Home » Are men eager to call themselves “handsome”?


Are men eager to call themselves “handsome”? — 53 Comments

  1. *looks in mirror*

    Yep, not handsome. More “eh”. Or as they said in that State Farm commercial:

    Well she sounds hideous!
    Well, she’s a guy, so…

  2. The quality of handsome is greatly strained…
    ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest.

    I note more and more that the man on the arm of superficially beautiful women is too often either of the type ‘cabana boy’ – winsome in his slightness of being and delicate to boot, or the type with the scepter of power/wealth and little more to recommend him. This is altogether a different order of affairs from what had once been — ages ago. The leading men of the thirties, Gable, Colman, Powell, Flynn, followed by Bogart and Wayne, were none of them pretty but all of them handsome, i.e., the lady’s man and a man’s man. Even the men of whom it could be said they had too much of cute about their faces when young, such as Tyrone Power, William Holden, matured handsomely. The only actor of their type now working would be Daniel Craig, most of the rest are too cute plus a half.

  3. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few other actors today who fit that old leading-man image: Michael Fassbender, Clive Owen, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, James Franco, and Tom Hardy.

  4. Presence and unapproachable used to count big time for getting a challenging woman interested. With the current age of skinny jeans, spikey hair, metro-ways and girlish testosterone apps, who knows what the heck they want?

    A side note, though: If I’d known the true, solid, workable effects of chocolate candy or(possibly even better)”adorable” furry dogs on the female, I could have saved myself a lot of overwork when I was younger and far more available.

  5. Gable and Cary Grant qualify, to me. Jimmy Stewart and Hank Fonda. no. Nor Clint Eastwood. Yet all made great leading men.

  6. Well, I’m a man, and I’m not handsome. There’s one data point for you. I look like my name.

  7. Ann:
    Michael Fassbender, Clive Owen, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, James Franco, and Tom Hardy

    I’ll not question female yearnings but Christian Bale And Liam Neeson aside, the others are not a man’s man, which is essential. What, I believe, is essential to ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ is that women find beautiful women beautiful and men find handsome men handsome. The attributions, made by each sex, together, form, a if not certain measure a more catholic judgment — something of an imprimatur.

  8. Recently, I saw a list of sexiest US Presidents and remembered Franklin Pierce as being at the top. Of course I had to verify it and found several such lists each showing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Pierce, Th. Roosevelt, Grant and Kennedy topped various lists. Personally, I would vote for Grant who looked like the ideal man at Appomattox–muddy booted, tousle haired, a victor, yet not strutting, and best of all wearing a private’s rough coat showing that a man of great bearing doesn’t need fancy epaulets.

  9. I go out of my way to look like a homeless person – I rarely shave and always wear worn out clothes. Otherwise, being a hot-shot pilot, women would be crawling all over me and I couldn’t get anything done. LOL!

  10. As a child of six, a woman once told me that I was so ugly I was cute. That off hand remark created a self image that remained for most of my life. How I wished I looked like Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, or Cary Grant. They were masculine with the kind of physique and facial features that most would call handsome. Oh, how I yearned to look like them.

    I was thrilled when Charles Bronson became a star of some note, because someone once said I resembled Charlie. At least he was really rugged and masculine looking. I hoped maybe I was too.

    Well, all that stuff about looks is behind me now.
    I am just right the way I am. So ugly as to be cute. Or maybe masculine looking. Or rugged. Or just butt ugly. Whatever. My wife didn’t mind how I looked, (although she still thinks I’m a sloppy dresser) and that was what counted. 🙂

  11. I don’t know much about handsome. I can’t think of any of my friends that I would call handsome; but I guess they were serviceable, as they all found wives; and most of those marriages (have) lasted a very long time.

    I don’t trust movie star handsome anyway. I used to have the opportunity to watch the Bing Crosby pro-am golf tournament at Pebble Beach where celebrities abounded. So many of them really looked odd in real life. One popular singer who had a long running TV show (no names but call him Moon River) had a head that seemed totally out of proportion to his body. But,
    somehow, they improved dramatically in the cinematic image.

    Conversely, many women that I hear described as beautiful, don’t particularly appeal. An attractive woman who carries herself with style and comports with grace is my choice.

  12. Male and female charisma, that special something, is what attracts others. Terms like beautiful and handsome are relative. My wife is not beautiful but she is pretty in an ordinary way and petite and naturally smells sexy all of which greatly attracted me and still does after nearly 50 years. Attraction is intangible, a true mystery. People interested in seeking ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’ all to often end up dissatisfied and alone.

  13. I don’t see handsome and beautiful as perfectly synonymous. For example, I remember my mom describing a woman as ‘handsome’ and meaning something like somewhat attractive with a regal or classy bearing. Had she described a man as ‘beautiful’ it would have been a ‘pretty boy’ man.

    There is also the important point that women and men have very different ideas of what they view as attractive in the opposite sex. Guys are much more interested in just flat out good looks. Women, when describing men they know, will openly include all kinds of personality traits, money, power, status, etc. in their evaluations of how attractive, or “handsome” they find them.

    A larger percentage of men may conclude they are handsome because women apply that term more widely and to more diverse characteristics than men use for beautiful with regard to women.

  14. I never thought Clark Gable was handsome. Never much cared for his looks. I don’t know why. His face was too wide. He seemed more like “cute” to me.

    I thought Gary Cooper in “Hugh Noon” to be extremely attractive. He had a suffering look on his face, and his eyes spoke volumes. He didn’t have to say much. In turns out that in real life Gary Cooper was 50 in that movie and he was suffering, from bleeding ulcers:

    They used little to no makeup on the face of Gary Cooper, to show his lines and show how worried he was.

    By the way, it also says at that site that they thought the age difference between Grace Kelly and Gary Cooper was too large (about 30 years; she was 21), but according to the same site they had an affair during the making of the movie.

    By the way (and now I’m getting farther afield from the topic of the post), Cooper really was a cowboy from Montana (albeit from an educated family, and with some college behind him) who started in movies as a cowboy and stunt rider.

    Coooper had a fascinating, full life. He really was an outdoorsman, to a certain extent a womanizer, and taciturn (as in his roles), but beloved by everyone he worked with, a real gentleman. He was also a conservative Republican (as was McQueen, who also led a colorful life).

    Of Cooper’s acting skill, director Howard Hawks said:

    He worked very hard and yet he didn’t seem to be working. He was a strange actor because you’d look at him during a scene and you’d think … this isn’t going to be any good. But when you saw the rushes in the projection room the next day you could read in his face all the things he’d been thinking.

    Director Sam Wood thought much the same:

    What I thought was underplaying turned out to be just the right approach. On the screen he’s perfect, yet on the set you’d swear it’s the worst job of acting in the history of motion pictures.

  15. This reminds me of something I’ve noticed. The ubiquitous “wounded combat veteran” bumper stickers. WTF? Did any vets of the ww2 advertise what they’d been through and expect some form of recognition? Hell no they didn’t. They were real men.

  16. Handsome, no. The greater the inflation, the greater the downfall, the greater the pain. Narcissistic indulgence is for masochists.

  17. Female or male, we can list who of the opposite sex fits the stereotype of beautiful/handsome. To put in crudely, imo it boils down to scent; if you are not aroused by the raw scent of a lover and companion lust will not last long enough to become long lasting love.

  18. Neo…He’d been in a torrid affair with Patricia Neal, as well.

    Ladies: How about Harrison Ford?? Say…Around the time he did “Presumed Innocent”..?

  19. NeoConScum:

    Harrison Ford. When he did “Witness.” Absolutely. {He had tormented eyes in that movie; a bit like “Gary Cooper” in “High Noon.” Very intense.)

  20. Beauty/ Handsomeness are outward expressions of mate idealizations.

    Marilyn Monroe was deemed the sexiest woman of her era because, at a primal level, she evidenced exactly those traits associated with (successful) conception, pregnancy and live birth: vigorous health (golden ratio symmetry), plenty of excess fat (reserve energy) exactly where a young woman stores birth-energy.

    Her physique said nothing about her mental state as that is actually quite secondary to a man’s primal mating drive. (Witness divorce court… etc.)

    The idealized mate for a female must ‘bring to the table’ post natal benefits — broadly construed. It is for this reason that a woman takes into account far more factors, human dimensions.

    While the wallet helps, most of a woman’s buttons were created for a world before money and modernity, generally.

    So the ‘perfect’ mate demonstrated his perfection by way of hunting and battle performance, healthy vigor, (disease resistance) body symmetry, (golden ratio an indication of ideal growth into adulthood) and age.

    In all primitive societies the man is at least half a generation older than his mate, who is put into reproductive service no later than sixteen-years of age. This last statistic is shockingly universal — and must be an echo of our universal past.

    That male beauty requires age is largely unspoken. It is, however, given away by such expressions as ‘pretty boy’, a term universally used to disparage a man who looks too young (and unseasoned <== redundant term alert) for his years.

    Gary Cooper’s screen persona gives him up as a man’s man who is burdened with adult judgement that ranges into the future — the ‘what might be’s’ — that are the burden of the clan leader.

    The idealized mother’s time horizon is in the present — and of her children.

    The idealized father’s time horizon is of the future — and the provisioning of the morrow.


    The shift towards androgynous idealizations — by Hollywood — is largely driven by homosexuality — the gays in the power elite.

    You’ll see the exact same shift atop the runways of Paris. The vast bulk of the critical audience for such fashion are gay men and lesbian women.

    With the flamingly obvious result that the models are trimmed down (dieted) to the profile of a teenage boy — an ideal that appeals to both homosexual wings of the high fashion world.

    They are universally unappealing to men as wife/ mate material, The young women seen in Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc. Curiously, the high fashion industry wants them even younger than men’s photographers — that is looking like they are not quite eighteen years old.

    New (runway) talent is constantly sought — and only girls 15-16 years old are seriously considered.

    The naughty porn industry is focused on women 20-22 years old — whose ages are always misrepresented to be one or two years younger than truth.

    A man’s idealized mate is deemed removed from the selection pool by the age of nineteen, hence the deceit and the early (commercial) retirement of such models.

    You will recall that in The Taming of the Shrew the old hag is nineteen-years old, shockingly old for Sixteenth Century England.

  21. “Beauty” and attraction are two different things.

    Attraction is composed of multiple elements, it cannot be reduced to aesthetics alone, and sometimes it can even work absent any positive degree of “beauty”.

    For many, perhaps most women it is perfectly possible to acknowledge that the man you love is not beautiful, but that you are attracted to him. There is no contradiction. It is also possible to appreciate a sight of beauty of the human form (and more typically feminine, too) without it being the least bit sexual, not even romantic.

    Men seem to be different, “beauty” seems a more important component of attraction for them than it is for women. So they claim. But ironically they also seem to be much less visually *discriminating*, as they seem to find FAR more women pleasing than women find men. The man I love even claims that *I* am beautiful, for Heaven’s sake. I love him dearly, of course, and I welcome this delusion if it is instrumental in his loving me – it just pains me that the poor thing has such an obviously untrained eye, such a decreased sensibility to detail, that his overall visual experience of the world must be much less dramatic than mine. I see it in other things too (how he arranges his stuff, how he sketches things, how exacting he is in his opinions on visual art in general). Ironically, he is very good at spatial orientation and dynamic-3D stuff, better than me. But the raw ability to handle dynamism and be a better driver, or rotate objects in one’s head, or draw with a decent perspective, does not translate into overall artistic sensibility and discrimination to detail.

  22. Anna, could it be possible that men think and feel a little deeper than we are given credit for?

    It is entirely possible that when your husband says the your are beautiful, he is talking about the whole person and not just the wrapping. Although the wrapping is part of the package, in a literal sense most men do not even notice the elaborately wrapped Christmas or birthday packages; they are focused on what is inside. Women, however, will ooh and ah over the wrapping for some time before opening.

  23. I am short , tocky, and gray haired. I actually look like a Badger. So handsome, no, not at all.

  24. Oldflyer:

    I was a bit joking there, it may not come across very well in writing. I am sorry, I should be more careful.

    I wrote a really long reply trying to explain myself better and more respectfully, to avoid any misunderstandings, because I did touch upon a different and more difficult subject, but I have a tendency to take up to much space, I will cut it very short:

    You know how musicians attempt to maximize the sensitivity of their ears? I did something analogous to my eyes. The world changed. As a result of greater discrimination, “beauty” became a thing both very rare and very intense.

    He (not yet my husband, but hopefully) does not have this “increased visual sensitivity”. While I can never enter his eyes, and while visual experiences are impossible to fully translate into words, there are indirect ways of knowing – based on what he says, how he describes his subjective experience, how much detail he can take in, how simultaneously, how he reacts to art etc.

    Yet he puts some emphasis on the visual experience he has with me (he likes to observe me, finds me “beautiful” and so forth). It must be *important* to him, or a joy, although it is probably less intense in absolute.

    This particular combination – that HE ascribes a subjective importance to a domain where I have reasons to believe my experience to capture qualities his experience does not – creates an awkward psychological effect in me, because it almost feels as if I were connivent in a sort of delusion.

    This is the best explanation I can give you if I try to keep it short. He is still a great man and we will still be very happy together when God willing we marry, and the different qualities of our appreciation of each other will be a beautiful thing, and there are certainly other senses and other ways of experiencing life where HE has a heightened sensitivity that I may not be able to participate in. There is just something lonely or a bit distressful about the fact that he seems to enjoy something that I cannot – and I cannot for reasons of apparently *greater* rather lesser sensivity in that domain of human experience.

    I am sorry that I cannot communicate it any better than this.

  25. for men, be too good looking and your gay and women wont bother with you for fear your bi and they will get some kind of desease your not supposed to say is more prevalent among certain groups… also, guys know that there is a bias towards assholeness based on looks..

    besides, given todays landscape, the guys are smarter… it was easier for the girls before the children of the broken homes the women created grew up… now they find themselves trying to convince someone that watched their mom destroy their dad, and contrary to feminist rhetoric, the dad did nothing in most cases.. or even worse, the mother did nasty things and the dad got the shaft.

    of course women always say that they get the shaft..
    but the truth is that if you did, you would not start divorces at a 80% rate… and there would not be a 95% rate of getting kids, alimony, etc…

    people who get the shaft in court try not to go to court

    then there is the fact that a woman can boast as to her beauty, but if a man boasts of his handsomness he is not humble (a good quality) but arrogant (a bad quality).

    80 Percent of Divorces Are Filed By Women

  26. Oldflyer @ 1:29: Absolutely agree!

    Women love to hear the word “beautiful,” and it is delightful to men to see the happiness this word creates, like magic, if only momentarily.

    But when the word is suffused with love, it truly is a reflection of the special goodness the man sees in her.

  27. And btw: men should be telling their wives they are beautiful several times a day, everyday. That is an apple a day word to the wise.

  28. Women/Girls absolutely despise and hate ”pretty-boys” / ”Metrosexuals” and have ALWAYS disliked


    Do most girls dislike “handsome” guys?

    this kind of makes neos blog about as interesting as the 400 other tween blogs that discuss the same meaninful stuff and why “the View” is disappearing from the TV…

    irrelevancy raised to the point of importance
    that is the moniker of womens discussions
    (care to read the feminist critical article on having to control mens farts? not womens, just mens)

    look… we are repeating huffington post importance!!!
    [and notice how wrong they are too!!!

    10 Pretty-Boy Problems

    1. Women are too easy
    2. They’re blamed for everything
    3. Other men are threatened and overly aggressive
    4. People think they are gay
    5. Women become more hostile when rejected
    6. Being the dream guy is a nightmare
    7. Women presume they are players
    8. Women resent their looks
    9. People think they should only date supermodel types
    10. People are less accepting of interracial dating

  29. Woman accused of telling ‘boyfriend’ she met online to close his eyes, hitting him with bat

    A 24-year-old Alabama man who traveled to Oregon to live with a woman he met online not only struck out – he got struck in the skull.

    She told him to close his eyes, according to court documents, and then she slammed a metal baseball bat into the back of his head three times


    Court documents state another woman appeared after the bat attack, and the victim reported hearing them talk about using duct tape to bind him. The man told detectives he believed he was going to die.


  30. Another problem with being handsome

    two Transportation Security Administration screeners at Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attractive male passengers

    “He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows (the male TSA screener) to conduct a pat-down search of that area.”

    it would be nearly three months before anything was done.

    [must be more important than the several hundred young girls turned into hookers by pakistani muslims in the UK]

    Higgins later interviewed the female TSA agent who was an accomplice in the groping conspiracy. She “admitted that she has done this for (the male TSA officer) at least 10 other times. She knew that doing so would allow (the male TSA officer) to perform a pat down on a male passenger that (the male TSA screener) found attractive,”

    [cause in a “rape culture” women fight against… oh nevermind]

    TSA has said it could not identify the male passenger who was groped and the agency says there have been no other complaints about the serial groping.

    [oh yeah right… complain and what then happens? you get a fine like the cabby that lost 15k for complaining about sex in his back seat… or the bakeries, etc… can you imagine how that would pan out… homophobic man accuses TSA man of groping…]

    Earlier this month a prosecutor from the Denver District Attorney’s Office was asked to review the case but she declined to press charges because there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction and no victim had been identified

    [free at last… ]

    It’s not the first time TSA screeners at DIA have been accused of inappropriate touching of passengers. Jamelyn Steenhoek filed a complaint against TSA screeners at the airport saying the frisking she received in December 2013 amounted to a sexual assault. She said a female TSA agent searched her at an airport checkpoint after an alarm went off.

    [lesbians have fun too… equality of outcome… ]

  31. i put this here because Putin is so handsome… he looks like the new james bond…

    the Kremlin is lifting a ban on selling a powerful air defense system to Iran that would render an airstrike on Tehran’s nuclear weapons facilities nearly impossible

    the Almaz-Antei S-300PMU-1–known as the SA-20 Gargoyle is the new thing Obama enabled…

    [I hear that women think he is dreamy too… you know, like a black alan alda]

    “[The presidential] decree lifts the ban on transit through Russian territory, including airlift, and the export from the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and also the transfer to the Islamic Republic of Iran outside the territory of the Russian Federation, both by sea and by air, of air defense missile systems S-300 [so masculine… eh?]

    The U.S. government has lobbied Russia hard for years to prevent the sale of the S-300 to Iran [and Obama undid that without even having a treaty affirmed!!! what ability, what sexual potence… ]

    the Russian missile system effectively renders entire regions no-go zones for conventional jets like the F-16 or Navy F/A-18 Hornet. Currently, only high-end stealth aircraft like the $2.2 billion B-2 Spirit–of which the Air Force has exactly 20–and the high-performance F-22 Raptor can safely operate inside an area protected by the S-300 and its many variants.

    [i hear that Hillary is handsome and will have the balls to do something (we dont like). a very handsome woman]

    then again… russia is so backwards, they would not have miassiles and things that negate all prior technology except the new 5th generation fighters which are not ready yet… think of it… those backwards people have better weapons than the US does… (and they are nuclear hardened and equiped, while ours arent)

    but dont worry… nothing to discuss here..
    ever since ladies handle the news, its been happy sunshine and avoidance of scary things, unless its something to gin up race or feminsm… then its a horror…

    why would russia be worried about NATO if this is the kind of equipment the open borders policies of the west have enabled them to create?

    then again… russia has always acted as if peace time is the time to prepare for war, total war, unrestricted war… what else is peace for?

    pssssst… the steal fighters are too weak to carry anything that could harm the nuclear position… ie. the old stuff that can carry, cant enter the area, the new stuff cant carry the munitions.

    in effect… iran will become unassailable by the most modern states…

    bet you wont hear that on the View or View II (neos blog where the same stuff covered by teen beat makes the grade)

    If Russia and China continue to sell advanced air defenses around the world, the overwhelming majority of current U.S. warplanes will be unable to fight in many parts of the globe

    we return to re-covering season II of the View… and dont forget that this is a yearly subject of people magazine.. see peoples “sexiest man alive” or Glamours sexiest men of 2015…


    toungue firmly planted in cheek…

  32. Neo…Harrison Ford in “Witness”!! Yep, absolutely. And, Kelly McGillis for me!! Just saying.. ((-:
    Funny how things can change…And, I mean that in a Good Way. My first wife was a striking 5’10” head-turner. A studio exec when I was ‘starting up’ in the early ’70s. We called it a day in ’78, shared the same lawyer and remained fine-solid friends. My Tiny Sicilian Firefly(aka-The Little BIG Boss)and I crossed paths—entirely by ‘alignment of the planets’ & apparent random happenstance—in the early ’90s while I was in Orlando on a long series project for Universal. My 4th of July(literally)Girl was a career elementary teacher and all of 4’11” & 96-lbs. She’d never been to Calif., much less my turf of LA, and fell in love with it the first time she came out to visit after my U work wrapped. We were both ‘Goners’, but it took awhile and true friendship came first. Man’O’Man…Jan. 2, 1995 made it official….A Lucky-Blessed Old Amigo is I. That Girl is the epitomy of Sparkling Joy!!

  33. Truths that dare not be said:

    Men aren’t good-looking. We understand that. We understand that some women are good-looking, and some aren’t, but no man is as good-looking as a woman. We treat this as a fact. We have no respect for DeCaprio-types because they’re only pretty to the extent that the look like women. We admire Hugh Jackman because he’s tough-looking.

    Women are incomprehensible to us because they see something in us that attracts them. We secretly (or not so secretly) believe that all women are insane. We also think that all gay men are insane, because they deny what seems like the most obvious truth in the world to us. We think that lesbianism is cool, and probably common, because it makes sense to us that a human of any sex would want to look at a woman.

    We will never admit to any of this out loud.

  34. NeoConScum,
    More……….more, we want more starry-eyed stories of you and the love of your life.
    Simply not enough real-life love stories…

  35. but Christian Bale And Liam Neeson aside, the others are not a man’s man, which is essential.

    Neeson as a man’s man? How ironic that people follow fakes around.

  36. We watch a lot of older TV shows and it astonishes me the range of looks in the leading men of yesteryear. So much more masculine with deeper voices. But there were many TV show leads that weren’t all that attractive at all.

    Someone I like to watch is Eric Fleming on Rawhide (he met an untimely death in real life). There are a couple of actors I find attractive now, but the girly looks are a turn-off (DiCaprio).

  37. but no man is as good-looking as a woman. We treat this as a fact.

    really? Caroline “Tula” Cossey?
    she had Klinefelter’s syndrome…

    She appeared in top magazines such as the Australian Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, and worked extensively as a glamour model. She was a Page Three Girl for the British tabloid The Sun and appeared in Playboy in 1981

    Tula was cast as an extra in the 1981 James Bond film For Your Eyes Only…

  38. Neo, I share your opinion re: Gable
    He ? was a heartthrob ?
    Richard Greene our 50’s Robin Hood
    Now that was a beautiful man, distractingly so may be that is why he didn t have such a top tier career.

  39. the feminists seem to be upset at the outcome of their own social engineering… (but will never blame who is responsible)

    According to Stephanie Gutmann, wimpification is responsible for the depressing success of Fifty Shades of Grey:

    I’m not the only female who’s had it up to here with politically correct men. A writer named Heather Robinson went to a Manhattan movie theatre and interviewed youngish professional women who were there in throngs to see the Fifty Shades movie on the eve of Valentine’s Day. Manhattan dentist Alina, 33, explained that: ‘The excitement of the whole thing was the seduction… [protagonist Anastasia Steele] is attracted to the fact he [Christian Grey] takes control.’ … Robinson speculated that ‘maybe the kink is just the “edgy” excuse… that gives women cover to respond to the story’s true appeal. Namely, Grey’s character embodies at least one old-fashioned ideal of manhood: he knows whom and what he wants, and he pursues his desires decisively.’

    well, maybe she and others should have a talk to their college bound studies sisters who right now are upset that men exist.

    Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice said Grace Atkins

    ‘Benevolent sexism’: Men who open doors for women can be as sexist as those who are rude to them, study finds

    Men Smiling at Women is Sexist, Study Concludes

    Money Quote from the last part of the article:
    The article written about the study does not suggest a way not to be sexist towards women if you are a man.


    Like jews and capitalism to Marx, the only way women wont be oppressed is if there are no men. and the women are just smart enough to not realize that without the men, there are no women… so yes, without men, there would be no people, and no one would be oppressed except the natural creatures that will evolve become dominant and women will then hold them responsible for the oppression that occured when they were still some wee creature, and then exterminate the group.

    it took marxism to show how anti life the average woman actually is… and how she does not really care for her family the way men do, and so much more…

    the women who will say no to this are the exception, but then the exception proves the rule, doesnt it?

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