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Thanks to everyone who donated to thenewneo! — 10 Comments

  1. You, and your commenters, make this place must visit for me. Keep up the good work.

    If i travel to Amazon through your site and then switch to Amazon Smile (it invites me to do so) do you still get your affiliate bit?

  2. I come almost daily and often more than once a day. I come for your seething cranium. 🙂

  3. It is always interesting reading what your seething cranium produces, and I’m glad you feel like sharing it.

  4. What’s not to love about a blogger who can switch effortlessly from intense philosophical dissections of political events to ancient history to Broadway & dance?
    Plus pictures of fall foliage!
    And Jell-o …

  5. I’m glad you picked this outlet for the seething; even gladder for even-handedness on the sensitive topics. So much of the rest of the internet has become less about actual discussion and more about virtual signaling that it’s a treat to come to this oasis.

  6. your seething cranium gives my smooth cranium untold pleasure. Please keep it up!

    (Going back to plain old Lurch. simply feels too pompous trying to keep up with Dr. Ford…)

  7. neo’s cranium is not only seething but it is honest. Whether I agree or disagree with her I know she means every single word she has ever written here, unlike most bloggers who say things for effect or reaction. Including probably my own comments sometimes.

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