Home » Trump’s creepy Creepy Joe Biden tweet


Trump’s creepy Creepy Joe Biden tweet — 39 Comments

  1. Contextually, we may say that the solicitous concern for Joe’s interest on the parts of Time, CNN, Vox, Politico, et alia, is touching. He’s a lucky man, Unca Joe.

  2. It highlights the hypocrisy of the left/democrats (sorry for being so repetitiously redundant).

    If a Republican had done what Biden had done — the howls on the left and media (sorry again for being so repetitiously redundant) to apologize and resign would have been nonstop.

    Biden got away with invading personal space of women and children for decades with nary a peep.

    The left now wants Old White Joe out of the picture so that the intersectionality folk will not have him as a competitor.

  3. That comedy video is quite mild compared to this one from Samantha Bee’s show on TBS. The article I saw it in a few hours ago disappeared, but of course YouTube has it.


    I guess they don’t call the show “Full Frontal” for nothing. Ouch. Was this just too delicious for a raunchy comic to pass up?

  4. I happen to think that this cheeky little bit a guerilla theater is hilarious.

    Just the kind of thing that Trump is so good at, and that is going to bedevil and humiliate a lot of his Democrat opponents approaching the 2020 election.

    As the saying goes, Trump has “taken up residence in the Left’s head, and is living there rent free. ”

    Pour it on Trump.

  5. In the late stages of the 2016 campaign, the media was retailing a mess of claims from women who said they’d crossed paths with him and he’d been a masher. It’s the sort of thing partisan Democrats take at face value.

  6. Besides being a serial groper, Biden is as dumb as a stump. Joe does not realise he is older than a 19th century paper as far as his political prospects are concerned. However, I suspect he will not exit the stage gracefully.

  7. Trump has all the Democrats hating him, along with all the Leftists, all the media, all the college professors, most of the LGBTQ, most of Europe (did I miss anybody?) . . . and he’s laughing at them. And we’re laughing at them, with him. He doesn’t adopt some kind of personna that his handlers advise. WYSIWYG. Tump has a great sense of humor, and he’s free to use it.

    The Democrat candidate, JoeBidenBernieSandersKamalaHarrisRobert(breathes)
    O’RourkeElizabethWarrenCoryBookerAmyKlobucharPeteButtigiegJulianCastro (breathes again)KirstenGillibrandJayInsleeJohnHickenlooperJohnDelaneyTulsi (gasp)GabbardTimRyanAndrewYangMarianneWilliamsonWayneMessam,* is very serious, scolding us, calling us names, emoting at us, flying over us, blaming us, telling us how much the world hates us — but never laughs. They all strain to show us how very, very serious they are, because they’ve never accomplished anything concrete. In lieu of accomplishments, they have frowns.

    Trump? Trump has his own jet airplane. Yeah, buddy, that’s his own hair. He’s comfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t need you to like him, he can be himself, and that’s why I like him (though only a portion of my admiration).

    * They’re all the same.

  8. It is a little bit early to be tying them in knots, but he is. This is a full-frontal assault on the left and it is most excellent. Trump does not hold back and as the next year unfolds he will be most interesting..

    His disdain and understanding of the media, making them keep his name on the top every day seems to work and it drives them nuts. More free air time for Trump.

  9. Every day in every way, I get more disgusted with Republicans who just can’t get over that the President is not “on brand” for them. This astonishing, unique, vulgar, street fighting businessman is just NOKD. Establishment whores! Anyone who needs the government to validate their personal choices is not really a Republican. These morons want a powerful central government and don’t mind a curtailing of individual civil rights (for the deplorables, of course) but don’t want to pay higher taxes. Republican in Wallet Only. Some of these dorks infest cable tv news masquerading mediators, the “sane middle ground,” between the lefties and Trump. It’s why I don’t watch cable tv news anymore.

  10. Don’t make fun of Joe Biden?
    It’s fun, it’s easy, and is richly deserved. This awful stooge got up in front of a crowd of African-Americans and told them that Mitt Romney … MITT ROMNEY … was “gonna put them all back in chains.” (Oh, that JOE!) He’s been in office so long he’s oblivious to the notion that putting your hands all over people is unwanted, uncelebrated conduct, whether the recipient be male or female. My theory on the handsiness is that it’s not a sexual move, it’s a power move. It’s very LBJ which is probably where he copied it from and updated it to early seventies standards. (He got into politics in 1970.) He’s gonna heal you, feel you, reassure you … with his body. (Yuck.) Now he’s all SAD about it. Shut up.
    I don’t CARE if inside-the-beltway establishment wanks think he’s “nice.” He’s only nice because he’s far enough up the food chain that he can be nice to the little people. And those are the people he puts his hands all over. Which isn’t nice. I bet he never did that to Obama’s kids or to Michelle, though. Also, I bet he’s a massive dirty-fighting downlow jackass when he’s cornered. I bet he’s not nice at all when he’s not getting his way.

  11. William Katz, at http://www.urgentagenda.com, whom I greatly admire but not always agree with, repeatedly has described Biden as a “nice guy”. I usually demur. I do not think he is a nice guy at all. I think he is a congenital liar, who has egregiously done hurtful things to people. I concede that he does have what some might describe as a brilliant smile, with his “store bought” teeth.

    We do agree that he has been conspicuously wrong on almost every policy question. If Trump could not “wax the floor” with Biden, he wouldn’t deserve a second term.

    I am rooting for Schultz to get into the race and create havoc among the Dims.

  12. I’ve never used the words brilliant and Trump in the same sentence before but that’s absolutely brilliant satire by Trump. Those most outraged on the left know it and that’s why they hate it so much.

    It sticks in their craw, they can’t swallow it and they can’t spit it out, so Trump has them stewing in their own juices.

  13. Hard to believe our politics has brought us to the point where we need to decide which of two septuagenarians is the most retrograde/obnoxious in his behavior toward women.

  14. Back in 2016, as someone who volunteered for the Cruz campaign, I never imagined how much I would come to appreciate djt. He is a strange (to me ) character, but he doesn’t back down, he is a happy warrior, and he lives 24/7/52 in the fevered minds of the left.

  15. I agree — the video is funny. 😆 And so are the “Tweets” from people with their hair on fire!

    . . .

    I’m not a fan of Joe Biden either, but I’ll mention again Heather MacDonald’s column on the alleged “groper.” A refreshing take, and it reminds us all that quite a few people are “touchers” by nature. I’ve known some them, including women happily married to some guy. And to some extent, I’ve become one myself. Actually, humans touching humans is natural behavior, and at one time a lot of the popular psychology literature encouraged us to do more of it, in some cases at least.

    Remember, too, that we now live in an era where grown men and even women don’t dare to touch or pick up a lost child who is crying in the street.

    I say give the man a break. ____People need to quit looking over their shoulders to see who is doing something “wrong.”____ … so that the perfectly innocent 99.99999% of us can quit looking over our shoulders to see who’s about to call the cops on us.


    The Spectatorhas a piece by Heather McDonald on the latest Scandal, namely Joe Biden’s purported touchiness (so to speak). I think she thinks that some among the Gentler Sex are a bit overwrought.


    The crusade against Biden began last week when a left-wing Democratic operative and social justice advocate accused Biden of having inappropriately kissed her in 2014. …[SNIP]… [Lucy] Flores admits that his behavior ‘wasn’t violent or sexual.’ Indeed, he kissed the back of her head, not her mouth, in what was patently an effort, however clumsy, to boost her confidence. Nevertheless….”

    Joe Biden and the Deranged Policing of Personal Space


  16. It’s hilarious AND effective. And those who hate Trump, thinking he treats women worse? Show me.
    Show the world.

    Where has he treated women worse? Oh, right, he was BRAGGING about how beauty queens ALLOWED him to “do anything”, since he’s rich and famous.
    Kiss them. Grab them.
    There are LOTS of pictures of Trump kissing women, I haven’t seen any of him grabbing them between their legs.

    Of course, if it’s in private, and consented to, it’s no longer newsworthy.

    Trump was bragging about how easy it was for a rich and famous guy to get consent.

    That’s not the same as creepy Joe.

    Open touching and hugging is also not the same as what creepy Joe is doing.

    It’s a terrible loss that strangers can’t pick up crying kids to comfort them in many US places today.

  17. I used to be a touchy type person, both males and females because I grew up in a home where we were touchy people and I was not as bad a some Italians I worked with later who would hold your arm and get about two inches from your face and these were guys. Anyway when I had my own company I would warn women during the hiring process to tell me if they were offended by a hand on their shoulder as I spoke to them and I would respect their preference for more distance. Kind of strange now but over 30 years ago things were different.

    Later, 30 years ago I was working at a bank in Dallas and once day I went over to a fellow worker and put both hands on her shoulders and talked to her about a problem we were having. She asked me to follow her into the hallway and then she explained to me that she knew I was a good man and meant no insult or harm in any way however she told me, in no uncertain terms, that I was never to come up behind a black woman and touch her shoulders without asking first. She said this sensitivity went back to the old days when black women were owned by white men who could use them as they wished. She then went on to tell me that she liked me and knew I had no ill intentions and I was just a dumbass when it came to things like this.

    After that I decided to maintain a proper social distance and only let people who wanted a pat on the back or a hug to initiate the gesture and then make sure I was turned sideways with the lower parts further back so there was no sexual questions about intent. All the man hugs in the 80’s and 90’s confused me and I love to hug my kids and their kids in the right way but I don’t like to hug others, not much at all.

    Biden’s touching and hugging might not be sexual at all, especially considering he is an old plumpy guy, his security Secret Service people avoided seeing him skinny dipping as much as possible and like Wiley Nelson said, old men don’t look good naked any more. Old touchy guys are kind of pitiful and creepy and sad, not presidential material at all.

    Respect and awareness should have kicked in long ago for this old Biden Buzzard but it did’t.

  18. Nothing is more effective for the ruling class to destroy fabric of society, sowing distrust between people for easier control than destroying interpersonal relationships by branding every form of human interaction as inappropriate. What do people do when they don’t want to go out risking being labelled as a pervert or racist or sexist by interacting with people? they stay home and turn themselves into hermits, when no one go out who benefits the most? E-commerce, globalists and tech. Social media now have a much easier mind controlling when they now monopolise how people receive information since the channel of communication through social interactions has been destroyed. Who hold the bag? Local businesses and brick and mortar stores.

  19. Julie in Chicago–it is the Left who are in a dither over Joe’s “touching”. Today, he tried to explain it away as good intentioned, if out of step with the times. One could accept that explanation, except that…if true, his habit of swimming nude in front of the female SS agents who had no choice but to be there, speaks volumes about his character. That was pure hubris and abuse of privilege, layered upon unhealthy levels of exhibitionism.

    Those on the right who have paid attention, reject him for his dishonesty and his historically intolerable position on issues.

  20. There are a lot of times when a liberal will say something, it bombs and then they say it was just a joke and we are just too stupid to realize it. And then they say that we don’t get the “nuances” of what they are saying.

    I see many times when a conservative/republican says something which is an obvious joke and the lefties get all stroked about it!

    President Trump goes to Twitter since it ensures that the media will follow him – they cannot avoid it. If Trump went the usual way of dealing with the MSM, then the message is ignored or corrupted. I also realize that President Trump tweaks the official press by exaggerating things. Trump is the one with the laser pointer and the press are the cats chasing the light. But, the cats have to talk about the issue and they end up making the correct point about the issue.

    What’s funny is that the MSM can’t see what is happening to them.

  21. After that tweet the next move would be to replace “Hail to the Chief” with :

    It might
    Be a fight
    Like you see on the screen
    A swain
    Getting slain
    For the love of a queen
    Some great Shakespearean scene
    Where a ghost and a prince meet
    And everyone ends in mincemeat
    The gag
    Might be waving the flag
    That began
    With a Mr. Cohan
    Hip hooray
    The American way!
    The world is a stage
    The stage is a world
    Of entertainment!

  22. In the history of attacking your opponents…
    I do believe that Martin Luther referred to the Pope as “a pig, a dunghill, the spawn of an adder and an ass.”
    So…by comparison…this is great stuff and small potatoes.

  23. This little video is hilarious, and my reaction was just like Neo’s. I’ve got lots of other, more important, reasons to oppose Biden’s candidacy.

    Besides the creepy look of what Joe does to women and girls, there are people like me who just aren’t comfortable being hugged or touched by people we’re not close too. I intensely dislike “the passing of the peace” in the newer church liturgies, where everybody wanders around hugging everyone else (and especially because many of the same people will ignore the people they hugged as soon as the service is over).

  24. Biden, aside from being a plagiarist, is dishonest and malicious. The Clarence Thomas hearings were an example, as he told Thomas his interview would be no big deal, then sprung the Anita Hill performance on him with no warning. There were witnesses, some black, who were co-workers with Thomas who were at the hearing as witnesses but were not allowed to speak. It was a setup.

    His performance in the VP debate in 2012 was bizarre. I blame Ryan as he should have just turned to Biden and asked if he was alright. Biden acted like a fool, or crazy.

  25. Just another one of those torpedoes that the Left has launched into the water, and that has now circled back toward those who launched it.

  26. Obama started doing something similar while he was Prez; the arm-around pose. Probably learned it from Biden. Ostensibly, the arm-around signals reassurance, comfort, bonhomie – whatever the moment calls for- but more importantly, from the branding perspective, it also shows him in the alpha position vis a vis the armed-around. Doesn’t work for short people.

  27. Politicians should get consent before they use people as props for their brand, especially when they’ve made a big deal about getting consent as part of their brand.

  28. Hard to believe our politics has brought us to the point where we need to decide which of two septuagenarians is the most retrograde/obnoxious in his behavior toward women.

    As opposed to what, contemplating Kamala Harris’ casting-couch audition in politics? How about Pete Buttigieg’s off-stage recreation? Is it all good because he isn’t obnoxious to women? How ’bout Kirsten Gillibrand’s serial slanders directed at male college students? Good fun?

  29. AMartel on April 5, 2019 at 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm said:

    …make fun of Joe Biden?
    WHY …NOT?
    It’s fun, it’s easy, and is richly deserved. “

    You knocked that one into the center-field bleachers.

    My theory on the handsiness is that it’s not a sexual move, it’s a power move. It’s very LBJ which is probably where he copied it from and updated it to early seventies standards


    Julie near Chicago says,

    “.. touching … at one time a lot of the popular psychology literature encouraged us to do more of it, in some cases at least.
    ….we now live in an era where grown men and even women don’t dare to touch or pick up a lost child who is crying in the street.”

    Both true, as was the follow-up comment that those pop-psych exhortations may have served as a legitimizing pretext for some. In Biden’s case I agree with the Lyndon Johnson analogy.

    Of course if a politician were punctilious in demonstrating a recognition of interpersonal boundaries he would be attacked as a stiff, hung-up, sexually inhibited, probably neurotic Victorian prude, who also racist-ly devalued the bodies of people of color, fat women, and the ugly and weak; and, failed to appreciate the need for and needs of human “solidarity”.

    The matter of interpersonal boundaries are of course at the core of the dispute between the hive-life appetite entities we call liberals, and real humans of the libertarian of conservative stripe.

    So … it’s hard to know just how to act, just as OldTexan pointed out earlier.

    Example: I stopped into a fast food chicken joint, picking up a big bucket etc for my elderly folks and their caregivers’ dinner, about a year, or a little more ago.

    As I received the order I was asked to rate the service on a card. I told the counter girl that I did have a comment and I would tell it to her to her face, and she could pass it on to the boss. I said that the company was an American icon and a onetime favorite of many millions. I told her that whatever the health implications of eating their brand of chicken was, many seemed to crave it, and that I would myself seek it out, if it were not for the fact that the outlets though busy looking, were typically dirty, smelly, and staffed by indolent and unhealthy looking people. I told her that her outlet was a shining example of the opposite, and that I had talked to others in line there a couple of months previously [as I did the same thing] who had confirmed my view, and who stated that they personally drove miles past other outlets in order to make their purchases at that one. I said that it was a pleasure to find one that presented wholesome service. And to keep up the good work.

    There was a middle aged black male about my height and somewhat heavier about 6 feet away at the counter. As I was speaking, he nodded and was seconding my remarks and laughing. The boss, a somewhat similar guy must have overhead, and he came up front and thanked me. I picked up my package and passed by the guy at the counter to leave; he, still laughing, said something like, “Hey! Take care brother”. Not thinking first, and taking the phrase in a general sense, I thwacked him on the shoulder of his jacket as I passed, and said something like, “You too, man.”

    It was not till I got out to the car that I thought, “What the hell did I just do? This is not 1979, and we are not on the same sports team.”

    So it’s kind of tough, to know exactly how to respond sometimes, and you can get swept up in some hale-fellow-well-met moment without quite forgetting how much we generally don’t like, and can barely tolerate, each other.

    I probably encroached on a boundary.


  30. DNW:

    Say what you will about Biden, he does not invite people into the bathroom to discuss policy while he’s on the toilet, a la LBJ.

  31. Or, according to some biography of Judy Garland that I read in the dim, dead yesteryear, like Cecil B. DeMille. (Or was it Louis B. Mayer? I remember it as having been DeMille, but the Great Frog knows I lost my memory-marbles long ago.)



    In no way shape or form were you out of line in giving the chicken guy a hail-fellow-well-met back-slap. Even if it was an unwelcome familiarity, which most likely it wasn’t.

    More normal male-human behavior, at least in what USED to be our culture, that had nothing to do with anything except being a way of saying “Good man!” or “Right on, bro!”

    God!!! What have we come to when normal human behavior requires our internal prosecutor to pass judgment on our every action and reaction!

    . . .

    We all need to stop being such pussies. (By the way, “pussy” by itself is not necessarily, and I hope STILL not “usually,” a derogatory term used by the vulgar to speak of the female’s, um, well, you-know. “Here, pussy, pussy. Come, Puss!” –Me, age 5. And also age 75. It’s as bad as being brainwashed into thinking that it’s “sexist” for a man to hold the door for an 8-months-preggers lady with a toddler, a baby carriage with a baby in it, and a carry-out bag with supper in it.) “Oh, Gertrude,” he says to his date, “would you think it terribly sexist of me to pick up the tab for our dinner?”

    We are becoming a nation of watchers-for-wrongdoing, which is not good for our own mental health.

    Along the same line: Expect others to tolerate you, as you tolerate them.

    . . .

    By the way. My search results turn up a lot of lefty/librul Biden defenders. I’m not so sure most of the dining-out on him is from the Left, as somebody said above.

    Also by the way, per Snopes yesterday, that “photo” of Biden that shows him fondling Stephanie Carter’s bosom originated at

    World News Bureau, a “satire” web site that carries a disclaimer stating “This is fictitious satire and any resemblance to persons, places, or events is coincidental.”*


    Link to World News Bureau:


    *Scroll down roughly 3/4 of the way — the notice appears on the right.


    As for the nude-swimming-in-his-own-pool-despite-the-presence-of-female-Secret-Service-guards, there are possibilities other than “exhibitionism.” One is simple insensitivity. Another is, “It’s my damn pool and I’ll swim how I like. If the ladies can’t stand it they can look elsewhere. Or find another job.”

    Or even, just plain “It’s my damn pool and I’ll swim how I like.”

    Or even, just that he’s so accustomed to swimming in his birthday suit that he doesn’t think about it one way or the other.

    There are a lot of possible explanations for that, and I don’t think we should go assuming the worst. Do I like it? No. But let us remember that not all cultures have the nudity taboo. As in Japan, where men and women wear their birthday suits in the community baths, or in the Finnish sauna.

    This is about a nudity taboo in our culture, not about something that is evil or offensive in its own right. And where Biden is certainly at (mild) fault is that he broke a cultural norm, not a commandment laid down by the Great Frog.

    . . .

    My purpose in this batch of comments is not to defend Mr. Biden. Nor is it to tell the cohort here that it’s illegitimate to find him “creepy” or whatever. That’s a matter of personal reaction to a person. It would be like telling you you’re Wrong to hate chocolate ice-cream. (Such a person would, of course, be Wrong philosophically and in fact, but even so it wouldn’t be a mortal sin nor even a hanging offense. –A haranguing offense, maybe. *grin*)

    But I do not want to see us aping the vicious attacks that the not-Right/Conservative/libertarian bunch make on people we support.

    And it’s not that long ago that we here were loudly asserting that even in an extra-legal proceeding, there ought to be a “Preponderance of Evidence” before assigning guilt. –Why yes, I do believe that was being discussed last September….

  32. Snow on Pine on April 6, 2019 at 9:27 am at 9:27 am said:
    Just another one of those torpedoes that the Left has launched into the water, and that has now circled back toward those who launched it.
    * * *
    There are so many now…but they don’t seem to be sinking their ship!

  33. “neo on April 6, 2019 at 3:25 pm at 3:25 pm said:


    Say what you will about Biden, he does not invite people into the bathroom to discuss policy while he’s on the toilet, a la LBJ.”

    No, but according to female secret service agents Biden liked to swim nude in the WH swimming pool. And he had his secret service detail watch, including female agents watch. So maybe not LBJ, but I see a resemblance to JFK. JFK used to enjoy skinnydipping in the WH pool, usually with one of his girlfriends equally nude such as one or both of the pair he called Frick and Frack. He also liked to conduct business with advisers who sat by the side of the pool. One day one of his campaign advisers was sitting on the edge of the pool, wearing his suit and tie but barefoot and with his trouser legs rolled up so he could put his feet in the water.

    JFK was a real b*****d. Frick and Frack were what were known as “society girls” as were most of his conquests. Girls who traveled in social circles that the Kennedys were barred from no matter how much money they had. In fact, it was because of rumors about the shady source of that sudden wealth among other things kept him and his family out of those social circles. And JFK enjoyed humiliating them. Which is why he always made sure that when they swam nude they had an audience. He was showing off, they apparently tried to pretend that other men were not watching them. This day he took it a step further. He commented to his girlfriend that his adviser looked tense, and that she should perform a sex act on him to get him to loosen up. She dutifully did so. The adviser later told Kennedy that was a cruel thing for him to do to her. If I correctly recall the review of the book that I was reading (I would never pay money for a book about a Kennedy or for that matter a Clinton) he just laughed.

    I see shades of that cruel streak in Joe Biden. He knows, I am convinced, that he’s making many of the women he publicly gropes feel uncomfortable. How could he not know? There’s a picture of him groping a woman at a WH Christmas party. He’s behind her with his hands having slid up to just below her breasts. She’s smiling for the camera but her hands are on his forearms trying to push his hands down or at least make sure they don’t go any higher. I’ve seen other still shots and video where the woman (or even worse young girls) are clearly uncomfortable and it seems that’s what Biden enjoys most about his public grope fests. That, and he knows he’s making husbands and fathers angry but since he’s the Vice President and is surrounded by a security detail and they’re essentially court toadies they dare not say a word let alone do anything about it.

    I’ve met a few politicians and most have outsized egos. Biden strikes me as just such a politician. Which is why he gropes in public, in front of cameras. That is also my read on Kennedy. His personal secretary asked him why he was so reckless about his extra-marital affairs. He said he didn’t know. Personally I think it was pure ego that compelled him to engage in such risky and potentially career ending behavior. He knew everybody knew about it. Jackie had to know about it. But as long as he didn’t “do it in the streets and scare the horses,” as they used to say in Victorian England it remained a rumor outside of a tight inner circle that knew better but would never confirm it publicly. And like I said, he clearly enjoyed degrading women. This was no doubt his way of degrading his wife in the eyes of Washington and Democratic party insiders.

    Biden, like Kennedy, strikes me as an exhibitionist. He gets a charge out exercising power of other people and he needs to make sure other people see him do it. Which is why I tend to believe those Secret Service agents who say Biden’s nude swimming habit made them awfully uncomfortable and more than a little angry that they knew they just had to put up with it. No woman wants to see that. I mean, I don’t want to see it. I saw enough of that in the locker room of the swimming pool aboard the local Navy base when I was in High School. It’s even worse when they have forty year old tattoos. Ugh, this is why despite spending twenty years in the Navy myself I never have and never will get a tattoo.

    I’m not surprised that everyone at CNN is having their heads explode over Trump’s tweet, which made me laugh. I saw a segment of Alisyn Camerota interviewing Rep. Joe Kennedy (R-LA). He was tearing Biden a new orifice with cutting humor; “This is no country for creepy old men.”

    Camerota tried to get Kennedy to condemn Trump as well. This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome will do to you, I suppose. The media is talking about Biden’s “alleged” groping of women. There’s nothing alleged about it; we’ve all seen the videos and pictures of Biden groping women. Whether or not it constitutes a crime I don’t know. What the female Secret Service agents accuse Biden of constitutes an allegation, but at least they have corroborating witnesses. The male Secret Service agents on Biden’s detail, who like me also didn’t enjoy having to look at Biden in his Birthday suit.

    The accusers who allege Trump groped her breasts and the other who said Trump forcefully french kissed her have no evidence and like Blasey-Ford no corroborating witnesses. But Camerota’s TDS has (further?) damaged her brain to the extent that she can look at evidence that prove the fact that Biden gropes women and girls and conclude these are mere allegations, while she treats any unsupported and unsupportable allegation against Trump as if it’s established fact.

  34. Julie near Chicago on April 6, 2019 at 6:27 pm at 6:27 pm said:

    “As for the nude-swimming-in-his-own-pool-despite-the-presence-of-female-Secret-Service-guards, there are possibilities other than “exhibitionism.” One is simple insensitivity. Another is, “It’s my damn pool and I’ll swim how I like. If the ladies can’t stand it they can look elsewhere. Or find another job.”

    Or even, just plain “It’s my damn pool and I’ll swim how I like.”

    Or even, just that he’s so accustomed to swimming in his birthday suit that he doesn’t think about it one way or the other.

    There are a lot of possible explanations for that, and I don’t think we should go assuming the worst. Do I like it? No. But let us remember that not all cultures have the nudity taboo. As in Japan, where men and women wear their birthday suits in the community baths, or in the Finnish sauna.”

    Thanks for correcting me. I recalled the story as he would swim nude in the WH pool. Apparently he swam nude at his official residence at the Naval Observatory as well as at his Delaware home. But frankly that doesn’t change the calculus much if any at all. Those agents were not there to watch him swim. Frankly I don’t understand why they had to be poolside at all, particularly at his official residence which is on a well guarded site already. All they should have been required to do was secure a perimeter and a few key points inside the building.

    I can think of only one reason why the SS Agents had to be poolside. Joe Biden’s ego demanded it. There really is no excuse for treating people who are on the clock to provide for your security this callously. Or in the case of other domestic workers to prepare your food or otherwise provide for you comfort as if they’re serfs who have to put up with all of your bad habits. Did he also sashay into the kitchen naked, or around the house in general?

    It may be your home and your pool but it’s their workplace. I’m sure the female agents did try to find a different job. As in a transfer to a better detail. That’s what SS agents assigned to Hillary Clinton try to do. She also is an egotistical narcissist and a raging you-know-what. SS agents assigned to her regard the detail as the Secret Service equivalent of being exiled to Siberia. It’s a punishment, not a job, and apparently an assignment to Joe Biden’s security detail falls into the same category.

    Personally, if a group of people is getting paid to take a bullet for me I’m going to treat every individual in that detail with respect and consideration. George W. Bush had and still has a lot of flaws, but that’s one thing he got right. He’d spend the Christmas/New Year holidays at Camp David so that the agents that rolled in and out of his security detail (as well as other workers) could spend time with their families as well. As opposed to say the Obamas who would jet off to a beachfront rental property in Hawaii. Which being beachfront provides extra headaches when it comes to security. So not only did they completely ruin the holidays for the SS agents who had to accompany the Obamas but also for a lot of Coast Guard and Navy personnel who had to guard the beach and make sure no one swam up or otherwise approached from the seaward side.

    There are no innocent explanations for that, or for what Biden did. They simply believed it’s OK to treat the peasants like dirt. It’s just as bad if they did it without giving it a second thought as it would be if they planned to make life as painful as possible for everyone who worked for them.

    R.e. Japan I’m afraid your information is out of date. It’s true that there was once widespread integrated communal dating but as of the nineteen nineties it was extremely rare. Really, outside a few onsen or hot springs resorts it was non-existent. And I’m afraid they learned that from us. Or rather they learned that during the occupation. There may not have been a taboo per se but there was a definite etiquette about it. For instance, you don’t stare at other people and generally while you’re out of the bath you hold a small towel over your private parts. This remains true even at the segregated baths which are really all you can find in cities and towns.

    Japanese women became awfully embarrassed and uncomfortable bathing in front of leering young Joe Bidens. I mean occupation troops in their late teens and early twenties who reacted just like you’d expect young western men in the fifties and sixties to the chance to get naked in a crowd of naked women once they found out about it.

    The old retired Sailor who handed out towels at the base gym was stationed in Japan back in the mid fifties told me how it used to be. After he was in Japan for a couple of months he became friends with a Japanese guy who worked on base. His new Japanese friend invited him home for dinner. The house was in a relatively rural area at the time although not anymore due the urban sprawl. So it was sort of a farmhouse with a courtyard complete with a private bathing area. The neighbors were curious about the American guest but were too shy to talk to him. So they decided to take a bath while he ate dinner and during the course of their bath the host introduced them. One by one they stood up and bowed. The old Sailor knew enough about Japan at that point that he knew better than to stare or otherwise shatter decorum. But inside his head one thought kept rotating around. “I’m staying here forever. I’m staying in Japan forever.” And he did.

    There were a lot of other taboos that the Japanese didn’t have but oddly now wish they did. For instance, prostitution was legal in Japan until 1957 when under American pressure they made it illegal. But only technically. The only thing they banned was sexual intercourse. All other sex acts can be bought and sold quite legally under the euphemism, “Men’s health.” I lived off base in apartment and every day my mailbox was stuffed with flyers for “Delivery Health” services (I could read Japanese then but that was twenty six or seven years ago.

    Japan never had anything approaching a Judeo-Christian sense of morality about sex. As far as they were concerned it was just a human need like selling food and drink in a tavern. In fact the brothels of the “Mizu Shobai” or “water business” as the commercial sex trade was called were clustered in entertainment districts with the taverns and pubs. Very high end courtesans were celebrities and the average man had about as much chance of engaging their services as the average man today has of dating a super model.

    But while the high end prostitutes had social status, the average girl did not. In fact, they were looked down upon as per Buddhist tradition they must have done something seriously wrong in their past life to have been born into prostitution in this current one. There is no such tradition as there is in the US mostly due to frontier lore about the “soiled dove with a heart of gold.” Prostitutes were and are considered to be mean, stingy, and greedy. Naturally growing up in that culture the prostitutes thought the same of themselves and internalized the stereotype becoming exactly what their society told them they were.

    The Japanese lately have come to regret that they don’t have something like Judeo-Christian sexual morality because when I was last stationed in Japan following 9/11 there was something of a national scourge called “compensated dating.” High school girls saw nothing wrong with hooking up with a middle aged businessman and sugar daddy who’d pay them to go out with him. Why shouldn’t they make extra money that way? The parents who were around my age usually only found out about it when the girls began wearing their expensive clothes, carrying their Coach purses, etc. They’d try to get their daughters to stop but they could certainly not make any sort of moral argument against it. There was no moral argument to be found in Japanese cultural history. For the parents it’s a nightmare with no way out. As far as the girls go I don’t know how sexual their compensated dating becomes but I have to suspect they’re doing something to keep their clients happy and coming back and after all there is no taboo against that.

    In case anyone is wondering, no I didn’t partake in any aspect of the Mizu Shobai. First of all I probably would have been refused service since I’m white and racial discrimination is perfectly legal. I’ve been denied entry to many karaoke bars and pub-snacks when the owner saw a couple of white guys trying to walk in. I can’t imagine what kind of welcome I would have gotten if I tried to walk into Kawasaki Soap Land (your imagination is probably spot on) but it would have been a lot less friendly than the one I often got at just rinky dink little bars. The guys who patronized those places were frankly intimidated by foreigners. They go there to get away from people like us, the owners know it, and if the hostesses are Japanese they’d be none too happy about pouring our drinks and trying to make small talk with us gaijin. There were a few pub-snacks and Karaoke bars near my apartment where I was welcome and the hostesses were Thai, Filipina, and Korean and generally they liked us better than the Japanese guys who look down on other Asians as inferiors. But then the Japanese clients could really get resentful if the girls paid too much attention to us so we made sure that didn’t happen. Also I wasn’t so inclined, and in any case couldn’t afford it had I been. It’s just that the Japanese are very open when it comes to talking about it. It’s an integral part of their history. For instance the Shinjuku district of Tokyo started as a post-town for travelers during the Edo period. The very name means “New Lodgings” and naturally since the town catered to travelers everything attendant to that type of business came with. Shinjuku is huge commercial center during the day but the largest entertainment district in Asia at night. Other entertainment districts in Tokyo and other large cities have similar histories.

  35. Steve57,

    “There’s a picture of him groping a woman at a WH Christmas party. He’s behind her with his hands having slid up to just below her breasts.”

    Did you happen to read my comment just above yours? In particular, I wrote something about this “photo” — I’m assuming it’s the one to which you refer — which was Photoshopped and published on a satirical site. Here, under the dot, I repeat what I wrote above about the photo.


    Also by the way, per Snopes yesterday [April 5], that “photo” of Biden that shows him fondling Stephanie Carter’s bosom originated at

    World News Bureau:, a “satirical” web site that carries a disclaimer stating “This is fictitious satire and any resemblance to persons, places, or events is coincidental.”*


    Link to World News Bureau:


    *Scroll down roughly 3/4 of the way — the notice appears on the right.

  36. No, Julie, that’s not the photo I was referring to. I didn’t fall for that obvious photo shopped image. The photo I was referring to is contained in this Washington Examiner article.


    It’s Biden with three other people in front of a Christmas tree in 2013. He’s getting handsy with reporter Amie Parnes of The Hill. And that’s not photo shopped.

    I have no sympathy for Joe Biden. I enjoy watching him get hoist on his own petard. Yes, I know; poor Biden, he’s just an old man confused by shifting social norms. Since Barack Obama’s second term? Yeah, they’ve really shifted a lot in the last five and a half years. And if they have shifted, he’s played a huge role in shifting them. The Obama administration was horrible when it came to the rights of male students accused of sexual misconduct. For instance, no due process. Or, my favorite, affirmative consent. If a man wants to touch a woman in any way, he has to ask her for her permission each time he touches her. That was the standard the Obama administration was pushing.

    I guess Biden thought those rules were just for the peons. I’m glad he’s finding out that he’s not exempt.

    Sure, it’s not the crime of the century. It may not be a crime at all. But I have no patience for pols who don’t think they have to live under the laws and regulations they impose on others.

    Far more serious is how Biden used the threat of withholding foreign aid from Ukraine to force the government to fire their top prosecutor who was looking into corruption involving a Ukrainian energy company named Burisma Holdings. Which, surprise surprise, employed Biden’s youngest son Hunter as a member of their board. And Hunter was receiving large cash payments via his US-based firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC. When the prosecutor got fired the investigations were dropped. Which seems to have been Joe Biden’s goal (he was the Obama adin’s point man on Ukrainian policy) all along.

    It turns out that Hunter Biden’s business partner in Rosemont Seneca Devon Archer was also on the board at Burisma, and the DoJ is preparing an unrelated case against Archer. The DoJ also discovered the large transfers and wants to talk to both Archer and Biden. And the prosecutor general of the Ukraine wants to give their case file to the AG. And daddy can’t protect them anymore.

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