Home » The Clinton emails: that’s quite an immunity deal you’ve got there


The Clinton emails: that’s quite an immunity deal you’ve got there — 34 Comments

  1. In the most general terms, American reaction to these events — an astonishing complacency in the face of the abrogation of our most basic rule of law, indeed, our most fundamental sense of justice — is the worst of it all.

    Yes, the administration is evil, but the Americans don’t seem to give two shits about it. That’s what’s most disturbing on first glance.

    What precisely is the cause of this reaction? I cannot fully say. But that the reaction itself is dire, portending great miseries to come, seems no less certain than that long ago German reaction to the Night of Long Knives presaged great suffering to come. So this seems no less ominous regarding the future of our polity. Where precisely these events will lead? I don’t know. But they cannot lead to good.

  2. Sdferr, I think there are at least two possible explanations why Americans don’t seem to care. First, of course, the abrogation of the rule of law benefits a particular political party, one that is activist by nature. By activist, I mean it never stops pushing its agenda, by any means necessary. The attitude of its adherents is almost universally, if it benefits us, it is ok.

    Of course, there are many outside of that (Democrat) party; but I think they (we) have virtually given up. We feel helpless; and therefore seem apathetic. Certainly we are leaderless. Maybe something will tip the scales and awaken the beast. Not sure what it would take. You would have to believe that at this juncture it would have to be a very dramatic, perhaps catastrophic, development.

    Actually, some in the second group saw Trump as the leader to change the status quo. Many had doubts.

  3. The stakes were higher than they knew for now, members of the FBI are co-conspirators in a case of obstruction of justice. They have made themselves complicit in Hillary’s criminality.

    Yet the stakes are even higher for society, as a continued abscence of legal consequence for corruption at this level and degree, makes eventual physical conflict… unavoidable.

    Once again proving the truth of Orwell’s aphorism; “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot”

  4. “Maybe something will tip the scales and awaken the beast” Oldflyer

    We are faced with far too many negatives for the status quo to continue. It is not a question of IF the public will awaken but of how disastrous will be the awakening.

    Last night Gov Pence touched upon this when he spoke directly to the camera, stating that people know that things cannot continue.

    Kaine spoke of 50 million new jobs. Unfortunately, Pence did not respond that, according to the Obama administration; 94 million Americans are jobless and nearly all of those 50 million jobs have gone to immigrants, many of them here illegally and to foreign workers.

    But main street senses that truth.

  5. One might mention in the context of this Federal partisan politicization of the awesome levers and instruments of government, along with the abuses in the IRS of course, we see another ongoing tale of just such a sort has been playing out in the Wisconsin John Doe persecutions, with much as little justice being done in regard to the perpetrators there, the leading District Attorney and his associates. And so far as I can see, little suggestion that any justice will come to them.

    And too, we’ve seen much the same before in Austin, Texas, against many politicians in that State. And what are the consequences there? Are the citizens of Texas satisfied that justice has been done? Have the Prosecutors in Austin been reined in? Have wrongdoers in that office been punished for their misuse and abuse of their prosecutorial powers? I do not know, and yet one may hope that punishing examples would be made of abusers of power, rather than to see them rewarded for their misdeeds.

  6. Here’s my take on why nobody cares, except for those of us who haunt Neo’s place:

    Suppose all of us political junkies just turned off the news, blogs, drudge, NR, etc. i.e. go without any politcal news at all, or any news at all. Do that for a week or two and you will find your life goes on as usual. Ok, you get a health bill and your co-pay went up. So what? it always does so you move on.

    Until one begins to FEEL real effects in their daily life from the political corruption, they will not care. They either chalk it up to “business as usual for politicians”, or “it doesn’t bother me”.

    People have to be kicked in the pants to react.

    Here in CT, they are starting to wake up to the disaster that the Dems have wrought on this state. There’s a bit of grumbling about GE moving out, and how Sikorsky may still move despite the Guv’s deal. Meanwhile they watch their house continue to lose value and taxes continue to climb as CT takes over the Number 1 spot for taxes in the nation. Still, most will continue to vote the bastards back in. the hurt hasn’t quite got painful enough.

  7. @physicsguy – this is sooooo spot on. I agree that until they are discommoded somehow, they will not care. It was Woodward and Bernstein who made society care about Watergate. And I think that because it was the generation that fought tooth and nail to preserve our freedoms who were the adults in charge, they were open to be horrified. I know my republican parents were horrified. We are in treacherous waters. What once was, is no more.

  8. We can also remind ourselves that somebody does care, and cares a great deal. Namely, the usurpers themselves, who know what they have done and know therefore to be on guard that the same be not done to them. Tyrants, we know, are all alike in this regard, for they must be.

  9. The powerful are above the law. Laws are for peasants. We all in our bones know this is the truth.

  10. “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – RR

  11. I’m not at all confident that when the pain gets hurtful enough, the LIV’s will awaken to the truth. Instead, they’ll seek out a scapegoat. Human nature is to resist looking in the mirror.

  12. Part of the answer can be found in the movie “Mr Smith Goes To Washington”–a movie Progs profess to love, but if you point out what actually happens in it, they would hate it.

    What happens? While Smith is filibustering against evil, his hometown personal little gazette-like newspaper, which is telling the truth, is systematically being destroyed. At the same time, the state newspapers are all lying about what is happening, and so people send wires to Washington to oppose Smith. It is when he is reading all the anger directed against him from the people in his state, that he collapses in despair.

    If the media simply told the truth about the FBI and emails and Clinton Foundation, instead of imitating what the evil state news media in the movie did–lie through their teeth–there would be strong response against the Prog’s corruption.

    Our American heritage is being destroyed. There are more and more articles appearing that not only practically deify the Prog leaders, but also are rewriting our great documents, songs, traditions, history, and art.

    It is deliberate, and it is evil.

    And it’s being done more openly now than ever before.

    Quo Vadis?

  13. The general will of We the People is a function of activism. The activist game is the only social cultural/political game there is.

  14. Both Democratic voters and the press are responsible for abetting Hillary’s criminality. She is the white, female equivalent of Marion Barry and every other corrupt machine politician whom the voters refuse to throw out.
    The press refuses to report on her blatant corruption, thereby keeping the voters in the dark.

  15. The media has been in the tank with the democrats for as long as I can remember. You can depend on the media to cover for Hillary.

  16. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    October 5th, 2016 at 3:47 pm

    Once again proving the truth of Orwell’s aphorism; “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot”
    * * *
    I think some know it is hot, but believe that only their enemies will ever be bound to the pyre.

  17. Congress can impeach people- they have that power. They won’t be able to convict, most likely, but they don’t have to accept malfeasance from executive officers from the lowliest appointee right up the Oval Office. Congressional Republicans are the most disappointing of all those in Washington right now.

  18. Evil is always immune to justice in a human organization, since after all, it’s not so difficult to corrupt and turn a human leader of said organization. Once you turn the head, the snake rots from the head down. Nothing else matters in an organization except control of the heads.

  19. This also reminds me of Jesus the Savior’s trial and condemnation by the Jewish authorities and Pilate.

    It also reminds me of Socrates’ trial by the Athenian assembly and Jean De Arc’s heresy trial by her Catholic/English enemies.


    For those unfamiliar with the story of Jesus Christ’s trial and crucifixion, they can check that audio source.

    Socrates’ speech is transcribed by Plato, available online, and explains the circumstances of the trial quite well.

    Jean De Arc’s trial was also well documented, mostly as an ex post facto justification.

  20. Yes, the administration is evil, but the Americans don’t seem to give two shits about it. That’s what’s most disturbing on first glance.

    I don’t see what is so disturbing about it. The American public is evil. The Hussein Regime is evil. Evil + Evil doesn’t equal good or just.

    It may be surprising for people with their heads stuck in the sand waiting for the tsunami to pass them by, but it’s not something beyond the realm of reason.

    I always tell people not to underestimate the power of the Leftist alliance, but an ad hoc to that is to also not underestimate the power of evil. Evil, like human weapons and corrupt states, isn’t like what they usually fight and contend with.

  21. It was Woodward and Bernstein who made society care about Watergate.

    Puppets of the FBI sub director that wanted to get rid of Nixon for not promoting him.

    Society are a bunch of sheep being manipulated by the MSewerM propaganda branch, and the MSM is also being manipulated as puppets by even more people. It’s just how it goes.

  22. Canada should start to think about building a wall between them and US.

    Better to put some fences with those banana hispanic republics as Mexico or US.

  23. As Hussein told us, we would Feel a Light Shine Down Upon us, and we will Believe.

    Except some of us happened to now believe that Evil is manifest, and if Evil is manifest, then what Counters evil might also exist.

    Humans never fail to exceed my low expectations of sheer decadence and prideful foolishness. People always got something even more horribly evil and darkness incarnate, than what I can imagine. So these days I’m not even surprised at the Left’s evil.

    All I can tell people is to Not Underestimate the Power of the Leftist alliance. Any more than they should underestimate the power of evil itself.

  24. Andy McCarthy and Power Line are the only ones writing about this. Andy, as a former Assistant US Attorney, writes with great authority.

    Trump MUST bring this up on Sunday as that forces the MSM to then talk about it.

    John Hinderaker at Power Line went through the latest batch of Hillary’s emails and he discovered that Bill Clinton is essentially an unregistered lobbyist for China.

    So we have the FBI obstructing justice and conducting a sham criminal investigation and the Clintons in the WH working for foreign interests.

    If that doesn’t have you voting for Trump, nothing will.

  25. The banality of evil. To most people the e-mails just don’t register except as something or other the Republicans say Hillary did that wasn’t good. They mutter under their breath, “I don’t want to hear about. It’s all BS anyway.” Then they go back to watching their faves on the telly.

    Unless the Clintons show up on people’s door stoops with a gun demanding their money, they won’t pay much attention. The Clintons know this. They depend on it. They’ve been getting away with it for so long they consider it their just dues. They have latched onto causes that they pay lip service to. Do it for the children, women’s rights, LGBT rights, inequality of income, racial inequality, etc. They’ve been “working” on these issues for over 30 years. And they still remain problems. How effective have they been? Not effective at all except when it comes to lining their pockets and advancing their agenda of liberal fascism. The politicization of government agencies like the IRS and Justice Department, once thought to be bastions of honesty and bipartisanship, has turned the government against the people. The Fourth Estate, the watchdog that is supposed to inform the citizenry abut dishonesty in government has become a Fifth Column working in cahoots with the crooks that are drinking ever more aggressively and openly at the public trough.

    At least Trump’s supporters, deplorable as they are, know all this. It’s the 60% who are progressives or LIVs that are the problem. It is to weep!

  26. State corruption cases were tried in Travis County, because that is where the Capital is located. Since Travis is very Blue, the DA prosecuted Republicans for truly frivolous charges, which eventually evaporated, when actual evidence was demanded. So now, the Legislature is moving State corruption cases out of the guaranteed conviction venue. So, yes the people of Texas do care, we care a great deal.

  27. It’s not so bad. I feel pretty darn free; and hey look, we survived a Civil War and the country still has the same name!

    Once the disaster that is sure to be Hillary has done its work, people will realize as they always do, (because you know things always turn out alright) the attractiveness of conservative principles. Real conservative principles: not too hot, and not too cold but just right, like the Bible says.

    People are just too fixated on how the next half decade or decade of their lives will be spent, after the one we have just been through. But it is never all that bad; someone will likely survive even if you and yours don’t, and a real conservative should take great comfort in that; rather than threatening to take his ball and go home just because someone keeps trying to to rob him of it.

    So I recommend patience and enjoying your pension and social security until the next election opportunity arises, and not worry too much about what Hillary will do regarding Church hiring practices, or about her using the IRS against political opponents like all presidents do and are expected to do, or about how much your taxes and medical insurance costs go up under Obamacare.

    Because these things always do go on an up, and yet it always turns out alright just like it did back when Reagan was president. We just have to remember that we are better together and should not take big risks for freedoms we really don’t need in our everyday lives, and start acting like idiots who selfishly count the costs of a more fair and just society wherein all are welcome.

    Chill out. It’s only another 4 or 8 years. Twelve at the most.

    And then the sun of liberty and the rule of law will rise again like it always has, because Americans have always liked freedom better than free things like Obama Care and Obama Phones and have consistently proved it at the polls, by electing one Ronald Reagan after another. And we can be sure that they will do so in the future … even if in 10 or 20 years they are not really Americans in that old fashioned sense of actual legal citizens who care much about being Americans.

    But they will, cause that is the way it always works out.

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