Home » Want to see a heartwarming story…


Want to see a heartwarming story… — 6 Comments

  1. From Wikipedia:

    Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States. [Oops!] The country declared its independence on July 26, 1847.

    There was a fascinating documentary about singer/pianist Nina Simone. She moved to Liberia later in her troubled life partly as a political statement of commitment to her African roots (or something).

    Inarguably, charity can relieve suffering in the here and now. Does charity enable disfunction? What these countries perhaps really need for the long term are better governments. Interestingly, the Wiki page also says that Liberia also has a constitution modeled on the U.S. I wonder how that (constitution and governance) all played out.

  2. A lovely story, but I’m so cynical that I don’t believe Ben’s motives were the cynical ones attributed to him. I think that part of it was a narrative twist added by the writers to make it more poignant.

  3. The heartwarming part to me was the honesty of original post. It wasn’t done in the style of the Nigerian inheritance scam or similar.

  4. Liberia even uses the USD for its currency.

    It has a racial schism: the natives versus the ‘repatriated’ Americans.

    [ That’s locals versus mulattos… something that our MSM jumps through hoops to deny is an issue.

    Richard Pryor had something to say about this. His eyes were opened only upon his first visit to the brothers. He doped things out pretty quickly. ]

    Consequently, skin color goes a LONG ways in Liberian politics.

  5. Liberia is the original Jonestown. So much of Africa could be helped by stuff like clean water supplies. Their governance is abysmal. South Africa is trying to catch up to Zimbabwe.

  6. Ogden UT – hotbed of radical humanitarianism – 😉
    I have neighbors from Liberia.
    Mother in her sixties, son & wife & kids (one born here); daughter & husband & kids (two born here). All are legal, employed, and grateful. What a contrast to the “undocumented Americans” touted by the sanctuary cities and exploitative employers.
    We are helping them try to get more of their family into the immigration pipeline, because these are the kinds of people that conservatives are talking about in the “immigrants built America” narrative, not the freeloaders and criminals the Left condones and supports.
    They collect used clothing, furniture, and household items to ship back to the kinfolk; apparently freight costs are cheaper than buying things there — if they can get them at all. It’s pretty clear from these pictures that they can’t.

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