Home » Compare and contrast: coverage of Hillary Clinton’s emails


Compare and contrast: coverage of Hillary Clinton’s emails — 10 Comments

  1. Bombshells versus big yawn

    externak uncontrolled reality versus internal (presumed) controlled environment

  2. New trove of Hillary Clinton’s emails highlights workaday tasks at the State Department…

    By design.
    Since Hillary was allowed to cherry-pick which emails she would provide and which ones she would delete/withhold.

    It’s amazing that even the ones she thought were OK (not related to scandals or corruption) demonstrate how out of touch and not terribly competent she is.

    I imagine some of it was learned helplessness. Why learn to use a fax when you have people to do that sort of thing – like how she hasn’t driven for 20+ years. But I also wonder if any of this was due to her brain injury. Either way, do we really think someone who had the highest ranking Cabinet position yet was unaware of meetings, slept through post-Benghazi security briefings is the most competent person for the job of POTUS?

  3. @Lizzy: Just wait until we start seeing the stories fawning about how intelligent she is. Just look at the nauseating display they gave for Obama, who as far as I’m concerned, is of average intelligence at best, with large swaths of ignorance which are unconscionable in an executive. But the pundits were falling all over themselves to compare him to Mr. Spock*.

    * On of the things that always amused me to no end was that if you pay attention to the original series, Mr. Spock was portrayed, for all his intelligence, competence and honor, as not a very good leader, an irony that was no doubt overlooked by the idiots who thought President Man-Child was some sort of ubermensch.

  4. Hrc has been out of touch with reality, both the reality of main street and the reality of geopolitics, all her life. Had she not hitched her wagon to slick willy, she would be a big fat zero on the stage of national politics. Like the mannish boy whose claim to the keys to the oval office was skintone, hrc’s claim is ovaries. The only way to shut her down is to register as a dem and vote for sanders in your state primary/caucus.

  5. Did they do that for Sarah Palin?

    New trove of Sarah Palin’s emails highlights workaday tasks at the Governor’s office…

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