Home » Trump and North Korea: the meeting as a distraction


Trump and North Korea: the meeting as a distraction — 48 Comments

  1. It may be more like the Republican errors in Impeaching Clinton, not that Clinton was innocent of wrong doing. Rumor is that Pelosi is still very hesitant over Impeaching Trump. The active far left of her party may push her that way though.

  2. The insanity emanating from the Democratic Party and its supporters is extremely dispiriting. (Actually, horrific is more like it.)

    Almost as dispiriting/horrifying as that Party’s utter insanity is its criminality—and the media’s brazen attempt to help the Democratic Party cover up that criminality as well as the contempt they all hold for anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    The current show trial—of which Stalin would be proud—does nothing to help matters. At the end of the day, will Cohen avoid the bullet to the back of the head?

    Will his family?

    But in the meantime, “Keep dancing Mr. Cohen, we’re counting on ya’. DANCE! C’mon, you can do it.”

    DANCE!!! FASTER!!!

    (There now. That wasn’t so hard, was it?….)

    This is America….?

    Then I kind of wake up from it all and tell myself, Hold on, they’re all doing the best they can. Cut ’em some slack. Try to understand ’em. They’re just doing the best they know how to save the country, as they see it…

    …by destroying it.

  3. Russia helped and the left in the US helped China become what it is today, and not what Chiang would have made… however, what Russia didn’t learn from Germany, it did learn when the love of leftists for leftists did not appear, and rather than China becoming best buddy, its their worst nightmare… China never made this mistake…

    The LAST thing any of them want is the money, power, weapons, and more that this country represents, in the hands of people like themselves…

    one thing capitalism represents for them is a fat calf to bleed for living, and the future, as well as a modicum of security as such states tend not to plan past a certain point, while the others are free to plan literally anything…

    Cohen’s testimony will only mean something in the public sphere, as innuendos, hints, “suspicions”, and more are acceptable evidence to the left… so they don’t actually need to note that without that, his testimony amounted to a big run up to nothing that could only compare with the run up to Heraldo Rivera and his Al Capone’s Vault debacle…

    while we may not like the sex, there is a lot of worse precedent in presidents..
    the worst being the destruction of an innocent woman’s life, the taking of her baby, the babies life ruined being tossed around, and a huge ding to the mental health field which assisted in this before they realized she was telling the truth “the president WAS really out to get her!”

    his interest in things related to his life and business is not a violation of anything

    the idea of secret looks that led to illegal acts by telekinesis or some form of body language analysis wont hold up on anything…

    its a big nothing burger with vapor fries and a bucket of steam on the side…

    [and if you think i left stuff out, i did… no one is going to do a thing with stating your salary to the feds as low as is legal, and falsely inflating it for status in a magazine as an issue… the idea of the putting the inflation before the legal amount makes it seem like something happened that didn’t… oh, and the Assange thing was already public, so the worse they are going to have with that is whether falsely claiming something that is going to happen with or without you and without any contact by you, has some connection for inflated reputation is a illegality… (doubt it)… and i wouldnt be suprised if some of the less than honest records and such of the party testifying might end up in more trouble if compared to other records submitted in defense that actually have better accordance and pedigree… ]

    no, i don’t have a law degree… i did stay at a holiday inn

  4. So, listening to NPR this morning they kept returning to their “top story “-Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress with a bare mention of what I think is the most important story today. Two countries with nuclear weapons are shooting down each other’s planes.

  5. Democrats keep hoping, hoping, hoping for the smoking gun against Trump. If not Cohen, then someone else……………………

    As i mentioned long ago, in a galaxy far away, that what i learned from such people who do not have a collective shield of sorts, is that honesty is their shield… As their religion points out and explains why, its as it works… the number of honest people put away for something they didnt do is a lot lower than the number of honest invisible people that no one notices because like a neutrino, they have no effect on things that report to use except in some aggregate number.

    part of having a shield unless your a kid in a game, is knowing how to use it. A kite shield is different from a circle shield, or even odder ones like used in fencing.

    so being honest and not knowing how to use it to advantage is not much use…

    the advantage comes from playing your cards close to your chest and forcing your opposition to dig and act and assume and WASTE SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY CHASING A NOTHING THAT CAN NEVER BE FOUND ONLY MANUFACTURED…

    he looks dishonest, cause honest people who know they have done nothing come off as smug… and many of these words have more to do with the person perceiving than the actual status in some measurable way of the person being examined.

    they have wasted huge resources and time and thought and more chasing will-o-wisps in a vain attempt to bypass having to actually face off with him… even worse (for them), when they have nothing at the end of it, they also didn’t prepare to have something when facing him, and he, was never distracted by any of this other than to poke them into irrationality using offensive offense as a defense

    Warning, the italicized concept can work because it prevents the agitated from relaxing long enough to think clearly and assess better. 🙂

  6. In related news, yesterday the USDOJ lost its court case to block the merger of AT&T and Time-Warner, which had been ongoing for 15 months. The DOJ says it will not appeal.

    This could matter because, … CNN will now be an AT&T property, and the CEO of AT&T is Randall Stephenson a known conservative of some stripe or other. It’s not likely that this will have an impact on CNN in the near term, and only slightly higher probability over the long term. But we can hope.

    I think Trump figured that CNN was doing quite well in sinking its own reputation and that maybe the Time-Warner outfit wasn’t quite big enough to prop it up indefinitely. AT&T is big enough, but will Stephenson try to fix it, at least a little?

  7. As Adams’s tweet indirectly implies, the continued fakery of the fake news empire is a bigger story than most of world affairs. An interesting academic exercise would be calibrating what level of global cataclysm could eclipse such an aggressively malignant campaign against truth. If not for the availability of alternative news sources, only a species-ending event would qualify.

  8. Your mention of the left’s salivating over a potential parallel with Nixon Administration’s fate, is apt.

    I imagine it has occurred to most everyone who was alive at the time.

    Nixon, despised as he was by the political class, had managed to pull off an incredible international coup, and had, whatever it’s shortcomings, also managed to extricate the United States from combat in Vietnam and thereby cut the legs off the protest domestic movement.

    A flawed and hated man, he had nonetheless managed to do a serious amount of deal of relative good. And preventing him from doing anymore of that kind of good, was surely seen as a prominent side benefit by the liberals of the time.

    Nixon, handed them the gun. But if he had not, who knows how the events of the next couple of decades would have developed.

    The thing is, as all here now understand and acknowledge, and often proclaim: The leftist idea of the good [for the country, and for humanity] bears almost no points in common with the traditional American idea of the same. If they want you ultimately dead or at least under their thumb, how could it be?

    What could the collapse of progress in the far or middle east mean to them if that is the paltry price they pay for killing off a conservative resurgence here in the United States?

    It’s a price they are more than willing to pay.

  9. Ok: so no preview or edit functions either one. At least with this browser.

    I guess I had better reread what I have written before I hit the ‘post’ button

  10. They don’t have enough to convict in the Senate, nor will they amass enough fake ‘evidence’ to do so before 2020.

    The more rabid their fanaticism, the more certain Trump will be reelected.

    Trump’s reelection may well push them over the edge into active treason.

    “If you strike at a King, you must kill him.”

    Either way they lose; if assassination attempt(s) are unsuccessful, Trump will hang them by declaring martial law and sending the plotters to military trials. If successful and though not immediately, it directly leads to Civil War. Which will not end well for them.

    When boiling a frog, it’s a fundamental mistake to turn up the heat too soon. But fanaticism is an impatient master.

  11. Trump is doing great, Trump is getting results. Good results.
    Great results.

    The Dem media continues to complain about him. Waiting for Godot, er, Mueller, or perhaps some AOC inspired miracle – Free Lunches from Heaven!

    The smart Dems are already moving away from collusion, and the lack of lyin’ Cohen having a smoking gun, or even an operational one, won’t be a big deal except to allow stopping the reports of Trump & Kim.

    Trump peace with N. Korea is a big deal.

    India – Pakistan is also a non-Trump very big deal, but since it’s not really Trump related, the Dem media haven’t yet started on how it’s Trump’s fault. But that will be coming, soon.

  12. The India-Pakistan situation has enormous consequences for jus, and especially the troops in Afghanistan. The political left is so busy trying to bring down Trump they have lost sight of reality. I want to see them run next year on a platform of infanticide and gun “control.”

    The Democrats lost today and I’m not sure they realize it. Schiff tomorrow may be even funnier.

  13. Everything is Trump’s fault. If forced to admit that it’s impossible for everything to be his fault, brain aneurysms would result. Fanaticism removes the option to reevaluate fundamental biases.

  14. I want to see the dems run on a platform of infanticide, non-existent borders and a “living wage for those unwilling” to work”.

  15. It’s Pippa’s bottom, redux. Media were loath to just let her sister & the Prince have a nice wedding … and let everyone enjoy it

    Problem here is, The Donald is no Pipa. Nor a Kate, nor Willie.

    I wonder if there is a return-route, via the Indian subcontinent?

  16. Judging from the first summit, this one is indeed a distraction.

    If you recall, he emerged from that summit claiming “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” SecDef Mattis quickly shot this lie down.

    How is this lie even vaguely acceptable. Does it trigger your “court jester” exception? It’s like we’ve elected a combination of Neville Chamberlain and Bernie Madoff.

    On the Chamberlain front, Trump then suspends joint military exercises with South Korea without consulting Mattis first (an idea, according to the WSJ, that he got from Putin).

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and key national security officials contradict Trump, seeing little to no verifiable change in North Korea’s military capacities. Trump goes ballistic and declares this “fake news”.

    Even without Putin in the mix, Trump’s detachment from reality means he is a national security threat. He needs to be impeached.

  17. Manju:

    What reality do you live in? High crimes and misdemeanors, not foreign policy preferences or political affiliations are the criteria for impeachment. Prove those charges in the Senate, bozo.

    Funny what constitutes national security for a progressive, essentially anything that they don’t control.

  18. Manju:

    I really don’t know why you come here. Maybe because I tolerate your presence, and perhaps many other sites don’t. But really, aren’t you wasting your time?

  19. Thank you for that last post, Neo. It baffles me why people make contrary comments in a blog. Maybe M will take your subtle invitation to disappear.

  20. I want to see the dems run on a platform of infanticide, non-existent borders and a “living wage for those unwilling” to work”.

    Age discrimination, summary judgments, and cruel and unusual punishment… the wicked solution. Also, withdrawing protections from BOPPs (Babies of Planned Parenthoods). A wicked solution that can only be quasi-legal and ethical under the Twilight Amendment to The Constitution. Ms. Pro-Choice, tear down the walls!

    Civil rights violations, including democratic gerrymandering, and immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform. Also, the mass passage of alien antigens and vectors. We already have walls and fences, doors and gates, to regulate legal immigration.

    A living wage (e.g. public smoothing function) has its merits, but the risk exists as a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic spiritual destruction and collateral damage, where masculine males are especially vulnerable to suffer a progressive corruption and dysfunction caused by spoiled-child syndrome.

  21. Even without Putin in the mix, Trump’s detachment from reality means he is a national security threat. He needs to be impeached.

    Thank you for posting the DNC position,. Too bad it, and you, are insane,

  22. Almost thought manju’s secret identity was one of the two brothers who was paid to fake assault Smollett as white trumpets or Smollett himself , he began to go AWOL when *ussie started to get in trouble, like when batman MIA Bruce Wayne would be gone as well.

  23. MikeK has speculated that Manju is actually Farhad Manjoo who writes for Slate.


    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man? The Shadow! Is Manju a man? Ask the Shadow, until then ….

    But truly, Manju is a clown so writing for Slate would be typical.

  24. Manju,

    If the Dali Lama had control of N.Korea’s military forces, would they be a threat? Of course not, it’s intent that matters not capability. Which is why the entire world KNOWS that America’s nuclear arsenal is not a threat to anyone who does not first threaten us.

    Trump was stating that in his opinion, he’d reached an understanding with Kim that confirmed to his satisfaction that Kim would not employ nukes in a first strike. Which means that Kim does not pose a Nuclear threat. Cause nobody is going to attack NK first.

    To reach that understanding, all Trump had to do was convince Kim of two realities; that his administration would never launch a first strike, unprovoked attack against N.K. and that if N.K. ever launched such an attack… Kim and N.K. would quickly cease to exist.

    As for cancelling the SK/US manuevers…

    News flash! Mattis worked for Trump. Trump did not have to consult with anybody. Neither did Obama or any other President. All Presidents make unilateral decisions.

    Did the possibility ever enter your mind that Trump already knew what Mattis would advise? Since he allowed Mattis to resign, obviously Trump had come to put little faith in Mattis’ advice. Which IMO if belated was wise of Trump.

    Its sad that TDS keeps you from considering any other expanation than ‘Trump’s an egotistical madman!’

  25. Manju is to be ignored, a silly he/she/508 genders residing in bho’s 57 states that speak Austrian. Fools want attention. Like a certain person in Chicago.

    If (a bigly word) Trump can eventually bring about NK’s agreement that the lifting of sanctions for disarmament is a win-win solution, he deserves a nobel. Unlike the messiah who earned nothing his entire life.

  26. “…salivating…”

    Well, yes, certainly…

    …EXCEPT that the analogy is utterly WRONG.

    The analogy should NOT be between Nixon and Trump but between Nixon (and the dirty tricks of his bungling “plumbers”) and Obama/Clinton/et al., and the Democratic Party’s far more competent and clever “plumbers”, who tried and all but succeeded to pull off dirty tricks surpassing by far and beyond anything planned—and executed—by Nixon and his henchman (I’m not here exonerating Nixon, et al.).

    Including the extensive cover-up to this criminality, which is still going strong, assisted by the power and ubiquity of a most zealous partisan, protective media.

    By Democratic Party “plumbers”, I am referring to the dirty tricks perpetrated upon the American people by the cabal of Obama/Clinton, et al., suborning government agencies—FBI, DOJ and individual FISA judges—so as to influence the 2016 elections, and then when that proved unsuccessful, to destroy the victorious candidate.

    And by so doing they attempted and continue to try to, essentially, destroy the country. (For all the best reasons, of course: they lost but “deserved” to win—but, actually, they didn’t lose; and/or they must PROTECT the country from Trump and in thus doing they are only acting from the purest patriotic and altruistic motives; yes, it’s the country that they so dearly wish to save…. NOTHING LESS.)

    No analogy is perfect; and it is no surprise that Trump’s detractors and enemies link him with Nixon (ah, the power of wishful—and magical—thinking!) since they’ve been endlessly repeating the word “IMPEACH” with such glee and fervent anticipation ever since the election that Hillary and the Democratic Party mafia lost (with assistance from, among many others, Bernie Sanders, to whom one must remain forever in debt, no matter what that political fruitcake has done or will do).

    Touted and shouted and shrieked and screamed repeated, ad nauseum.

    In fact, the cherished word has been repeated so often that Trump, for all intents and purposes, has ALREADY been impeached. Or should have been. Or will surely be. (American justice at its best!—Rather, Democratic Party justice; but then they lost, after all, and are therefore victims.)

    So yes, the word—the mantra—must be repeated so that it will, magically, become true.

    In fact, for many, it already has.

    All this means that anything that the Democrats can, and say, do to reify—and to implement—what is already TRUE is more than justified. Morally, ethically, politically, patriotically.

    One can feel the moral fervor.

    They have given themselves the perennial green light. Everything is possible.

    Everything they do is, and will be, justified. Forgiven. Absolved.

    Judge, jury, hangman.

    So expect those hoaxes—blood libels, actually—to keep coming, stronger than ever.

    But remember: it’s for the good of the country.

    To right a dreadful wrong.

    To make right a horrendous injustice.

    Palestinian rules.

  27. He extends this metaphor by talking at length about Nixon’s Watergate scandal,

    I am sure he thinks Americans will fall for the Trum gate Russian vid scandal the same way they fell for the Watergate one.

    and the dirty tricks of his bungling “plumbers”

    Trained operatives of COINTELPRO, who was run by Felt, who was Deepthroat, who manipulated the press into firing Nixon who refused to promote Felt.

    But you wouldn’t know that until the main sewer media deigned to tell you it amidst their fake news.

    Nixon, handed them the gun.

    That’s not what happened, even though the media and Demoncrats told you that is what happened.

  28. and the dirty tricks of his bungling “plumbers”
    Trained operatives of COINTELPRO, who was run by Felt, who was Deepthroat, who manipulated the press into firing Nixon who refused to promote Felt.
    But you wouldn’t know that until the main sewer media deigned to tell you it amidst their fake news.

    Nixon had a habit of giving orders that he thought better of the next morning. He would call and cancel some order. It is all in Pat Buchanan’s book, “Nixon’s White House Wars.” Some people were even more paranoid than Nixon, who had good reason to be paranoid. Hence, the “Plumbers.”

    Nixon did give ammunition to his enemies but nothing like Lyndon Johnson who was the most corrupt president in our history, If you doubt this, read Caro’s biography. I hope Caro lives long enough to finish volume 5, which is about Vietnam. He is in his mid 80s.

  29. Bovine Variations:

    The cow-less wonders are really carnivorous when it comes to Trump.

    No sacred cows where the infanticide folk are concerned.

    Shall Trumped be cowed ?

  30. F on February 27, 2019 at 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm said:
    Thank you for that last post, Neo. It baffles me why people make contrary comments in a blog. Maybe M will take your subtle invitation to disappear.
    * * *
    People make contrary comments because they disagree with the consensus; and I hope Manju hangs around — it keeps the blog from being a completely closed bubble. Sometimes, M’s points lead the discussion to cover territory I haven’t seen before.
    I appreciate (1) seeing what the Dem/Left Boilerplate-of-the-Day is, in a concentrated form on one topic — because that is what they “know” and “believe” is happening; and (2) watching the Talking Points be taken apart sanely, civilly, and with evidence.

  31. I don’t mind Manju being around. Alternate voices help keep places from becoming complacent echo chambers and as people who post lefty comments online go, Manju is polite.

  32. KyndyllG:

    That’s why I have never banned Manju—so far he/she has been relatively polite. There have been one or two instances of nastiness with Manju, though (at least, that’s what I remember), and if that number increases significantly, I ordinarily ban a person. And that’s true whether the person agrees with me politically or not. Long-long-time commenters are grandfathered in for a while, though, despite some rudeness.

  33. Yes, Manju does perform a valuable service.

    ‘This’ is the provocative, belligerant, flouting, in-yer-face default modus operandi of the – ‘We LOST?!?‘ – left. We don’t get any more skilled or clever or effective at dealing with it, by not dealing with it.

    And this is a lot safer than walking around wearing MAGA hats.

    Manju: Try parsing Good Cop Bad Cop, in the Korea context.

  34. Reality Based:

    As if President Trump was negotiating with himself or with the US Media and the Democrats (if only they had nukes, then they would show Trump who is boss). Maybe, just maybe, Kim had a role in the interaction, ya think?

    Even Manju carries the party line better than you.

  35. A purportedly solid rumor is out on a massive restructuring of AT&T’s media empire. An outsider, but old hand, Bob Greenblatt will likely head up a new entertainment mash-up comprised of HBO, TNT, TBS, Warner Pictures, Cartoon Network and others. And Stephenson will likely sell off its stake in HULU.

    Nothing pertaining to CNN yet.

  36. Reality Based:

    Anyone who calls him or herself “reality based” is protesting too much. Because you name yourself that—and the left names itself the reality-based community—you think that the words can convince someone that you really are reality-based?

    You’ll have to actually be reality-based.

    Start out, perhaps, by not using a non-reality-based word such as “flounced.” Trump walked out, exactly as he should if negotiations aren’t being productive.

    If you were actually reality-based, you would know that this has always been understood to be a long and very iffy process in which there is not only no guarantee of a deal being reached, but where the probability isn’t very high. But no deal is better than a bad deal that favors North Korea, which is what previous presidents of both parties have accepted.

    That’s reality.

    What’s more, whether the deal succeeds—or whether a deal is even made this time around, which neither I nor any other person actually paying attention to reality should have expected so quickly—has little to nothing to do with whether this will be a distraction from Cohen’s testimony. I’ll note that the latter question was the subject matter of the post, in case you are also reading-comprehension-challenged.

  37. Kim saw the opportunity to lowball trump as he believed Trump needed to close the deal no matter what to save face after the humiliation caused by the Cohen witch trial freak show put up by the congress democrats but Trump wouldn’t have none of that. It shows that Trump will not sellout the interest of the country and the world to take a bad deal just to save face.

    The framework of the deal is done, watch Kim crawls back to beg for a renegotiation after the failed lowball attempt backfired.

  38. If L’il Kim thought he was going to lowball Trump, he must have been paying close attention to the Dems. Read his book, shorty! Or at least listen to some music:

    You got to know when to hold, know when to fold,
    Know when to walk away, know when to run.
    You never count your money when the cards are on the table,
    There’ll be time enough for countin’, when the dealins’ done.

  39. Reality Based should search ‘art of the deal’.

    And with political deals, like so many of our other Higher Functions, timing is everything.

    Kim has a lot on his plate, softening up the Old Guard for coming changes. His folks are what we used to call, Going through the Waring Blender.

    Moon (aka Good Cop) is very keen not to be a sap, which is always the hazard for natural good-cops. There’s a lot more cleaning up to do than just a line across the Peninsula. There is bad blood with Japan, who are an obvious major potential investor. China is still China.

    Although a Nobel Prize in ’19 wouldn’t hurt in the next elections, it’s better to bring home a prize-deal, around mid-’20 … so it’s still fresh & awesome, in November.

  40. Earth and Heaven based. There is no reality, for it is all a simulated System. That is why it is the Multiverse not the Universe.

  41. Kim’s problems I listed some time ago for North Korea. I also stated that Trum would have to be horribad epic fail not to be able to twist N K around given China and Russia sitting armies at their border to NK.

  42. Nixon had a habit of giving orders that he thought better of the next morning.

    Figuring out who is bribing the DNC from overseas and doing campaign shenanigans is pretty logical, even if the idea of bugging DNC HQ only made sense to the ex CIA and FBI guys.

  43. From the New York Sun



    “Sometimes You Have To Walk”

    The collapse of President Trump’s summit with the North Korean party boss, Kim Jong Un, certainly takes us back — to October 12, 1986. That’s when President Reagan stood up and walked out of the Reykjavik summit with another party boss, Mikhail Gorbachev, of the Soviet Union. We can remember it like it was yesterday. The long faces, the dire predictions, the Left’s instinct to blame the Americans.

    “What appears to have happened in Iceland is this,” the New York Times editorialized. “Mr. Reagan had the chance to eliminate Soviet and U.S. medium-range nuclear weapons in Europe, to work toward a test ban on his terms, to halve nuclear arsenals in five years and to agree on huge reductions later. He said no.” The Times just didn’t see that the Hollywood actor turned president had just won the Cold War.

    It’s too early in the morning — this editorial is being written at 3 a.m. at New York — to know whether that’s the kind of thing that just happened at Hanoi, whence news reports are just coming in. Messrs. Trump and Kim were supposed to have a working lunch, to be followed by the signing of some sort of agreement. The next thing you know, Mr. Trump is heading home.

    It’s not too early, though, to caution against over-reacting to this development. What appears to have happened is that the Korean Reds wouldn’t agree to the complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization that we seek. Absent that, we wouldn’t agree to the dismantling of all the sanctions the North Koreans seek. “Sometimes you have to walk,” Mr. Trump told the press.

    Good for him, we say. It would be a fitting epitaph for any statesman.


    –Posted by Natalie Solent at


  44. Julie near Chicago on March 1, 2019 at 12:42 am at 12:42 am said:
    * *
    Good articles, but I spent all afternoon cruising around the Samizdata site!

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