Home » Branco nails it


Branco nails it — 10 Comments

  1. How can a faction be so large and be so unaware of how it constantly projects it’s own pathology on outsiders? Perhaps it’s a core fear that honest self reflection will be too crippling to endure.

  2. Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism

    Generation Z has a more positive view of the word “socialism” than previous generations, and — along with millennials — are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, according to a new Harris Poll given exclusively to Axios.

    Why it matters: The word “socialism” does not carry the same stigma it did in the past, now that it has been resurrected by celebrity politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Young people’s political views often change as they grow older, but their support for socialistic policies is a sign that the old rules of politics are changing fast.

    61% of Americans aged between 18 and 24 have a positive reaction to the word “socialism” — beating out “capitalism” at 58%. Overall, 39% of Americans are well-disposed toward socialism, but the gulf remains wide for men and those aged over 55.

    Celebrate!!! Women are getting the government they want and had a revolution to have, giving up their kids, their responsiblities and more to the state!!

    Women, take a bow!!!!!!

    Im investing in ovens/cremetoriums…

  3. Im investing in ovens/cremetoriums…

    A planned protocol. Perchance a wicked solution. Been there, done that, in progress.

  4. The colleges which have for decades discriminated against Reps, have not graduated into supporting the demonization of Republicans.

    Treating MAGA hat wearers much like Nazis treated those who wore Jewish Stars — knowing that MAGA hat wearing is a choice. So it’s different. So it’s OK to think the Nazis were evil, even tho there is no God, but treating MAGA hat wearers bad is totally different.
    Because MAGA hat wearing is like, literally, being a NAZI.
    And being a NAZI is so evil, anything is OK to stop it.
    Anything – you can rip off their hat, you can toss water on them, you can key their cars, throw bricks in their windows, punch them in the face. If they’re women, call them c-* or other insults. Probably kicking them in the crotch.

    Since MAGA hat wearing signifies “moral inferiority”, anything done is OK.

  5. Nope, no contradictions; more like “projections.”

    Whenever a Democrat/leftists says something it is because that is what they would do or already have done.

    Accuse Trump of cheating on his wife? Yep, slick Willie already did that.

    Accuse Trump of pandering to racists? Yep, Obama has already done that.

    Accuse Trump of Russian collusion? Yep, Hillary already did such with the uranium deal and other foreign deals.

    Accuse Trump supporters of being thugs? Yep, Antifa and other leftists have already acted thuggish.

    I’m sure, Neo, you and your readers could add other examples and make it a mile-long list.

    BTW, I went to Trump’s inauguration and so wanted to buy a knitted Trump hat and scarf; but, I didn’t because I knew that I would never feel safe wearing either one in public. If (really I should say “when”) Trump is re-elected I will go back to his second inauguration and got those silly souvenirs – Trump haters be damned!

  6. The Dems have the correct symbol.
    They’ve earned it, though the symbol lacks the quality of the evils the Dems have embraced.

  7. Hell, they were saying it in 2016, “Trump won’t accept the result when he loses” (never dreaming he might win).

  8. My experience with the “socialists” of Venezuela was that they always accused their enemies of that which they themselves were most guilty. To this day, I do not know if this is a form of subconscious projection, or if it is done with full awareness. A rational person would expect that they could see the internal contradictions in their own rhetoric.

    One example is that the Chavists often refer to their opposition as Fascists. In fact, the Chavista regime most closely resembles fascism. Out of 14 characteristics of fascism, in my estimation, the Chavista regime scored positive for 11-1/2 of them.

    So, you tell me… insane, or evil?

  9. “…always accused their enemies of that which…”

    Yep, that’s the recipe. That’s the ticket. That’s how it’s done.

    Keep those whom you wish to destroy off balance. Tell them what terrible people they are.

    What “enemies of the people” they are.

    What “enemies of civilization” they are.

    Keep ’em confused. On their back feet.

    Keep ’em on the defensive. Flustered. Self-doubting. “But, but, but…”

    Indeed “But, but, but we are decent people; we meant no harm…” they’ll respond, as they prepare themselves (and even participate in, being the decent people they are) for the emotional blackmail, for the vicious abuse they will face.

    For the shaming and ostracism and derision and slander and jeering and hatred and threats that will be directed their way.

    As they bare their necks for the scimitar’s blade. For the bullet to the back of the head. Yes, since they are decent people.

    It’s the totalitarian model. (It’s also the “technique” of the paranoid and the psychotic—who seem to have an instinctive “talent”, a “natural understanding” of how these things “work”….)

    Predator and prey….

    It’s the MO of the arch (and not-so-arch) manipulator.

    (Yes, GUILT can be such a elegant—and lethal—weapon. Inexpensive, too. Practical. Compact. Easy to clean and maintain….)

    The Soviets raised it a fine art form. The Iranians are wonderfully adept. The Palestinians are certainly no slouches. Chavez and Maduro (as mentioned above) are worthy members of the club.

    And Obama and the Clintons (along with their minions), with their clever and cunning and oh-so-sophisticated pre- and post-electoral shenanigans, have demonstrated that they can compete with the best…. (Nor is Diane Feinstein a tyro when it comes to trying to destroy people, and though she was not as successful as she might have wished to be, she almost did it—of course she can savor the collateral damage….)

    Yessir. this is “how it’s done”.

    …And with not a moment to lose, here’s someone who “knows the score”—an experienced, skillful performer—a predator wreaking her special “magic” on those who probably don’t even know they’re being targeted. At least not yet (they’ll find out soon enough—or, actually, maybe they won’t….):

    Yes, this is “how it’s done”.

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