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Meanwhile… — 8 Comments

  1. If Karzai has even half a brain, he’ll be emigrating as soon as possible. When the Taliban retake control of Afghanistan, (I give it at the outside a year) his life won’t be worth a single afghani (dollar).

  2. “If Karzai has even half a brain, he’ll be emigrating as soon as possible.”

    I’m sure Karzai has skimmed off enough US aid to retire comfortably in the Caribbean if he so choses. This is but one example of why its always best to kick ass, make the rubble jump, and then get the hell out with as little loss of life and treasure as possible.

  3. I watched some Afghanistan expert (Brookings Institute) on C-Span yesterday proclaiming that the Afghanis are off to a great start. They really do want a democratic, elected government, blah, blah, blah. Yes, I remember the great hopes from the purple fingers and elections in Iraq. At this point, count me a skeptic. Maybe the “moderate” Afghanis really do want to keep the Taliban out. But without U.S. aid, which I don’t think will be bottomless and without a time limit, they are probably dead-men walking. IMO, this is setting up to be a re-run of Vietnam and Iraq. Promises made – promises not kept. Who will trust our word? It is to weep. And I mean that literally.

  4. The Taliban will kill tens of thousands of Afghanis over the next few years-anyone who worked for the US (e.g. translators) or with the US, anyone stupid and trusting enough not to engage in corruption, anyone who thinks women should be able to read.
    The US Left will turn its collective head away from the sight, while they apply the Taliban mentality to us here in the formerly good ol’ USA.

  5. Anyone noticed how the media thinks there are zero body bags coming back from Afghanistan?

    How many were the casualty count per day in Iraq from 2003 to 2007?

  6. “How many were the casualty count per day in Iraq from 2003 to 2007?”

    Body bags in Iraq or Afghanistan are local crime stories when a (D) is in office…. goggle Leland Yee for details.

  7. Not in any way to minimize any soldier, sailor, Marine, airman, or Coastguardsman’s death, but US casualties in the Normandy Campaign (June 6 – August 21, 1944) were 20,838 KIA, 94,881 WIA, and 10,128 MIA. Casualities in Iraq, 2003-2014 4,804 KIA (includes ~1,000 non-combat deaths) 32,239 WIA, 2 MIA. According to Wikipedia, for what it’s worth, US KIA per day for “The War on Terror,” 2001-present, is 1.57, the lowest rate of the highest 10 US wars in terms of casualties.

  8. Three quarters of the KIA in Afghanistan have been on Obama’s watch. The man who addressed the West Point cadets and in the same sentence announced an increase in the numbers put in harm’s way and the date of withdrawal. That condemned many to die in vain for his politics.

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