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Thoughts on the Paris terror attacks — 29 Comments

  1. Ted Cruz is almost there. He is willing to connect radical Islam with terrorism. Imagine that! Islam connected with terrorism. Who could have imagined that from George Bush’s “religion of peace.” By absolving Islam for any blame for terrorism, George Bush set the tone for the rest of Western leaders who jumped on the bandwagon and who have acted accordingly.

    This part of Cruz’s speech is especially powerful:
    “We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ‘violent extremism.’ It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west. ” His only problem is that he has yet to acknowledge that the vast majority of Muslims agree with ISIS about the eventual outcome. They just differ on methods to achieve the over throw of Western Civilization and the enslavement of anyone who will not convert to Islam. The rest of the Muslims believe stealth jihad in which the victims can deceive themselves as to heir true intent is more effective than overt attacks.

    I’ve known for sometime that Cruz has some understanding of Isalm. Carson probably understands it even better. I’m still waiting to hear the statements of the other presidential candidates to see if they if they will stand by Western civilization or will rush to protect Islam.

    Neo said:
    “In the fourteen years since 9/11 we seem to have weakened ourselves rather than becoming stronger.”

    Our fate was sealed the day George W. Bush took a page from the left and stood before the World and declared that Islam is a “religion of peace” which is in no way responsible for terrorism. This statement transmogrified devout Muslims who despise us and our civilization into fellow victims of terrorism who deserved special solicitude and protection. The Muslims became double victims who needed extra protection first from the terrorists who insisted in besmirching the reputation of the “religion of peace” and who killed other Muslims and second from ignorant Westerners who blamed Islam for the terrorism.

    Carly Fiorina is not responsible because she was not president at the time but she followed the same line of reasoning in her pangyric to Islam after 911 in which she claimed that historically Islam was the greatest civilization in the world and expressed acute concern for the welfare of Muslims who might be hurt by blow back for the crimes committed in the name of Islam rather than for safety of the rest of us from those Muslims. Before I jump on the Carly bandwagon, I’m going to be watching for her statements about this incident very closely to see if she has learned anything at all since them.

  2. “It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west.”
    – Ted Cruz

    “Radical Islam”. A fine a distinction proffered where none exists. Why bother? If the Koran has written into it nothing radical then the point is valid; otherwise, it is cravenness. Islam proper is not nuanced, is not equivocal, and over the course of fourteen hundred years has yet to earn a sliver of a benefit of a doubt.

  3. Dennis:

    I just posted this about Carson’s remarks, as well as Trump’s so far.

    I disagree with you about the significance of that remark by Bush, however. His actions were quite strong, and if America and the West had stood behind him and the left had not undermined him (and Obama hadn’t been elected), I believe that things would be better today. You are placing way too much on that statement, which was standard for its time, and meant to forestall an expected violent backlash against Muslims in this country.

  4. “nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable” (we are going to wage a war that will be pitiless).
    – M Hollande

    I imagine the West mustering itself in far off places – again. The distant enemy is the preferred enemy — no fear of collateral damage to the Eifel Tower or the Louvre.

    OTOH, Kudos to Hollande for not having speculated a spontaneous attack accounted to some video, book, remark, or unappreciated infidel scowl.

  5. ISIS is almost entirely Obama’s fault. He had the opportunity to crush ISIS when it was small and weak. His intentional inaction allowed ISIS to grow and become strong and powerful. Also rich with our weapons and millions in oil money.

    He wanted to run the clock out in a stall and then pass the problem to Hillary; hoping that ISIS wouldn’t strike. But hope is not a military strategy.

    And, of course, the very day of the attack he said ISIS was “contained.” He is briefed on the intelligence so another fricking lie from this fricking incompetent loser.

    Obama needs to be called relentlessly on this. Paris is nearly ALL on him. He can’t even say Islamic terrorist.

    In every way, Barack Obama has failed as president other than rounds of golf played.

  6. I agree with Neo that Bush, flawed as he is, was a tower of strength against our enemies when he is compared to Obama and the left. There is no room for further errors. Whoever we pick for the next president must be much better versed about Islam and must be able to effectively counter Islamic jihad.

  7. Obama is in deep ideological denial. As Peggy Noonan said on FoxNews this morning, people are looking past him, already – as if to say “Obozo doesn’t count anymore.’ (He doesn’t; he’s ensured he doesn’t.)

    But Paris is the single largest loss of life to Muslim terrorists since 9/11. And together with the Russian plane downed, Beruit, and Paris – of course – the West is under it’s worst attack by Jihadists since 9/11, as well.

    Roger Simon’s indictment of Obama precedes Cornheads:

    I am not going to blame Barack Obama entirely for what happened in Paris Friday — but mostly. And that’s not just because he famously called ISIS the jayvee team, when they are now unequivocally the New York Yankees or the Manchester United of terror, repellent as that analogy may be (he started it).

    But what is clear from the carnage at the Bataclan Theatre and elsewhere in Paris that we will be studying for weeks or months to come is that the West has no leader in our evident civilizational war — no Churchill, no Roosevelt, no DeGaulle, not even a George W. Bush. It’s certainly not Barack Obama, a ludicrous man who thinks the world’s greatest problem is climate change in the face of Islamic terror. This is the same man who oversaw, indeed instigated, a large scale American démarche for the first time since World War II.

    And look what happened. Well, we all know. We are living at a time when the Islamic world is having a nervous breakdown, actually more like a violent psychotic break, in its encounter with modernity and is determined to bring us all down with it.

    drsanity would not parse matters with “nervous breakdown” and go straight to “violent psychotic break” and add an elegant ‘I told you so.’

    Last night, I shortened Simon’s excerpt a lot. But preceded my post to friends by explaining that “Alahu Akbar” does not only mean “God is Great,” but also “Our God is the Greatest God.”

    When people ‘get’ that statement of Islamic supremacy, then Jihadist terrorism – where we hear about such announcements, like immediately before Bataclan got hit -makes much better sense to people who do not read books about religion (which is almost everyone).

    Now, the practical problem with “winning” the GWOT is that, as per Walid Phares, it isn’t just Jihadism coming from one source but practically a handful. ISIS is only one Sunni version.

    And pacifying this area, fueled by fundamentalist ambitions and Baathist trained military terror, will require more than a few years US military presence, but decades, like in Germany, Japan, and Korea.

    That’s a commitment that Hussein Obama finds impossible to make. And democracy will not do – unless we clearly identify the enemy. And as per the image LINKED to above, we don’t want to do that.

    And for Americans, to identify an enemy as religious? That’s enormously difficult.

    Cf, Glenn Beck’s new book “It is About Islam” and “Jefferson and The Barbary Pirates” by Brian Kilmeade explain all of this, and that it isn’t about Israel or us, the US – but ISLAM!

    And THIS is just one of four streams of Jihadism!

    A couple weeks back, Admiral Bill McRaven – former SEAL, and Special Ops commander for the Bin Laden take down raid in Pakistan – addressed the problem specifically on Charlie Rose (PBS, one hour video here http://www.charlierose.com/watch/60641383).

    McRaven said that we could pacify the Iran-Syrian-Kurdish triangle with about 30,000 troops. To low-ball it, as Obama always does, means only doing somethings there. Thus 5,000 to 10,000 troops.

    Perhaps Arab allies could be courted to take part???

    I expect Obama and Kerry to tell us Iran will help us and Russia! (Among other brain-dead possibilities….)

    We need leadership now, and we don’t even have George W. Bush there to help us and the planet out of this mess.

    I expect more mess before it gets better. Maybe, much more.

    We might smile at our idiot-“leader” when Obama reminds us that “climate change” is our number one enemy.And remember that climate change has yet to win a single combat engagement.

  8. Now people like Pal will begin to live a life where they don’t get the cheat benefit of living in a world where the terrorists were being depopulated by Bush II’s campaigns.

  9. On the contradictions that the present crisis needs a difficult, painful, and impossible path through is best introduced by
    Richard Fernandez.

    An excerpt:

    The good news is that the West must soon squarely face choices it has been avoiding until now. The bad news is that nothing will escape unscathed.

    Radical Islamism’s greatest challenge is it that ruthlessly exposes a fatal flaw which has existed in the ideology of the West for the last 70 years. It is representative of a question that won’t go away. Can it face the facts just as they are and think its way out of a jam? What Samantha Power called the Problem from Hell is really the Kobayashi Maru test of European civilization. Faced with a no-win situation, will the West find a path through?

  10. will Obama be firing up Air Force 1, & picking up merkel to do an apology tour ????
    Hollande’s choice of words “we are at war”
    Bush said the very same thing & the Left went nuts !!!

  11. The West needs to quarantine Islam to the ME.

    Also a complete moratorium on ALL immigration. No visas from ME countries. They can all stay home.

  12. Keep in mind that ISIS is not the only AQ-type group, albeit the distinctions among AQ-type groups are not especially meaningful from our practical perspective. They’re all part of the same Qutbist movement.

  13. Not just seal off the Middle East from emigration. Seal it off completely. No oil exports, no food imports.

  14. The Koran states that infidels should be killed, conquered or converted, whichever occurs first. The Muslims are just following the Koran. The western governments wanting to import Muslims is suicidal.

  15. Neo:
    You wrote, “Some combination of economic excuses, leftism, compassion, and naivete has led the west to this point of enormous vulnerability and stupidity.”

    I disagree. It is entirely Leftism. It is Leftism which delivers economic excuses ( Butter, not war), false compassion (It’s for the children) and stupidity (Mizzou and Yale).

    We must rise up. We cannot convert the Muslims, and we cannot convert the Left.

  16. From today’s WSJ: “Supporters of Ms. Merkel’s open door quickly mobilized to defend it. The terror in Paris, they said, underscored the desperation of people fleeing violence in Syria elsewhere.

    “Many people are now searching for protection and security in Europe,” said Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, the head of Ms. Merkel’s junior partner in government, the Social Democrats. “We cannot now let them suffer because they come from the regions from which terror comes to us.”

    Poland today says, “No Syrians here.” Hungary and Slovenia are building fences.

    Barack Hussein is our Merkel-equivalent.

  17. Ymarsakar,

    An idiot wonk is still an idiot.

    “terrorist were being depopulated by Bush II’s campaigns”

    Al Qaeda was begotten by the American urge to bloody the Soviet nose. ISIL was begotten by the urge to regime change Hussein, Assad, leaving a void to be filled where there hadn’t been one. Thank allah the Iraqi’s had their ‘purple finger of democracy’ moment. They have now something to remember for a lifetime. Moammar Gaddafi’s presence had kept Boko Haram, and al Shabab from running rampant. As a result of American hubris and Bush’s “mission accomplished” the ME is now as dangerous as it hadn’t been for centuries.

    I realize you quiver all over at the thought of a ‘raghead’ being offed and it may be the highlight of your day. Nevertheless, know that your fantasies hadn‘t made anyone safer, only you more tingly.

    By far, more Christians, and other religious minorities, have been depopulated in the aftermath of American ME adventures than terrorists during the campaigns. George Bush had done nothing but stir up a hornet’s nest.

    Ymarsakar! Look! A dead raghead.

  18. Delusional people take a viper to their bosom and act surprised and outraged when they are bitten. Silly business.

  19. “neo-neocon Says:
    November 14th, 2015 at 8:39 am


    I just posted this about Carson’s remarks, as well as Trump’s so far.

    I disagree with you about the significance of that remark by Bush, however. His actions were quite strong, and if America and the West had stood behind him and the left had not undermined him (and Obama hadn’t been elected), I believe that things would be better today. …”


  20. What’s frustrating is that ISIS has been their plans to do this sort of attack, and bragging about how their warriors are mixed in with the refugees for *months*. They even announced their plans for the mass immigration of Muslims from the ME and Africa. The overall message was clear to any civilian paying attention: we’re coming for you westerners in your home and you’re fools to think you can discern the refugees from the warriors.

    It’s important to remember that it came out in September that US intelligence is being doctored to hide bad news about ISIS because this news “is not welcome.” I have no faith in Obama’s and Jeh Johnson’s assurances that they’ve got the threat to America under control.


  21. George Pal,

    If Bush had not gotten rid of Saddam for not following the cease fire agreement, Saddam would have been the strong man who stood up to the West and won. Do you really believe he would not have used that against us, especiall since he already had UN officials, Russians, and corrupt French on his payroll.


    Merkel has people within her own party who are standing up to her decision. If the CDU goes down, Sigmar Gabriel and the Greens would be more than happy to run the government. Gabriel is a total sleaze who is fascinated by the idea of being chancellor. Real world politics is not an issue for him.

  22. I believe Bush was a complete failure at the propaganda war which is necessary to counter Islamic supremacism but he was a patriot other wise who had the best interest of our country in his heart. Obama is an Islamic supremacist himself and is actively advancing the cause of jihad around the World.

    I do not wish to trash Bush, but if we are to mount an effective defense against Islam we must be able to recognize what has gone wrong so far.

    I agree that Bush made a strong stand against terrorism -what ever that is – but he was completely ineffective in countering global jihad. Bush expended a great deal of money and effort on blowing up sand and got many of our soldiers killed or wounded, but he do anything to change the Islamic culture which breeds terrorism. By exonerating Islam Bush made it possible for a man named Hussein with a strong Islamic background to be elected president after 911.

    For those who love Bush, I agree that he was infinitely better than Obama. Was Bush effective in slowing global jihad? Marginally at best.

  23. I believe Bush was a complete failure at the propaganda war which is necessary to counter Islamic supremacism but he was a patriot other wise who had the best interest of our country in his heart. Obama is an Islamic supremacist himself and is actively advancing the cause of jihad around the World.


    BTW, my niece just emailed me today: she’s suddenly snapped out of her liberal birdbrain trance and wants to kill those “motherf*****s” because she knows people in Paris and spent a good bit of time there herself. Also, she’s 27 now; she was too young to be much affected by 9/11, but her message today said she now understands my political change afterwards.

    Let’s hope it bears fruit, in her and in many other young ones like her who were brainwashed with the Leftist bulls***. Thank God she’s still capable of righteous anger.

  24. Pingback:Da Tech Guy Blog » Blog Archive » Terror? Murder? No big deal as long as Islamists are murdering Jews in Israel

  25. because she knows people in Paris and spent a good bit of time there herself.

    That wouldn’t be from the internet would it? Because if it’s from vacations, that speaks in its own tone concerning America’s decadence.

  26. Bush expended a great deal of money and effort on blowing up sand and got many of our soldiers killed or wounded, but he do anything to change the Islamic culture which breeds terrorism.

    The information gathered from Gitmo, via capturing terrorists, wasn’t blowing up sand. People like you are so low in the totem pole of human ability that you cannot really be relied upon to judge what’s going on.

    As for changing Islamic culture, that’s the job of people like you, sitting behind your computer screens. Cultures don’t change due to some Dear Leader. It changes because millions and billions of people make it change, via war or economic raids.

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