Home » If you thought the Zimmerman/Martin case couldn’t get any stranger…


If you thought the Zimmerman/Martin case couldn’t get any stranger… — 15 Comments

  1. Hmm. Another lawsuit in the making? She made a similar claim (warning that Zimmerman may be a rapist) under oath right?

  2. We have had a similar conversation before. While Rachel Jeantel implies that Trayvon Martin feared George Zimmerman, as Trayvon Martin was about 6 inches taller, I doubt that fear was involved.

  3. Steve:

    No, she’s not saying Zimmerman actually was a homosexual rapist. She’s saying that on the night of Martin’s death, she warned Martin that he might be. That’s not actionable by anyone, although it certainly could have been instrumental in sparking Martin’s attack on Zimmerman that in fact led to Martin’s own death.

  4. So Travon was a homophobe and in the act of committing a hate crime when Zimmerman shot him. Just how does one understand the victimology of this? Quick, where’s the nearest Department of LGBT Studies to deconstruct what was really happening during the “ground and pound” and how to blame white racis Amerikka for this?

  5. There was a lot of debate on Althouse (before she closed down comments) about your question, Ray. Depends where you put the hyphen — “creepy-ass cracker” or “creepy ass-cracker”. This was weeks ago, and Althouse thought it was the latter.
    My goodness, what an irony.

  6. Watching the media and the lefties have to actually choose between blacks and gays on this one…someone get me some popcorn.

  7. Mizpants:

    On that thread I linked to in one of my above comments, I made this remark about that:

    Even yesterday, I read a number of discussions that speculated on the possible two meanings of the phrase. And then I actually watched and listened to the video of her testimony, and listened to the way Rachel Jeantel said the phrase (she said it several times). And at no point did I hear her say it like this: “creepy ASS-cracker.” At every point I heard her say it like this: “creepy-ass CRACKER.” And the attorney said it quite a few times, too, and at all points he said it with the “cracker” emphasis, and she did not disagree or correct him.

    By the way, interestingly enough, I read a long discussion of the evidence in the case (I forget where; it may have been at Legal Insurrection) that mentioned that it was only on the stand that she used the phrase at all. At no time during her multiple depositions and interviews prior to that had she said it.

    In addition, if you listened to Jeantel’s testimony, she said on the stand that she had warned Martin that the creepy-ass guy following him might be a homosexual rapist. This is the relevant part:

    Rachel Jeantel, 19, told jurors she warned Martin to walk away, saying “it might be a rapist.” Martin, she said, told her he was going to try to “lose him” and get to his father’s fiance’s home in the gated community in Sanford.

    I can’t seem to find a transcript of her testimony right now. I’ve learned not to take the newspapers’ word for these things. But that will have to do at the moment.

  8. Wow, double entendre. Simple, naive me, I would never have gotten that implication of the phrase, “creepy ass cracker,” without this discussion.

    Did Martin turn back and confront Zimmerman because of that? Phew, it does keep getting stranger and stranger.

  9. Neo, it just got stranger and even more pernicious.
    Holder has set up a website asking civil rights groups and the public to send him tips that Geroge Zimmerman is racist. It should be up and running by week’s end.

    It is open season on white people and we are watching the vivisection of a man who defended himself against a violent attack.

  10. and open season on Hispanics and conservatives but the Media wins bonus points if they can get that white label in their narrative.

    But the real racists get a free pass for their hate and prejudice and violence. And applause

  11. The very essence of freedom is being able to defend oneself. And that is what this Administration wants to take away from us. The verdict is a ray of sunlight shining on those worms.

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