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Election thread — 34 Comments

  1. I think Scott may hold FL. Crist is supposedly petitioning the Courts to hold some polls in south FL open for an extended time.

  2. I think Scott is going to hold as Gov. of Florida. I was concerned about this. Polls have shown Crist with a narrow but consistent lead in this race. The other statewide races have gone overwhelmingly GOP.

  3. I’m waiting until the dust settles, then I’m going to base my expectations and evaluation of the GOP upon the results. Quite frankly, Romney’s recent assurance that immigration reform (code for amnesty) will be pushed through is ominous.

  4. It’s not settled yet, still a number of too close to calls.

    I am dissapointed that New Hampshire rejected Brown.

    Still cautiously optimistic but that didn’t get me far in 2012.

    It looks like a number of women will get into office, a good thing for the Republican party.

  5. GB,

    If the gop controls the senate, the gop senate will not find an even larger gop majority in the house holding hands to pass amnesty. Bho will have to do it by EO, and the rino chamber of commerce members will be sticking out their reelection necks to assist him. Border crash and the diseases it has brought to the 57 states, plus the next ebola infection has, I believe, taken amnesty off the table. Even single mom loyal dem voters will be very afraid of EV68 when a child in little Suzy’s kindergarten class is paralyzed.

  6. Iowa polls are open until 9. I’ll be up late if the race is close. If Ernst is up by 2% by midnight I’ll go to bed. It is too bad about NH, I thought the race would be much closer… like 1 or 2%.

  7. Virginia is neck and neck now. I think Gillespie’s surprised a lot of people. He’s always struck me a a good man (speaking of personalities). But those DC-area federal employees in northern va. will probably have the last word.

    In Georgia the big metro Atlanta counties can be slow to report. Two, maybe three, of the most populous will be overwhelmingly Nunn, but there are 9 to 12 metro counties now, depending on who ‘s counting. Looks like it’ll be a late night down here.

  8. Sop far so good but this crap wears me out a surprising amount. I don’t know why it grinds on me in kind of low bass tones that seem to go on and on while I listen to the newscasters making mouth noises to fill the time.

    I remember being a little kid when we would park in the lot of a grocery store across from the local daily newspaper on election night around 1950 and wait and watch while the paper staff would run out in front of the building and post the latest returns that came in over the teletype machine. The best I can remember that was fun listening to various groups of folks cheer and groan as the numbers were posted.

    We are close with the senate right now so God Bless us one and all and I am out of here.

  9. Northern VA is going to give it to Warner, Hagan looks like she will take NC. My guess runoffs in LA and GA will decide the Senate.
    Regardless of who holds the Senate there will be two more years of Obama treason for the people to learn what leftist government really is.

  10. parker:

    I just checked NH results—at the moment it’s Shaheen 50.55 to Brown 49.45.

    Is that close enough for you?

    And yet, all the stations have projected Shaheen the winner, so I guess that’s based on which districts have reported and what their political lean is.

  11. Well, maybe it won’t be such a late night after all: The infallible Ace ‘s Decision Desk has just called GA for Perdue with no runoff. Yee hah!(hope they’re right)

  12. neo, fox held off declaring for Shaheen as long as they could. Anyone can come into NH declare a “domicile” & vote. It gets upheld by the Court & the AG. Hope we have reps in state senate to get some
    better rules in place but of course the Lefty gov vetoes !

  13. I’ve got a lot of confidence that when the dust has cleared and the run-offs are held, we’ll have done just fine today. It hurts to lose NH, which was a safe lovely conservative hangout until the demo-rats fleeing MA taxes overtook it. BUT it’s just one race; look at what US SENATOR Joni did in Iowa and remember that as time goes on more will fall into our column.

  14. Neo, that is a lot closer than when I looked at results minutes before I made the above post. NC is neck and neck, VA is closer than expected, Roberts has a growing lead in KS, Cotton wins in AR, Perdue takes GA, and it looks like make them squeal Joni will win. Plus, Walker is winning. Then there are the unknowns in LA and AK. The referendum on the messiah is thumbs down.

  15. Even though I don’t live in Maine anymore, I’ve been anxiously watching the Maine gov race. I had the privilege of voting for LePage right before I moved, and now he looks like he’s winning, knock on wood. You’re welcome, Maine!!!!!! And all the Massachusetts transplants can suck it.

  16. Even better, Emily Cain might be losing in Maine – ha. I went to college with her, a more annoying person there never was. She thinks she’s Gods Gift to the rubes and bumpkins that need to be edumacated.

  17. Fox has had the GOP in control of the Senate for a while now. CNN still holding out, saying the Republicans are one seat short.

  18. Basically, Illinois is a state divided between Cook County and all the other remaining 101 counties. Pigs did not fly, many of the dead stayed in their graves.

  19. This win for the Republicans is very satisfying. They need every one of those votes to save the country since Obama has already made it clear that he intends to bypass congress and to rule by fiat.

    McConnell and Boehner and have indicated that they will use the power of the purse to try to block some of Obama’s lawlessness. Impeachment is not an option since Obama can not do anything whatsoever which would induce the Democrats to force him to follow the law.

  20. matilda:

    Is that the Portland area? Isn’t that very surprising, that a Republican could win there?

  21. Dear Charlie Crist: Is that a tear I’m feeling…. NOPE, just a Speck’o’Dust..!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank God. We, in Florida, won’t have to endure 4-years of Smarmy Charlie’s black hole of emotional NEEEEEEEED.

    Rick Scott: Who’da thunk you’d win re-election with your quiet WORK Ethic, Business Experience and NO NEEEEEED for sucking the ions outta the air and the pigmints outta the paint??!! Whew…CONGRATS..!!

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