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The Clinton email plot thickens — 33 Comments

  1. I keep thinking that if a large corporation was under investigation by the Federal Government, and it was discovered that one of the chief execs of said company was found to have had a private email server, and a had not had a corporate email account, AND the CEO knew of this: that not only the executive, but the CEO, and all of the other senior staff would be under indictment, and forced to resign. They would be forced to turn over the server, and forensic experts would be crawling all over it looking for any evidence of wrongdoing.

  2. Scott:

    Are you joking? Obama is already more sinister than Nixon.

    And he was already that when he got his political start, and was coming up in Illinois politics. See this as well as this.

  3. “Had Obama been guilty of something very similar, however, I am convinced that the press would have winked at it.”

    Well, there was a report that Obama (no doubt because he was “cool”) wasn’t going to give up his blackberry when he was elected – so your comment is well taken, Neo.

    Perhaps, he was – as President – using his own account and not the government’s and nobody said boo; because he is Mr. Cool.

  4. I am willing to bet that Clinton is not the only member of this administration who kept their e-mail accounts one step removed from the government system.

    Yes, Clinton made a near? fatal political error in taking the SoS job, a point I have made multiple times, too, over the last 6 years. To this day, I still can’t figure out what she possibly could have been thinking. That decision alone should disqualify her from ever being president.

  5. In her latest WSJ column, Peggy Noonan says she thinks Hillary’s abysmal performance at her press conference maybe showed she’s tired of the game, or not hungry enough, and is ready to throw in the towel.

    She may also simply know this email thing is just too big and that the jig is up. When even TIME has this as its cover, maybe it is.

  6. Ann, I wonder why Noonan doesn’t just state the obvious. Hillary is an abysmal politician, and always has been.

    She was handed the Senate seat in NY; and she was handed State. She did nothing positive with either.

    It will be interesting to see how long Carville, L.Davis, et al continue to shill for her. It must be exhausting.

    Associated with that point, the re-emergence of Carville, with his bizarreness on public display, refreshes the puzzling question of how Mary Matalin can possibly tolerate him.

  7. I can hardly wait for Hillary! to quit. Just imagine the dirt she will dish on Bill!

  8. In a mind-boggling example of how the government blows–or perhaps steals–our tax dollars, billions vanished from the U.S. State Department mostly while Hillary Clinton ran it, according to a new alert issued by the agency’s inspector general…

    Why Hide the Emails?

    People not like us ….
    I blame the voters …

  9. All this was foretold in the book, “Blood Feud,” by Ed Klein.
    From the author’s website:
    “Why Michelle Obama’s political ambitions could rival Hillary Clinton’s
    -The “deal”: why Bill Clinton supported Barack Obama for reelection–and why he feels betrayed
    -The Benghazi backstory: how Barack Obama set up Hillary Clinton to take the blame
    -How the one–and only–White House dinner between the Obamas and the Clintons was fraught with tension and contempt
    -The Oprah factor: how she was used by the Obamas–and stroked by the Clintons
    -How not just Bill and Hillary, but Barack and Michelle, lead largely separate lives
    -The power behind the president–it’s not Michelle, but her best friend, who sets the administration’s policies and personnel
    -The secret Hillary Clinton is keeping that could make it impossible for her to be president”
    Read more at:

    It appears that Obama has gotten to Lady Macbeth before she could do him in. He’s a cunning and untrustworthy man. But we all know that. The question is, “What can the Clinton’s do to exact revenge?” Popcorn anyone?

  10. Could it be that the Clintonistas believed the Email thing would be a blessing because it would soon be excused and forgotten, and it hid a bigger scandal, the foreign contributions to the Clinton “charities” while she was SOS?

  11. Oldflyer: re: Matalin and Carville. He was good in bed. ( I’ll say was rather than is, he’s getting old and they’ve been married awhile.)

  12. Neo: “At this point, it’s hard to see how Hillary Clinton survives the onslaught, although stranger things have happened.”

    I thought the same thing will the other more personable member of their Tag Team back in ’98 and I was fooled. Without an intelligent and knowledgeable population everything revolves around Jimmy Kimmel, golf and telling big lies for a long time.

    Oldflyer :”puzzling question of how Mary Matalin can possibly tolerate him.”

    Perhaps the adage “Love is blind.” holds here. But he strikes me as rabid; truth be damned, the means justifies the end type of a person i.e. A shallow superficial babbling brook. Sorry to say, but that makes me take what Matalin says with a grain of salt.
    But I also remember being told that many times what people think is love at first sight is really the Void areas in ourselves being drawn to that which we unconsciously see in the other. Sort of like magnets attracting.

    For those of you that want to give the bubbling pot of politics a rest. I offer this NY Post view of the Northern Lights. It sort of puts all this political drama and the bit players in perspective 🙂


  13. it’s hard to see how Hillary Clinton survives the onslaught

    I’m going to bet on the Palace Guard media making this go away. “It’s old news. No controlling legal authority. Fake scandal.” Heck, some are calling the investigation of her illegal email/server racist now. Really, the way the press acted during both Obama campaigns shows that they are not bound in any way by ethics, morals, or laws, nor do they believe such things to be binding on Democrats at all. The only way Hillary doesn’t survive this is if, and only if, the press finds someone shinier to support and worship.

  14. if your party goals are to take over and change the government, your not going to use the governments email, your going to create a shadow system of communication to avoid the inspection. no different than spies, and other state operators working with letter drops, and so on.

    of course, the left is too stupid to see that this is all about coordinating the changes across the goernment, so that voila, we wake up and wonder what happened…

  15. Having lived through the Clinton years I think it is highly likely that the Clinton’s along with the media will see to it that whatever needs to be done to protect Rodham will be done. And in the end she will be putting her hand on the Bible and taking the oaf of office.

    Pray that this is not so. Pray hard.


    That should be “oath of office” NOT “oaf of office”.
    Wouldn’t want to insult Rodham.

  17. She could have recieved orders from the Kremlin, ISIS, UAE, Muslim Brotherhood, and its all good, cause as her working on the nixon thing, she learned to be able to destroy evidence is everything to a socialist/communist (see her wesley papers)…

  18. Harold:

    That is why this incident has been so puzzling to me. I have long assumed the media will do the same for Hillary as they did for Obama—at least, close to the same. So far in this incident, they haven’t. I agree that they may close ranks behind her in the end, but the vigor with which they’ve criticized her has surprised me so far.

  19. on anotther nother note..

    is Putin dead like previous soviet leaders?
    did he go the way of
    Lenin (supposedly killed by Stalin)
    Stalin (poisoned by Berea)
    Berea (killed by lenin)
    Kruschev? (made into a non entity)

  20. I think the press wants Hillary gone. They know she does not have a winning personality and that the more people see of her the less they like her.

  21. That’s Sorbanes-Oxley.
    If it applied to feds….

    It’s well past time that the laws the feds inflict upon us be inflicted upon them.

    Of course, it would be interesting to see the accounting with regard to the budget if they had to do that in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

  22. is Putin dead like previous soviet leaders?

    That would be a bit of good news.

    But he’s probably just sick, or injured in some way that can’t be hidden. Can’t let that damage the reputation that he’s invincible so he stays out of sight until he’s better.

    Beria was executed by the Soviets for treason, counter-revolutionary activities in early 20s, and “terrorism” for his part in the purging of the Red Army in 1941. Khrushchev was the lead in this effort, so he should get the honor.

  23. I’ll just add my voice: Carville is a truly loathsome toad. He resides in New Orleans, and Tulane had him as the Medical School’s commencement speaker in 2014. At the podium, he wore a baseball cap, blazer, and wrinkled chinos, spent the first half of his talk speaking about himself, and the second half charging the graduates that they must rein in health care spending.
    I hope they perforate his bowel at his next colonoscopy. He is so very full of it that he needs them more often than most.

  24. Obama just may turn out to be a sinister as Nixon.

    That won’t be the last time you fall for the Left’s profile on leaders like Nixon.

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