Home » Yes, it’s that time again


Yes, it’s that time again — 16 Comments

  1. I will gladly contribute to your wonderful blog. BTW, I rarely visit neoneocon this early in the day and was amazed by the number of articles! You are one busy lady with a whole lot of attitude. 😉

  2. Maybe, but only if you promise to use the money to promote truth, justice, and the American way.

  3. I dunno, Vanderleun. What did she do with the five bucks I gave her last year?

    This year should be better. Must go over the July budget to see what I can give. The rising gasoline prices are not helping, either.

  4. Neo, via her blog, is very very important in presenting a realistic view of the grave challenges facing us. Help her causes by digging deeply to encourage her deeply researched, carefully-thought-out, and beautifully presented posts. When I think of how much to give, I think of how much can I earn in a few days, and then give such an amount.

  5. As stated, more than glad to support your blog. I made a donation a few minutes ago. Keep on keeping us informed and offering a place for discussion.

  6. Btw, paypal has a commission fee that takes most payments 5$ or less, as their cut. So, it might be better to try finding ways to get around that limit. Not sure what Amazon offers for a 5 dollar book fee.

  7. At the prompt of the hat, I give $25 to 50 in order to account for transfer fees. If you hang out here, you should tithe according to your abilities. Are we not conservatives who put our money where our racist fingers type?

  8. Ymarsakar:

    Paypal takes 45 cents from a $5 donation. It takes a smaller percentage from a larger donation. For example, it takes 59 cents from a $10 donation, and $1.75 from a $50 donation. And so on and so forth.

    So yes, Paypal takes a cut, but it’s not a huge one, even on small donations.

  9. Threw a Grant into the tip jar.

    There is a war raging so vast and so terrible that it can only be called a war between good and evil. We need to support warriors who are, in my mind, “defending the Ramparts of Freedom from the Forces of Darkness”! And that includes other warriors who fight other battles besides the ones that the Marines fight.

    Neo, you have skills that I don’t have but I can chip in now and then.

    Steamboat Jack (Jon Jewett’s evil twin)

    PS If you think I am exaggerating, I can start posting items as they come up. A couple of minor incidents. Take for instance Falun Dafa Buddhists in China who are being imprisoned and their organs cut out of their dying bodies and sold on the transplant market. “They” say that a Heart removed while it is still beating makes a better transplant.

    Or the 220 teenaged Christian girls in Nigeria who were kidnapped by Boko Haram Muslims and sold as sex slaves. But maybe some might consider those incidents trivial. After, they live in far away places. about which we know nothing and care less.

    Trivia for today: Guess who said and what was the context: “How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing”

    Noted Hispanic immigrant philosopher George Santayana wrote about 100 years ago: “If you don’t remember history……….”

  10. Neo is a one of kind, an almost unheard of exception to the rule of big in media, whose voice is regularly checked but not acknowledged by the Powers. She is a tower, a tower of respectability and intellectual power. To blog so long and through so much and to sustain the attacks mean only a character sterling, honest and true. I cannot think of another, with so much exposure and comment, who lives and thrives like Neo.

  11. Time to put my money where my mouth is! And, gladly — though I just became employed again (damn that Obama economy! — it really has not been easy). I love this blog so!

  12. I would like to contribute. But I am uncomfortable w/ sending out my credit card info (I simply don’t trust anyone – will paypal work? I usually don’t trust them either.) .

    Is that an alternative like an address to mail a check to?

    If not I’ll do the paypal thing. Grumble and whine.


  13. Chris Leavitt:

    Thanks! Yes, Paypal most definitely works. If you feel most comfortable with them, that would be the way to go.

  14. You’re welcome. 🙂 It wasn’t much, but this blog is more than just something I read for enjoyment–it is that, but I’ve come to rely on it for a sober and thorough perspective on current events.

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