Home » The Clintons: above the law


The Clintons: above the law — 15 Comments

  1. It is the ‘purity’ of their intent that justifies their entitlement. All that they have done is for us.

    “Professional liberals [today’s ‘progressives’] are too arrogant to compromise. In my experience, they were also very unpleasant people on a personal level. Behind their slogans about saving the world and sharing the wealth with the common man lurked a nasty hunger for power. They’d double-cross their own mothers to get it or keep it.” – Harry S Truman, 1970

  2. Free pass from the media means never having to say you’re sorry. I don’t even want to think about what Obama’s gotten up to that we’ll never know about. The stuff we actually know about, and goes under- or mis-reported is bad enough.

  3. I don’t even want to think about what Obama’s gotten up to that we’ll never know about.

    People didn’t even know 1% of what the Left was up to in 2008. Have they broken 51% yet by now? Actually, no, they have not.

  4. I wonder sometimes if they dance around the part where luck runs out. Always scrambling for another fix. I guess they try not to think that there is always some truthful explanation required, sooner or later.

  5. Neo, exactly. As Sen. Moynihan phrased it, the Clintons have defined deviancy down. They keep getting away with it, so why stop? Not unlike President Obama. Impeachment was just a bump in the road, and they were shameless enough, and adept enough, to flip that around to become an insolent defiance on behalf of their party and partisans.

    When Watergate and Nixon’s implosion happened, I irritated some Nixon defenders and opponents by saying the country got what it deserved, because it tolerated a political leadership class that eventually went that far astray. Unfortunately, every so many years the country again drops its standards and reaps what it sows.

    I’m hopeful that the pendulum will swing, and 2016 will see a repudiation of sorts. Read up about the 1920 election and the aftermath of Wilson’s disasters, and gain some hope. After all, President Obama is clearly the worst President since Wilson. Jimmy Carter can rest easily now, and maybe James Buchanan’s ghost sees hope of moving up in the ranks a little.

  6. As moral, ethical and cultural norms degrade, standards fall. The longer it goes without correction the more it becomes the norm. The banksters and moneyed interests got away with making one killing after another. The back scratching, quid quo mo’ has been going on for some time now. It is the norm. The public is not unaware but inured — that’s how you get away with it. If the facts, the empirical evidence, overwhelms them, they are, nevertheless, not without senses. They know not evidentially, they know osmotically that something is critically wrong but there’s not a damn thing to be done about it.

    Who was the ancient Greek bloke (name escapes me just now) that wished to be buried upside-down because that had been the state the world was in?

  7. Leona Helmsley, net worth $8 Billion:

    “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”

  8. IMO, we are approaching global financial collapse. When? Nobody knows, but it is on the event horizon as a can can be kicked only so far. The clintonistas, banksters, the rogue soros, and others of a similar ilk can pick flesh from the carcass but eventually there is nothing left but bare bones. It is coming… prepare as best as you are able. And no, only blood kin are welcome to my family’s rally point in northern Minnesota.

  9. This a perfect example of why a conservative or libertarian leader is the preferred choice or lesser evil. When the left-wing is established as a pro-choice or selective cult, it is nearly impossible to hold them accountable for their actions.

  10. The Clintons do not “feel” above the law. They are in fact above the law.

    They are like every Dem pol the law itself.

    Make no mistake, even the ones who are prosecuted are the ones they decide to get rid of themselves.

    America is no longer America.

    The Country is lost. Face it. There is no way to get it back except for the way it was won in the first place.

    That’s the reality. This pretending is starting to get painful.

  11. Shrillary has been blathering about ‘sexual assaults on women’ lately. Right? MSMs see No Parody-Paradox-Irony and thus none have had the idea to ask her,”What does your husband say about this? Sexual assault?? Missus Clinton, have you run this by Billy the Rapist??”

  12. I agree with what Neo says, but Geoffrey Britain’s first sentence is a big part of it, too. They believe themselves to be on the secular equivalent of a mission from God. They’re so very much in the right that it’s ok and even obligatory for them to break rules in the service of the cause.

  13. Hey, even daughters* of low level Democrat/Progressives were getting away with murder, so why would what Bill and Hillary did raise accountability?

    *the professor who shot up the U of Alabama faculty meeting, Amy Bishop, only for us to discover she most likely murdered her brother as a teenager in Massachusetts but it was covered up due to her mother’s Democratic Party connections.

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