Home » Europe’s borders: everything old is new again


Europe’s borders: everything old is new again — 38 Comments

  1. The American Empire has receded, and Europe, like Britain after the Romans left, must learn how to defend itself.

  2. europe did not have that dream… it was the dream of the kingmakers of the past and they pushed it through. the history of the making of the EU has two histories, the one for public consumption, and the actual one which has lots of interesting and bizare things in it…

    on another point, they are now worrying about ‘Taharrush gamea’ and so do we

    Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union
    by Christopher Booker, Richard North

    From the 1920s, when the blueprint for the European Union was first conceived by a British civil servant, this meticulously documented account takes the story right up to current moves to give Europe a political constitution, already planned 60 years ago to be the ‘crowning dream’ of the whole project. The book shows how the gradual assembling of a European government has amounted to a ‘slow motion coup d’etat’, based on a strategy of deliberate deception, into which Britain’s leaders, Macmillan and Heath, were consciously drawn. Drawing on a wealth of new evidence, scarcely an episode of the story does not emerge in startling new light, from the real reasons why de Gaulle kept Britain out in the 1960s to the fall of Mrs Thatcher. The book chillingly shows how Britain’s politicians, not least Tony Blair, have consistently been outplayed in a game the rules of which they never understood. But it ends by asking whether, from the euro to enlargement, the ‘project’ has now overreached itself, as a gamble doomed to fail.

  3. the Speech was telling as to why it was moribund till the mid to late 80s… then it was pushed into being, and members were forced to comply with external laws that put aside their sovereignity, and so on.

    While the USA was the project of a newly found nation, the USSR was an attempt to unite exiting nations under the banner of communism.
    The name of the baby is not the United States of Europe, it’s the European Union. Union like Soviet Union. It’s not been built on a tabula rasa like the USA. It’s a federation of pre-existing nations, each of them with a plentitude of different cultures.
    On 2 February 2006 an angry old man delivered a speech in Brussels. Not in the European parliament, but in a Polish restaurant across the street. Vladimir Bukovsky, a former soviet dissident, warns that the EU is about to become a Moloch like the USSR.
    Bukovsky is a man who is so afraid to lose his freedom of opinion, that he calls political correctness a mental Gulag.

    he also says something that should make us think: ‘We were told, that the purpose of the Soviet Union is to create a a new historic entity, the soviet people, and that we must forget our nationalities, our ethnic traditions and customs. The same seems to be true to the European Union. They don’t want you to be British or French, they want you to be a new historic entity: European.’

    Transcript of Mr Bukovsky’s Brussels speech

    The idea was very simple. It first came up in 1985-86, when the Italian Communists visited Gorbachev, followed by the German Social-Democrats. They all complained that the changes in the world, particularly after [British Prime Minister Margaret] Thatcher introduced privatisation and economic liberalisation, were threatening to wipe out the achievement (as they called it) of generations of Socialists and Social-Democrats – threatening to reverse it completely. Therefore the only way to withstand this onslaught of wild capitalism (as they called it) was to try to introduce the same socialist goals in all countries at once. Prior to that, the left-wing parties and the Soviet Union had opposed European integration very much because they perceived it as a means to block their socialist goals. From 1985 onwards they completely changed their view. The Soviets came to a conclusion and to an agreement with the left-wing parties that if they worked together they could hijack the whole European project and turn it upside down. Instead of an open market they would turn it into a federal state.

    The New Soviet Union of Europe is upon us

    Latvia: From Soviet Union to European Union
    Jon Danzig

    Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship

  4. sorry, left out the link to the interesting one..
    [the others wont be read anyway]

    The New Soviet Union of Europe is upon us

    tons of stuff, with the stuff from the archives being the most interesting, and what we all ignore… as we do what we are told and dont think independently enough to include history they forbid…

    Article 9, declares: ‘The Constitution, and law adopted by Union institutions in exercising competences conferred on it by the Constitution, shall have primacy over the law of the member States.’

  5. The dream of open borders was only put into place after the nations had finally reassembled themselves into homogeneous entities: the Germans had mostly left Romania and Czechoslovakia, etc and resettled in Germany. Russians went back to Russia (or elected to assimilate), Poles to Poland. There weren’t so many Jews around to make up a large minority anywhere. Borders were tweaked to better match ethnic groups. Not perfect, but better. Instead of Europe fleeing in horror from nationalism, it became a stunning example of it – they just didn’t call it that anymore. It sorta kinda worked; with everyone living safely in his own neighborhood, they felt more comfortable about traveling around and trading.

    Many things went wrong, but we have seen the rent come due on the two biggest ones lately: what happens when one country manages its affairs well, yet another doesn’t? And what happens when lots of people come in who aren’t, actually, Swedes or Austrians? Hell, these are groupings where the Dutch and Frisians, the Flemish and Walloons, or the Northern and Southern Italians didn’t get along all that well (a feat America has managed) – never mind Irish and English, or all of the Balkans.

    Remember that John Lennon’s “Imagine” has it just about 100% backwards.

  6. The “open-borders” is between members of the EU. It was predicted on that the external frontiers of the EU would be guarded.
    That was always a bit of a fiction. Think of the UK and its Commonwealth obligations, or France and its relations to its ex-colonies. Or the fact that all European governments have been extraordinarily remiss in their duty to deal with illegal immigration …
    Of course, Germany, Greece, Italy, … going rogue has put the cat amongst the pigeons (but lets not forget the UK a few years back, with Labour importing a couple of million muslims for electoral and social-engineering purposes). So yes the borders are coming back (for now, the lemmings and quislings haven’t disappeared). Reality is a bitch.

    But come to think of it, has the USA not the same problems with as an example the State of California going rogue in the matter of illegal immigration. It seems to me that in this the only difference between the EU and the USA is in the type of “invaders”, not in the being “invaded”. How does a federal system prevent the ascent of rogue members (*)?

    (*) or a rogue federal government for that matter. Another similarity between the EU and the USA

    Ps. My opinion of the EU is that in its present form it is corrupted beyond saving. However, it did good work for a time before the ideologues took over and an organisation like it is certainly needed.
    The tragedy is that while there is a shared European civilization its basis is rejected by the present EU in its “multicultural” madness. And another similarity with the USA I would say. That said, the USA is a real nation, the EU is but a project going of the rails.

  7. Well, they thought this was all business as usual; the government leaders and elite cronies/hangers on/cheerleaders would get the credit for being “liberal” and “open minded” at the expense of the despised bourgeois/proles of the middle and lower classes who would bear the brunt in terms of cost and lowered standards of everything. Now they’re finding that they are the ones who will bear the costs – they will be voted out of their sinecures – and finally they react.

  8. Wasn’t it European thinkers ( knuckleheads) who dreamed up the artificial boundaries in Iraq? Biden is a dope but he was right about breaking Iraq up into three countries.

  9. I don’t have much to add to all the good comments above. The EU was a good idea that could have worked if it hadn’t been taken over and destroyed by the left.

  10. The problem for natives in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and America too, is that the Islamic State, rebels, and other terrorist groups are, apparently, capable of projecting a force superior to socialist Germany, imperial Japan, and communist Russia, and defeat the combined forces of The United States of America and NATO, thereby creating a refugee crisis, and, in fact, a global humanitarian disaster.

    That the anti-native contingent are simultaneously promoting abortion rites, defending clinical cannibalism by Planned Parenthood et al, and forcing excessive and illegal immigration is probably just a coincidence. A happy coincidence.

  11. In this past Sunday’s oped page, the NYT called upon Germany to face up to reality and declared its open borders policy for Muslim ‘migrants’ as unsustainable “folly”.

    “Germany on the Brink”

    Being the NYT, it approves the characterization of “fears of a “Eurabia,” of mass Islamification” as “apocalyptic predictions” that are hard to credit.

    It also attempts to cover itself by declaring that, “When immigration proceeds at a steady but modest clip, deep change comes slowly, and there’s time for assimilation to do its work.”

    Conveniently ignoring 1) Europe’s “no go zones” and 2) Europe’s rape gangs, not to mention 3) Oslo’s long status as Europe’s rape capital and 4) the obscenity that is Rotherdam… in order to imply that assimilation of Europe’s Muslim immigrants is being successfully accomplished.

    But the real news is that the NYT is now calling for “closing Germany’s borders to new arrivals for the time being. It means beginning an orderly deportation process for able-bodied young men. It means giving up the fond illusion that Germany’s past sins can be absolved with a reckless humanitarianism in the present.

    It means that Angela Merkel must go – so that her country, and the continent it bestrides, can avoid paying too high a price for her high-minded folly.”

    Evidently, the NYT has hopes that its readership will ignore that there is little to no difference between their own prescription for Germany and what Donald Trump has called for… oh the utter and shameless hypocrisy, once truth is subverted to ideological agendas.

  12. Look on the bright side: unemployment will go down, due to all those new border guard jobs being created.

  13. Progressives don’t believe that anyone cares about anything, except for (of course) the things Progressives care about. They do’nt care about borders, they don’t want to kill people who aren’t like them, they want to ignore things other peopel do as long as they get to do the things they want. Open borders could only work for such people. Europe’s leaders have shown themselves utterly unable to deal with people who want different things, and utterly unable to even believe that there are such people. Sad.I think much could have been avoided by taking small, sensible steps in the beginning… now, it will mean large steps, some of them really bad ones.

  14. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that the progressives in Europe and America were mocking those who had concerns about this mass immigration as heartless bigots?

  15. Europe has gotten used to moving their white cattle around and expecting obedience. They have forgotten the history of Islamic slave raids against Europe and what it actually took to defend people’s freedom.

    They’ve forgotten because Pax Americana made it easy to forget, and when Europe lost so many brave souls in WWI and WWII, the cowards and traitors naturally took over the reigns of power.

  16. Lizzy, they’re still doing that. When the zombies are given an order, they will follow it, even past death.

  17. Every college educated European for the last 50 years has dreamed of and worked to “delenda e pax americana”. My sympathy for them is frankly restrained.

  18. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    January 11th, 2016 at 7:14 pm …
    The NYT article is by Ross Douthat, who is their Token Conservative.
    The NYT itself has had no change of policy preference.

  19. Milton Friedman was right (as usual) 50 years ago when he said open borders and a welfare state was a prescription for national suicide.

  20. “Europe” was never prepared to defend itself from the outside; that’s what the stupid Americans were for. Americans would send their OWN young men into combat to protect the territory of Europe, just as we had done twice before.

    But with Obama gutting the American military to the point where we’re going to have a tough time defending just the USA from China, there’s no spare capacity and no extra divisions to defend Europe from Russia or Persia.

    Europe will therefore fall, much as Mark Steyn has predicted. To the Russians, or to the Persians, it doesn’t really matter much. The Europeans won’t like it much.

    The new Dark Ages approach!

  21. This, a gaffe by Labourite Gordon Brown, is a perfect example of how They think of us “peons”: watch to the last minute to get Brown’s “hot mike” comments once he’s in the car.


    These are the types that are in power around the world in First World nations.

  22. Exactly so, Beverly. Western civilization has chosen its own demise, and no longer deserves heroes that sacrifice themselves to save a corrupted population.

    If they had deserved it, they would have done more to choose the right heroes, as the Celts chose King Arthur as their defender.

  23. A lot of people wondered why GB or France just allowed Germany to take over Poland and begin re-militarization, since it was the cowards of GB and France who first demanded Germany’s submission and decline to begin with. Yet they lacked the guts to enforce their own greed, when push came to shove.

    The Nazis noticed that, from Germany. They noticed that weakness. They didn’t have to become superior, if their enemies were that weak. Many Prussians and German military families had decided to back a coup against Hitler, if his initial battles had failed and opened him up against a counter stroke. But those initial battles won Hitler territory and fame. Prestige which he used to consolidate his power.

    Now Europe is basically repeating their often repeated mistakes, with Islam. Giving them more slaves, more territory, more power and more prestige. While cuddling in fright about “war” and “patriotism” and all that right wing “nazi” stuff, right.

  24. The intellectual hisotry professor in the article said “We’re going back to a time when the bridge didn’t exist.” I’d say Europe is well on its way to a time when civilization didn’t exist. But then, I’m not an “intellectual.”

  25. The Europeans will need to do more “planning” to accommodate the refugee crisis precipitated by the terrorists’ superior ability to to project force, and accelerate progressive morality in order to assimilate their prudish women and girls, and boys too, so that they do not discriminate against the transgender (e.g. homosexual, pedophile, rape-rape) proclivities of their alien minorities.

  26. … discriminate against the transgender (e.g. homosexual) and liberal (e.g. pedophile, rape – not rape-rape) proclivities of their alien minorities.

  27. I listened to a video in which some Swede said that some decades ago the elite multiculturalists in Sweden decided that they didn’t like Swedes and wanted to replace them, thus mass immigration.

    The same mindset exists in other countries of Europe.

    Since these leftists never give up we can be assured that whatever temporary lulls in immigration occur mass immigration to overwhelm the native populations will continue.

    Within our lifetimes Europe will be Muslim, goodbye Christianity. And the imbecile pope supports this.

  28. Since these leftists never give up we can be assured that whatever temporary lulls in immigration occur mass immigration to overwhelm the native populations will continue.

    which is why the same people took violence off the table first. that way, you dont exterminate them, and so, they live to impose another day

    then there are the professors

    VIDEO: College students taught most U.S. terrorists ‘conservative’ white men

  29. n.n Says: …the Islamic State, rebels, and other terrorist groups are, apparently, capable of projecting a force superior to socialist Germany, imperial Japan, and com munist Russia, and defeat the combined forces of The United States of America and NATO

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?

    cont next post due to spamminator

  30. Or if, dur ing per iods of mass arres ts, as for examp le in Len ingr ad, when they arr ested a quar ter of the en tire city, pe ople had not sim ply sat there in their lai rs, pali ng with ter ror at every bang of the down stairs door and at every step on the stai rca se, but had un dersto od they had nothi ng left to lose and had boldly set up in the dow nstairs hall an am bush of half a doz en peo ple with axes, ha mmers, po kers, or wha tever else was at hand?…

    The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more — we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”


  31. It is not just the assimilation problem; it is a lack of respect and tolerance for our culture. There is Taharrush, which is what happen on NY eve in Europe. Surround a women, assault, rape and rob. The solution for this is a pocket pistol. Oh wait, can carry in Europe or can’t get a carry permit in MD, NY, CT, CA, NJ and other states unless you are rich and/or powerful; or maybe if you have been shot before or maybe raped. In TX, the Taharrush people just might be dead.
    So how do you vet for this cultural phenomena. You can’t, so don’t let any who may practice it in our country. Our Constitution gives us control of immigration. If the President and the Democrats believe the UN has that control, please explain that to our country’s citizens from a big bully pulpit such as the State of the Union speech.

  32. chuck Says:
    January 11th, 2016 at 3:53 pm

    The American Empire has receded, and Europe, like Britain after the Romans left, must learn how to defend itself.”

    But as you know, they didn’t, and much of it is now called England.

    Some of my favorite passages which I have quoted here at least twice before:

    … enemies, when they perceived that the Roman soldiers were gone, immediately coming by sea, broke into the borders, trampled and overran all places, and like men mowing ripe corn, bore down all before them. Hereupon messengers were again sent to Rome miserably imploring aid, lest their wretched country should be utterly blotted out, and the name of a Roman province … might become utterly contemptible.

    A legion was accordingly sent again, and … made great slaughter of the enemy …. Then the Romans declared to the Britons, that they could not for the future undertake such troublesome expeditions for their sake, and advised them rather to take up arms and make an effort to engage their enemies, who could not prove too powerful for them, unless they themselves were enervated by cowardice.

    Moreover … they constructed a strong stone wall from sea to sea, in a straight line between the towns that had been there built for fear of the enemy, … the Britons also lending their assistance. … they gave the dispirited people good advice, and showed them how to furnish themselves with arms. … and so took leave of their allies, never to return again.

    After [the Romans] departure to their own country, the Scots and Picts … at once came back, and growing more confident than they had been before, occupied all the northern and farthest part of the island, driving out the natives, as far as the wall.

    Hereupon a timorous guard was placed upon the fortification, where, dazed with fear, they became ever more dispirited day by day. … the enemy constantly attacked them with barbed weapons, by which the cowardly defenders were dragged in piteous fashion from the wall, and dashed against the ground.

    At last, the Britons, forsaking their cities and wall, took to flight and were scattered.

    The enemy pursued, and forthwith followed a massacre more grievous than ever before; for the wretched natives were torn in pieces by their enemies, as lambs are torn by wild beasts.

    Thus, being expelled from their dwellings and lands, they saved themselves from the immediate danger of starvation by robbing and plundering one another, adding to the calamities inflicted by the enemy their own domestic broils, till the whole country was left destitute of food except such as could be procured in the chase.


    Aetius, a man of note and a patrician, discharged his third consulship with Symmachus for his colleague. [And] To him the wretched remnant of the Britons sent a letter, which began thus:

    –“To Aetius, thrice Consul, the groans of the Britons.”

    And in the sequel of the letter they thus unfolded their woes:

    –“The barbarians drive us to the sea; the sea drives us back to the barbarians: between them we are exposed to two sorts of death; we are either slaughtered or drowned.”


    “… the nation of the Angles, or Saxons being invited by the aforesaid king [Vortigern of the cowardly Britons], arrived in Britain with three ships of war and had a place in which to settle assigned to them by the same king, in the eastern part of the island, on the pretext of fighting in defence of their country, whilst their real intentions were to conquer it.

    … When the news of their success and of the fertility of the country, and the cowardice of the Britons, reached their own home, a more considerable fleet was quickly sent over, bringing a greater number of men, and these, being added to the former army, made up an invincible force.”


  33. The thing about the Peace of Rome is that it has an enervating effect on the local population. When faced against barbarian vitality, they crumble, because Rome did not allow the local militia to develop beyond a certain point.

    But time wise, the period in which the Saxons, central Germanic tribes, invaded Breton territory, is the first period in which King Arthur came out as, a Celtic or Celtic-Roman warlord. Thus they became the Anglo Saxons, after Arthur died. And then after that, the AS became the English.

    The original Bretons under the Roman Empire, still existed afterwards, somewhat, in the north west of France and in what would be present day Frizia, Zeeland, or Holland. Until the Normans, descendants of Norse vikings, took those coastal areas over.

    The Bretons were also connected to the Celtic tribes of Ireland. And the Welsh are another similar connection, which must be why Welsh sounds so different than high ranking English from England.

  34. “Ymarsakar Says:
    January 12th, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    The thing about the Peace of Rome is that it has an enervating effect on the local population. When faced against barbarian vitality, they crumble, because Rome did not allow the local militia to develop beyond a certain point.”

    I don’t know that the late empire [as opposed to the early Republic] allowed what we Americans would think of as an official citizens’ militia at all; although some units of the army or federates on frontier garrison duty lived a kind of almost dual life, according to what I have read.

    I suppose this kind of material could be discussed endlessly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limitanei

    “But time wise, the period in which the Saxons, central Germanic tribes, invaded Breton territory, is the first period in which King Arthur came out as, a Celtic or Celtic-Roman warlord. Thus they became the Anglo Saxons, after Arthur died. And then after that, the AS became the English.”

    I’m not sure where you have gotten your information, so I will simply say that on my reading the accepted date for the first Saxon migrations to Britain well precedes the personage, mythological or not, of Artorius or Arthur, who was supposedly born well after the night of the long knives, “The Treachery of the Long Knives” and the Saxon revolt.

    In line with that latter, I had not known, or given much thought to the fact for a long time, that Vortigern [of the Romano-Britons] was supposedly married to Hengist’s daughter [of the Saxon mercenaries], and had, it is implied a conflicted personal interest eventually leading to a politically subversive outcome.

    Having married the daughter of the Angles whom he had invited in, in the tradition of federate mercenaries, in order to garrison certain districts against attacks from more primitive un-Romanized Britons, he fatally compromised himself and the Britons.

    On a casual and dismissive reading, this report of the marriage of an old “king” to a young and beautiful maiden, seems like no more than a little romantic window dressing, or the ornamented report of a lost-in-time political agreement.

    But it might well give some real insight into the self-interested venality, fecklessness, and political stupidity of the Romano-British ruling class after the withdrawal of the legions.

    And, although this is a period for which the information is very fragmentary, I have been impressed by how well the collation functions of the computer age have recently been put to use by those trying to reconcile Nennius, the Cambrian Annals, the Annals of Tigernach, and various Continental sources and Saint’s Lives.

    For example, I have seen what looks to be a very plausible timeline put up by amateur historians for kids and it makes for very interesting reading.

    Just as an aside, I was quoting Bede for the power and interest of his literary characterization, not as a blow by blow historical timeline.

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