Home » The liberal fantasy of what the thoughts of a Trump voter might be…


The liberal fantasy of what the thoughts of a Trump voter might be… — 34 Comments

  1. THis video shows some of the madness. At the 1 minute mark is inside where Jordan is

    THey have signs with accusations of bigotry and the works.

    The 8:30 mark shows the lady banging on the window
    Confrontations with attendees are in the 11 minute range. Calling the poor lady a white supremacist.

  2. Leftists are obsessed with sex, race and money. Not their own, but the sex, race and money of other people. They just can’t stop talking about it, it’s obsessive compulsive behavior. They even have names for this obsession, sexism, racism and classism. When they call you a racist, they are in effect claiming that you are obsessed with race, but they are always the ones that brought it up in the first place. It’s just classical psychological projection. If you explain this to a liberal, they just become angry. They really need some intervention by a mental health professional.

  3. Perhaps framing every social issue in a way that “you either agree with me or you’re racist” is the most fool proof strategy to win every argument. you are racist is becoming as empty as you are an azzhole if the implication isn’t as serious as constantly saying those words make sure Democrats take 99% of the black votes and the 65% of the hispanic votes.

  4. Can anyone provide a concise definition of what a “racist” is? Besides a catch phrase for “I don’t like you”?

  5. It just fits the bizarre rush to the most extreme take possible that is so tiring.

    Tax cuts will literally kill people. Change health insurance policy millions will die.

    I really want to believe that this type of attitude hurts them but I fear it doesn’t.

  6. Pure and simple: argumentum ad hominem. They can’t, or more likely won’t argue the merits. I loosely translate this Latin phrase into “Shut Up!” when the tactic is used by leftists.

  7. Gosh! Everyone seems to be missing the more modern “woke” realization. We are ALL at least a little bit racist. It’s not a new idea either, as it was the theme of the movie “Crash” (2004).

    Because of this we need to accept policies like affirmative action and reparations as atonement for the original sin of racism.

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    More to the point, I interpret Neo’s comments as the Dem. party cementing itself as the party of hate. It is the anger and hate that opens wallets, gets people to the polls and demonstrations; and even ignore reason, history and evidence. I would posit that the origins are not just S. Alinsky, but the anarcho-syndicalist movement of Proudhon, Blanqui, and Bakunin dating back to the 1850’s.

  8. A long long time ago, in Tibet you had two schools of Buddhism. The Yellow Hats and the Red Hats. The Red Hats were much more literal-minded and extreme (and crude). They recommended, as a debating technique, interrupting and speaking much more loudly than the adversary, as well as simply shouting so that nobody else could speak.

    Eventually there was a war, and the Red Hats lost and were mostly annihilated. When people now think of Tibetan Buddhism, they’re thinking of the Yellow Hats. Only a few Red Hat practices have survived.

  9. I thought the last paragraph in the Powerline post was exactly right:

    The crazed hatred of Donald Trump that we see on the left is based on a fantasy—a fantasy that liberals attribute to Trump and his supporters, but that in fact exists only on the left. In the minds of liberals.

    When I lived in San Francisco I regularly found myself dealing with liberals who had no awareness of the difference between their fantasies about conservatives and reality. Likewise their fantasies about Muslims.

    It was near-impossible to make headway against that. Instead I would get responses like “What is the color of the sky on your planet?”

  10. We have discussed this many times before on this blog: the lefty echo chamber is truly remarkable and impenetrable. I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but I still am somewhat taken aback by how much of this smug, insipid pablum is churned out by supposedly professional commentators. Don’t they ever grow bored by their own unoriginal redundancy? Apparently not

  11. This reminds me of my beef with positive discipline. I’m supposed to decide what a child is thinking/wants and react based on how a child makes me feel. Seems a bit arrogant to me.

    I suppose you could apply it to adults. I’m sure people do. You make me feel x, therefore you must be thinking y.

  12. Waidmann,

    Progressives have a fairly simple definition of “racist”:

    A racist is any white person, all of the time. QED.

    One understands American leftism/progressivism much more clearly if interpreted as a godless religion, complete with dogma, rites, rituals, a clerical hierarchy, sacred texts and saints. Racism is an “original sin” of whites. They are forever cursed with it, and cannot escape it….ever. Rather, they can only confess their inherent racism and seek redemption and grace, in part, by supporting every single progressive policy, opinion and cause, even those ostensibly unrelated to race (because, intersectionality, and all that).

  13. I do think liberals are overplaying their hand.

    Stuff works until it doesn’t. The racist, sexist, -phobic cards aren’t the vibrant young up-and-comers they once were in political discourse.

    Those who double-down on such epithets refuse to notice they are strengthening the resolve of their opponents.

    I don’t know who said it first, but “This is how you get more Trump.”

  14. If the dems hold on to control of the institutions and along with the RINOs block attempts at greatly reducing illegal immigration… and derail ending chain migration and legal immigration from third world socialist societies, then our March to the Collective will only be delayed. Dems are intentionally emulating Islam’s hijrah jihad against America’s cultural and political institutions. As long as the needed reforms remain unfullfilled, time is on the Left’s side.

    Should they succeed, the reality of consequence will in time manifest and liberals will find that they have created the chains of their own oppression.

    Whether Islam, China, Putin’s Russia or another tyrannical leftist regime is less important than that a boot will rest firmly upon their necks. Protest is not long tolerated in totalitarian societies.

  15. Dems are intentionally emulating Islam’s hijrah jihad against America’s cultural and political institutions.

    GB: I doubt it. The closest most Democrats have ever gotten to “hijrah jihad” was the Joni Mitchell album, “Hejira.”

    I only wish Democrats were so well informed when it comes to Islam.

    I consider Mexico’s PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party), which ran Mexico from 1929-2000 and is still plenty powerful, a closer model to what Democrats are after, though Democrats don’t know Mexico’s history any better than Islam’s.

  16. Progressives have a fairly simple definition of “racist”:

    A racist is any white person, all of the time. QED.

    This is why I consider progressivism to be a modern Gnostic religion: because all white people are racist, all men are sexist, etc., except them, because they are initiated into TRVTH, are freed from sin, and can see the world as it really is.

    As much as I hate the neologism “woke”, it’s entirely appropriate to this conception, even if adopting it was an unconscious choice.

  17. Griffin Says:
    March 7th, 2018 at 3:08 pm

    I really want to believe that this type of attitude hurts them but I fear it doesn’t.
    * * *
    It may not hurt them socially or politically (yet), but that kind of constant anger takes a tremendous toll on the body and mind.

  18. Bryan, I couldn’t agree more. Progressivism is a religion and it certainly exhibits certain Gnostic (dualistic) elements.

  19. This post from TownHall addresses several of the comments here.


    “It should be no surprise that less than a year after a Bernie Sanders fan took a rifle and attempted to erase the Congressional GOP for the crime of having different political views that some cretin decided to send Donald Trump Jr. a packet of mystery white powder. After all, Don Jr. is not a progressive, so don’t his and his family deserve to be terrorized, if not murdered?

    Or did I misunderstand the progressives’ stand by their near total silence?

    …(lots of stuff to rile up the Base, all of it, sadly, true)

    It is not politically possible for a Democrat politician today to take a meaningful, serious stand in opposition to leftist terror aimed at conservatives — even assuming the politician isn’t giggling off-camera about Don Jr.’s family being frightened and believing it serves them right for daring to have different political views.

    But they won’t be laughing down the road. When you normalize hate, you end up with hate being normalized for everyone. You do not want that. You really don’t. Stop the madness.

    Otherwise, you will learn to hate the new rules.”

  20. Where is the Left going with these fantasies?
    Some older posts by Robert Tracinski have a clue.


    “If the proper response for Lena Dunham was to converse with those flight attendants directly (or maybe just to mind her own business), then the proper response of American Airlines was to tell Dunham that it is not in the business of policing the private conversations of its employees. But that’s another way we’re being prepared for the police state. While the left blusters about how they don’t want big corporations to tell us what we can think, their actions say otherwise. They absolutely do want employers to be responsible for the private views and political activity of their employees–so long as the views they are enforcing are Politically Correct.

    So all the elements are being put together. We have a dogma propagated from the top down, a cadre of informants who are proud and eager to report their fellow citizens, and private institutions that are cowed and co-opted, ready to deprive dissidents of their livelihoods.

    It’s no mystery why, despite loud protestations that things will be different this time, socialism always ends with the midnight knock on the door. By the time government begins arresting people, the public will already have the mentality needed to accept and cooperate with the police state.”


    “Notice one last thing about all of these steps: all of them have already been put into effect on many of the nation’s college campuses, as we saw in the campus insanity a few years back. Now the wave of students brought up on ideological conformity has gone from the college campus to the Google campus, and they have brought this new totalitarian mindset with them.

    To be sure, there are a great many more steps we need to go through before the country is remotely ready to submit to the new totalitarian rule. Maybe we could have a single central service that monitors everyone’s information requests and places surveillance devices inside their homes. Let’s just say that from now on, I’m going to think twice about letting a giant corporation have eyes and ears in my household.

    So far, we’re only talking about uniformity of opinion within a relatively small slice of the population. Given the size of the rebellion against Political Correctness in the last election, the PC left doesn’t represent a majority of the population. Yet somehow that’s not so reassuring. One of the lessons of history is that those who prepare the way for dictatorship, in the hope of finally getting to implement their ideal plan for society, are rarely those who actually end up wielding the power. The institutions and culture of a free society need to be preserved by both sides of the debate, and for everybody’s sake.

    Those who knock them down now, in their glee to get at the devil*, are pushing us all toward the most hostile environment of all.”

    *links to the More scene we all recognize and love

  21. Over on the Millay post I mentioned the Babylon Bee being Snoped because of a satire story on CNN and spin.
    It’s not really a joke anymore.


    “The New York Times, a prominent purveyor of leaks, is highlighting anonymous sources leaking information that accuses Republicans of leaking information,” he said. “I’m not sure if this coverage could possibly get more absurd.”

  22. Fantasies in Fantasy Land:


    “Hollywood is killing itself, slowly, and while the prospect of that is appealing, the implications are not. Without what the entertainment industry is capable of providing, the rift between Americans will only grow. As it stands now, they’re aiding in building that gulf. The world needs distraction, the world needs characters and drama, and most importantly the world needs to laugh. Right now too much of that laughter is not out of humor, but contempt from one half of the country for the other. Where that ultimately leads is only bad, because once you go over a cliff there is no going back.”

  23. Griffin wrote:
    I really want to believe that this type of attitude [leftist extremism] hurts them but I fear it doesn’t.

    I believe what drives this extremism and the dark fantasies of “what’s in the mind of conservatives and/or Republicans” is the desperate need of leftists to feel good about themselves. It’s this anguish that pushes them to extremes and makes them think the worst of anyone who disagrees with them.

    If the foundation on which you build your sense of self-worth is a set of political positions, it becomes very difficult to even entertain the possibility that any of these positions is wrong (or unrealistic, foolish, impractical, etc). Thus the need to simply dismiss political opponents as stupid, evil, insane or some combination thereof.

    This habitual refusal to give an honest hearing to evidence and opinions that may undermine the sacrosanct notions at the core of the leftist identity inflicts serious harm over the long run to people who behave this way — because they have sealed themselves off from reality and crippled their cognitive functioning in a way described by Orwell as “crimestop”:

    Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.

    This applies to everything, not just politics. There are very good reasons why they used to teach kids to bravely confront uncomfortable truths honestly. Because you cannot wish them away and you cannot go through life believing only what you’d like to believe: you’ll drift far away from reality and your mind will become increasingly chaotic and dysfunctional. Which is what I believe will happen to those on the left who spout the PC party line, dismiss opponents as evil, and refuse to deal with evidence and arguments that contradict their cherished beliefs.

  24. I’m certainly not the first to say it…but SJWs always project.

    That dog’s breakfast is Reid’s fantasy…not mine.

  25. Americans thinking they understand the Leftist alliance is a misconceived self deception.

  26. Jordan Peterson tweeted out the news story because she was carrying a garrotte (I had to look that up) and broke a window at Queens University where he was speaking.

    I was familiar with it, but its usage tends to be preferred by assassins. It’s easier to sneak lethal wires in past body checks, for example. These days, plastic is almost as good. The issue is generally grip strength on the ends, which is weaker for a woman and men who don’t use their hands for manual labor.

    Her behavior is classic demon possession however.

    Unarmed techniques to break and shatter the upper spine and cervix, is better in my view, as it does not require such “tools or evidence”.

  27. Ackler Says:
    March 8th, 2018 at 12:16 am
    Bryan, I couldn’t agree more. Progressivism is a religion and it certainly exhibits certain Gnostic (dualistic) elements.

    The Leftist alliance is of course a death cult. Some people like me have been repeating that since 2007. So many people kept telling me that I need to out argue, out fact, and out debate Leftists. That was entirely pointless, as it was in OIF. These traitors aren’t going to repent any time soon until they get destroyed first.

    As for Gnosticism: that is more anti authoritarian and anti Hebrew, anti Christian. It’s basically one of the earliest forms of Liberation Theology.

    To liberate yourself from the rules of Hebrew/Christian views, to liberate yourself from capitalistic oppression, you must do…..

    Gnostic gospels purport to be from John, an apostle. It’s most likely Lucifer version of his time capsule. I am familiar with the key precepts and it is quite powerful against the ruling Divine Counsel paradigm. If it was that powerful against me, it would be even more effective against normal people.

  28. It’s said the Thuggees carried a silk cloth with a weight at two diagonal corners. It was carried in the belt. Pulling it out and swinging the weight backhand put the cloth around the victim’s neck and preparing for a crosshand grip. Silk, being as it is, would roll into a very narrow cylinder like a yarn but immensely strong.
    A biggish silk handkerchief is innocuous and you can pick up the weights as needed.
    Question is what this moron thought she was going to do with it, what she knew or thought she knew about its employment.

  29. Question is what this moron thought she was going to do with it, what she knew or thought she knew about its employment.

    A demon possessed human can have the strength of 10x+ men.

    It’s not quite like what Americans see in the movies, but it is somewhat close.

  30. “Question is what this moron thought she was going to do with it [the garotte], what she knew or thought she knew about its employment.”

    Pottery clay cutter, cheese wire… She’ll walk.

  31. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Cheese-Slicer-44-Stainless-Steel-Wire-Plastic-Handle/964750786

    Piano wires tend to be tougher, but stainless steel would be pretty difficult to snap as well. Weak point is probably in the connection to the handles that exert the leverage hold.

    I saw a video of a woman who snuck up on a LEO sitting at his desk in a police station, and she tried to put something over his neck and he fought her off. Then she acted like she was just hugging him when they jumped on her to arrest her… hehe.

    People who are weak, like the Catholics Booth and company that killed Lincoln, prefer the sure kill over a fight, which is intelligent.

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