Home » Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for the Smollett case, which prompts Al Sharpton to blame Trump for the Tawana Brawley case


Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for the Smollett case, which prompts Al Sharpton to blame Trump for the Tawana Brawley case — 36 Comments

  1. Sorry, Dr. Rahm. Sorry, Dr. Al. Diversity breeds adversity. Don’t indulge in color judgments. You created these monsters.

  2. 1. Liars gotta lie.

    2. And this: “Diversity breeds adversity.”

    CW2 will start somewhere in the addition of 1 + 2.

  3. I’m sure that, ultimately, Trump is also responsible for bad breath, gloomy days and rain, tooth decay, acne, the off taste in old beer, and pets who pee in the house.

  4. Normally, I’d think “well, this is April Fools Day” . . . but then, Al Sharpton.

  5. I was about to freak out–in fact I was freaking out–over the Sharpton statement till I noticed there was no link to it and remembered what day it is.

  6. Trump. Tawana Brawley. If he’s that powerful I want him to be my President.

  7. You knew we [your longtime readers] were all expecting this.

    Still, a pretty convincing job.

  8. The problem with this story is that it’s almost believable. That’s how ridiculous Democrats have become. The part about Emanuel blaming Trump for Smollett’s hoax is true, and really stupid.

  9. CNN and democrats are responsible for the rise of far right if such movement truly exist by continuing lying to the public about Trump giving such fringe approval and support when There are video record of him denouncing this group repeatedly. CNN and democrats empowered them and gave them a platform by giving them mention night in night out, they elevated their status by lying about the president’s support for them. there is a reason why liberals celebrate in rejoice whenever there is a right wing shooting because such attack is beneficial to them politically, such attacks will only hurt trump so saying Trump promote that kind of violence is absurd, only CNN and democrats have incentive to promote and incite right wing violence and that is the reason they keep on doing it. they should be held accountable for any future right wing because they are white supremacists biggest promoters.

  10. Kate:

    I always try very hard to make my April 1 posts believable, with links and everything. My favorite one was this, never to be surpassed I think. That one fooled so many people I had to issue a disclaimer to stop the brouhaha, because it had gotten big links, too (if I’m not mistaken, one link was from Breitbart and it drove a lot of traffic here that day).

  11. Oh, Neo, I wish I’d been reading you then! The reference to Floating Islands, the dessert, was masterful.

  12. Well, look… At least the left is trying to cure the problem..

    here is one point, with the obvious solution being – dont eat

    White people’s eating habits produce most greenhouse gases

    if the problem race would just stop eating, or leave, the problem would be solved
    at least they wont stop until they find out if that works or not…

    so, save the planet, stop eating…
    if you want to do it under an organization,
    try Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

  13. See…this is the problem living on the other side of the globe…April Fool’s was yesterday here. 😉

  14. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/16/murtha.racism.apology/index.html

    I’m wondering, since when haven’t I been a racist. I recall back in 2008 I was called a racist for not wanting to vote for Barack Obama. Oh, no, it wasn’t because I reviled his policies. It was skin color.

    And now the Democrats are acting like I can’t remember ten years ago. Or twenty. Or thirty.

    Here’s the deal. If DJT can create environments and has been doing so for my entier life he’s exactly the creature I want for President.

  15. Well done & I even checked the links thinking there would be one to wiki and “April Fools Day”

  16. I am a super guppie, bought it hook, line and sinker. Most excellent spoof.

  17. A humble proposal: the word “racism” should be dropped out of the dictionary and banned from use in a decent society. Anyway, now it signifies nothing. Moral hysteria, not mention moral panic, is no way to run a country.

  18. Today, I’ve read a few reports about widespread anger over April Fools day fake news.

    I’m nothing if not trendy, so I’d like to take a moment to say that I’m very mad at Neo.

  19. “Unless one reads “1984” as dark comedy…”

    Wait, wait — it wasn’t??

  20. neo on April 2, 2019 at 12:05 am at 12:05 am said:

    One of my favorites was this one.
    * * *
    That still shows up in the rabbit warrens of the webz – I think I got sucked into it some years ago.
    Given some of the REAL animals being discovered in extreme climates, especially those of the non-mammalian varieties, this species did not seem at all unbelievable.

  21. I think Rahm Emanuel should move his own hatred for Trump to the side and look at the facts about Charlottesville, not the narrative that warms his heart. And then practice some genuine critical thinking on the situation.

    What a pathetic loser.

  22. Thanks so much, again, Neo!
    Nice research you’ve done on this – and Al Sharpton, too.

    I really do smile, often, at your posts. I did like the Guam tipping over, quote.
    Many links are fun too. Even a couple days later.

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