Home » Laptop ban on flights from eight Muslim majority countries


Laptop ban on flights from eight Muslim majority countries — 4 Comments

  1. How about a travel ban on all majority muslim nations? If I get to vote I vote yes. Perfectly willing to wear an islamophic badge of honor.

  2. Report that Seal raid in Yemen uncovered intel that Islamists can now build bombs that look like laptop batteries.

  3. Cornhead: “Report that Seal raid in Yemen uncovered intel that Islamists can now build bombs that look like laptop batteries.”

    I assumed that this move was related to the intel gathered in Yemen.

    When will we run out of patience and decide to go after the Wahhabi/Salafi beliefs, the radical imams, the financiers of terrorism, and conduct massive kinetic operations against terror nests worldwide? We are playing whack-a-mole, when we should be conducting a comprehensive mole eradication program.

    Using Muslim surrogates to combat terrorism in Yemen, in Iraq, in Syria, and in Libya is not going to get the results we hope for. Yes, we have a much smaller footprint and bleed less, but as the endless half-hearted effort goes on over the years, new terrorists are being born and trained. The enemy notices that we are not serious about defending ourselves. They are not dumb.

    What does it take for a free people to stand up and say, “We will not allow a bunch of barbarians to dictate the way we have to live our lives.” We could not win WWII if we had to do it today. We have become soft, ignorant of our history, unschooled in civics, and misled by a MSM that has a leftist, globalist agenda.

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