Home » It took every bit of my discipline not to beat the living crap out of Politifact for this stupidity


It took every bit of my discipline not to beat the living crap out of Politifact for this stupidity — 14 Comments

  1. Clearly, Manchin can’t handle the truth.

    And how is Morrisey only getting 9% of the primary votes in 2000… relevant to his trustworthiness?

    Manchin’s running scared and lashing out of fear.

  2. The most astonishing part to me, is Manchin’s notion that trust can somehow be measured by how many votes someone gets in an election.

    More schoolyard taunts. So it goes.

  3. For the Democrats, “beat the living crap out of…” IS civility.

    Compared to what soon will be unleashed.

  4. I read the full Manchin quote. He wanted to beat up Morrissey because he came to West Virginia sometime after the year 2000, and since he wasn’t a West Virginian eighteen years ago, he doesn’t know who West Virginians are. That’s pretty narrow-minded, isn’t it? This is a blatant appeal to prejudice.

  5. This being November 5, I associate violent rhetoric/behavior with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605: “Remember, remember, the fifth of November/Gunpowder treason and plot . . .” It’s a good thing Manchin didn’t talk about wanting to “blow up” his Republican opponent, as the punishments meted out to Guy Fawkes and the other plotters against James I were ghastly. (Yes, I know Manchin’s big mouth and the rest of his person are protected by the Bill of Rights, but it’s useful to be reminded how very precious that document is.)

  6. In order to prevent something one must respond to it way back, when they would have made you a tin hat or conspiracy theorist for seeing symptoms…

    this has been going on a bit at a time since the 80s once the kids of the Liberated got less educated and floundered with kids not knowing what or how to rear them. Not only did people not know what to do, even if they did they were losing basic skills that were prevalent and common – including application of morals (and not having better than situational morals).


    now that government has replaced the man of the house…
    it shows it will literally fight for its dominant constituency
    what you are hearing is the political equivalent of my boyfriends back and ya gonna be in trouble
    The Angels – My Boyfriend’s Back

    politicians do NOT pander to men
    democrat politicians are feminist dominated
    and women side with the power they think fights for them
    (and wins more if more than one fights)

  7. “women side with the power they think fights for them” artfldgr

    Generalizing aside, any woman who thinks that when push comes to shove, the left will fight for them…”even onto death” is living in fantasy land. Check out the UK cop’s response to actual crimes vs their response to politically incorrect speech.

    The irony is literally biblical.

  8. These phony left wing “fact checkers” have certainly destroyed the “fact checker” brand.

    I’m surprised they don’t all have hernias, after all the straining and heavy lifting they have done to transmute statements and events that, on their face, appear to be the truth, into pseud-facts or outright lies, and, in turn, turning lies into supposed “facts.”

    Moreover, shading, dissecting and reassembling, yanking inconvenient parts out and putting things back so they sorta look legit, deliberately misinterpreting the truth, has got to be an exhausting enterprise.

    Creating and trying to maintain an alternate, counter-factual universe has got to be a huge strain.

    After their BS has stunk up the place, who would possibly believe anything they say?

  9. Heck, I am 72 and although Manchin may be younger and larger than me, bring it on dude. If one stays calm and centered in hara, the emotional opponent will be thrown to the ground with a dose of great pain. Braggerts are fools. Never claim you are the superior one when it all comes down to dust unless you wish to dusted.

  10. No one can be surprised by what the “fact checkers” say. I wish there was an honest, impartial one available. Until one crops up we have to read and listen to as many sources as possible, first hand if possible, not through someone’s filter.

    And just a note, my husband is 75 and could beat the living crap out of a lot of people.

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