Home » Are millennials edging away from the Democrats?


Are millennials edging away from the Democrats? — 17 Comments

  1. Blame it on the Matrix, internet sub cultures and Red Pill movement.

    Want to know how many younger generations do Tide Pod Challenges, condom snorting, and believe in Flat Earth theory?


    Although nearly two of three young voters polled said they do not like Republican President Donald Trump

    How dare they dislike Dear Leader. They are literally insulting the Dear Leader.

  2. My take on this as an independent voter:
    (1) As the Left has become more authoritarian, there is a real opportunity for Republicans to grab the political center. I am an old-school Liberal (capital L). I don’t have a home because the DNC went insane. I’m not a conservative, but you could get my support by embracing the values of the Enlightenment. And there are many like me.
    (2) I see DNCe and GOPe as two marketing departments for the same Ruling Class. GOPe needs to be removed from the Republican party forever — to be effective and to restore good government.
    (3) If the GOP wants to appeal to millenials, then I’d suggest looking at Dr. Jordan Peterson’s recent talk on marketing conservative principles. Many of his ideas dovetail with things I’ve been saying for years.
    (4) If the GOP wants to appeal to minorities, then I suggest they embrace President Trump’s goals that he outlined in his meeting with the CBC: (1) better economic opportunities for inner-city residents, (2) better schools, and (3) safer neighborhoods.
    (5) If the GOP believes in personal freedom, personal responsibility, State’s rights, and getting the federal government out of things where it has no business, then let’s let the states decide on marijuana laws. Talk is cheap.

  3. Aren’t 18-34 yos also least likely to vote?

    If so…then let ’em sit on their hands & not vote. I don’t care who they “like,” I care what they do. And every millennial or black voter that stays home on election day is fine by me.

    I’d much rather they vote R…& get on with earning a living & actually conserving something worthy of conserving, but failing that, they can do that voodoo that they do so well. Nothing.

  4. And people claim that nobody understood why black codes and Jim Crow were installed.

  5. I had to look this up, because of course the “18-34” bracket changes every year as people come in and go out.
    I’m not sure how the immigrant influx influences the polling (legal or illegal?), or what the questions actually covered (pushing one way of the other?).
    I pretty much ignore polls except as a means of watching what the pundits are looking at.

    “Millennials, whom we define as those ages 18-34 in 2015, now number 75.4 million, surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers (ages 51-69). And Generation X (ages 35-50 in 2015) is projected to pass the Boomers in population by 2028. The Millennial generation continues to grow as young immigrants expand its ranks.
    Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.”

    So, all my kids and spouses & their cousins are Millennials; the great majority of mine are conservative, a couple are social democrats, some of the cousins are conservative and some are further left.

    Most of them are listening to Jordan Peterson.
    Check out his latest interview on “60 Minutes” — I haven’t seen it yet, but sounds like he did a good job of squashing the hosts.

    As with answering trolls on-line, the goal is not changing their minds (you can’t), but influencing the listeners.

    See the comment on the WHCD thread:
    charles Says:
    April 30th, 2018 at 8:22 pm
    “The most interesting part of it is that even some people on the Democratic side of things seem to have been a bit put off by the mean-spirited quality of the “humor” on display that night.”

    Maybe; but more likely some on the Democrat side have come to realize that middle America isn’t believing the muck being thrown at Trump.

    In fact, I’d say some of those Democrats are coming to realize that the more they bash Trump the less THEY are liked. And the more Trump is bashed, the more he just might win a second term.
    * * *

  6. Here’s the 60 minutes post, and one more for good measure.
    I really worry what might happen if someone digs up some “dirt” on Peterson, or starts alleging some #MeToo stuff.

    We have all seen that proof is not needed once an allegation is made.


    “Men and women are not the same. They have wildly different sexual psychologies that lead to different choices, both in love and in work. Most women just aren’t interested in careers that consume their lives. Careers, say, in law or in medicine or in business or in politics, don’t allow a person to work 9 a.m.-5 p.m. or less, and that’s what most American mothers (a full 67 percent) want.

    That is not the case for men. While most men do not enter these fields either, far more men than women do. “Men are especially likely to place a greater emphasis on their role as financial providers,” notes Kim Parker at the Pew Research Center . These different choices men and women make are at the heart of the debate over the gender pay gap.

    That’s the message Jordan Peterson tried to get across when speaking to “60 Minutes.”


    Recently John Stossel interviewed psychology professor and Internet sensation Jordan Peterson for Reason magazine to talk about the curious phenomenon surrounding his notoriety–that he advocates for seemingly difficult and even unpopular concepts, like responsibility and truth.

    “It’s in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It’s not in happiness. It’s not in impulsive pleasure,” Peterson says. “To adopt the responsibility for your own well-being and to try to put your family together and to try to serve your community and to try to seek for eternal truths and to live them. That’s the sort of thing that can ground you in your life enough so that you can withstand the difficulty of life.”

    But the interview takes a turn after Peterson says, “It’s very helpful for people to hear that they should make themselves competent and dangerous and take their proper place in the world.”

    Stossel scoffs, “Competent and dangerous? Why dangerous?”

    “There’s nothing to you otherwise,” Peterson replies. “If you’re not a formidable force, there’s no morality in your self-control. If you’re incapable of violence, not being violent isn’t a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well. If you learn martial arts, you learn to be dangerous, but simultaneously you learn to control it … Life is a very difficult process and you’re not prepared for it unless you have the capacity to be dangerous.”

    Stossel counters, “By dangerous that implies I should be ready to threaten someone, to hurt somebody.”

    “No, you should be capable of it. But that doesn’t mean you should use it,” Peterson finishes.

    As an ethicist and martial arts teacher, I can attest that Peterson is correct. “

  7. The Democrats have be-clowned themselves as the correspondents dinner shows. That alone should be sufficient for a winning ad campaign leading up to November – then there is all the rest of it. Still, the GOPe is exactly what causes me to not feel good about voting R. But in comparison to the stone blind Uniparty, Trump, the one eyed man, is king. As to Candice and the Kayne I wouldn’t be too sure. Black voters abandoned the party of their liberator – Lincoln – when someone better came along – FDR. The GOP has a golden opportunity if they can figure out a way to deliver for Blacks. I think we are in for a major realignment and people like Candice Owens, and Jordan Peterson are the real architects of the new paradigm. The nature of the leftist paradigm is that it collapses – it is fragile because it ignores too much of human nature – just to keep it simple. It is too far up the iceberg and it does not see what is under its feet coming up from below – especially, of late, the red headed troll they mistakenly believe is stupid. Politics is downstream from culture but culture is downstream of that deeper layer of mythos and logos which Peterson addresses. But the telling thing is the trickle of people who are at an age when conformity is king yet are breaking ranks, like Candice Owns or James Damore, and Lindsay Sheppard. And, oh yes, all those young men who line up to tell Peterson how he has changed their lives.

  8. Well, American conservatives are classical (i.e. principled) liberals tempered by Judeo-Christian religious/moral philosophy, including the separation of logical domains, equal (not “=” or politically congruent) rights, that women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature, rejection of social justice adventures (e.g. elective regimes changes, abortion fields, CAIR), and a sincere belief in individual dignity and intrinsic value. It’s the last which seems to be off-putting to most people on the left, and in the left-right nexus.

  9. So, all my kids and spouses & their cousins are Millennials; the great majority of mine are conservative, a couple are social democrats, some of the cousins are conservative and some are further left.

    Well, if we go by the Jesus calendar, then the second millennial only starts after the New Covenant is completed, after the crucifixion not after the birth date. The Anno Domini date the West uses is a King and Empire system based around the Roman and pagan concept that the year goes by the date that your king reigns. But Jesus did not begin his reigning years when he was born, that was just part of the Roman,Greek, and Vatican mythology in some respects. When a god descends to the Earth, he is already fully formed in power. When a man does, he’s just a baby that can be killed by anyone. Nothing special.

    Add 2000 years to 33 AD where the crucifixion took place, and we would have to at least be in 2035 before the second millennial dated from the crucifixion times would apply for 2nd millennial generations.

    See, that’s why people ignore certain things I write. Otherwise their minds might explode from the new info.

    That’s why abortion is important. It would be a good idea for the faction that is outnumbered 66% to 33%, not to have new souls brought here and convert to the majority’s side. It’s a way to cut the enemy’s logistics. Even if their army is more numerous than ours, if we can kill their supplies, then their army dies on the vine without the need for a battle.

    “There’s nothing to you otherwise,” Peterson replies. “If you’re not a formidable force, there’s no morality in your self-control. If you’re incapable of violence, not being violent isn’t a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well. If you learn martial arts, you learn to be dangerous, but simultaneously you learn to control it … Life is a very difficult process and you’re not prepared for it unless you have the capacity to be dangerous.”

    *Raises hand as martial artist student and teacher*

    Technically you don’t need martial arts to utilize lethal force. Kids can do it via guns. 6 year olds once were taught to shoot .22 calibers, and they didn’t slaughter their entire towns the way Moderns do.

    I found that I already went through the process Jordan P talks about, but I did so decades ago. Jordan P is now telling the new generations what is up. Your fathers and mothers of the Baby Boomer generations raised ya wrong. This is how it is really done. It takes a village to raise someone! No, it just takes experts on the internet to supplement or replace the faulty knowledge you got from your own family and clan.

    Islamic Jihad was the primary stimulus for me. Now a days, since the media doesn’t report casualties every day during Hussein’s Regime, the new generation needs something more spicy and threatening to motivate them to train to improve themselves.

    Also, without Japanese stories and language, it would have been hard for me to see the American flaws and cultural upbringing viruses. Jews have English + Hebrew, to compare and contrast. Renaissance experts, geniuses, and polymaths had 5-11 languages they could use to process and learn from. Instead of they were not smart thus they learned the languages: rather they became smart because they had to learn the language to learn the esoteric mysteries and wisdom of the ages.

    Learning how to duel and kill people, was sometimes part of the process. As ancient knowledge also meant ancient killing methods.

    Stossel counters, “By dangerous that implies I should be ready to threaten someone, to hurt somebody.”

    *sighs* By dangerous, it means the Marine Corps Mattis saying. You have to be ready to kill everyone in the same room as you. That means triggering your internal psychopathic trigger and going into the machine mind of a psychopath, then turning it off when needed so you can live amongst normal socialized “sheep”. It’s a warrior mentality and culture. JordanP is not a warrior, but he is enough of a psychological polymath that he can understand the warrior culture and how it affects little boy maturity.

  10. Leftist feminists, after they hijacked feminism from the original feminists, often said that the Victorians and other people like the Amish are sexually frustrated. Unless you can have sex with little boys and girls, like Hollywood, you will become so sexually frustrated that you will grow awry, crazy, anti social, non productive, rigid, cold, and won’t ever enjoy sex again they claimed.

    What’s the reality from the propaganda?

    The reality is that the more you try to suppress humanity’s native evil in the form of suppressing VIOLENCE with CIVILIZATION, the more and more cracks will appear in your society as male genetic precursors demand the use of force as a way to self enlighten and self improve and self change. If you can’t change the self, you can only CHANGE THE WORLD, hence feminism and masculine Wall Street.

    This kind of external suppression is not good. Internal self discipline and self control is good. Islam is an example of the external kind. Feminism is an example of the external kind. Gun control is an example of the external kind.

    Internal control is to be preferred for a civilization. Warriors have internal control. Soldiers are the civilized version of warriors and their controls are external then internal. The difference is pretty easy to understand. If you do something because the Law requires it, that is external control. You are afraid of somebody else punishing you for it. Internal control is the result of internal rules of engagement. People do things because they want to do them, not because they are afraid of other people.

    The Vikings were a good example. For as much as they were feared by the Europeans enough to construct castles on every piece of coastal land inhabited by dukes, barons, and earls, the Norse had their own encapsulated internal laws that prevented infighting. Otherwise they would just be disunited tribals. The Vikings volunteered to convert to Christianity, and not because they had lost a holy war. Most pagans or religious sects converted to State Christianity because Holy Wars would have annihilated them otherwise. The Vikings chose Christianity. The Varangian guard was serving as Viking loyal mercenaries in Constantinople way before the Normans served Charlemagne.

  11. Black voters abandoned the party of their liberator — Lincoln — when someone better came along — FDR.

    That’s not accurate. The Republicans removed federal troops from the South, which allowed the KKK, other Masonic knight orders, Black Codes, and Jim Crow to regain the South for the Democrats by lynching anyone who disagreed: blacks and whites.

    So the first betrayal was first from the abolitionist Republicans. Of course they tried, but Johnson vetoed all the Reconstruction bills and that gave the Southern plantation masters time to regain their political leverage, if not their wealth.

    White and Black Republicans were literally purged and ethnically cleansed from Southern religion, politics, and economics. It wasn’t a matter of abandoning the liberator that the Southern Catholics killed. It was merely a matter of nobody being alive to get the system running for a “democratic republic”.

    Going back to my Hollywood topic: they suppress native sexuality in a similar fashion. Homosexuals are mass reproduced by little boys and little girls having forcible contact with sexual predators before they are of age. Milo is a perfect example. There are a lot more of that kind of “gay” progression. Gays have to be made and produced. Natively, they are less than 1% of the pop. You can’t have 5 or 10% of the pop being homo without rape involved. Hence Hollywood externally enforces that.

  12. Candace and Kanye are heretics in the mind of the secular, modern world. Oh the irony.

  13. You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and be healed.

  14. Roy Says:
    May 1st, 2018 at 10:21 am
    Okay, so now there’s two that need a “skip to end” button.
    * * *
    Just take responsibility for yourself and scroll on down.

  15. Roy Says:
    May 1st, 2018 at 10:21 am
    Okay, so now there’s two that need a “skip to end” button.
    * * *

    AesopFan Says:
    Just take responsibility for yourself and scroll on down.


    They both have very interesting things to say, but haven’t learned the art of editing.

    Neo says she has dozens if not hundreds of incomplete blog entries. If she posted them all at once in a wall of text, no one would read her either. But she picks and chooses what to write about in any particular post.

    If you are writing more in a comment than Neo wrote in the post you are commenting on, then a lot of people are going to ignore most or all of it (and I usually find myself skimming, too). This is meant in the spirit of constructive criticism, because again, the long posters here usually have very interesting things to say, things I think are worth reading and considering.

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