Home » A Rose for Emily


A Rose for Emily — 5 Comments

  1. Somewhat similar to a story from my youth.

    A local rancher, who owned the premier ranch in the area, had prevented his daughter from ever marrying because he feared his daughter, who was an only child, would leave home and the ranch would be sold out of the family. He chased off all suitors and eventually his daughter accepted her status as her parents’ guardian, ranch manager, and spinster.

    Eventually, when neither of her parents had been seen in town for some months, the local sheriff went out to the ranch to inquire about their health. The daughter didn’t want to let him in. She threatened him with a shotgun. He retreated but was watchful. One day when he saw the daughter out herding some of her cows, he sneaked up to the ranch house and had a look around. Sure enough, her parents were sitting in the living room in their favorite chairs – both long dead.

    The sheriff got reinforcements. They convinced the daughter to let them help her bury her parents. They also convinced her to spend some time in an asylum for the mentally ill. She eventually recovered, returned to the ranch and operated it until her death. Unwilling to see it owned by any other family, she left it in trust to Rocky Mountain National Park.

  2. I encountered a Rose for Emily in my freshmen English composition class. The professor that taught it still remains one of my favorites.

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