Home » First it was the toothbrush that was made an object of fear


First it was the toothbrush that was made an object of fear — 18 Comments

  1. The article should have been titled, How We Produce Helicopter Moms and Allergic Kids. Or maybe some company is planning to launch Handbag Wipes.

  2. Here in Corvallis Oregon they’re having us use reusable shopping bags to do our shopping because, well, a small number of really concerned “progressives” think its a good idea. Are people wiping them down after every use? I doubt it. I know Im not.

  3. Hey, I just moved from Albany, Oregon. I miss the temperate weather there.

    Anyway, with respect to your immune system I figure “use it or lose it.”

  4. Anything to get them off the couch and into the store. This economy has been turned into a spend and borrow economy, without one the other can’t happen and people aren’t buying. Gotta prod them. Personally, I think the ‘old girl’ is done for, on that score. I guess they will have to remodel the economy onto a sustainable platform. Which means a lot of sacred cows have just been given their slaughterhouse numbers. Yum! Too many too big to fails and it becomes like juggling a dozen eggs with a gross more to be added to the routine. Something will have to give.

  5. Oh Nooooooooooooo, we;re all gonna Diiiiiieeeeeeeee!

    Wait–I don’t have a purse. Still, my pockets are just full of stuff and I touch my shoes when I take them off, and even though I KNOW where they’ve been, they’re surely contaminated by all that stuff on the ground and pollution and I’m Gonna Diiiiiieeeeeeeee!

  6. Hi Matt. Yes, love the weather…Could use more thunderstorms though. Im from the mid-west originally. I miss dramatic weather.

    @London: Yes, that argument has often been raised, but since no one had a say in the passage of this foolishness in the 1st place you might well imagine that presentation of relevant facts are pretty clearly useless.

  7. “Donna Duberg, assistant professor of clinical laboratory science at St. Louis University,” is a) a doofuss, and b) almost certainly has OCD. The fact that all of us live well with a gazillion E. coli and S. faecalis is ignored. We cannot avoid having them ride along life in our guts with us. Aside from the still-rare pathogenic E. coli, these bugs only cause problems when there is a structural bowel problem like perforation or diverticulitis.

    Yahoo! News dug her up to the exclusion of all others. Modern jornos, pah.

  8. Anyone ever find out how much money Democrats are making off this Green business model of theirs?

  9. }}} London Trader Says:

    Sorry, HuffPo tells me the sun WILL rise in the east tomorrow, THEN I’ll get concerned about it happening or not…

  10. This is not the first time I’ve heard that handbags are germ carriers, especially the outside bottom of the bag. I am actually more aware these days and avoid putting my purse on the floor in public restrooms, etc.

    But seriously, who is putting food in their purse without putting it in ziplock bag or another container first? Yuck. Is that advice really necessary? And who washes their keys? Some of these “tips” seem OTT or like stating the obvious.

    A couple of year ago I started making a concerted effort to keep hand sanitized in my purse and use it regularly throughout cold and flu season. I also avoid touching my eyes and nose and use a knuckle to push elevator buttons, ATM button, gas pumps, etc. I think that’s the kind of thing thats most effective in avoiding illness, not obsessing about a clean handbag.

  11. CV: “and avoid putting my purse on the floor in public restrooms, etc”.

    Ugh. Maybe femme restrooms are cleaner (no spray scatter) but the prospect of using the same seat as others, never mind the floor, makes me glad to have a thing to shake. Seats are a way of catching someone else’s crab lice, or their MRSA. And I never touch nothin’ without a paper towel. Peeing outdoors is still the best for us perpetual kids.

  12. MissJeanm, are you telling Cyrus not to lick? Or is that Obama’s lollipop he stole frm American cradles?

  13. Don Carlos: in my youth I was a mall janitor and I can tell you the women’s rest rooms are disgusting and much worse than men’s. Women have an unfortunate tendency to “perch and spray”. That is all I will say on the matter.

    Next Yahoo will be warning us about the soles of our shoes. LOOK OUT!!!

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