Home » “It’s always an accident…


“It’s always an accident… — 5 Comments

  1. The Republicans need to use common sense, which is why they have no chance of getting anywhere.
    Find the names of the low level GS 10s and 11s who are being blamed for all these scandals, haul them up in front of congress, and see if they’re willing to fall on their swords for their bosses. These audits and filings all have paper trails, these people are not nameless or invisible or hard to find .
    I have to question the seriousness of the people investigating who want us to believe the only way they can get names of the people who processed government paperwork in government office is to ask a regional director or a cabinet level official. It’s like asking the CEO of Ford motors who installed the crankshafts on the 2012 Mustang V6, in the Dearborn plant in week 33. The CEO doesn’t know, but the plant manager sure as hell does. And so do half the people in the plant.
    It’s beyond asinine these guys don’t start at the end of the paper trail and work their way back. They’re either morons, or they’re not serious about holding people accountable.

  2. I agree that the investigations should start with the little fish. There is a paper/electronic trail. The new talking point that no one knew at the top of the pyramid is unbelievable. Eat them up from bottom to top until someone agrees to begin pointing fingers.

  3. The excuse is also used by children also, when kids don’t have a younger sibling to blame, they say that the dog ate the homework papers…

    Stand-up leaders usually take responsibility and clean house unless they were the instigators of the problem. In that case they just find a scapegoat and declare victory and move on.

  4. Stark refers to the excuses kids make. Yep, pretty much the same:

    “I didn’t do it.”

    (Oh, dang, you know it was me, huh?)

    “But it was an accident!”

    (Shucks, they know I did it on purpose.)

    “I did it an’ I’m so sorry ‘n’ stuff and I’ve really learned my lesson, I’ll never do it again, I promise!!!”

    (I have GOT to be more careful next time…)

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