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Defending Debbie Wasserman Schultz — 22 Comments

  1. She’s a twit, but I kinda like her hair. If you gotta look at at liberal when they’re blabbering, at least you get one that’s sort of cute. (my opinion)
    Does this qualify as proof that a conservative can appreciate a liberal even if he hates her politics?

  2. “I knew a little girl
    Who had a little curl
    Right in the Middle of her forehead.
    And when she was good,
    She was very, very good,
    But when she was bad
    She was a neo con with neo proclivities…”

  3. My problem is an eye-worm. Will I ever be able,upon viewing the neoneocon apple logo, not be able to think “Ah ha! Wasserman-Schultz!”

  4. Shirley Temple may have kicked over the traces a little as a teen (rebellion and all that) but you have to hand it to her parents; she was a remarkably un-messed-up adult, for someone who had been a huge movie star as a child.
    I had read somewhere or other that when she was not actually working on the set, her parents ensured that her life away from the movie studio was absolutely middle-class normal and age-appropriate. Friends her own age, Girl Scouts, practically no contact allowed with other actors and crew.
    When you look at the messy lives of other former child stars to the present day, I think Mr. and Mrs. Temple were on to something. Pity Miley Cyrus’ parents didn’t take notes.

  5. Ray:

    Take anyone’s picture from an angle like that, while their face is distorted by talking, and the most beautiful will be made to look ugly.

    Not that I’m saying Wasserman Schultz is a beauty. But she’s an attractive woman in the physical sense (can’t stand her politics or her personality, but fair is fair). If you didn’t know who she was and met her at a party, most people would think she was relatively attractive for her age.

  6. Is that outspoken tone typical for Althouse? I don’t know because I have not read her blog recently. But her comments on The State of the Union and Obama himself have a directness, and a justifiable vehemence, I don’t recall from a couple of years ago.

    “Who the hell cares that the light was “flipped” on? …

    But what does it mean that one particular lady got insurance? It’s all worthwhile – all the clusterfuck of Obamacare – because Misty DeMars got insurance? …

    The speech is literally claptrap. … Scalia, … said: “I resent being called upon to give it dignity…. It’s really not appropriate for the justices to be there.” I, too, resent being called upon to give it dignity …

    The dismal old cliché put your shoulder to the wheel gets tricked up with the lefty words “collective” and “progress,” and the workmanlike action verb “put” becomes the never-did-a-day-of-manual-labor word “placed.” And now, we’ve gotta get out of this place, back into our individual lives, and I don’t want to be in your collective, I’m tired of your “progress,” and I’ve got my own wheels. “

    Huh. Maybe Althouse deserves another look.

  7. For one who lacks the basics to even talk about curls, I feel no sympathy for those that do.

  8. DNW:

    Although Althouse voted for Obama in 2008, she turned on him some time before the 2012 election and has been very critical of him for quite a few years. She did not vote for him in 2012.

  9. I think people like Althouse felt that they had a duty to vote, so probably believed in too much of the anti Republican propaganda floating around. She hasn’t had her yearly resistance and de-conditioning training, as far as I know. Not even sure she has ever taken one, self or externally applied.

    That’s some years of working up bait and switch angst.

    Probably when you only have two choices or limited choices, propaganda and mind control tends to play a disproportionately greater effect than on people who have the time to pursue other options.

  10. Personally, I’d rather hear about the travails of curly haired women, especially ones I’ve become fond of by reading her blog.

  11. I get a kick out of Shirley Temple but I’m glad she didn’t get that role in The Wizard of Oz.

  12. Althouse has a great mind and sensibility, maybe not so much on other things, like I’m not sure what but we are what we are from a lot of inputs, but the first two pretty much make up for a lot! Her analytic ability and love for nature (ie., reality) impels her, like a sidewinder missile to track, track, and track. Surely she has seen this attitude: I am a socialist. Hey, when do the dancing girls come in?

  13. Just my humble opinion, but I find curly-haired women INCREDIBLY sexy. DWS’s issue isn’t her hair; it’s her droning, whiny voice. That more than offsets her hairstyle.

  14. Her face and demeanor are repulsive.

    Contrast this: Sarah Palin.

    The countenance of the Left versus the non-Left ought to be studied.

  15. A dupe from my post in another thread —

    Grover Cleveland responds to Obama’s SOTU Address:


    “When we consider that the theory of our institutions guarantees to every citizen the full enjoyment of all the fruits of his industry and enterprise, with only such deduction as may be his share toward the careful and economical maintenance of the Government which protects him, it is plain that the exaction of more than this is indefensible extortion and a culpable betrayal of American fairness and justice … The public Treasury, which should only exist as a conduit conveying the people’s tribute to its legitimate objects of expenditure, becomes a hoarding place for money needlessly withdrawn from trade and the people’s use, thus crippling our national energies, suspending our country’s development, preventing investment in productive enterprise, threatening financial disturbance, and inviting schemes of public plunder.”

    Cleveland’s third annual message to Congress,
    December 6, 1887


    “…inviting schemes of public plunder.”. Wow.

  16. I get a kick out of Shirley Temple but I’m glad she didn’t get that role in The Wizard of Oz.

    It would, indeed, have been a very different movie.

    OTOH, I’m glad Richard Burton didn’t get this role, which he was a front runner for.

  17. The ancient societies used to group together hags, old women, with witchcraft and magic. Supposedly internal corruption would lead to external corruption of beauty. Then there was the Greek idea that evil is beautiful for women.

    But probably in the old days, they lacked the skin care and freedom from manual labor that would have preserved youthful vitality. But I wonder what people’s excuses are now in the modern era. Power is so intoxicating it can destroy a woman’s outward aura?

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