Home » What a shame…


What a shame… — 11 Comments

  1. And I wouldn’t advise Plouffe–or any other Democrat–to pick Jay Carney’s reputation for veracity as the hill to die on.


    Like Jay Carney said in an interview some years ago, he wouldn’t make a good press secretary. He had a realistic appraisal of his abilities.

  2. Rolling Plouffe out instead of that clown the week previous means Prez Val Jarrett taking this seriously.

  3. The Left is just getting started. Those that thought Obamanation and Leftist strategies in America were bad in 2009, hadn’t seen anything yet.

    Do people still think they have seen the true nature of the Left right now?

  4. Ymarasakar: I think people who study history believe they’ve seen it.

    We’ve seen it in the USSR, China, and Cambodia, for instance. And we’ve seen another type in the EU, and still another in Venezuela.

  5. Issa does have a penchant for over-the-top rhetoric — example, calling Carney a “paid liar”.

    Wish he’d stifle that (yeah, that’s a nod to Archie Bunker). It just gives folks like Plouffe a chance to create a distracting squirrel.

  6. Ann: is “over-the-top rhetoric” another term for truth these days?

    Because that’s exactly what Carney is: a paid liar.

  7. I’m going with Webster’s for over-the-top: beyond the bounds of what is expected, usual, normal, or appropriate.

    Calling someone a liar in exactly that way is usually employed by the likes of James Carville et al.

  8. You can call him a paid “spinner” if you like. That’s just a cutesy way of saying that he’s loose with the truth, at best he’s misleading and often he’s an out-an-out liar. He’s been around DC long enough to know when he’s spinning and when he’s lying and he does it anyway. They all think we are stupid, powerless fools. Let’s show them in 2014 that they’re very wrong.

  9. “Paid liar” sounds like an accurate description to me.

    Were the Pubs “terrorists” for their conduct on budget talks, per VP Slow Joe?

  10. Neo: I hope the Left will be a bit more imaginative these days than copying old regimes. Otherwise they would be a rather orthodox opponent to fight.

    The issue which I’ve recently come to think about is this. Even if the US wins against the Left, checkmate from Islam still happens because the resources and time devoted to the Left, will mean nothing was devoted to stop Islam in Europe.

    That situation in itself, should diverge us from the “old” Leftist regime changes. With the exception of perhaps Iran and their revolutionary success.

    Most guerilla insurgencies are failures because they are easily suppressed via mass firing squads. I suppose in today’s world they are successful because 1. the US Leftist alliance arms their allied rebels with stingers and other weapons, a copy of Zb’s trick even and 2. most Western nations are unable to usher the will necessary to suppress rioters and insurgents, a will which even Wilson had.

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