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Lately it may seem… — 14 Comments

  1. i agree… cause jerome powel just wiped out 4 trillion of US money since october, destroyed the rally… only 1 raise in 2015 under obama… 9 under trump..

    so your kind of ignoring the dismantling of the US economy…

    what do you think 4 trillion loss in such a short time will do?
    suddenly the loans they gave the US are now what?

    As a result of Fed policies Americans are being bound with massive interest payments on Obama debt for years to come while watching their 401k’s dissolve into thin air.

    The Fed did all they could to prop up economy during @POTUS44 Obama’s time in office. They printed massive amounts of money ? and kept rates at all time lows of 0 % for…

    Seven straight years. Only raised rates 1/4 % in 2015. Then after @realDonaldTrump won election the Fed immediately raised rates twice before he even stepped in office. After @realDonaldTrump immediately put a freeze on government hiring, moved ahead with 2 pipelines, …

    opened up oil fields and coal mining, massively reduced government regulations and started pushing free but fair trade, the markets rose ????. So the Fed increased rates some more for no reason other than to slow the economy! Then Trump removed Obamacare mandate and …

    Signed massive tax cuts – biggest in US history- so the Fed went into overdrive on more rate increases. @realDonaldTrump economy was too good – he might get re-elected God forbid. Now 8 times the Fed has increased rates since @realDonaldTrump won the election ?. The Fed..

    has single handedly killed the economy. Housing was first hit. Now the Fed wants a recession. @realDonaldTrump must fire ? Corrupt Powell now and lower rates in half. – Joe Hoff

  2. not raising rates “would look like they’re allowing themselves to be bullied.”

    and so raising them, makes them seem like an obstinate self destructive child that you have to use reverse psych

    and they were talking about war with china this morning over those islands no one wanted to talk about until AFTER they stole them and AFTER they put troops on them and AFTER the general is threatening to shoot ships passing by, especially US ones…

    what your all seeing is how the democrats have controlled the country and all the changes over the last 40 years… you never got to see it cause you never got to have anyone strong enough to stand up and get beaten down by that system AND EXPOSE IT to you

    Audit the Fed…
    as they jused use QE to sucker everyone into low loans and now are raising rates several 100 percent for payback..

  3. I emailed Trump to not sign the CR with no Wall funding. It worked ! He just announced he might not sign it. I feel so powerful !

    My daughter is an FBI agent for 20 years. She told me in 2016 that she would not vote for Hillary, which I interpreted as evidence that rank and file agents knew she was dirty. This was after Comey’s presser in July. However, she is defensive about the “Agency” and resists any suggestion that it is corrupt at the top.

    She is making plans for after she retires.

  4. as they jused use QE to sucker everyone into low loans and now are raising rates several 100 percent for payback..

    No, we bought a house with 4.5% financing but what I fear is inflation because i ma retired and on a fixed income.

  5. [i wasnt referring to the personal house loans… sheesh… im talking about the loans the government took from the fed that obama took out for things…
    Obama’s $4 trillion gift to the rich – New York Post

    The auctioneer in the case of QE is the US Treasury, which sells trillions of dollars of bonds each year to paper over the US government deficit. The shill is the Federal Reserve, which has been printing trillions in extra money to buy these government bonds.
    It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.

    debts still here, rates go up fast, how do you pay interest on debt you got at 2% thats now 10% a YEAR on billions tothe private investors at the fed?


    Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics


    “We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the internal report said. It also took credit for “radicalizing Democrats with a Russian bot scandal” after experimenting “with many of the tactics now understood to have influenced the 2016 elections.”

    One participant in the project reportedly was Jonathon Morgan, the chief executive of New Knowledge, a firm that wrote a report – released by the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this week – about Russia’s social media operations in the 2016 election and its efforts to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.
    In a statement on Twitter, he denied the project was aimed at influencing the election, which the Democrat won by 22,000 votes. “I did not participate in any campaign to influence the public,” he wrote, saying the project goals weren’t about supporting the Jones campaign.
    hows this not a violation?
    The Alabama project was funded by liberal billionaire and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman who gave $100,000 to the cause, according to the Times. Hoffman is one of Silicon Valley’s top donors to the Democrats, donating $7 million to various groups and campaigns in the last election cycle.
    Democratic operatives then created a Facebook page and imitated conservative Alabamians who weren’t satisfied with the Republican candidate while encouraging others to write in another candidate.

    The project also involved creating thousands of fake Russian accounts on Twitter that began following Moore. This effort attracted attention from local and national media, falsely suggesting Russia is backing Moore’s candidacy.

    “Russian invasion? Roy Moore sees spike in Twitter followers from land of Putin,” read the headline of an article at The Montgomery Advertiser, just months before the election night. Other outlets shortly picked up the story.

    very unethical to experiment in a real election, change the outcome, then claim innocence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Washington Post, meanwhile, pointed out that the Moore campaign accused the Jones campaign and Democratic operatives of “pulling a political stunt on Twitter and alerting their friends in the media.

    Moore’s bid for Senate was later clouded by allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct with teenage girls while he was in his 30s. One woman alleged that Moore had her touch him in private areas when she was just 14.

    Jones went on to win against the embattled Republican, who lost the support of the party amid the allegations, becoming the first Democratic senator from Alabama in more than 20 years.

  6. [i wasnt referring to the personal house loans… sheesh… im talking about the loans the government took from the fed that obama took out for things…

    You didn’t specify. People who buy Treasuries should know what they are doing. A long time ago, I bought 5 year T bills at 16% coupon rate. I hated to see them mature. I would not buy bonds at zero or almost zero rates. A lot of retirees (not me) bought bonds for pension plans and are now dealing with the collapse of value. If your coupon is 8% and the maturity is 10 years, you are OK. This is why the stock market kept going up the past ten years,. There was no place else to invest money.

  7. Definitely because of Syria — here’s the full text of his resignation letter:

    Dear Mr. President:

    December 20, 2018

    I have been privileged to serve as our country’s 26th Secretary of Defense which has allowed me to serve alongside our men and women of the Department in defense of our citizens and our ideals.

    I am proud of the progress that has been made over the past two years on some of the key goals articulated in our National Defense Strategy: putting the Department on a more sound budgetary footing, improving readiness and lethality in our forces, and reforming the Department’s business practices for greater performance. Our troops continue to provide the capabilities needed to prevail in conflict and sustain strong U.S. global influence.

    One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the US remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we cannot protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies. Like you, I have said from the beginning that the armed forces of the United States should not be the policeman of the world. Instead, we must use all tools of American power to provide for the common defense, including providing effective leadership to our alliances. NATO’s 29 democracies demonstrated that strength in their commitment to fighting alongside us following the 9-11 attack on America. The Defeat-ISIS coalition of 74 nations is further proof.

    Similarly, I believe we must be resolute and unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model – gaining veto authority over other nations’ economic, diplomatic, and security decisions – to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense.

    My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.

    Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position. The end date for my tenure is February 28, 2019, a date that should allow sufficient time for a successor to be nominated and confirmed as well as to make sure the Department’s interests are properly articulated and protected at upcoming events to include Congressional posture hearings and the NATO Defense Ministerial meeting in February. Further, that a full transition to a new Secretary of Defense occurs well in advance of the transition of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September in order to ensure stability within the Department.

    I pledge my full effort to a smooth transition that ensures the needs and interests of the 2.15 million Service Members and 732,079 DoD civilians receive undistracted attention of the Department at all times so that they can fulfill their critical, round-the-clock mission to protect the American people.

    I very much appreciate this opportunity to serve the nation and our men and women in uniform.

    James N. Mattis

  8. Without going into details, I used to work for contractors that worked for the State Department. I remember an incident in which a junior government employee wanted something I couldn’t give him and threatened to do something completely illegal in order to force me to capitulate. When I scoffed and said “You can’t do that.”, he responded, “Of course, we can. We’re the U.S. Government. We can do anything we want to.”

    In this particular case, cooler heads prevailed. But, his flippant response stuck with me, because it was representitive of the attitude fostered by the USG’s “corporate culture”. This was not just a case of one intemperate hothead. He said that because that was the subliminal message he got from his dealings with everyone in the organization. There is an arrogance about the U.S. Government as an institution.

    James Comey didn’t get that way solely on his own accord. He got that way because all of his experience in government taught him to be that way.

  9. One anecdote does not a government make. There are bozos in every organization. Some just have bigger egos and more power. I’ve known and worked with federal bozos and their opposites, all have been humans. The farther the country strays from the constitution the easier it is for bozos to have their way.

  10. re: Mattis resignation letter.

    Consider what history might look like if Chamberlain had not made “The Polish Guarantee.” Pat Buchanan’s book, about “Unnecessary Wars” blames Churchill equally with Hitler. He blames Grey and Churchill for WWI. I disagree with Buchanan’s analysis but it is interesting. It got me to read a biography of Edward Grey, who is mostly known for his quote about “The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”

    Alternate history is a bit of a hobby. After abandoning Czechoslovakia, which might have been able to fend off Germany in 1938, Chamberlain provided a last moment promise to go to war if Germany invaded Poland, which was indefensible. Hitler did not believe him and England and France sat for over a year of “Phony War” doing nothing but bomb Germany,

    Would Germany and Russia remained allies if there had been no guarantee ? Ignoring the fate of the Jews, which was sealed by the outbreak of war anyway, would Germany have invaded France in 1940 if there had been no war ongoing ? Would Hitler and Stalin have turned on each other ? Mein Kampf mentions ambitions to the east.

    Anyway, why do we keep 2,000 troops in Syria ? Why are we in Afghanistan for 17 years ?
    The Kurds are allies but they hold “Kurdistan” in Iraq. Maybe they should retreat from Turkey. Sun Tzu would approve.

  11. Mike K – I get a kick out of alt-hist as well, but it occurred to me a few years ago that one first had to know the REAL history to appreciated the alternates.
    With today’s crop of academics and students in general, if they ever read an honest history of the world, especially of the last few decades, they will think THAT is the alternate, because it will be different from everything they ever learned.

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