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Trump and Putin and the fear-mongering MSM — 56 Comments

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  2. The very fact that the odious and mendacious Brennan, who once voted for the Communist Party’s candidate in our presidential election, has the audacity to call Trump treasonous should be sufficient cause to question the hysterical coverage of the summit in the MSM.

  3. Paraphrasing Sundance at ConservativeTreeHouse yesterday:

    “[The] professionally obtuse [MSM] demands war against Russia because former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta fell for a phishing scam and gave away his email password.”

  4. Neo,

    This is the first intelligent reaction to the presser that I have seen. CNN Int is totally over the top on this. It’s the only thing they are covering.

    Wasn’t it Obama that brought Russia into Syria after he didn’t want to enforce the red line? The hypocrisy of the media is unbelievable. I also love the criticism of the Germans. Gee, they may have to do something about Russia besides sell them things.

  5. If criticizing the FBI is treason, then why criticizing the President isn’t?

    This Despicable POS president can be getting rid of in an instant by intelligence community presenting what the media claimed a mountain of evidence proving a collusion with Russia had taken place, what are they waiting for? Why is mueller still sitting on the evidence not presenting it to the people this treasonous traitor needs to be disposed of because the damage he has caused becomes irreversible.

  6. Fox News Sheppard Smith going over the top as well, interviewing a Brookings Institute guy who says Trump is in denial over this issue because it hurts his legitimacy as President in his own eyes to think Russia threw the election for him rather than he winning it on his own.

  7. I hope that Trump continues talking about the Putin offer to have the US attorneys question the Russians. If they refuse to go, then that exposes their mischief in the matter. It would be great if Putin allowed one to return to the US so that they could ask for the discovery materials – just like the one Russian company did with the first indictment. That request showed that Mueller et al were not ready to try the Russians.

    Trump did speak very diplomatically, as he should in this situation. Of course, if he had been rude, then the Ds and the MSM would have criticized him for that behavior.

  8. Wolf Blitzer had Rand Paul on just a bit ago. He was great, although Blitzer tried to keep him from talking. I have never been a Paul fan, but tonight he was fantastic.

  9. Russia may have swayed a few votes from Hillary to Trump’s way with their funny memes or the leaking of podesta’s email informing the public of his distasteful hobbies, it is the lying MSM who is trying to hurt the President’s legitimacy by over blowing the impacts of those pathetic facebook accounts on the election. Even if the emails were hacked by Putin which is still highly debatable and no way conclusive given DNC’s unwillingness to turnover servers for further examination there wouldn’t be any negative impact on the image of DNC if they didn’t colluded to stole the primary from Bernie Sanders. Instead of blaming Putin without evidence, why not blame Hillary for allowing her emails to show up in the laptop Pervert Weiner used to sexting with girls young enough to be his daughters with his toddler son sleeping by his side.

    Did Russian hacks put those emails in Pervert Weiner’s Laptop?

  10. I would say the impact of Putin’s impact on the election is practically zero. None of the things Putin has allegedly done to influence our election was more impactful than Comey reopening the email investigation and Hillary emails showing up in Weiner’s confiscated laptop related to his child abuse charges. the few people who might have influenced by Putin’s alleged anti DNC propaganda would have been swayed to Trump’s side anyway by Hillary’s new scandals surfaced right before the election even if there was no attempt to meddle with our election by Putin at all. Anything Putin might have done was completely overshadowed by Weinergate and its related aftermath. Of course the MSM is not the people who give a darn about facts and nothing can stop them from revising history to help them hurt the President.

  11. Liz — the Mueller probe is a joke. After 14 months and $25 million or so, what have they accomplished? Indicted 25 Russians who will never see the inside of a US courtroom, squeeze guilty pleas out of four or five people for the crime of running out of money to pay lawyers, and set one (1) trial, for crimes that occurred 2012-2014, and which have nothing to do with either the campaign or “Russian collusion.”

    Oh, yeah, there is second proceeding — the Mueller team were totally flummoxed when one of the indicted Russian companies’ lawyers showed up in court and said, “Okay, let’s go to trial.” First, the “special prosecutors” tried to argue that the defendant — their own indictee! — hadn’t been properly served! Then they opposed the defendant’s motion for a speedy trial. The judge blew both of those out of court. Now the crack Mueller prosecutors are trying to slow-walk the defendant’s discovery. The judge has already indicated she’s not happy with that. If Mueller’s boys keep this up, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the judge dismiss the charges.

  12. you must be blind not to see that Mueller is filibustering the investigation. They have no evidence to prove the case but will never clear Trump in any definite way to cast a shadow over him and the republicans long enough to hopefully buy enough time for the democrats to keep the collusion allegation going to win the midterm to have enough votes to impeach the president. Mueller will give the media some bogus indictments unrelated to Trump here or there as momentum killer when things are going Trump’s way and to keep collusion in the news cycle usually right before or after some big events with Russia or the intelligence community themselves under scrutiny, the timing is usually impeccable but comes off as too scheming optic wise though.

  13. I’m not so much worried about foreign countries feeding us news as I am about two things. One, non-citizens voting and two, cheating in the actual counting/tallying of votes what with all the computerization.

    There will always be competing themes and narratives, half-truths, lies, distortions, etc. If some foreign entity can influence the electorate one way or other then so be it.

    I was beginning to doubt that Americans had a clue about their own country, but 2016 told me otherwise. When the hammer was about to tap in that last nail in the coffin, common sense prevailed.

  14. When collectivist miscreants wave the flag and expect you to forget that mere moments ago they were shouting Marxist slogans, and planning the extinction of the American middle class, one can do little else than laugh at their antics.

    And watching those collapsed faced, pot-bellied deep state blowhards wax indignant, is equally entertaining.

    Brennan … what a piece of work.

  15. I thought President Trump was too focused on the collusion charges and didn’t talk enough about the substantive issues of nuclear proliferation, Syria, and Islamic terrorism. Not that anyone asked. Seemed strange to me. Trump seemed quite reserved – not what I expected.

    I can see why the MSM is raving. They believed Trump might do something aggressive and then they could call him a warmonger. He didn’t so now they can call him a puppet. Win, win for the MSM.

    As with North Korea this was the beginning of a process. No one knows how it will go. Let us hope it leads to lessening of tensions and less belligerence from Russia.

  16. Is Putin a God in Russia? Does every citizen in Russia has to get Putin’s permission before they could do anything including just taking a pi**? that is the narrative the MSM is trying to portrait, like everything happening in Russia happened only because Putin gave the order to. So basically they are making us believe that every hacking originated from Russia must be directed by Putin including the Randomware Granny got on her computer down to the operator calling her to get her credit card number before unlocking her computer was Putin’s employee too. Not one Hacker hacked for his own interest and not a Putin Operative in Russia? Putin raised one interesting question though, are all hackers in Russia operatives of Putin?

  17. Couple of tweets to think about:

    Newt Gingrich @newtgingrich: President Trump must clarify his statements in Helsinki on our intelligence system and Putin. It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected—-immediately.

    Liz Cheney @Liz_Cheney: As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am deeply troubled by President Trump’s defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia. Russia poses a grave threat to our national security.

  18. All Trump has to do to clarify whom he trusts more, the American intelligence community or Putin? Is say, “I have implicit trust in our intelligence community’s workforce. Our intelligence community’s leadership’s actions have left me with little faith in their trustworthiness. Rather than fire them all, I’m allowing the wheels of justice to do its work.

    Mr Putin has strongly denied that Russia sought to influence our election. After more than a year and having spent more than $25 million of the taxpayer’s money, Mr Mueller has yet to offer any hard evidence that disproves Mr Putin’s assurances.

    So until Mr Mueller proves otherwise, I have no choice but to accept that Mr Putin is being truthful.”

    When reporters predictably scream about the “inditements”… Trump can point out that indictments, until proven otherwise are simply accusations and, given that in his first set of indictments Mr Mueller’s team was so unprepared as to have to back off, he cannot help but suspect that these most recent set of indictments are merely more political theater. An abuse of power in which he has been engaged in from the start.

  19. The over dramatic wailing about everything just gets so old. It’s to the point that virtually every big story seems to have responses like those fill in the name attacks on the Supreme Court nominee. It doesn’t even matter what is said anymore.

  20. There’s a very interesting statement by Putin during the press conference. He claimed that four hundred million dollars was smuggled out of Russia for the benfit of the Clinton campaign! The US press is completely leaving this alone. I wonder why?

    “For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over one and a half billion dollars in Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russian army in the United States and yet the money escaped the country, they were transferred to the United States.

    They sent huge amount of money – 400 million – as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

    Well, that’s their personal case, it might have been legal, the contribution itself, but the way the money was earned was illegal.

    So we have a solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest of questioning them. That can be a first step and we can also extend it. Options abound.”

    From the NPR transcript of their press meeting.


  21. How can Trump trust Putin more than his own intelligence apparatus who have nothing except try and charge him with collusion; keep him from becoming prez and paying for pee tape dossiers? It boggles the (leftist) mind.

  22. And of course how much do these dog and pony shows really matter in the grand scheme of things. If anything substantive occurred it happened in the private meetings. If Trump had talked tough afterward how would that have helped?

  23. It’s nice to know that the worst thing Putin might ever have done is hacking the DNC computer. It’s not as if he has murdered political opponents, or invaded other countries.

  24. Does anybody listen to anyone else any more? Trump didn’t say he trusted Putin more than US intelligence agencies. He said Putin said they didn’t intervene, and the intelligence agencies said he did, and I want to see those HRC and DNC servers first before I make up my mind. Liz Cheney should know better.

    Beside which, our IC does not have an unbroken record of success when it comes to analysis. Let see: missed the Chinese nuclear bomb, missed the Indian nuclear bomb, missed the Pakistani nuclear bomb, missed the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, missed the collapse of the Soviet Union, missed 9/11, missed the “slam dunk” that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons, and many more.

    Anyway, even if the IC had an unbroken record of success in its predictions, would any rational person believe that the Russians would favor Trump, about whose politics they knew very little — except that he wanted to increase US oil and gas production, build up the American military, and put America first — as opposed to Hillary, whom they knew was a naive fool and a pushover, and whom they had in their pocket for taking a $140 million bribe to let them buy Uranium One?

    And we’re supposed to believe Putin is a consummate liar — except when he says he preferred Trump? “That does not compute!”

  25. Richard Saunders Says:
    July 16th, 2018 at 10:17 pm
    “And we’re supposed to believe Putin is a consummate liar — except when he says he preferred Trump? “That does not compute!””

    Geoffrey Britain Says:
    July 16th, 2018 at 8:40 pm
    All Trump has to do to clarify whom he trusts more, the American intelligence community or Putin? Is say, “I have implicit trust in our intelligence community’s workforce. Our intelligence community’s leadership’s actions have left me with little faith in their trustworthiness. Rather than fire them all, I’m allowing the wheels of justice to do its work….”

    * * *
    In other words, “Where’s the beef?”

  26. At least Russia has not sent millions of illegal aliens across our southern border.

  27. At least i wont be losing my sleep worrying about trump starting a nuclear war with Russia fulfilling the wishes of real traitors like McCain just to prove he is innocent of colluding with Russia. At this point only way for trump to prove he is innocent is to start a war with Russia, is that what real liberals want? how far will they go to regain power, making deals with old enemies like McCain George w bush and bill Kristal, who they claimed were war criminals who committed grave crime against humanity by lying to us into an unjust war killing millions of innocent people.

  28. The intelligence community, as pointed out by Richard Saunders, has not proved infallible over the years. Many agencies went left during the Obama years. I remember the intel from Iraq and Afghanistan was massaged to present a more favorable picture than what the raw intel showed. People learn to curry favor with the higher ups. It brings praise and promotions. How many CIA agents went rogue like their boss, John Brennan or their counterparts in the FBI, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and others? We’d like them all to be apolitical and superior at their jobs, but we’re getting a peek behind the curtain from the Congressional oversight committees. Many of them are all too human and fallible. So, take the briefings Mr. President, but do not be overwhelmed by their certainty.

  29. Dave, you do know Trump said the same thing about lies getting us into the Iraq War, right? From an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN in 2008:

    Trump: Well, you know, when [Nancy Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost — it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing.

    Blitzer: Impeaching him?

    Trump: Absolutely, for the war, for the war.

    Blitzer: Because of the conduct of the war.

    Trump: Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.

  30. I also think that a wide swath of people have totally tuned this stuff out. When everything is the greatest outrage of all time then nothing is.

  31. Ann:
    I don’t know what your intentions were posting that segment of interview because you just proved trump is the good guy who will avoid war at all cost

  32. It’s all over except for the details if Kelly resigns. I’m also extremely curious what Sen. Ron Johnson was doing on this trip.

  33. I didn’t even watch the press conference, but I knew enough about the mendacity of the MSM to believe the opposite of what I was told.

  34. Am I the only person who still remembers that what the hackers discovered and exposed was that Hillary was colluding with the DNC to rig the Democratic primaries against the Communist candidate, Bernie Sanders? Trump wasn’t the intended beneficiary… Sanders was.

  35. You also might have included this clip. Spoken by a woman who while not president did serve then-President Obama. And she did run against Mr. Trump in 2016.


    Wasn’t then-Secretary Clinton by proposing a reset then implicitly blaming the preceding administration for the tensions between Russia and the United States?

  36. Trump should focus on the server:
    “Well, I don’t believe the Russians destroyed the Democrat Party server. I don’t believe they erased any files. Where is the server? Where are the backups of the files? Where is the summary report of the detailed server investigation?

    The US investigation of the DNC server has been a joke – a sad joke by Obama’s supporters who have done an incompetent job investigating the server. A sad, incompetent group of Dem gov’t workers, who want to blame Russia and me when they fail to do their job.

    John Brenner — maybe there was treason in the US investigation which failed to take possession of the server? Who made that decision? Was it Obama? Comey? Clinton?”

    Well, my own mini-dream speech for Pres. Trump.

  37. “…included this clip.”

    Um, Dan, you’re not supposed to expose things like that.

    Don’t you know that “Oceania [has] always been at war with Eastasia”?

    (As for getting the MSM to stop all the vicious, criticism, hysteria and invective aimed at Trump, and instead start praising him, fulsomely(!), all he has to do is say to Putin—on an open mic that’s not supposed to be open—that he’ll be able to be “more flexible” in the future… And while he’s at it, he can throw in a “HUGE RESET”. Then he’ll undoubtedly be praised to the skies as a foreign policy genius. A crusader for peace. Yeah, that ought to do it….)

    On a lighter note, everyone knows that only the Left is permitted to criticize the CIA. (Or defend the CIA, for that matter.)

    Regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election, it is entirely feasible to maintain that the Russians planted Hillary’s emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop—as was intimated above.

    (No doubt they also planted all those photos of nubile young things on poor Ant’s hard drive. They’re expert at that sort of stuff, don’t you know?…)

    And it is becoming clearer and clearer that the Russians hypnotized Hillary into believing that there was no need to campaign in Wisconsin.

    Moreover, can it be doubted that an intense barrage of auto-suggestive microwaves beamed at Hillary by those nefarious Russians (and they are nefarious) caused her to say “deplorables” when she clearly meant to say “adorables”?

    Such that there is no question that Russia caused Hillary to lose the elections.

    (And if no concrete evidence can be found to substantiate this, then such lack of evidence merely reinforces the truth of it. Seriously, would they be so careless as to leave such evidence lying around?)

    As for negotiations with Russia (and likewise N. Korea), no one knows what the results will be of any purported deals, conversations, agreements.

    Can Putin be trusted? Of course not. Can Kimmie?

    For that matter, can the US? (even if one might prefer to think so). Here’s Spengler on some of America’s past, um, “miscalculations” (but in praise of Trump):

    One thing we do know is that Trump can and will be criticized.

    For everything and anything….

    …by that marvelously competent and reliable MSM and the always-astute experts of the liberal chattering classes.

    Actually, it’s all pretty simple: Trump is the devil (along with his “National Socialist” supporters, though they may be given benefit of the doubt, perhaps, as being merely deluded, or befuddled).

    From this exalted—not to mention ultra-sophisticated—starting point, everything else proceeds.

  38. If Putin and Russia have anything of substance on anyone it is Hillary and the Democrats. They’re the ones that were hacked, after all. Brennan and Comey and the rest are complicit on whatever it is Russia has – that’s why they are complaining so loudly, it’s an attempt to distract and deflect.

    Remember, these are the folks that gave us the “reset” button, and the continued destabilization of relations in Benghazi, Syria, and North Korea. An unserious crowd thoroughly unqualified in international affairs.

  39. How refreshing to read an analysis based on reason instead of The Feelz. Thank you for being an adult among the critics.

  40. The joint cybersecurity idea was arguably the weirdest part. And it can’t be dismissed as mere politeness during negotiations, even if one accepts that explanation, which one should not. Trump has uncritically pushed this before. Here he is one year ago:

    Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded..


    I mean, if a US President entertained the idea of working with the Taliban in order to combat terrorism, we’d all think he’s either hopelessly naive or working for the other side.

    That’s pretty much where the sane world stands in regards to Trump now.

  41. Manju,

    Thanks for calling me insane?

    I am in Information Security. I’ve worked in computers for 30 years.

    These topics and the BOGUS net neutrality outrage interest me the most because it says MORE about the media and how information is presented along with academia more than actual “TRUTH”.

    Due to the Cuban Missile Crisis there was DIRECT communication lines set up between Russia and the U.S. Your analagy (with warped mind) believes we shouldn’t have these communications.

    Are you on the side of hacked AOL account John Brennan? Or am I misreading you?

  42. Baklava,

    If President Kennedy entertained the idea of joint US-USSR missile defense system in order to combat missiles launched from Cuba, he’d be impeached.

    The US military spoke to its Soviet counterpart (as it does to its Russian one today). However, the US never entertained the idea of a Joint anti-communism task force with errr Communists.

    Trump is either too stupid or too compromised to understand this.

  43. Truth much?

    Communications is not a joint missile defense system.

    Must be you are too stupid? That is the question for you to ponder.

    Or if you don’t want to answer that – exactly how was the U.S. election hacked? You are smart right so you can tell us how that was done….. LOL

  44. For those of us in the real world…

    Somebody asked people like John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, etc to provide their credentials and they DID.

    These people were seen to have been colluding to keep Bernie Sanders out of winning the primary and from getting funding. Caught RED HANDED. They committed essentially criminal acts acting like the DNC was Hillary’s BANK.

    Then they (people in the CIA, FBI and DNC) created a dossier, justified the FISA warrant, wiretapped and unmasked people in the Trump campaign.

    I didn’t even like Trump. I don’t think he is articulate. But at this point in time, I’m believing he is the only person who could have led us down this road of discovery of WHO the left is.

    The left is a bunch of narcisstic, name calling, intolerant, big government, brown shirt wearing, non-freedom loving, control freaks so much so that the’ll say ANYTHING.

    Get back to reality folks!

  45. What changed is that the Leftist alliance got new orders. Just like the NKVD, they can go from one day proclaiming the Nazis as fellow communist brothers in the cause against capitalist pigs one day and then the next they would go on about how the Nazi capitalist dog traitors need to be killed along with the Western capitalists.

    What matters to Leftist zombies is what orders they have to follow from their master, the Necromancer. The Orders matter to a hierarchy and domain.


    Here’s some issues of corruption in China that hits upon the pride of nation state hood and rah rah tribalism.

    The US is getting closer to China than it is getting closer to Russia. Reporters are perfectly safe in the uS, unless they contest the Clintons or black ops DS.

  46. Communications is not a joint missile defense system.


    Right. You’re referring to co-operation meant to facilitate communication. (IIRC, during the Cuban Missile Crises, Kennedy sent a crucial telegram…unaware that Khrushchev had sent him one even earlier…which turned out to be a stroke of luck).

    Putin offered Trump help in the actual investigation. Trump called this “an incredible offer; he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the 12 people. I think that’s an incredible offer. Okay?”

    If we were to use the Cuban Missile Crises, this is more akin to Kennedy accepting Khrushchev’s help in deterring the very missiles he’s threatening to launch at us.

    But that’s still imperfect. It’s more like: “Hey, maybe the Taliban can help us identify those who flew into the WTC!” After the disgrace in North Korea, it’s fair to say at a minimum that Trump is in waaaaaaay over his head.

  47. LOL.

    Pretty sick.

    It’s fair to say you are in way over your head. Communications is not doing what you are saying. Communications is communications which you are not adept at.

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