedly premier, “best on the planet,” intelligence and law enforcement agencies really just a bunch of clown cars–their massively unqualified, but full of malice occupants up to no good–destroying our Republic, our legal and political systems, as they wander their blundering way through our institutions?

  18. No worries, NOTHING bad will happen. Dems/Progs protect their lackeys. His punishment will be an analyst gig for CNN/MSNBC/CBS et al.

  19. This whole odious crew was the best that the U.S. could find to fill these positions?

    Who the hell hired and, then, promoted these totally unqualified cretins?

    Who hired teh Fed Reserve board? Wasn’t the US President. Fed Reserve tells the US President when he is fired, not the other way around.

  20. Bush II was quite vociferously against the TSA after 2001. Karl Rove and others convinced or just over ruled him.

    Even back then, the US President was not so much a world leader as just a front man. Even when your Leader’s instincts are correct on the TSA… it doesn’t matter. The Deep State Rules Supreme. Not to say they are all conspiracy minded. Stop being paranoid.

    But it does end up like it.

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