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Holder recused himself… — 15 Comments

  1. Stewart can be very funny. And on the mark. Good to see him raising the competence issues. “The WH will start reading their e-mails and having meetings now.” Or “Me talk reluctantly one day.” Ouch!

    I really got a belly laugh out of the Prince Harry schtick. Carry on John Oliver!

  2. Holder’s ‘I, uh, don’t remember’ is a sure sign that they’ve run out of ways to spin the issue. It’s the unofficial equivalent of taking the fifth.

    Stewart, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, and increasing numbers of media suddenly criticizing President Obama is indicative of two realities; even the MSM recognizes that Obama’s administration is in real trouble and the MSM’s primary motivation is now denying association with Obama. The rats are abandoning ship, a case of everyman for himself.

  3. Did you catch the bit about “it must have been Friday since I [Obama] was praying at the mosque”?! Are the lefties really going to go there? Nah…

  4. My husband was watching the German news channel today and said that even they were becoming critical of Obama. Maybe they read Dama Milbank’s piece in WaPo.

  5. Paul in Boston @ May 16th, 2013 at 5:22 pm
    Did you catch the bit about “it must have been Friday since I [Obama] was praying at the mosque”?!


    …and my first thought was “jeezus, these guys must really be pissed”.

    …followed by “get in line, plebes, get in line”.

  6. davisbr and Paul in Boston:

    I interpreted the Friday/mosque joke differently.

    I saw that as Stewart telling his viewers he’s also mocking the right at the same time—putting in some jokes about stuff that’s obviously over-the-top ridiculous (in his and their opinion), in order to show his viewers that not all the charges of the right are really true, that some are preposterous despite the fact that some of the right’s paranoia has been validated.

    Of course, he’s skating on think ice here and dangerously close to a certain line. But I think most of his viewers get what he’s getting at.

  7. 2 observations from the Stewart clip:

    1. Don’t sleep on the Millenials (or Gen Y, or whatever they’re called), Prince Harry and Prince William’s generation. Yes, they hold the PC convictions of their generation, but they’re also more capable, critical, and grounded than older generations credit them. They’re growing up as adults with some formative stuff in the backdrop – social media, 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, BDS, recession, stunning betrayals by venerated institutions, and now the coming apart of Obama. We’re aren’t doing them any favors, but they’re clear-eyed, and I believe they’ll impress us when it’s their turn at the helm.

    2. … and I forgot my 2nd observation. If it pops up in mind later, I’ll note it here.

    I’ll substitute, for now, that while Obama is losing his pop cultural cache, this would be a a good opportunity window for the Right to lay the groundwork to the public for a viable *positive affirmative* alternative vision of America on the Right’s terms distinct from what Obama and the Dems have given. This vision need not come from GOP leaders. It can rise up and spread from grassroots.

  8. Eric:
    I think you may be right about the Millennials. A few weeks ago I wrote about the book The Fourth Turning, which was written in the 1990s when some of them were in infancy and some not even born yet.

    Without going into great detail, the authors have a cyclical theory of history, and say that their most recent analogue is the World War II generation. Think about it: That generation was born into a prosperous society, grew up during the Depression, and ended up fighting WWII.

    Today they are widely called the Greatest Generation. I don’t, even though my father was a member. Personally, I reserve that term for the Founding Fathers.

  9. neo-neocon:

    Witnessing the regime change he has favored, he clearly does not favor all classes of Muslims. He seems to prefer the Caliphate or imperial variant. The kind that spreads their religion through the sword without respect for national boundaries.

  10. I saw on the Twitters somewhere that it was illegal for Holder to recuse himself not in writing, basically.

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