Home » But here’s my question…


But here’s my question… — 20 Comments

  1. Is this silly event an effort to push sexual equality
    If men can become fathers later in life why not women
    Seems to me a waste of resources

  2. MollyNH: but not only is becoming a father a lot easier (and more fun) than a pregnancy, but these women have no genetic connection to the children they bear.

  3. As the article opines, “A woman’s reproductive age, once a dictate of nature, now can be artificially extended.” So, we shall ignore the natural biology of the female body, and tinker with it until we get what we want. Of course there’s that pesky 77% fail rate, but when you want something why let the odds–much less nature–get in the way.

    One wonders if a woman who desires to give birth in her 60s has even begun to consider the physical and emotional demands upon her required to raise a child past infancy. But then, this kind of reproduction is not about putting the welfare of a child first and foremost.

  4. Or maybe to keep your husband around?

    Reminds me of Elizabeth Edwards. She became pregnant at 48 and again at 50, and I believe it’s long been thought both pregnancies were the result of a donor’s eggs.

  5. I am past childbearing age, reasonably fit, work full time and exercise pretty regularly. When I keep my grandchildren even for a day, I am exhausted by day’s end. I won’t even bother to detail the aggravation to various arthritic joints.

    I support menopause. I’m thinking about having a bumper sticker printed with that message.

  6. Ann, I think elizabeth edwards had those children because of the 16 yr old son she lost. It may have been in a car accident, I m not sure but it sent her off the *deep end* .
    Perhaps she used donor eggs or had IVF but there is also the possibility that she took massive amounts of hormones to trigger her own ovulation since many women of 48 still have cycles.
    Anyway there is a more than likely chance that her cancer was spawned by those hormones, anecdotely ( I am a nurse) I have noticed breast cancers in pre menopausal women are more aggressive than ladies who are stricken in their post menopausal years. Frequently the older woman will die of *something else* & not the cancer.

  7. The left likes to claim our evolution has stopped and other things related. With those ideas come the idea that your genes are just as good as mine and equal. To these people, life is experience, a bucket list.

    So she wants the experience of it, but does not value her genetics as a future.

    The independent part of our species, went from copying maddona, to drnking cosmos, to pilates, now channeling jolie or madonna, even mikey jackson

    Its about a life by design

  8. Being pregnant implies fertility.
    Fertility implies being young and desirable.

    I’m also willing to bet that a large majority of these women are the type that delayed having a family for career, fulfillment, or whatever, then got upset when they realized Mother Nature doesn’t play by those rules.

  9. While we are discussing tinkering with *nature* how crazy is the State california ? My husband & I have discussed the Octo mom case. Think about it, Nadia was actually undergoing some kind of therapy ( mental health possibly) & she got the notion THAT
    she might get a reality TV show ( like the Duggars 19 or 20 kids)
    if she had a unique situation herself. So she just *dreams up* the fantasy of having a multiple birth & THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IS RIGHT THERE TO LET THAT HAPPEN FOR HER !!!!!
    No thought or consideration for the poor little kiddos who were conjured up so that this *odd woman* could have her fantasy.
    There was no medical ethicist to veto this procedure or constraints placed on how many fertile eggs were implanted.
    The only positive seems to be she appears to be a decent mother.

  10. Inkraven,

    True, the notion of the biological clock and that the prime adult years for women to do what feminists want women to do are also the window for motherhood is problematic for feminists. If feminists can convince young women that motherhood will be a viable option later, even much later, then they will be more likely to agree to the feminist gameplan.

  11. Grandmothers played an important role in human evolution. There is a powerfull “gradmothernal” instinct in women, possibly as powerfull as maternal one. In modern Western societies it can not be properly expressed, so old women want small kids of their own bloodline to nurse as substitutes of grandchildren.
    In Russia we still can enjoy all pleasures of having extended families including 3 generations, living under the same roof, and I believe this is what nature actually requires.

  12. *glug* *blink, blink*

    Huh? I don’t know why a pre-post-menopausal woman wants to have a baby, in any case. Oh, I really am hoping to find a wife and do just that. I’m just not understanding what the draw is for a woman. I know my side, it sort of stops there. When I try to peek around the woman’s side I get an upset stomach, a headache, and a hankering for pickle relish ice cream.

    I don’t think I can ‘splain it to you. Interesting question though.

  13. Menopause comes for a very good reason…it is natural and should be embraced!
    Why, you ask, would a woman of a certain age want to give birth to a child that has no genetic attachment to her? Why, indeed?
    Why use or abuse BOTOX? plastic surgery? plumping, lifting, countless laser procedures and wrinkle removing? Why do advertisers use terms like AGE DEFYING and what about our National narrative makes it a shame to mature or age gracefully? It is my opinion that when one’s time and treasure is spent only upon focusing on oneself, it is a black hole of neediness that will never be filled. Focusing rather on doing for others, honoring your Faith, taking good care of yourself to promote one’s good health and activities is never obsolete!

  14. I agree with Don Carlos – becuz she can.

    This seems in line with the vanity of pretenully ding to be young way beyond the onset of middle age – the botox, face lifts, long flowing hair and dressing like a 20 year old.
    It also provides women who put off starting a family until it’s too late a new option. The bonus is that it lets the woman experience the physical part of motherhood – carrying the child – which one does not get with adoption (again, vanity, it’s about the mother’s experience as opposed to providing the healthiest host for the baby’s gestation).

  15. Study: Women 40 Percent More Likely To Develop Mental Illness Than Men


    And i will say women who dont have kids gobats*t crazy

    70% of animal hoarders are women
    The wealthy pay science
    The poor collect animals as chuldren
    Or member objects of a cause become children

    They remind me of chimps that carry around a doll or adopt other species to fill the hole…

    The literature is jntersting

  16. Lizzy: “it’s about the mother’s experience as opposed to providing the healthiest host for the baby’s gestation”

    I don’t have a connecting theme, but the common point of a “mother’s experience” trumping the needs of the “baby’s gestation” in both abortion and post-menopausal artificially induced pregancy is striking.

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